The Origin of Christmas Day

The Origin of Christmas Day is an adaption of the pagan Roman Winter Solstice holiday which was celebrated and called Saturnalia. Pagan Christian "church fathers" had usurped the true story of the Jewish person of Yeshua, the Anointed One, and wove a fictitious pagan god from it for themselves. Which they celebrate their pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ, birthday on Dec, 25th., along with the other Roman pagan gods on Saturnalia.The pagan Saturnalia holiday was a week long affair which started on Dec, 25th. Emperor Augustus, who ruled Rome for 43 years starting in 29 BCE, tried to reduce Saturnalia celebrations to three days but was unsuccessful because of the festival's popularity. During the Saturnalia celebrations, the normal constraints of society were relaxed and all the people of Rome were allowed to indulge in what would otherwise be classified as restricted activities such as gambling, all manner of sexual behavior and drinking. Everyone dressed casually at the festival, blurring the lines of class division between Nobles and slaves. It was a particularly pleasant holiday for the slaves, who were traditionally freed from their regular duties throughout the festivities. Most businesses and shops were closed, as were the judicial courts of Rome. It was also a rowdy secular affair of the common folk, but it was also designated as a sacred day upon which solemn religious rites were performed by the priests of Rome. A sacrifice was then made to Saturn according to ancient Greek customs, with the head uncovered. Humans were once sacrificed to the gods. Later, Saturn became content with just having animal sacrifices. Typically, each family would offer a lamb, goat or pig as a sacrifice to the gods, with one share of the meat having been left on the altar for Saturn, one share reserved for the priests of the temple, and the remainder returned to the household. But as society evolved, animal sacrifices was exchanged for edible human effigies or small terra-cotta figurines, called "sigalla", which were exchanged amoung the Romans at Saturnalia. Today, we have the ginger bread man and the Roman Catholic eucharist host, to represent the edible human effigies, which is a remnant of these human sacrificial rites. After the religious rites had been performed, the crowd was dismissed with the proclamation: "Io, Saturnalia!", trumpeting in the beginning of the joyous festivities. A great public banquet was held in honor of the god with an image of Saturn in prominent attendance. The following days and nights were filled with wild parties, impromptu sex acts and naked parades and spectacles of daring and skill. It is in ancient Rome that the tradition of the Mummers was born. The Mummers were groups of costumed singers and dancers who traveled from house to house entertaining their neighbors. People today in Newfoundland have retained the tradition of Mummers. From this tradition, came the Christmas tradition of caroling. During the week long holiday, it was considered an offense to the god Saturn to punish anyone, including criminals or engage in battles during the holiday, and such activities were forbidden. Emperor Aurelian (270 to 275 CE) blended a number of Pagan solstice celebrations of the Je-Zeus Christ nativity with other such god-men/saviors as Appolo, Attis, Baal, Dionysus, Helios, Hercules, Horus, Osiris, Perseus,Theseus and Mithra into a single festival called the "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun" on December 25th. At the time, Mithraism and Christianity were fierce competitors. For over three hundred years the rulers of the Roman Empire worshipped the god Mithras. Known throughout Europe and Asia by the names Mithra, Mitra, Meitros, Mihr, Mehr, and Meher, the veneration of this god began some 4000 years ago in Persia, where it was imbedded with Babylonian doctrines. The faith spread east through India to China, and reached the west throughout the entire length of the Roman frontier. From Scotland to the Sahara Desert, from Spain to the Black Sea. Sites of Mithraic worship have been found in Britain, in Italy, Romania, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey, Persia, Armenia, Syria, Israel, and North Africa. The worshippers of Mithras held strong beliefs in a celestial heaven and an infernal hell in which Judaism, Christianity and Islam adopted and became part of the Satan and its infernal hell myth. Mithraism was a well-established Roman religion, particularly among the Roman legionnaires when Rome fought against the Persians. In Persia, the Romans soldiers accepted this ancient Indo-Iranian god of light and protector of oaths. Mithras was also regarded as a sun god whose birth was celebrated on December 25th. Roman Mithrasism differed so markedly, from other traditions, such as the original Iranian or the India sky god Varuna, found in the Vedic, which had preceded Hinduism, that some scholars have discounted Mithras to be a Roman deity. The exact time when Mithras became an official Roman religion remains controversial. Christianity won out by becoming the new official Roman religion in the 4th century CE by way of Emperor Constantine, who represented the Christian usurper, that fictitious man-made Baal god-man/savior, Je-Zeus Christ.

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