1: To have a relationship with a pagan virgin goddess, known to these pagan, heretical Roman Catholics as the "Virgin Mary" who they claim is the mother of one of their gods, which Corapi believes leads Catholics into a vibrant and loving relationship with her pagan sun-god, Je-Zeus Christ.
2; To have a great reverence for eating the flesh and drinking the blood of their pagan sun-god which to Catholics must be considered as an adoration of their so-called "Blessed" cannibalistic sacrament. (These people actually do believe that they are drinking the actual blood and eating the actual flesh of their pagan, made-up god.)
3rd; To have an uncompromising, total obedience to the head honcho, namely their Pope.
4th; To teach the Roman Catholic apostate, perverted, paganized christian religion, its rules and by-laws to Catholics. These rules and by-laws are found in something called a cannon.
In some Christian circles, mostly by protestants, the Roman Catholic Church is better known as, The Great Whore. Even the book of Revelation in the Christian bible refers to the Roman Catholic church as being "The Great Whore". It was through that same apostate, pagan church which had a great part in altering and perverting the text which is found in the Christian bible in which all Christians rely upon for what they have come to believe. Had John Corapi spent some time looking for the true GOD of Heaven, he would have been further ahead. As it stands now, he is no closer to finding what he was seeking. Unfortunately for John Corapi, he was just looking in all the wrong places. People who have spent their time doing some basic research on how Christianity had actually developed and study the pathetic, horrific history of the Roman Catholic church and that of Christianity, they do not get sucked-into that kind of perverted, heathen, apostate religion. People like this Catholic priest, Fr. John Corapi, has shackled his intellectual reasoning for a man-made pagan, apostate theology that can not stand the test of scrutiny.
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