Things to ponder upon.

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There is much talk from among many Christian groups about the second coming of their man made phantom Jesus Christ. I find this talk to be totally irrational when one realizes that they are talking about an invented man made phantom god that was based upon the real Yeshua. You would think that these people would realize by now how foolish it is to pin all of their hope on their make-believe god. Believing that this make-believe phantom will come and establish the Kingdom of GOD as they have been told and taught. Well; I have news for these people. You should be aware by now that the Kingdom of GOD that is spoken about in the Bible will not be established here upon this world. Nor will there be a physical Temple that will be built in which the Kingdom of GOD will flow out from it. We, who are of the Elect, know full well that we will have to wait for GOD's Kingdom to be established when we arrive upon the new Earth in which we will dwell. Why do I say this? The reason I say this is because the vast population of this world do not believe the message that has been brought to them through this web site to influence and have an effect to bring about the beginnings of the Kingdom of GOD upon this world. Much of this is due to the millions of Christians who have retarded the advancement for the Kingdom of GOD to become a reality by their perverted belief in their false, man made phantom god they call Jesus Christ. Like the Christians, the Jewish people do not believe the message that has been brought to them. Because of this fact, the Jewish people of Israel will continue to follow the secular path it has chosen for itself. Other people from various nations of the world have likewise chosen to remain pat on their religious and political course. It is clear that the vast majority of the people of this world have made their choice. By this choice, they have decided to reject the Will of GOD. Knowing this, I find it strange that those people who make the claim that the Kingdom of GOD will be established upon this world have failed to understand much of what Yeshua had said. Christians will be found to be false in their preaching as they are false in their belief in their religion of the man made god they have created. So given these facts, what now? For us, the Elect, all we will do is wait. We will rest in our Heavenly Father and wait patiently for our deliverance. These will be the days of darkness that I have spoken about that will come upon the world. We will wait for path two of which I had spoken about to be set in motion. The light will no longer be among the darkness and people will stumble to and frow. We will wait and watch and see how Christians will become confused and dumfounded because the events that will be unfolding will not be following their expected understanding or interpretation of prophecy. We will wait and watch as these Christians, those workers of iniquity, are being gathered up and cut down like grass and wither in their own cesspool. We will wait and watch as the economic collapse comes about that will bring in the New World Order. We shall wait and watch as many Nations shall come upon Israel. Watch the exodus of Jewish people who will be cut down as others scatter from their land. Watch as these Nations war against Israel and bring it down in its bloodbath because GOD will no longer help these people for they had not looked to do the Will of GOD. Wait and watch as a huge meteorite or celestial body will cause great destruction upon the Earth. Watch as the waters will be made bitter and the flesh will rot. I know that when I see all of these events unfolding, my heart will be full of sadness and sorrow for the people who will suffer in this way. It will be a hard sight to take in. What saddens me the most in all of this, is how this will effect all the young people who's joy in life will have been taken away. For all of the little children who must live through these days of darkness. But we of the Elect must observe all that is happening so that we may relate these things to those who will become the new generation of people on the new planet earth that we will dwell in. Unfortunately, there will be nothing anyone can do to prevent this great destruction from happening, for all of these events will already have been set in motion and no one will be able to stop it. It is truly sad when one thinks that all of this could have been prevented. Those people who will survive the nuclear war, World War III, will come to realize the truth about Christianity and its false doctrine that it will forever become a dead religion, never to rise up again. Something to think about.


How hard had the Roman Catholic Church strived to become first among her sisters that she has become the Mystery Babylon, that is spoken of in Revelations of the New Testament. She was one of the first heretical churches that had perverted and paganized the religion of Christianity by adopting their man made god, Jesus Christ, along with the "Mother of god" and the "Queen of Heaven" heathen heretical concepts. She has also structured her church on the model of the Pharisees and Sadducees with their many worthless rituals, hundred's of laws and regulations that Yeshua was so much against. I say this to the Roman Catholic Church who had strived so hard to become first among her sisters that she has become the Mother of all Harlots. By her example her many sisters and protesting daughters have sold their soul for the power and wealth of this world and in doing so, has become the heretical, perverted, paganized churches within Christianity. She need not worry her pretty head about that now, for she is already being recognized as the Mother of all the heretical, perverted, paganized churches within Christianity. It saddens me greatly to see what has become of her, yet at the same time claims to represent GOD and see's herself as a Holy Order when her priest's worship after a fictitious god whom they have created for themselves. She looks upon herself as a Holy Order despite the great deal of sexual abuse that is taking place to young boys and girls, and their Nun's within her walls. She has done everything to cover-up her perversity, until this perversion was exposed to the world by the news media. Yet she, along with her sisters and protesting daughters now insist and has the gull to claim to have and represent the truth? What hypocracy there is within this religion who worship and teach a strange god and another gospel than the one that Yeshua and his original Apostles had represented. Yes, it is indeed sad to say that by her fruits she has shown to the world to be the Mystery Babylon, the Mother of all Harlots, in which her sisters and protesting daughter's has help spread her perversion through out the world. Maby this church, along with all the others should be more concerned about "Cleaning their House", rather than continue in their lies and perversity! How heartbroken Yeshua is. More heartbroken now than when he had hung upon his crucifixion to see what has become of the original congregation he wanted to establish. I know, because I have felt his pain. I too know of his sadness. How sad indeed.


In pre-Mohammed times, Arabs had believed in the moon god of Animism. They display the crescent moon on top of their shrines. They also had worshipped many idols and devils. When Muhammad came onto the scene (570 AD), Mohammed claimed his people (Arabs) to be descendant from Abraham through his son Ish'ma-el. With this, he brought to the Arab people the religion of Islam to Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia (Persia). This was to unite the Arabs and put an end to the many wars in which their War Lords fought each other. . After Muhammad's death (632 AD), his teachings was compiled in the Koran. Muhammad's religion became known as Islam. Today, Islam is the second largest of the world religions, and has recently become the third largest religious body in America with over 6 million adherents. In the west, there is a Muslim-based sects such as the Nation of Islam that appeals especially to African-Americans. Islam is composed of two major divisions. One which is the mainstream known as Sunni (the largest of the two) and the other is the more radical, known as Shi'ites. The mystical tradition of Sufism includes Sunnis and some Shi'ites sects. The Arabic word for Islam means "submission to the will of God" and a person who submits to the will of God is called a Muslim. Muslims has the Qur'an (or, Koran), as their "Holy Book", while the Torah, the Psalms of the Old Testament, and the Gospel of the New Testament are also regarded as holy books to them. Yet they hate Jews and Christians. However, only the Qur'an is considered uncorrupted to them. The truth of the matter is that Islam has many flaws within it when it comes to the knowledge of the Will of GOD. Islam is a religion that have borrowed many ideas, concepts and myths from a whole range of heathen religions along with their own pre-Mohammed Animism traditions. They have taken much from Judaism and Christianity that is incorporated into the teachings of the Qur'an. Muslims have recently called their Qur'an, the "Holy Qur'an" to give the Qur'an the distinction of a holy book. While Islam fully rejects the Christian Trinity, of its three in one god doctrine, Muslims have come to believe in the fictitious name of Jesus Christ that Christianity had invented. While Muslims do not believe that the Christian Jesus Christ is god, they recognize him as being only a human being who was a great prophet. To Muslims, Muhammad is considered to be the greatest prophet of all, whose coming was allegedly predicted by the Christian fictitious Jesus Christ. Islam adheres fiercely to monotheism, in that they recognize only one GOD, that they call Allah, (which means GOD in Arabic.) In addition to doing good works, salvation to Muslims is sought though observance of the Five Pillars of Islam. Muslims recite in their prayer..."There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger." Muslims pray five times per day, they do fasting and give alms (donations to the poor), and make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during a Muslims lifetime. Muslims seem to give great reverence to a meteorite that is housed in a square structure called the Cabal. It is a religious relic from pre-Mohammed Animism traditions. Historically, Islam experienced tremendous growth often by forced proselytism. Those people who they consider as unbelievers (infidels) are often offered conversion or death. While there are some Muslim groups who exhibit tolerance towards other faiths, Islamic fundamentalism on the other hand promotes jihad (holy war), against those people of other religious or political views. They promote terrorism all around the world and are involved in the promotion of suicidal bombing activities for their cause. They see people not of their religion with enmity (hatred). They look upon these people as their enemies, those who choose not to follow in their religion. These Islamic fundamentalist, in my view, adhere to a very false and dangerous religion. One has been too aware of these type of Islamic fundamentalist in recent times by the recent exposure of the Telaban rule in Afghanistan.


Halloween will soon be in the minds of people as they put out their pumpkins and stock up their supplies of candy, chocolate bars, fruit and nuts to give to the little children who come knocking at their door. Where did Halloween come from? Well, it came from the ancient Celtic lore traditions that was part of the ancient religion of the Druids that was reinforced and its main headquarters was re- located in England at the site of Stonehenge. It was generally believed that on October 30th, ( November Eve) was a time haunted by a mysterious power which had the propensity for good or evil. It was a time of danger and a time for virtue and cures. In Wales, this night was called "spirit night" where chaos was let loose among the living. It was a period where spirits were unusually active, people made charms, and the future was foreshadowed by omens of all kinds. During this night, you would discover who would marry and who would die during the coming new year. People would make a ceremonial bonfire in the town square or village and re- lit their household fires from it. Halloween was varied from one region to another. To some people, Halloween was a solemn festival. To others, it was a time for noise and music. In some regions, people would go to the grave sites to commune with their friends and loved one's who had died and share a meal with them. It was believed that on October the 31st of each year, the soul/spirits of the departed were able to come out from their graves at night and share some time with their friends and loved one's. In Ireland, it was a night to stay clear of churchyards. People would not look behind them when they heard footsteps, for it was believed that it was the dead that were on their tracks to take or escort them to their grave. In Wales, it was believed that there was a ghost on every stile. Food, called bwyd cennad y meirw, was left out-of-doors for the wandering dead to eat. Doors were left unlocked so that their dead relatives can come in and enjoy the hearth prepared for them. In Scotland, it was a night of mischief and confusion. People went around dressed in veiled or blackened faces and dressed in white bed sheets or were disguised in straw. Mischievous pranks were done to ploughs, carts, gates, and the like. The peace of the household was disturbed, things were taken up and left in ditches, chimneys were blocked with turf and smoke was blown in through keyholes. When Christianity came to England and the Celtic region, they saw these traditions as being Satanic and demonized it as some kind of worship rite of Satan. They tried to replace these beliefs and traditions by introducing a Catholic Christian tradition called... All Saints day. What you did on this day was that you prayed to the Saints of your choice. It was believed that all of the Saints on this day will be able to hear your prayers. You were pretty well guaranteed that your prayers will be heard or answered and any request you may have will be granted to you. Here in North America, people who had come from the Celtic regions and from England, and settled down here, still remembered the original traditions of Halloween and their meaning and brought these traditions back into existence in the form of what we know and have today. So this is where the original tradition of Halloween had come from. You will hear many Protestant fundelmentalist Christians denounce Halloween as being Satanic when in fact there was nothing Satanic about it, or the one that is practised now. These Christian fundelmentalist tend to demonize everything that they do not understand or do not fit within their demented perspective or pre-conceived theology. Those people who believe in Satan and use Halloween for satanic worship in our present era, are worshipping a fictitious man made idea that came from the realm of myths, just like the Christian perverted teachings of their Jesus Christ being god that has replaced the true GOD of Heaven, our Heavenly Father, and the real person of Yeshua the Anointed. We do not recommend or participate in any of these pagan festivals that the majority of these heathen, paganized Christians have disguised as Christian festive holidays. Whatever Halloween means to you, have a safe and pleasant Halloween night.


I have on former pages revealed where Satan and his demons along with its Hell, had come from which was a late incorporation in the Old Testament writings that had come from other religions, such as the ancient Persian Aryans (Iran) that later was developed into Zoroastrian mythology, and the "Mother of god" myths of Inanna (who later was known as Ishtar) that had come from heathen religions sources and crept into Christianity which they continue to embraced into their theology. Here is another example of where Christianity had incorporated heathenistic, heretical, pagan ideas and beliefs into their theology.

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Origin of the Christian Eucharist Rite

I have been pondering lately about why Christians have this strange understanding of their Eucharistic Sacramentum [Oath] Rite that was to represent Yeshua's last Passover Supper Rite. I have in past writings gave my views on this subject. But I want to look into this matter with greater depth in order that you may have a better understanding of their religion and what their worship in their Eucharistic sacramental (oath) rite may represent. I have listen to their many explanations about it and read much about their understanding of this Eucharistic sacramental rite in order to better understand and get a handle on their teaching. I am talking about the Roman Catholic and other Christians who believe that their fictitious god-man Jesus Christ who they believe is their god, also believe that they are indeed eating the very flesh and drinking the very blood of their god. This will also provide the reader a clear understanding of where this idea had come from. Right from the start, I knew that something about this Eucharistic Sacramental Rite teaching was not in keeping with what Yeshua would have had in mind during the Passover last supper, knowing that Yeshua held to and quoted much from the Torah, the five books of Moses, that became the Hebrew Old Testament. What was Yeshua's intent when he spoke at the last Passover supper? He let it be known to his apostles before his coming death that he would give up his life for their sake. That he would be killed and become the sacrificial lamb which was without a blemish. This would happen because of the words that he had brought to his people so that they may return to GOD and come to understand and know, and receive GOD as their Heavenly Father. That they may also have a personal, loving relationship with GOD, the Father as he has. With this new understanding, Yeshua brought in the New Covenant that is based upon that love relationship with GOD, the Father, which would do away with the animal sacrificial sin offerings of old. Through this New Covenant, humanity would be redeemed from the total destruction of the world. Yeshua also wanted this new Passover rite to act as a reminder of that New Covenant that he had inaugurated on their behalf, least it would be forgotten and the Covenant will be broken. By keeping this Sacred Passover Rite, Yeshua,s Spirit would be among those who seek to do the Will of his, and our, Heavenly Father. That was to establish Father's Kingdom upon the earth. When Yeshua made reference to the unblemish lamb that was slaughtered to save his people, he meant that to mean that he was much like that lamb, that he was unblemished and that he would be slaughtered trying to save not only his people, but those of the world. There is nothing here that would cause Yeshua to suggest to eat his body and drink his blood. That saying has got to come from those pagan, gentiles who believe in the drinking of the blood and eating the flesh of sacrifices to their pagan gods. Only a person with has cannibalistic tendencies would suggest such a foul thing to do. This whole Passover rite also had nothing to do with the Christian perverted heretical idea that Yeshua had to become a human sacrificial offering in order to appease GOD for the sin's of humanity. This cannibalistic saying... "This is my body, eat my flesh and drink my blood" idea could have only come from those heathen, gentile, early church fathers of Christianity. They believe that the host turns into the flesh and the wine into the blood of their god-man. In doing so, these people actually believe that they are eating the actual flesh and drinking the actual blood of their phantom god, Je-Zeus Christ. I can only conclude that this idea must have started or developed when the original understanding of Yeshua's new Passover Sacramentum [Oath] Rite was lost to these heretical pagan Christians when they had split-up with the original Apostles of Yeshua and perverted the new Passover supper by creating their Sacramentum [Oath] Eucharistic Rite, and their false, fictitious god which they claim to be their god-man Je-Zeus Christ. The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches believe that during their Sacramentum Eucharistic Rite, they are offering up the human body of their man-god Je-Zeus Christ to their gods, and then eat the flesh and drink the blood of this human sacrifice. Searching through my memory, I come to remember an ancient religion that had existed in ancient times which its members ate the flesh and drank the blood of its human sacrifices to their god, Baal, who was a solar deity and the son of El in the Canaanite religion. Is this where Christians got their idea of a god that demanded or required a human sacrifice in order to absolve original sin? Is this where those early church fathers got the idea of eating human flesh and drinking its blood had come from and put these ideas into the mouth of our Yeshua and their fictitious Jesus Christ? I know that a Jewish person would never suggest such a thing and Yeshua, being a Jewish person, would surely not suggest anything of such a barbaric idea. I also remember that in Tarsus, Greece, (The same place where Saul, who later became Paul in the New Testament was born and had come from.) people there had worshipped a god called Mithras, that was symbolised as a bull. So who was Mithras? Mithras was originally an old Aryan deity that was incorporated into Zoroastrianism under Zoraster's influence which had spread into India who emerged as the god of the sun. He was seen as the unconquerable light. He was believed to have travelled across the sky with the sun every day, looking down with his thousand eyes to see who kept his words and who broke it. The believers of this religion with their god Mithras, would eat the flesh and drink the blood of the bull as part of their ritual of feasting. If no bull was available, other animals were used. Bread and fish were also used as substitutes for the meat, and wine for the blood. The followers of the god Mithras believed that by eating the bull's flesh and drinking its blood, they would be born again, just as life itself had once been created anew from the bull's blood. It was believed that the partaking of this sacrament, it would ensure eternal life, the immediate passing, after death, to the bosom of Mithras. It was also taught that, when a person had died, they went before Mithras for judgement and the keys of the gates of heaven would be unlocked for the reception of the faithful. They also believed that on the final judgement day, the Judgment Bridge of the Separator at the end of the world, Mithras would summon up all the dead from their graves to face the last great Judgment. The wicked would be sent to Hell and forever burn in the lake of fire, and the righteous would reign with Mithras forever. I can not help but wounder if the early church fathers were influenced by Emperor Constantine, who became the first Roman Emperor to become a Christian? He had believed in the religion of the god of Mithras, with their day of worship that was on Sun-Day. So I need to ask the question, could this be where the early heathen, heretical church fathers had got these ideas from and added and wrote into the text that would become the New Testament where Yeshua is to have said to have made the horrible statement about eating my flesh and drinking my blood had come from? It is a well known fact that the early heathen, heretical church fathers had added their own text, here and there, changed some text and taken other text out while translating the writings of the gospels that would later become the New Testament. People still do that now as new translations are being made in order for the Bible to suite and conform to their perverted, heretical dogma. I had hoped that Christians would have realized these facts and tried to weed out these perverted, heretical dogmas for the sake of truth. But I am aware that it is not in them to do that and this weeding out will not be done. Therefore; I must still maintain that this religion that is known and called Christianity has nothing to do with the one true GOD of Heaven and their Eucharistic sacramental rite that these Christians have in their worship is an abomination to the one and only true, GOD of Heaven. This do not really surprise me for Yeshua had warned that there will be false prophets and false teachers that will teach a strange god and another gospel than the one that he had taught and preached that the vast majority of Christians do not realize when they are reading their Bible, particularly the New Testament part of which I have been speaking about. Something all people should consider very carefully and ponder upon it.


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