Things to ponder upon.
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How hard had the Roman Catholic Church strived to become first among her sisters that she has become the Mystery Babylon, that is spoken of in Revelations of the New Testament. She was one of the first heretical churches that had perverted and paganized the religion of Christianity by adopting their man made god, Jesus Christ, along with the "Mother of god" and the "Queen of Heaven" heathen heretical concepts. She has also structured her church on the model of the Pharisees and Sadducees with their many worthless rituals, hundred's of laws and regulations that Yeshua was so much against. I say this to the Roman Catholic Church who had strived so hard to become first among her sisters that she has become the Mother of all Harlots. By her example her many sisters and protesting daughters have sold their soul for the power and wealth of this world and in doing so, has become the heretical, perverted, paganized churches within Christianity. She need not worry her pretty head about that now, for she is already being recognized as the Mother of all the heretical, perverted, paganized churches within Christianity. It saddens me greatly to see what has become of her, yet at the same time claims to represent GOD and see's herself as a Holy Order when her priest's worship after a fictitious god whom they have created for themselves. She looks upon herself as a Holy Order despite the great deal of sexual abuse that is taking place to young boys and girls, and their Nun's within her walls. She has done everything to cover-up her perversity, until this perversion was exposed to the world by the news media. Yet she, along with her sisters and protesting daughters now insist and has the gull to claim to have and represent the truth? What hypocracy there is within this religion who worship and teach a strange god and another gospel than the one that Yeshua and his original Apostles had represented. Yes, it is indeed sad to say that by her fruits she has shown to the world to be the Mystery Babylon, the Mother of all Harlots, in which her sisters and protesting daughter's has help spread her perversion through out the world. Maby this church, along with all the others should be more concerned about "Cleaning their House", rather than continue in their lies and perversity! How heartbroken Yeshua is. More heartbroken now than when he had hung upon his crucifixion to see what has become of the original congregation he wanted to establish. I know, because I have felt his pain. I too know of his sadness. How sad indeed.
In pre-Mohammed times, Arabs had believed in the moon god of Animism. They display the crescent moon on top of their shrines. They also had worshipped many idols and devils. When Muhammad came onto the scene (570 AD), Mohammed claimed his people (Arabs) to be descendant from Abraham through his son Ish'ma-el. With this, he brought to the Arab people the religion of Islam to Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia (Persia). This was to unite the Arabs and put an end to the many wars in which their War Lords fought each other. . After Muhammad's death (632 AD), his teachings was compiled in the Koran. Muhammad's religion became known as Islam. Today, Islam is the second largest of the world religions, and has recently become the third largest religious body in America with over 6 million adherents. In the west, there is a Muslim-based sects such as the Nation of Islam that appeals especially to African-Americans. Islam is composed of two major divisions. One which is the mainstream known as Sunni (the largest of the two) and the other is the more radical, known as Shi'ites. The mystical tradition of Sufism includes Sunnis and some Shi'ites sects. The Arabic word for Islam means "submission to the will of God" and a person who submits to the will of God is called a Muslim. Muslims has the Qur'an (or, Koran), as their "Holy Book", while the Torah, the Psalms of the Old Testament, and the Gospel of the New Testament are also regarded as holy books to them. Yet they hate Jews and Christians. However, only the Qur'an is considered uncorrupted to them. The truth of the matter is that Islam has many flaws within it when it comes to the knowledge of the Will of GOD. Islam is a religion that have borrowed many ideas, concepts and myths from a whole range of heathen religions along with their own pre-Mohammed Animism traditions. They have taken much from Judaism and Christianity that is incorporated into the teachings of the Qur'an. Muslims have recently called their Qur'an, the "Holy Qur'an" to give the Qur'an the distinction of a holy book. While Islam fully rejects the Christian Trinity, of its three in one god doctrine, Muslims have come to believe in the fictitious name of Jesus Christ that Christianity had invented. While Muslims do not believe that the Christian Jesus Christ is god, they recognize him as being only a human being who was a great prophet. To Muslims, Muhammad is considered to be the greatest prophet of all, whose coming was allegedly predicted by the Christian fictitious Jesus Christ. Islam adheres fiercely to monotheism, in that they recognize only one GOD, that they call Allah, (which means GOD in Arabic.) In addition to doing good works, salvation to Muslims is sought though observance of the Five Pillars of Islam. Muslims recite in their prayer..."There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger." Muslims pray five times per day, they do fasting and give alms (donations to the poor), and make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during a Muslims lifetime. Muslims seem to give great reverence to a meteorite that is housed in a square structure called the Cabal. It is a religious relic from pre-Mohammed Animism traditions. Historically, Islam experienced tremendous growth often by forced proselytism. Those people who they consider as unbelievers (infidels) are often offered conversion or death. While there are some Muslim groups who exhibit tolerance towards other faiths, Islamic fundamentalism on the other hand promotes jihad (holy war), against those people of other religious or political views. They promote terrorism all around the world and are involved in the promotion of suicidal bombing activities for their cause. They see people not of their religion with enmity (hatred). They look upon these people as their enemies, those who choose not to follow in their religion. These Islamic fundamentalist, in my view, adhere to a very false and dangerous religion. One has been too aware of these type of Islamic fundamentalist in recent times by the recent exposure of the Telaban rule in Afghanistan.
Halloween will soon be in the minds of people as they put out their pumpkins and stock up their supplies of candy, chocolate bars, fruit and nuts to give to the little children who come knocking at their door. Where did Halloween come from? Well, it came from the ancient Celtic lore traditions that was part of the ancient religion of the Druids that was reinforced and its main headquarters was re- located in England at the site of Stonehenge. It was generally believed that on October 30th, ( November Eve) was a time haunted by a mysterious power which had the propensity for good or evil. It was a time of danger and a time for virtue and cures. In Wales, this night was called "spirit night" where chaos was let loose among the living. It was a period where spirits were unusually active, people made charms, and the future was foreshadowed by omens of all kinds. During this night, you would discover who would marry and who would die during the coming new year. People would make a ceremonial bonfire in the town square or village and re- lit their household fires from it. Halloween was varied from one region to another. To some people, Halloween was a solemn festival. To others, it was a time for noise and music. In some regions, people would go to the grave sites to commune with their friends and loved one's who had died and share a meal with them. It was believed that on October the 31st of each year, the soul/spirits of the departed were able to come out from their graves at night and share some time with their friends and loved one's. In Ireland, it was a night to stay clear of churchyards. People would not look behind them when they heard footsteps, for it was believed that it was the dead that were on their tracks to take or escort them to their grave. In Wales, it was believed that there was a ghost on every stile. Food, called bwyd cennad y meirw, was left out-of-doors for the wandering dead to eat. Doors were left unlocked so that their dead relatives can come in and enjoy the hearth prepared for them. In Scotland, it was a night of mischief and confusion. People went around dressed in veiled or blackened faces and dressed in white bed sheets or were disguised in straw. Mischievous pranks were done to ploughs, carts, gates, and the like. The peace of the household was disturbed, things were taken up and left in ditches, chimneys were blocked with turf and smoke was blown in through keyholes. When Christianity came to England and the Celtic region, they saw these traditions as being Satanic and demonized it as some kind of worship rite of Satan. They tried to replace these beliefs and traditions by introducing a Catholic Christian tradition called... All Saints day. What you did on this day was that you prayed to the Saints of your choice. It was believed that all of the Saints on this day will be able to hear your prayers. You were pretty well guaranteed that your prayers will be heard or answered and any request you may have will be granted to you. Here in North America, people who had come from the Celtic regions and from England, and settled down here, still remembered the original traditions of Halloween and their meaning and brought these traditions back into existence in the form of what we know and have today. So this is where the original tradition of Halloween had come from. You will hear many Protestant fundelmentalist Christians denounce Halloween as being Satanic when in fact there was nothing Satanic about it, or the one that is practised now. These Christian fundelmentalist tend to demonize everything that they do not understand or do not fit within their demented perspective or pre-conceived theology. Those people who believe in Satan and use Halloween for satanic worship in our present era, are worshipping a fictitious man made idea that came from the realm of myths, just like the Christian perverted teachings of their Jesus Christ being god that has replaced the true GOD of Heaven, our Heavenly Father, and the real person of Yeshua the Anointed. We do not recommend or participate in any of these pagan festivals that the majority of these heathen, paganized Christians have disguised as Christian festive holidays. Whatever Halloween means to you, have a safe and pleasant Halloween night.
I have on former pages revealed where Satan and his demons along with its Hell, had come from which was a late incorporation in the Old Testament writings that had come from other religions, such as the ancient Persian Aryans (Iran) that later was developed into Zoroastrian mythology, and the "Mother of god" myths of Inanna (who later was known as Ishtar) that had come from heathen religions sources and crept into Christianity which they continue to embraced into their theology. Here is another example of where Christianity had incorporated heathenistic, heretical, pagan ideas and beliefs into their theology.
Origin of the Christian Eucharist Rite