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Have you figured out why this incredulous bit of writing is found in the New Testament? Here is a hint; That story of where Yeshua was supposed to have come before the Sanhedrin to stand trial was added much later in time. (At a time when their new, man-made, god-man Je-Zeus Christ was invented.) The early Christians wanted to shift the blame for their Je-Zeus death to the Jews. In other words, to use the Jews as their scapegoat in order to prosper under the Roman Empire. It would not go well for these Christians if they had kept blaming "the Roman Empire" for the death of their newly created man-god SAVIOUR Je-Zeus Christ that was no longer a Jew. This switch took place around the time of 300 - 313 AD just before Emperor Constantine proclaimed freedom of worship of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. Thus came the term... "Jews... the Je-Zeus killers!" that had spread throughout the Christian Empire. These are the TRUE facts. Something to think about.... Jean
I would like to inform you that there are many people within the Roman Catholic Church who believe that the Kingdom of GOD will be established by them. That the Kingdom of GOD will be established under the sponsorship of the "Blessed Virgin Mary", their "Mother of GOD". Given their track record, I fear what that system and government would be like. For these people who claim that they do not wrench meanings, verses or text out of context, they have done just that when they claim to interpret Chapter 12, The Woman and the Dragon in Revelation, of the New Testament. The true meaning of the text that they wrench out of context is actually referring to the " Nation of Israel ". She is the bride in whom one will come out from within her that will establish the Kingdom of GOD on this earth, if it is to come at all. I say this just to set the record straight. Jean
When I first started this ministry in 1996, I thought that the Yeshua I was representing was the one and the same person that Christians call Je-Zeus Christ, that is found in the New Testament writings. But I quickly came to realize that the Yeshua I know was not the Je-Zeus Christ of the Christians. It took me a little while to figure out what these Christians had done. They had built a theology based around the person of the real Yeshua, then had changed the name of Yeshua into Je-Zeus Christ. It is no wonder you have Je-Zeus or Je-Zeus Christ written all over in the writings of the New Testament. That name is not even a Hebrew or Jewish name, but Latin, the Roman Empire language. It has dawned on me that these Christians have created a man-made god, a phantom in the likeness of Yeshua and made him their god. You know what that means? These people who are Christians are praying to a man-made phantom, for their god. These people must not even know the true GOD of Heaven. These poor people who believe in Christianity are praying to a god much like those poor people in ancient times when they believed their priests and had freely given up their children as burnt sacrificial offerings to their god. And you know they were fake gods. Except for the human sacrifice of actual people, the basic theology is still there in Christianity, Christians are worshipping a non-existent phantom god! In vain have these people been praying to their god when he is only a phantom. Now the "head" church (is it the Roman Catholic Church?) is in the process of creating a mother goddess in the form of Mary as the mother of god. A mother goddess much like that of the ancient pagan religions. So this is what has happened to Yeshua and his original Apostles Congregation. Christians have supplanted it for their heathen religion! This also explains why Christianity has such a foul and appalling history. Just think, people have been praying to and worshipping a phantom god during the past two thousand years. I wonder what these poor people would think if they had found out that they have been duped? This god that Christians believe in is definitely not the GOD of the Old Testament. Christians have only made it appear to be the same. Jean
I am glad to have stumbled onto "THE YESHUA PUZZLE" in order to show people how the real Yeshua was transformed into a Mythical Je-Zeus Christ. As I have said many times before... Christians speak of a different Yeshua in the form of (Je-Zeus Christ) than the Yeshua I know. The one who actually lived. This study of Earl Doherty as well as many other scholars of worth, only verify what I have been trying to tell people, in particular to Christians who have been deceived into believing in a Mythical Je-Zeus for all of these years, rather than the real Yeshua that had existed. I want to thank Earl Doherty and all the scholars who have worked so hard to get at, and reveal the Truth. Jean
An excerpt from the pages of "THE Je-Zeus PUZZLE" by Earl Doherty.
To move from the New Testament epistles to the Gospels is to enter a completely different world. In the two previous articles of this series, I pointed out that virtually every element of the Gospel biography of Yeshua of Nazareth is missing from the epistles, and that Paul and other early writers present us only with a divine, spiritual Je-Zeus Christ in heaven, one revealed by God through inspiration and scripture. Their Je-Zeus is never identified with a recent historical man. Like the savior gods of the Greek mystery cults, Paul's Je-Zeus Christ had performed his redeeming act in a mythical arena. Thus, when we open the Gospels we are unprepared for the flesh and blood figure who lives and speaks on their pages, one who walked the sands of Palestine and died on Calvary in the days of Herod and Pontius Pilate. Scholars are inching ever closer to understanding how and when the Gospels were written. The names Mark, Matthew, Luke and John are accepted as later ascriptions; the real authors are unknown. That "Mark" wrote first and was reworked by "Matthew" and "Luke," with other material added, is now almost universally accepted. Some of the problems which called Markan priority into question, such as those passages in which Matthew and Luke agree in wording but differ from that of similar passages in Mark have been solved by another telling realization: that each of the canonical Gospels is the end result of an early history of writing and re-writing, including additions and excisions. The Gospel of "John" is thought to have passed through as many as five stages of construction. Thus, Matthew and Luke, writing independently and probably unknown to each other, used an earlier edition (or editions) of Mark which would have conformed to their agreements. The concept of a unified Gospel document written by a single author, let alone one produced by inspiration, is no longer tenable. This picture of Gospel relationships is really quite astonishing. Even John, in its narrative structure and passion story, is now considered by most scholars to be based on Mark or some other Synoptic stage. Gone is the old pious view that the four Gospels are independent and corroborating accounts. Instead, their strong similarities are the result of copying. This means that for the basic story of Yeshua' life and death we are dependent on a single source: whoever produced the first version of Mark. By rights, our sources should be numerous; Christian missionaries, supposedly led by the Twelve Apostles, fanned out across the empire; oral transmission, we are told, kept alive and constantly revitalized the story of Yeshua' words and deeds. Written versions of that story should have sprung up in many centers, truly independent and notably divergent. Yet when Matthew comes to write his own version of Yeshua's trial and crucifixion, all he can do is slavishly copy some document he has inherited, adding a few minor details of his own, such as the guard at the tomb. Luke does little more. We face the same question with Acts. Why did only one writer, and that well into the second century, decide to compose a history of the origin and growth of the early church? No other writer even mentions Pentecost, that collective visitation of the Spirit to the Apostles which according to Acts started the whole missionary movement! But if instead, this movement was a widespread diverse one, something uncoordinated and competitive (as Paul's letters suggest), expressing a great variety of doctrine within the broad religious inspiration of the time, it is easier to understand how one group, seeking to impose the missing unity and give itself authority, could create its own unique picture of Christianity's beginnings. When were the Gospels--or their earliest versions--written? Mark is usually dated by its "Little Apocalypse" in Chapter 13, which tells of great upheavals and the destruction of the Temple, spoken as a prophecy by Yeshua. This must, it is claimed, refer to the first Jewish War (66-70); thus Mark wrote in its midst or shortly after. But even Mark is presumed to have drawn on source elements, and some think this Little Apocalypse could originally have been a Jewish composition (with no reference to Yeshua), one that Mark later borrowed and adapted. Or, if Chapter 13 is by Mark, it could well have grown out of a later period, for other documents show that vivid apocalyptic expectations persisted until at least the end of the century. In fact 13:7 has Yeshua warning his listeners not to regard the End as imminent even when the winds of war arrive. Nothing in Mark should force us to date him before the 90s. The dates assigned to Matthew and Luke (and even John) are influenced by the picture they present of "the parting of the ways" between Christianity and the wider Jewish establishment. This is recognized as a later development, one the Gospels read back anachronistically into the supposed time of Yeshua. Luke has also abandoned the expectation of an imminent end of the world, placing him even later. None of these factors are inconsistent with dates around the end of the century or a little afterward. But equally important is attestation. When do the Gospels start to show up in the wider record of Christian writings? If Mark is as early as 70, and all four had been written by 100, why do none of the early Fathers--Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarp, the author of the Epistle of Barnabas--writing between 90 and 130, quote or refer to any of them? How could Ignatius (around 107), so eager to convince his readers that Yeshua had indeed been born of Mary and died under Pilate, that he had truly been a human man who suffered, how could he have failed to appeal to some Gospel account as verification of all this if he had known one? Eusebius reports that in a now-lost work written around 130, bishop Papias mentioned two pieces of writing by "Matthew" and "Mark." But even these cannot be equated with the canonical Gospels, for Papias called the former "sayings of the Lord in Hebrew," and the latter also sounds as if it was not a narrative work. Moreover, it would seem that Papias had not seen these documents himself. Only in Justin Martyr, writing in the 150s, do we find the first identifiable quotations from some of the Gospels, though he calls them simply "memoirs of the Apostles," with no names. Scholars such as Helmut Koester have concluded that any earlier "allusions" to Gospel-like material are actually floating traditions which themselves found their way into the written Gospels. Is it conceivable that the earliest account of Yeshua' life and death could have been committed to writing as early as 70 (some date it even earlier), and yet the broader Christian world took almost a century to receive copies of it? If, on the other hand, the "biography" of Yeshua of Nazareth was something unusual which went against the grain of current knowledge and belief, one can understand how early versions of the Gospels, written around the turn of the century, would have enjoyed only limited use and isolated reworking for at least a generation. It is also beginning to look as though Mark, Matthew and Luke originally came from one group of linked communities. As for Acts, written by the same author who wrote the final version of Luke, there is no reference to it before the year 170--more than a century after the date often assigned to it! It is clearly unknown even to Justin. Some, such as John Knox, view Acts as a response by the church of Rome in the mid-second century to the Gnostic Marcion's view of things. The author of Acts drew on kernels of tradition about the primitive Palestinian church, but these have been recast to fit the new plot line. There are huge discrepancies between Acts and what Paul tells us in his letters. Scholarship has been forced to admit that much of Acts is sheer fabrication. With its discrediting, the true beginnings of Christianity fall into a murky shadow.
I recognize that there are many paths that lead to GOD, our Heavenly Father who is the Creator. Each of these paths represents a religion which are all valid in their own way in expressing their worship according to their culture and understanding. These many paths give a knowledge about Father, of who He is and what His Will is for humanity. This is where we differ from all of these various religions. For we go even further, pushing the envelope, so to speak, in bringing people to Father in order that they may not only have a knowledge of GOD, but that they may develop a personal, intimate, loving relationship with Father so that they may truly become son's and daughter's of GOD. To best describe what I mean, you can visualize all religions are leading a pathway to the mountain of GOD, as in the book of Moses. These paths end at the base of this mountain except for one road that leads directly to our Heavenly Father that was provided by our Beloved Brother Yeshua. People of all religions are trying to get to Father by scaling the steep cliff's that make up this mountain. Only but a few manage to reach GOD in this manner and achieve a personal, loving relationship with Father. Most people are content to worship GOD from afar. Never developing a personal, loving relationship with GOD, as their Heavenly Father. Christians, on the other hand, who have come to know about GOD, from our Beloved Brother Yeshua, who knows a direct way to get to the Heavenly Father, went to the gate that would lead them directly to Father. But what do they do? They had made camp at the base of the gateway and have made for themselves a re-creation of our Beloved Brother Yeshua and called their new creation, " Je-Zeus Christ", and made it their god. They stay there worshiping it day and night, all the days of their lives. It is like they have created for themselves an idol of gold in the form and likeness of our Beloved Brother Yeshua and worship it as their god. We, on the other hand, who have come to the gate that lead to the pathway to our Heavenly Father, pass by those "Christians" who have created their own god, and meet our Beloved Brother Yeshua who is the gatekeeper and we embraced one another. I ask Yeshua about those Christians that I had passed by, but all he said, I have never known them. Then we take our group of people who are faithful to GOD, and walk up that pathway that leads to our Heavenly Father. We enter the Most Holy Place and go on up the stairs that lead to the very Seat of our Heavenly Father. There Father greets the people within our group and make's them His very own.
As I have said before.. People will become better people for accepting what is truth, rather than to continue to hide from the truth. Now people can go on from here for those people who want to follow the real Yeshua, rather than continue to follow the fakes who believe in their man-made, man-god Je-Zeus Christ that Christianity represents. This will separate the good wheat from the tares. The True followers of Yeshua, shall eat from the bread of life and come to know the Heavenly Father, at last. As for the fakes, they shall all be dammed to eternal death. Therefore; Consider very carefully what you are about to do. Take your time to consider your next move. Your soul-spirit, who is you, who you are as a person, will determine what your relation is going to be to the real GOD, and also to the real Yeshua. Will you blindly continue to follow a religion, a false faith that is based upon a phantom that is no more than a mythical Je-Zeus Christ that Christianity represents? Or will you now seek the real Yeshua and become a son or daughter of the living GOD, your Heavenly Father. The choice is yours. Jean ______________________________________________________________________________________