Things to ponder upon.

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People, mostly Christians, have asked me why I am doing what I am doing on my web site? I use this web site to expose many of the inaccuracies and errors found in the teachings that come from Christian priests and preachers of a perverted religion. For hundred of years they had been bragging that only "they" had the full and only truth when I knew they had not. I was fully aware that these priests and pastors will try very hard to discredit what I say. Regardless of this, I do this for the sake of truth because I am fully aware that people are being led astray from the true GOD of Heaven by these Christians who have mislead people for a great many years. I also do this for truth itself. To this end I am being called upon to do. Yours Truly; Jean


I happen to receive a cassette tape from someone today, August 24th.2003 that I feel need your attention. It is a recording from an American Catholic radio broadcast EWTN, the global Catholic radio. As I was listening to this tape, I was amazed at how many lies, misinformation, half-truths these people were telling their catholic followers. And this is supposed to represent their man made god? Frankly, I should not be surprised at all by this. Here is just a little sample of what I mean. A catholic person had asked the question if all of the torture, blood and gore really took place during the days of the inquisition? The person must mean those people who refused to adopt Christianity and those the church branded as heretics that were tortured and burned at the stake. Tortured like having your eyes gouge out, hands and feet crushed, a body stretched out on the "rack" until their very bones were pulled out of their sockets, ect,ect. In fact every manner of barbaric acts were deployed to get a confession or to submit to their religion. This ex-protestant preacher who had turned catholic, called Jimmy, had told the man that it was all hogwash. In other words, this ex-protestant preacher had lied to the man. I wonder if that catholic man who asked the question will take the time and effort to go to a public library and get a few books on the history of the inquisition? If he can get hold of an encyclopedia, that would be a good place to start. Hummmmm! I wonder what has my Webster Dictionary has to say about the word inquisition? It reads; A former Roman Catholic tribunal established to interrogation that violates individual rights. That is putting it mildly, I must say. Here is in a nutshell the history of the office of the infamous Inquisition. After the Roman Church had consolidated its power, all heretics came to be regarded as enemies of the church and its society. The crime of heresy was defined as a deliberate denial of any article of the Catholic religion. During this time frame, townspeople and rulers alike agreed with the Church that any heretics threatened their society. This belief caused large scale roundup of all people who were believed to be in heresy. Then in the 12th century, Pope Gregory IX instituted an official office for the papal inquisition in 1231 for the apprehension and trial of any people found to be heretics. The Inquisitors did not wait for complaints, but sought out persons accused of heresy. Although the Inquisition was created to combat the heretics, it later extended its activity to include people believed to be witches, diviners and retarded persons believed to be possessed by demons, were tortured by having their eyes gouged out, hands and feet crushed to a pulp, their bodies whipped with the cat o nine tails, and stretched out on the "rack" until very bones were pulled out of their sockets, caged headgear with rats inside was placed upon peoples head to obtain a confession. Pope Gregory IX's creation of the Inquisition led mobs of townspeople to burn alleged heretics without much of a trial. Pope Gregory's intent for the Inquisition was a court to inquire into the beliefs of those differing from Catholic teaching, and reprogram them into the orthodox doctrine. If these people persisted in their heresy, Pope Gregory would have these suspects handed over to the Franscian and Dominican orders for torture and execution. They would apply their own brands of punishment for disobedience which, at the time, included burning at the stake. In the early period of the institution, the Inquisitors rode the circuit in search of heretics. Later the Inquisitors acquired the right to summon any suspects from their homes to the Inquisition center to be dealt with. The medieval Inquisition functioned in all parts of Christendom. Throughout the Inquisition's history the pope succeeded in establishing complete control of the office of the institution. Later, medieval kings, princes, bishops, and civil authorities were given authority to be involved with the Inquisition. The institution reached its apex in the second half of the 13th century. By this time the Inquisition tribunals were almost entirely free from any authority, including that of the pope and its abuse was widespread. A second variety of the Inquisition was the infamous Spanish Inquisition, authorized by Pope Sixtus IV in 1478. That event marked the darkest hour in church history when Pope Sixtus gave full control to seek out anyone who was against the church to King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella. Sixtus had given complete independence to this Spanish Inquisition. A third variety of the Inquisition was the Roman Inquisition. Alarmed by the spread of Protestantism and especially by its penetration into Italy, Pope Paul III in 1542 established in Rome the Congregation of the Inquisition. This institution was also known as the Roman Inquisition and the Holy Office. Six cardinals including Carafa constituted the original inquisition whose powers extended to the whole Church. The "Holy Office" was related to the Medieval Inquisition by its severe precedents at a time when much of Italy was under Spanish rule. When Cardinal Carafa became Pope Paul IV in 1555, he immediately urged a vigorous pursuit of "suspects." His snare did not exclude bishops or even cardinals of the Church. Pope Paul IV charged the congregation to draw up a list of books which he felt offended the church teachings. This resulted in the first Index of Forbidden Books (1559). Although succeeding popes tempered the zeal of the Roman Inquisition, many viewed the institution as the customary instrument of papal government used in the regulation of Church order. This was the institution that would later put Galileo on trial. This institution survived to the beginning of the 18th century, and was permanently suppressed by a decree on July 15, 1834. Let us not forget the Protestants. They too were involved in crimes against humanity when they clashed against the Catholic church. Not to mention when Protestants came into the new land of what was to become America, where they also had their own version of the Roman Inquisition that was used on people that did not ascribe to their belief. There is so much information available in history books that there is really no need to list all of the atrocities that had been committed in the name of their man made god-man Jesus Christ. While these churches were so busy destroying so many people who were accused to be heretics, these churches themselves were the greatest of heretics from the original teachings of Yeshua and his Apostles as I have abundantly revealed. Looking into history books on the inquisition should show and prove to anyone, especially to Catholics, that they have been lied to over the years. Also check out web sites that deal on this topic. But be careful, there are a lot of links there that belong to Catholics that will give you a slanted version, one that shrugs off those atrocities on others or give totally wrong information in order to hide the true facts.


There are millions of people the world over who claim that they belong to the religion of Christianity. I have found out that very few of these people, including priests and pastors know much about how their religion came into being, with its man made mythological god-man they claim to be the GOD of Heaven and had given it the name of Jesus Christ. Why is this so? It may be because most of these people were too lazy to look into the history of early Christianity to know the difference, or they may have just took everything what their priests or pastors had taught them at face value. They would not even check to find out if these people, their priests and pastors were telling them the truth. Other priests and pastors would just hide the truth from their followers. Unfortunately for these Christians, their faith in their priests and pastors was misplaced as they are starting to find out now. Is it any wonder why Christian priests or pastors are so worried about the truth coming out? Here is something for you to ponder upon. Why are the priests and pastors telling their "flocks" not to listen to what I say. Why are they trying to demonize me? It is because they are afraid that you will find these priests and pastors to be liars. They are afraid that you will find the truth should you look into the matter yourself. They are afraid that what I am telling you, you will realize that it is the truth. These priests and pastors are afraid that the truth will strip them of their apparel of deceit and cause them to stand naked in the sight of the world. Now you can understand their frantic rants and ravings about me being in league with the devil. All of their ranting and ravings have no effect, knowing that they are the one's whom GOD our Heavenly Father is against and condemns. Who are perverting the Will of our Heavenly Father. So those of you who are not from that perverted branch, fill up your heart with joy and be content that you have a chance to enter into Father's Heavenly Domain or at least have a reincarnation during your Spiritual journey by the Grace of your Heavenly Father. Those who follow the spiritual path of perversion will only encounter death. This battle of truth over falsehood that is presently going on will continue for the sake of truth. As I have already said, Christianity has perpetrated the greatest fraud upon humanity. What more can I say?


I have been hearing lately many Christians pondering who that 6-6-6 might be that they read in Revelations. This evening I had a look at Revelations and took a stab at seeing what I can make of it. I sat quietly and meditated on what this all meant. Soon my focus was directed to the name of Jesus Christ. The number 18 came into view that was associated with that name. That was all that I had received during that meditation session. What did the number 18 have to do with the name of Jesus Christ? So I sat there pondering on this question. I know that the numbers 6-6-6 were derived from the use of the ancient Chaldean method of numerology that was originally developed in Ancient Babylon (now Iraq), and combines the name of a person with the interpretation with astrology. This method of numerology is used in the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah which means knowledge that comes through the mind and soul rather than through a flesh and blood teacher. It had originated in Hebrew mysticism, and interprets only the meaning of a name. Just on a hunch, I added 1 + 8 = 9. The number 9 in numerology is considered holy and therefore is kept apart from other vibrations, when it results as the sum of an individual's name. So I see that the name Jesus Christ, is representing something to do with holiness. That would fit with the name of Jesus Christ. Being that he is looked upon as a god- man or GOD. So I looked further into that number 18 to see what other hidden things I could find out. There was nothing else that I could find into the meaning of the number 18 to fit anything to do with the name of Jesus Christ except the words of mystery and occult that represents Ancient Babylon. What else could that number 18 mean, I kept asking myself? Then all of a sudden I looked at the text of Revelations and focused on the numbers 6-6-6 and started to add these numbers up. Guess what? 6-6-6 add up to 18. The very same number of Jesus Christ. That really set my mind to thinking. Was this not the name that the Christian churches was able to deceived the whole world with? After all, who came up with that name of Jesus Christ? The very people that would eventually make up the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Coptic and other various Christian churches that were established at the time. These were the people within the paganized religion that had added and altered the text that is found in the writings of the New Testament. It was these early church fathers who had a great part to change the name of Yeshua into the name of Jesus Christ, that would reflect their dogma of their man made god-man that the pagan Christians had manufactured as their god. Later in time, the Protestant churches would also carry that perversion to the people of the world. The more I think about it, the more this puzzle seem to fit. I can also see where this man made mythological god-man Jesus Christ, along with the paganized Christian religion fit and relate to the coming world events as I have written in the Holy Testament about the Future of Humanity. I returned to my meditation and gave my thanks to my Heavenly Father for giving me the insight that He has revealed to me.


Here is something interesting. We read in the so called infallable Bible that Matthew had written (Matthew 27;9) "Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued..." Was it not Zechariah who made that prophecy in Zechariah 11:12? What is the matter with Matthew to make such an error? Hummmmm! I wonder how Christians can claim that all the text of the Bible was written by GOD?. So why the blunder? Was GOD also confused in what is written in the Bible? Ponder upon these things for a while. I will have more to say on these bit of inaccracy and errors at a later date.


When I look at the news, one can see how perplex Christians are in what is happening to them around the world. What do they expect when they pervert the very Will of GOD? Do these people not think that GOD is allowing all these things to happen to them because of what they are doing? How they continue to worship their man made god-man that they have created for themselves and think not that Almighty GOD will just let it pass by? Have these Christians not learned the lessons from the Old Testament? Surly they must know what happens to people who would pervert the things of GOD, don't they? Be not so surprise at what is happening to Christians. They have not even considered that it may be GOD,s Will that all the things of GOD is being taken away from them because of their perversion. Be not surprise that they are being cast away like filthy rags for what they are doing. I would advise these people to re-visit the web page, Future of Humanity and see what is in store for them. Something to ponder upon.

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