Things to ponder upon.

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It is sad when you think of it, of how many people who want a relationship with GOD, their Heavenly Father, are being deceived by those who continue to preach their perverted teachings of their man made creature god-man they claim is Je-Zeus Christ, whom they clain is the GOD of Heaven. They will continue to deceive people rather than admit that they are wrong. Have these people so little concern for the people they preach to? I truly feel sorry for those people who are caught in the trap of these deceivers. Who honestly think and believe that they are hearing the truth from those who pervert the truth. How many millions of these people have been caught up in the trap of those who pervert the truth, I can not say. Only your Heavenly Father knows the number of them. If by these web pages, only one person is freed from the trap of their perversion, then all of this effort will have been worth while. It is my hope that to this end I will have been successful. May that person thank Father, and our Beloved Brother Yeshua, that he/she has been set free to become a son or daughter of their Heavenly Father. Blessed are you who believe the words that I speak.


I have been asked many times why I have bothered to do what I do given the kind of verbal abuse I have received from people who belong to the religion of Christianity or from other religions? I will give you the answer to that question. I had seen a great exodus of people going out from the religion of Christianity and to a lesser degree from various other religions. I wanted to help them, so that people may retain their faith in GOD, their Heavenly Father. But shortly after I began my mission, came the verbal assaults from many of these Christian groups. But I continued to focused on those people who had left their church and religion and regarded them as being lost spirit/souls who have been jilted by those they had pinned their hope and faith in. The greatest of these lost spirit/souls people came from the religion of Christianity. Many of these people went to other religions to find the answers to the things they were seeking. But a great many people had given up on all religions of any kind. These people remain hurt and lost and have forsaken everything to do with GOD. My heart ached for these people for I know of their deep hurt that they are feeling. I have embraced many of these people and take their hand in mine and show them the way, to truth, to the light and to everlasting life. But the verbal abuse continued from those people of the Christian religion. By this time, I had stayed in one place long enough to get a computer and establish a web site. It was only then that I began to speak against those who would deceive people with their man made god-man phantom they call Je-Zeus Christ and claim to be the GOD of Heaven. This I have done. I had taken pity on those people who are caught up in this trap of deception by that Christian religion. I became angry when I saw what these priests and pastors were doing to people who are so trusting. The more I looked, the greater I found their sham to be everywhere, it had spread greatly among the people of many nations. That is the reason why I have come on the internet to open up the peoples eyes so that they may know that they are being deceived by the vast majority of their priests and pastors within the religion of Christianity that they find themselves in. This is the state I am presently focused on. Had I not cared about anybody but myself, I would have kept the knowledge of Father and my Beloved Brother Yeshua to myself. I need not have spent countless hours composing the Holy Testament and then give it freely to anyone who may want to receive it. I need not have to come out into the open to be attacked by a bunch of vipers from all sides. I did not have to come out and be branded as a heretic by these perverted churches. But I did come out and take this frontal attack and abuse because I do care what happens to people who are wandering in a lost state on their Spiritual journey. Those people who are quite comfortable and want to stay in the religion of Christianity even after they have been shown the deception, by all means, they are free to stay there. That is their free will and choice. I will not force anybody to accept the Holy Testament. Unlike what Christians, be they Catholic or Protestants had done to people in days gone by. These people who are perverting the truth will answer to GOD when they stand before Him at the Hall of Balance, the Hall of Judgment. I will speak what is true and try to reach those people who have given up on Christianity or any other religion for that matter. I will take the lost, the cast always and those that have been deeply hurt by people from the religion that they had left. Here, people will find a place where there will be no one to harass them. Here, people will find a place where there is no one who will force a person to do anything they do not want to do. Here, people will find a place where each person is personally responsible for their own Spiritual Journey in how they walk on it. I do not stand over our members and watch every move they make, nor would I need to. For Father is the one who watches over everything. I am here just to point out the way and be there for those people who ask of me for my guidance. My purpose is to give people a hope that they have lost, and the chance to save their soul/spirit from becoming forever lost. Those people who can still be saved, who have not spoken against the Holy Spirit. This is the reason why I have come out with the message that I possess. My battle is not of flesh and blood, but one of truth with those who deceive people. Compare what I teach and what is written in the Holy Testament to what Christianity teaches and see who makes greater sense. Who among us has a lot of contradictions within their text? Who is more believable, Christianity and their interpretation on the Bible or what is written in the Holy Testament and what I teach on these web pages? People have been getting away from the religion of Christianity for a very long time. Long before I ever came onto the scene. People have left, and continue to leave that religion, and others, because people were able to see the deception that is inherent within their theology. I had nothing to do with people leaving their religion. Their priests, pastors, rabbi or spiritual leaders are doing a good enough job in that department by the lies and deception that come from their lips. Had these people been truthful and honest to people, I would have no need to come upon the scene. Now that is something to ponder upon.


Some people seem to think that the Holy Testament is another gospel that is not of GOD, our Heavenly Father. This thinking shows the ignorance of these people who belong to the group of deceivers. The fact is, the Holy Testament is the extension and the completion of what people call the Holy Bible. The book known as the Old Testament is of the Father, the book that is known as the New Testament is of Yeshua and the book of the Holy Testament is of the Holy Spirit. Nothing complicated about that. The difference between the Old and New Testament from the Holy Testament is that those of the Old and New Testament writings had incorporated many heathenistic ideas and its text had been greatly tampered with by the hands of many people during the progression of time. Whereas the Holy Testament has not been defiled neither by man or time. Know that this is the book that your Heavenly Father spoke about when He said that His Words will be written in the hearts and minds of all who are His Sons and Daughters. Where there will be no need for priests or preachers to teach them. Those of the Elect will act as "Keepers of the Book" so that it will never be altered or defiled, once its text are corrected of spelling mistakes and reflects the true transmission of what I had received from Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua. So when you hear people speak against the Holy Testament, they are also speaking against the Holy Spirit. Therefore; When you hear such talk, know that these people have already condemned themselves to everlasting death. Thank your Heavenly Father and be glad that you have not fallen into their footsteps. Something to ponder upon.


Now I will continue to present questions for you to ponder upon. You have heard priests and pastors alike preach that this man made creature god-man Je-Zeus Christ, had defeated Satan when he was nailed upon the cross, died, and rose up from the grave, and then had received all of the power over Heaven, Earth and Hell. Meaning that this god-man, Je-Zeus Christ had taken the power over Satan. So I need to ask the question, how is it that this Satan can still run amuck and continue to destroy the things of GOD on Earth? Cause people to sin, make a mess of things here on Earth as these Christians claim? How is it that evil and sin still prevails upon the Earth even though their man made god-man creature Je-Zeus Christ had defeated evil and sin? Yet, you will continue to hear these Christians claim that Satan still has the power over the Earth to this very day. They will tell you that this Satan still causes people to sin. That this Satan still causes destruction upon the Earth. When was this Je-Zeus Christ supposed to have received all of the power of Heaven and Earth? Oh yes, he had taken the power over Satan around 27-30 AD. So what gives? Did this Je-Zeus Christ give back the power to Satan so he can continue his rampage upon the Earth just for the heck of it? Do you not find a contradiction to their whole belief system? Talk about being double minded. These people do not even know if they are coming or going. They are what our Heavenly Father call's... scatterbrains. Yet these same people will try to tell you that I am the one who is in error. These people who believed in the existence of this Satan must still be living in the dark ages, at least in their mind. I have crushed the head of this Satan and relegated it back to the realm of mythology where it belongs to those people who are with and part of the People of the Holy Testament, so that they are set free from ignorance and are no longer troubled by this heathen myth. As I have often said before, this Satan that Christians believe in, who exist in their mind through their belief system, comes from the realm of heathen, pagan mythology. I thought that Christians were supposed to stay away from those things?


This weekend, I had spent my time listening to various Christian broadcasts to see what was going on in that department. I was amazed on how much confusion there still is within the religion of Christianity. It is bad enough that churches within that religion can not even agree on their theology, let alone agree on interpreting passages or understanding of scriptures within the Bible. I had yet to find any two Christian denominations (churches) who can fully agree on the text within the New Testament, let alone the Old Testament or even the entire Bible. Yet each and every one of them claim that they understand fully the passages they read. I find it hard to understand how anybody can have any confidence in any of these churches given the state Christianity is in. What do that tell you? Now you can understand why Christianity is in such a mess and why people are just giving up and leaving these churches. Surly those people who are followers of that religion must think something is terribly amiss given that their is so much confusion within their belief system. You may find it hard to believe, but this state of affairs has been going on for the last two thousand years. You would think that during all of this length of time, they would have solved their problem that is causing their confusion. Yet they are no closer to finding unity in their understanding of their text, dogma or theology now as they had back then in 80 C.E. That is not much of a track record in my books for a religion that is supposed to have the knowledge of the way, the knowledge of truth, the knowledge of life and the knowledge of GOD, the Father. I would suggest that Christians get their act together before they try to tell others who are outside their religion that they are wrong in their understanding of GOD and what is His Will. Something to think about.


Most Christians have a skewed view of Yeshua. Most people think that Yeshua is always kind, gentle, soft spoken, a timid kind of guy. One would think that people can run right over him and he would not even squeak. Yet that is not what you read in the New Testament. Yeshua can get very abrasive and tough when he needs to be. He did not hold back when he gave a dressing down to the Pharisees, chief priests and scribes. He was not so meek and timid when he charged onto the Temple grounds and trashed the merchants there. He let people know in no uncertain way what he thought about his mother and those who were trying to be smart with him. Yeshua was a very normal kind of guy like you and me, except that he was sinless. I do not know what Bible some of these people are reading from, it is sure not like the one's that I have.


One of the greatest errors that people make is in the thinking or belief that GOD, has a name, or had revealed a name. This idea mostly come from reading the Old Testament where various expressions are given for GOD. These expressions were used, like Elohim, Yawah, only for the identification of GOD at a time where there were many gods among the people and nations during that era. So when Moses spoke to GOD and had asked GOD by what name can he (Moses) give to the people that he was to guide, in order that they would know that he was indeed sent by GOD and would believe Moses, GOD had indeed gave Moses the answer. When GOD had said "I AM that I AM", GOD was telling Moses that He had no name, for He was the one and only true GOD in existence and therefore needed no name. The people knew this and would know by that answer that Moses was indeed sent by GOD. Yeshua, knowing this, repeated those words, "I AM" in order that people would know that he was sent by GOD. That term..."I AM that I AM" or "I AM" is not a name, but is telling people that GOD, our Heavenly Father is the one and only GOD in existence, that there is no other GOD before HIM. But Christians, not knowing this fact, erroneously believed that those various terms that are used to express GOD, they believed were the names of GOD. I have spoken about this in the Holy Testament. How often I have heard Christians, be they Priests, Pastors or would be Prophets say that GOD speaks to them and claim to know the name of GOD, when GOD never had a name. The Hebrews and more likely so did the Jewish people knew that, it was for this reason that they had to give expressions in words that only represented GOD, our Heavenly Father. Therefore; Those Christians who were claiming to know the name of GOD were liars and fakers. I can reveal this now because there is a new expression formed in words that represents GOD, that only those of the People of the Holy Testament who are of the New Covenant know of it. Only those people who know that new expression is of GOD, our Heavenly Father. This will separate the true from the false. Those who are truly of GOD and those who are not.


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