Things to ponder upon.
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I would like to talk and have an in depth look on the topic of what the human body is and what it really means to us, and what is the connection to our Spiritual self, and to GOD, our Heavenly Father. The reason I want to touch upon this topic, is because I have noticed that today in our present society, there is so much focus given upon the human body. People focus so much on the physical aspect of it, I fear it is detracting from what is truly the more important essence of the human being, and that is the soul/spirit of a person. The first question one must ask is, what is the human body? When one gets past the exterior appearance of the body of a person, and breaks down the elements of the human body, one will quickly realizes that it is made up of flesh, liquid and bones that is shaped to what we recognize is the human form. The body is only a temporary substance, much like a container that contains and enables a soul/spirit to function, to interact with the physical material world it is placed in. Once this body dies, it has little value to the soul/spirit that had inhabit it. This is what Yeshua was telling people in his day and age. When Yeshua spoke about being in the image of GOD, he was mainly referring to the soul/spirit of a person, not so much as to the physical body. He was also referring to the soul/spirit, when he said, when you see me, you also see the Father who sent me. But do not get the wrong idea about the value of a body to a soul/spirit that make the human being. We need this body to function in this natural world. We also use this body to bring forth new life that will enable a soul/spirit to dwell in. But we must pay more attention to our soul/spirit than to this mortal physical body. Do that mean that we can abort a human body that is developing within a womb? After all, it is only a body, as some people might surmise. The answer is no. No, because when you abort a body that is already in progress of developing, you are also robbing a soul/spirit of its body and its chance to function, to interact with the physical, natural, material world as it develops and continues its progress on its Spiritual Journey. That in itself is a great sin to rob, to take away a body from another soul/spirit being. I have heard people make the claim that GOD had created the human body to perfection, and that any deviation from that perfection is caused by the original sin of humanity. What these people are saying in effect is that all people who have been born deformed, blind, deaf, or are homosexuals, or have lost any body functions was the cause of sin. That GOD had ceased to create perfect human beings because humanity had sinned against The Creator. That belief is a lot of rubbish. What these people fail to realize and take into account is that there has always been deviations in the forming of human beings. It is part and parcel of what you find in natural law, in the forming of all living things, be it a plant, animals or human beings. Not everything comes out as perfect as one wish it to be. The building blocks of DNA can have deviations during the time that something is being formed. At other times, these deviations are caused by the pollutants that humanity had created that are found in our atmosphere. At other times, these deviations are caused by the interaction of medical drugs that are introduced into our bodies. But whatever happens to these bodies during its early development and formation, the human soul/spirit takes possession of that body that it was assigned to, and learn to live with it and make the most out of the situation it finds itself in. How the soul/spirit deals with it will greatly effect and determine its Spiritual progress. I have even heard some people claim that it is an affront to GOD to try to fix or repair those body parts that are not functioning as they should. This is such a stupid statement that it do not even deserve any comment on it. I also understand that most people are afraid of death, or to even contemplate, let alone speak about their eventual physical death. Though I am sure that some people have valid reasons to fear death. But for most people, the reason for this fear is because they do not fully know or understand the process they will encounter upon their physical death. But what I do see is that people take such great pains and sweat to try to improve their figure and for health reasons in these work-out gym places and spend so little time working out on their soul/spirit. To take time out in quiet solitude for contemplation and delving into the things of GOD in order to enhance their understanding of where they are at, or are going, on their Spiritual Journey. When all is said and done, the human body we have will become old, die and decay in time as all material things that are here on Earth will do. It is the soul/spirit of a person that will leave the body when it no longer functions. By the way; The reference to the temple that is within you, it is the soul/spirit that Yeshua was referring to when he said... It is not what goes into a persons mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth. For what comes out of a persons mouth (speech) comes from the heart. Yeshua was not talking about the physical heart that pumps the blood through the veins of a body, but the heart that is the soul/spirit of a person. One can write a whole book upon the topic of the body and its soul/spirit that we possess. I have just touched upon this topic just enough that it may give you something worthwhile to ponder upon.
I was trying to imagine what it would be like if the Christian view of the kingdom of god became a reality. I could see a society where people would no longer steal, you would no longer hear foul language, there would be no wars, it would be such an idyllic world for the people of the world. But one thing I did notice in this Christian idyllic society I was imagining. I noticed the peoples eyes. The peoples eyes had a hint of fear in their haunting vacant eyes. I began to wounder why? Then I began to reflect upon those Protestant preachers viperous attitude. I began to imagine what a society would be like if it were run according to their preaching. Reflecting on this, I began to see a far different view than the idyllic one I had just imagined. It would make the New World Order seem tame compared to what one might expect under their Christian rule. You would no doubt have a strict surveillance on every people so they could catch your every move so that they may pounce on you for any indiscretion you may do according to their interpretation of the Bible. In time their society would reflect those of the great witch hunts that had ran rampant during the 13th -17th centuries AD. No doubt their society would reflect those of the Taliban that once ruled Afghanistan. They would have so many rules and strict regulations that you would be afraid to move, let alone enjoy yourself. Can you imagine a society where your every move is watched? Where there is no dancing, no T.V., no cinema, no Internet, no radio? No singing of folk or rock songs or any non-Jesus music least they be deemed Satanic? People would have to be careful how they laugh least these overseers should conclude that it is Satan that is laughing through you. If you think that our human rights have been limited now, I can well imagine what they would be like when these people have a chance to rule according to their theology. It would no doubt be based upon fear that they may find you are found to have a demon hidden somewhere inside you. Given a choice of the New World Order or a society under a Christian theology rule? Hummmmmmm. That is something to ponder upon.
Here are some more fallacies found in the New Testament portion of the Bible to ponder upon.
SCRIPTURAL ERRORS: In Matthew 2:23. it states, "...that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He [Yeshua] shall be called a Nazarene. We know that there is no mention by the Old Testament prophets that Yeshua would be called a Nazarene.
THE BIRTH OF YESHUA: In Romans 1:3. it states that "Concerning his Son Yeshua the Anointed, our lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh...." We know that Joseph did not plant his seed into Mary for the birth of Yeshua.
THE HOUR OF THE CRUCIFIXION: In Mark 15:25 it states..."And it was the third hour, and they crucified him." But in John 19:12-18 it clearly shows that he was not crucified until after the sixth hour. Someone got the time of the crucifixion wrong.
PROMISE WAS NOT FULFILLED: In Matthew 24:34, Mark 13:30 and Luke 21:32 it states...."Verily I [Yeshua] say unto you, This generation shall not pass away till all of these things, [Yeshua's return] will be fulfilled." All of the Apostles and the early followers of Yeshua had died waiting for his return. There are people still waiting for Yeshua's return after 2000 years. But in the case of Christians, they are waiting for their man made phantom god they had created and call Jesus Christ to return.
RESURRECTION: In Matthew 28:1-8 It says.... "His friends came to Yeshua's tomb, but the stone had already been rolled away and there was one angel sitting on the outside that gave the news to them before they go in. But in Luke 24:1-4 there are two men [Angels] who tell Yeshua's friends that he had risen. So why do Yeshua's friends go inside the tomb and are perplexed to find nobody there? Yeshua had told them that he would rise after three days and three nights, In Matthew you have only one Angel. In Luke, you have two angels that give the message. The other resurrection stories are different as well.
BEING A WITNESS: In John 5:31. it reads..."If I [Yeshua] bear witness of myself, my witness is not true." Yet in John 8:18 it reads... "I [Yeshua] am one that bear witness of myself..." According to these scriptures, Yeshua is contradicting himself.
THE FATHER OF JOSEPH: In Matthew 1:16. it says..."And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary...." But in Luke 3:23 it reads... "And Yeshua himself began to be about thirty years of age, being... the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli...". So who was the father of Joseph, Jacob or Heli?
WHO YESHUA SAID WAS GOD: I John 10: 33 The Jews answered him (Yeshua) saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. Even his fellow Jews made the error in thinking that because Yeshua called himself a son of GOD, and spoke of GOD as Father, that he was claiming to be GOD. Christians are making the same mistake. Yeshua answered them, Is it not written in your law... I said, Ye are gods?" John 10:34. According to this scripture, Yeshua must have thought that the Jewish law (i.e., in the Old Testament) reported that all Jews were gods.
YESHUA BEING THE PRINCE OF PEACE?: In Luke 12:51-2 it says..."Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I [Yeshua] tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three." In Matthew 10:34. it states... "Think not that I [Yeshua] have come to send peace on earth: I come not to send peace, but a sword."
IS THERE NOT A CONTRADICTION?: Yeshua says "...for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." Matthew 26:52. Then in Luke 22:36 Yeshua says"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS: In Luke 14:26 it reads... "If any man come unto me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." How many people would actually hate their father, or mother, or wife, or their sisters, and most of all their children to be a disciple of Yeshua? Do that not seem a bit harsh to want to hate these? We also read in Matthew 19:19 where it says... "Honour thy father and thy mother"...taken from the Ten Commandments. Yeshua had said that he did not come to change the Commandments, but to fulfill it. Is there not a contradiction in all of this? In Matthew 23:9, Yeshua says... "call no man your father upon earth...", Yet every Christian person calls their Dad, father.
MESSIANIC LEADERS: "All that ever came before me [Yeshua] are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them." Many messianic leaders had people follow them, before and after Yeshua had come and gone. (John 10:8)
A BAD TEACHING: " And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it into the fire." It is not your eye that might offend you, but your brains. The things you think about what you see. Would that mean to take your brains out and cast it into the fire?
How often I have heard Christian preachers say that GOD had written the Bible. If that is the case, then GOD, according to these Christians, must have been confused when writing the whole Bible due to the many errors and fallacies found within it. Concerning the New Testament, the truth of the matter is that Yeshua had not penned one word that was written in what is known as the New Testament. Those words and actions he was supposed to have said and done were written by others many, many years later. Had Yeshua written some text, there would not have been so many gross errors about his life, his sayings or understanding of his meanings. What we have here in the New Testament is words and sayings that were put into Yeshua's mouth by others. Do you not find it strange that these people can write conversations that had taken place, word for word, after a great span of time had elapsed when these were written down? Yeshua can not be held responsible for what others had written about him. It is for this reason that I have come to clear the air.
Comments that I have received from people reflect what this person says about the religion of Christianity. I would recommend any bible student to read it.
Christianity is a religion of ignorance, murder, sexual perversions, mass insanity and idiotic theology. These people even believe they are actually eating the body and drinking the blood of their phantom god, Jesus Christ during their mass that harkens back to the practice of cannibalism. They adhere to the theology of the need of a human sacrifice in order to absolve sin. Christians have found biblical scriptures telling them to burn people at the stake, to justify slavery, to oppress and persecute others, and to kill and commit war in the name of their god. Unfortunately, there are some even today who would have us return to those dark days. The Christian Jesus is a myth just like all of the other myths of saviours, demons and gods of old pagan mythology. Belief in Christianity and their man made god, this Jesus myth, has brought misery, suppression of thought and inquiry and a good dose of fear. Thank God that Christianity is beginning to disappear from our world. I hope it will be replaced by the People of the Holy Testament. Brad Rivard
I have received many comments like the one that Brad Rivard had written here. But I must say right here and now that the People of the Holy Testament will not replace Christianity in this world. But it will replace all religions in the New Earth that we will dwell in. I will explain this on the next page. Jean