Pope Benedict reaffirming claim on the primacy of Christianity.

July 11th. 2007; According to CTV news, the Roman Catholic church under the headship of Pope Benedict is once again battling among Protestant and other Christian denominations about who amoung the Christian churches has primacy on Christianity. That was clear enough when Pope Benedict reaffirmed that the Roman Catholic church holds the primacy on Christianity. Though that claim is debatable, given that the Eastern Greek Orthodox churches, according to known historical records, have as much right to that claim on Christianity as do the Roman Catholic church. Both of these churches can trace their bishops back to the original pagan gentile apostles who had twisted the things of GOD with their apostate, paganized religion with its man-made god, that fictitious sun god, they call Je-Zeus Christ, whom these Christians claim is their main god among a triune godhead. But as to the outrageous claim made by that wretched creature, Pope Benedict, that Catholicism provides the only true path to salvation, I have something to say about that matter. What is this so-called salvation that Catholicism is claiming to have? Certainly not the salvation of a person's soul/spirit, given the fact that Catholicism and Christianity represents a false, apostate, paganized religion with its phony god or collection of phony triune gods. That outrageous statement made by Pope Benedict, about Catholicism having the only true path to salvation, is a lie, it is nothing more than a false, outragious claim, which should be of no great surprise to anyone who is aware of the inexcusable, horrific history of the Roman Catholic church and of that perverted religion called Christianity. Pope Benedict reminds me of that creepy character named Gollum, with his facination with "Precious" (that magic gold Ring) as told in that fictitious tale, Lord of the Rings. Behind these Pope's, the man made institution of the Roman Catholic church represents that Dark Lord character called Sauron. Like Sauron, and its followers, it seek's to restore the power the Roman Catholic church once had. Pope Benedict sits on this dark throne, with his "Ring of Power" on his finger, wants the Roman Catholic church to rule over all of Christianity and eventually the whole world. With that One ring on his finger, Sauron, I mean Pope Benedict, hopes to bind all of humanity into the pit of darkness, just like in the "Lord of the Rings" story. But then again, in the real world, it is not a fictitious "magic" ring that give these Catholic popes and the Roman Catholic church the power to rule. It is people who are foolish or stupid enough to believe in and support that false, apostate, paganized religion called Christianity, who really give the power to these Popes and in turn, to the Roman Catholic church.

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