A False Preacher




Harold Camping

Preacher and Teacher

of the Perverted, Paganized religion of Christianity.

While I was busy focusing at that false prophet, Brother Stair, this little twirp, Harold Camping, according from the report that I have been given to me from my membership has been very busy trying to discridet me and the Holy Testament. Of course he has not the courage to come right out and name, names. He will do it in a sly manner as a snake that he is. Now I will focus on this viper and crush it's head into the ground! I have some sample's of what this guy has been saying while I was busy with Stair. Soon, I will have somthing to say about this man's teachings and show you his perverted teachings. Just because Camping got out of the "Church" business, do not mean he will escape the wrath of GOD while he continue's to spew out, (regurgiting) that perverted, paganized doctrine of christianity that he had learned during his growing up years! For GOD is fully aware of this man's scheming and sly nature.


I have heard Camping mention on his "Open Forum" that he is not too much of a student of history, I'm more a student of the Bible, he say's. Without having a very good understanding of general history, and the history in the times of the Bible, Camping has handicapped himself in his ability to fully see clearly and because of this, has limited his understanding of what he is reading in the Bible. I have found that there are far too many of these type's of so called "Preachers" who are likewise handicapped by at least 50% in their understanding of scripture. They have no right to be calling or acting as if they are a "Teacher" when they are at the same level in understanding the scripture as the lay-person they are teaching or preaching to. This would be like the blind, leading the blind. This fact alone should raise up a red flag to you about this man's ability to really "teach" you in understanding scripture. The best that Camping can do is just shair what his understanding of what he knows of scripture as would one lay-person to another. As we explore Camping's teaching's, you will get a better idea of what I mean. Before we get into examining Camping's teachings, we need to look at the way these people like Camping, Stair and others think. Camping has become aware through reading the scriptures that one needs to get out of the church's, and this, he has done, fine. But in doing that, we need to ask the question... What is the point of leaving those churches if you are going to take along the very perverted, paganized teachings that you were taught by these church's, along with you? Leaving the churches physically, while you carry out the baggage of their perverted, paganized teachings in your head makes very little sense, do you not think so? In essense, you are taking the "church's that you have physically left, (their teachings) along with you. The question remains, if you take the church teachings along with you, what's the point of leaving the "church" in the first place? It makes no sense at all, yet Camping, Stair and many other people have done just that. Then they "teach" that perverted, paganized teachings to other's. What is the strangest part in all of this, is that these people are not even aware of what they have done. They seem to think that by just leaving the physical church behind, all is well. Somthing to think about.... Soon when I have the time, we will examine some of Camping's teachings and belife's.


Had not Camping been so lazy to get into the history of early christianity, he would have known what went on during that whole timeframe. Camping would have known that the letters that were written such as Colossians, Ephesians, 2 Thessalonians, the three Pastorals (1 & 2 Timothy & Titus)were written by others under the pen name of Paul's at a much later time when Paul had lived. Other New Testament epistles; such as James, Hebrews, Jude, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John; including the book now known as Revelation, were written by other's using the pen names of the original Apostals. Let us now look at the non-canonical writings of 1 Clement, the Didache (later called The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles), the letters of Ignatius, and the Epistle of Barnabas. The dates of many of these documents (all originally written in Greek) are difficult to fix because they could have written much later in time than what the timeframe it is written about. These text may very well have been written at a much later date with the appropiate historical fact and setting of the timeframe it was written about. Somthing like a writer can write about a story with a historical setting of the time, say one hundred and fifty years ago and make it seem to the reader who would pick up the text many years later, think that they are reading a text the writer had lived in that time setting. Let us look at the letters that Ignatius wrote. Several times in his letters, Ignatius had stresses his belief in Jesus as the son of Mary, as a man who had lived at the time of Herod, who had suffered and died under Pontius Pilate. Now every Christian would agree that these as essential elements of the story found in the Gospel, along with the portrayal of Jesus as an ethical teacher, as a worker of miracles, as an apocalyptic preacher of the coming Kingdom of God. And yet, when we delve into the first century epistles,(writings) we encounter a huge puzzle. Before we hear of Ignatius, not a single reference was made to Pontius Pilate, Jesus' executioner, is to be found in older text. Ignatius is also the first to mention Mary; Joseph, Jesus' father. Do you not find it strange that nowhere do it appear in any of the early writings. The earliest reference to Jesus as any kind of a teacher comes in 1 Clement, just before Ignatius, who himself seems curiously unaware of any of Jesus' teachings. To find the first indication of Jesus as a miracle worker, we must move beyond Ignatius to the Epistle of Barnabas. Other notable elements of the Gospel story are equally hard to find. This strange silence by the "early church father's" about the "Jesus" we find in the gospels, is absent, which pervades almost a century of Christian correspondence. Do that alone cry out for an explanation? It cannot be dismissed as some sort of inconsequential quirk, or by the blithe observation made by New Testament scholarship that early Christian writers "show no interest" in the earthly life of the true Yeshua (Jesus). This alone shows us that something is wrong here. We know that Christianity was born out of Judaism, who's basic theological tenet was, There is only one GOD. The ultimate blasphemy for a Jew would have been to associate any human man as being GOD. The original Apostles regarded the true Yeshua (Jesus) who was crucified as a criminal, as a son of GOD, not GOD himself! It was only later in time that the paganized Christians gave their "new" Jesus Christ, titles and roles formerly reserved for GOD alone. This began the man-made, God-man of another Jesus, of another Gospel that the original Apostles had warned about comming from the paganized christians that perverted the original teachings and understanding of the original Apostles. Nowhere does anyone state that this man-God, and Saviour, this "Jesus Christ" the "church father's" all talking about, was the man Yershua (Jesus) of Nazareth, who was recently put to death in Judea. Nowhere is there any defence of this outlandish, blasphemous proposition. The first necessary element (presumably) in the paganized Christianity message, that a recent man by the name of Yeshua (Jesus) was God. Such a defence from non christians would have been required even for the Gentile listeners. The Greeks and Romans had their own religious philosophies, which included the idea of a divine Son, of an intermediary between GOD and the world, but such spiritual concepts had never been equated with a human being, untill an Emperor of Rome declaired himself to be GOD. By contrast, look at the Acts of the Apostles, written well into the second century. In chapter 2, Peter it is speaking to the Jews like this... "Men of Israel, hear my words, Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God..." And he goes on to preach about this Jesus, whom "God has made both Lord and Christ." These text no where inplied that Yeshua (Jesus) was God. But that is not what the Roman Catholic teaches to their people. In year's, some of the Roman Catholic's seperated from that church and became an offshoot branch of the Roman Catholic Church and became known as the protester's, The Protestant's, with the same paganized, perverted form of christianity they belive is the true interpretation of the original teachings and understanding of who Yeshua (Jesus) really was and what he had instruched his Apostles to do. Yet this Camnping fellow thinks that he knows far better than I in how the "Bible" is supposed to be understood! Give me a break, will you? This Camping is as ignorant as the rest of his "Protestant Christian's" when it come to knowing the Scriptures. Next time Camping thinks he is a Know-it-all and say's somthing about that person (meaning me) who has another Gospel, know that the Gospel Camping, and those other protestant preacher's preach is the one that came originaly from the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church will tell you that, you do not have to take just my word on it. So much for Camping's athoritive preaching! That "other" Gospel and "other" Jesus that the original Apostles warned about had become the perverted, paganized religion that had continued from the second century AD, to the present day that is known as "Christianity". So if you hear Camping goin on, and on, with watching out for some guy's (meaning me), who has another Gospel, or preach another Jesus, remind him for me that when that warning was being made and written, that "other" Gospel, and "other" Jesus had already begun being taught and written during the timeframe of 50-80 AD. Camping is now repeating that warning after the fact! That is like closing the barn door after all of the hourses had run out of the barn. Remind Camping that this is now 2002 AD. Thanks. I will continue examining some of Camping's teachings and interpretations later when I have the time. Oh; Before I go, check out Camping's belife that when reading the book of Revelations, it means, according to Camping and many other lame brain Protestant's, that anything added or taken away from this book... ect, ect, means the whole "Bible" when at the time the book of Revelations was written, the "Bible" had not existed then! I explain all of this on our pages in Falacy of Christianity, Check it out. By now.


Had Camping bothered to check out the historical background about this "Satan" that is found in the Old and New Testament's, that he ignorantly preache's to all of his "Bible student's" on his radio program, he would have known where and how this figure of "Satan" actually came from. He would have also realized that "Satan" or the "Devil" came from the imagination of a pagan mistic (priest) from the Persian Zoroastrianism, 6 BC. and further back to the Persian pagan Aryan folk-religion, 600 BC. We can even go way, way, back to the ancient times of the Sumerians 3300 BC. to see where the original stories came from that would evolve to the "Satan" figure in Christianity. Knowing the true fact's about how all this came about, you will quickly realize and know that these yo-yo's, these Christian "Preacher's" know no more then the people they are teaching. What about how "Satan" or the "Devil" or the fallen Angels who had sex with humans that is written in the bible stories are not some mysterious dark secret that is hidden away. You can get information about this "Satan the Devil" at our Archive web page. Better yet, after you have checked that out for yourself, you can get more information on this subjest at any public libary or even on the Internet. Look for books that deal with the subject of "Satan" or "Devil" or "Pagan Mythological Belife's". You will then be able to tell these yo-yo's, these stupid preacher's where they can go! It really get's me mad when I hear these idiot's, these ignorant preacher's keep giving out false ideas and information to people, when the truth is so easy to obtain. I am very aware that not only Camping, but many of these christian preacher's have accessed and read through our web pages but choose to ignore these fact's, as do the vast majority of Christians. They choose not to want to know about the evoloution of how the mythical figure of "Satan" came to be into their religion, or in the "Bible" that they like to claim is so infallable. I have not even touched upon any of Herold Campings teaching's, and yet, you are already being made aware of just how ignorant Camping and the rest of these "Christian" preacher's really are. Now I will show you how Camping chooses verses to uphold his teaching. When talking about keeping the seventh day Sabbath, Camping will quickly point out that the secondary and ceremonial laws were done away with at the shedding of Je-Zeus Christ blood in order to appease GOD, whom Camping claims is Je-Zeus Christ. That the new Sabbath became Sunday. When talking about homosexuals, Camping will point to the secondary laws to condemn homosexuality, even though those laws, along with the ceremonial laws were done away with. So what were those secondary laws? Those were the laws that were added after the original Ten Commandments were handed down to Moses. These laws along with the ceremonial laws made up the 613 odd commandments that were added long after the Ten Commandments were given to Moses by GOD. If you were to read the Ten Commandments, you will not find anything there about homosexuality. Those 613 or plus laws were added by Hebrew scribes long after Moses death. Moses had nothing to do with those added secondary or ceremonial laws. Camping also claims that the seventh day Sabbath was part of the ceremonial laws. Well of course the Sabbath day would have been mentioned when speaking about the other Sabbaths that were later to be established. But the seventh day Sabbath law was never done away with because it was established during the days of creation and also written in stone on the original Ten Commandments. Yet how often I hear Camping and other preacher's talking about people picking and choosing cretin verses when it suites them, when they do that themselves. What Hypocrites! And Harold Camping tries to portray himself as a true preacher of GOD. Really! Sometime soon, I will have to examine other of Camping's false interpretations and teaching's. I'll try to do that, the next time I have some time to get back to you, the reader.


A person had asked Camping this question... "Was the book of Revelation written when the Bible was complete as we know it today"? Here is what Camping said... We know that the book of Revelation is the last book of the Bible, and the last chapter of the Bible would be Chapter 22. It was the last written Word of God. If anything else was written after that, whatever the nature of it may have been, no matter how holy it would have appeared to be, it would have to immediately be discounted as the Word of God because it would be in violation of Revelation 22. There are theologians who speculate (and I underscore the word speculate) that maybe the Gospel of John was written after Revelation. Well, that's sheer nonsense. That cannot be. That is speculation that is based on no regard at all for the authority of the Word of God. There's no way that any of the books of the Bible could have been written after the book of Revelation was written. Had they been, they would never have appeared in the Bible. We can see by Camping's statement that he has little knowlage of how or when the Bible was put together. And he has the gull to say that theologians only speculate? They do more than speculate, they get to the truth of the matter. I suppose that Camping can tell a thing or two about the history of the Bible, or about the text that was written in their Christian bible to these theologians. I would like to be around and see Camping butt heads with these theologians. It may be a rude awakening for Camping to find out how little he really knows about a book that he is preaching from. I have heard Camping say to someone on his radio program that the "Bible" was in it's compleat form, as it is today, during the first century AD. It make's me wounder how stupid can a person be when they wrap their whole life reading a book that they have so little knowlage about.

Another person called in his Open Forum radio program and had asked Camping... I've heard that Jesus is God, but why do they call... Jesus the Son of God, if He is God? I can't understand that. Camping answers the person with this... Right now, with that question, we stand at the feet of Eternal God. And we cannot understand God. We have no way of comprehending all that God is. He is an infinite Being. We read what the Bible says and accept it by faith, and realize that our finite minds are incapable of comprehending God. While Jesus is repeatedly spoken of as the Son of God, on the other hand the Bible indicates that Jesus is every sense Eternal God: "In Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." And so we simply accept all of this because the Bible says so. This is an extreme and serious situation, where we must walk by faith and not because we know something. For a person who spends almost his entire life reading and teaching the Bible, Camping has not a clue who GOD really is according to the answer that he gave to that person. This is the standard cop-out that most of these "Preacher's" use when somebody ask's them these type's of question's. These Preacher's teach about a GOD they have little knowlage about, is what Camping is telling that caller.

The other day, a caller asked Camping... I heard a liberal pastor talk, and he said that Jesus was not God because He prayed in the Garden, "Not my will but thine be done," which showed that He was separate from God, and that when He prayed in John 17, "that they may be one as we are one," which showed that they were separate. And he said when they asked Jesus why He came, He said He came that they might have life and have it more abundantly, so that He was more concerned about teaching for this life rather than eternal life. And I wonder if you could give me some scriptures where Jesus himself said that he was God, and why He came. Camping replies... The fact is, of course, that God very clearly indicates that Jesus was not God the Father. Jesus was the Son of God. Christ repeatedly spoke of himself as the son of God, as well as the son of Man. And yet from everything we read in the Bible we know that He was God in every sense. As you can see, Camping would rather belive what the Roman Catholic Church had intended a person to belive when they "altered the text in the copies they had by adding words or text" to those documents in order to perpetuate that "Other Gospel", that other "Jesus" that the original Apostals had warned about these gentile, pagan people were already preaching during the time the original Apostles were preaching the true "Gospel" of Yeshua the Anointed. If Camping belives in that lie that he gave to that person as an answer, he might as well join the Roman Catholic Church. After all, he is upholding their perverted dogma.

A caller on Open Forum had asked Camping why there were contradictions in some passages in the Bible where both passages deals with the same story? What was Camping's answer to that? Well according to Camping, GOD had diliberately had those contradictions put into the Bible so that it would give an excuse for someone not to belive the Bible. Being that in Camping's understanding, it had to be a diliberate act on GOD for there can be no error in the Bible. Had Camping been honest, he would have told the person who had asked the question, that one of the writers who wrote that story or text that contradict the other had simply made an error, a simple mistake. But could Camping be honest enough to say that? Oh, no! He would rather give the person some cock & bull story that amounts to an untruth, which then becomes a lie. Two of the bigist blunders that Camping makes with his collections of missinterpterating the Scriptures is his adhearence to the Sunday, day of worship that the paganized christianity has replaced original Sabbath Day that is on the seventh day. The other is his perverted, warped idea that you no longer need to observe Passover. He claims that his paganized "Je-Zeus Christ" had done away with it, as with the seventh day Sabbath. Both of these were a perpetual command of observence by GOD. It seems that Camping do not know what the word "perpetual" means. Let me remind him that perpetual means... Continuing without end, it means permanent, it also means everlasting. Get it? Maby Camping's paganized "Je-Zeus Christ" might have changed the perpetual ordinance of GOD, but I know that Yeshua would never have gone against what Father had laid down. So you can now see why Camping is preaching what he is preaching. He is preaching that other Gospel, that other Je-Zeus that the perverted, paganized christians renamed as their man-made perverted, paganized god/gods that the original Apostles of Yeshua had warned about. Know where Camping is comming from. He is a Baal worshiper.

I hope by now you are realizing how ignorant Camping is when it come's to knowing and understand a book that he read's daily. This also proves that as people get older, it do not mean that they have gained wisdom. It only means that they have remained ignorant longer than other's. I think that I have made my point by now, as to the truth about these "Preacher's" and that false "Prophet" Stair, to give you a handle as to their trust worthyness of their teachings. I only hope that I may have helped you, the reader, to have opened up your eyes and understanding so that you may avoid the pitfall that these "Preachers" and false "Prophet's" had fallen into. May your Spiritual journey be free of obstacle's. Brother Jean

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