Benny Hinn; Is he a Faith Healer or Con
Artist? This is what most people ask themselves. You will hear most Protestant
T.V. Evangelical Preachers say they don't favour any particular denominations,
but when it comes to get people to join their group, they will do everything
they can to persuade people that they are the only one's who have the truth, the
only true church, that represent their fictitious Je-Zeus Christ. But is Benny
Hinn any different than from all the other Protestant T.V. Evangelical Preachers
you see on your T.V. screen? In my personal opinion, from what I have seen and
read about Benny Hinn, No, not really, Benny is just more sharp and slick than
most of his fellow Christians, to stay out of trouble. He stands quite
alone from all of the other Christian faith healing ministries. A real sharp
Willy, Benny is! The major thing about Benny Hinn, in my view, which he shares
in common with all of his fellow preachers that are about this kind of business,
he preaches the same heathenistic, perverted message about his phony "Je-Zeus
Christ", whom is his personal deity, called god, father, or anything that comes across
his clever mind. Regardless what Benny preaches, it is still the same heathenistic,
perverted brand of Christianity that he preaches, no matter how you dress it up.
Another thing that is common with his fellow preachers is that his eyes light up
brightly when those 10s, 20s, 50s, 100s, and 1000 dollar bills and checks start rolling
into his bank account. But what else do we know about Benny? Benny claims to be born
in Israel. Though he also claims to be Greek, a Palestian Arab and some other nationality.
Only GOD, his parents and Benny know the real truth where Benny was actually born. (Maybe
even our own Canadian Government might know the truth about Benny.) We know that Benny had
immigrated into Canada and went to school in Toronto, Ont. Canada. We also know that Benny
had no formal theological training. He apparently learned his Christian "faith healer"
trade from Kathryn Kuhlman. He first started his ministry in Toronto, later he
branched into the very lucrative television market in the U.S.A. and has now
branched out throughout the world with his faith "healing" show. Benny Hinn and
his kind prey on the most vulnerable and desperate of people in our society.
People that medical aid or science can no longer help them. They will go to
anyone who may give these people a glimmer of hope to be healed. Not knowing
that their Heavenly Father had already provided the potentional to heal
themselves through herbs and the power of mind over matter if only they had the knowledge
and Faith to believe it is possible to heal oneself. Yeshua had hinted on that
when he said, If you had Faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move a
mountain. But Benny will not tell that to anyone, because you will not need him
to have a healing, that would put him out of his phony healing business. The CBC had a
program on Benny Hinn, called Witness, a while back in the late 1970's. During
that interview, Benny gave five addresses to the interviewer in order to back up
his claim that these people had indeed been healed because of his ministry. The
interviewer followed up on these five addresses given to him and reported in the
follow up program the results of his findings. A woman with lung cancer, whom
she believed she was healed through Benny, who had made the claim that she was
healed and paraded her around the stage, had died later because of her lung
cancer. Another one of Benny's supposed miracle headings at his gathering show
was a man who had hurt himself in an industrial accident, had limited painful
mobility of his legs. Benny made the claim that he was healed, but the
interviewer was told that he was worst off now, then before he went to Benny's
healing service. So much for having these miracle headings verified! Another
healing that Benny claimed to have been made during his healing services was the
most despicable, tragic story of the Prakashs family. This family had converted
from Hindu to Christianity for the sole purpose of getting GOD, with the help of
Benny, to heal their dying son from a brain tumor. Only because of the producer
from the C.B.C. show (Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) in Canada, called WITNESS,
Benny agreed to bring the wheel chaired boy up upon the stage to be prayed for
the boy's healing. After a great performance, Benny told the parents to expect a
miracle. After the show, Mr. Prakashs, the boys father, stated that he felt GOD
spoke to him during the service, and that he was going to send Benny $2000
dollars for his help. Seven weeks later the boy was dead. Benny is a very smart
guy who knows how to stay within the Law of the land. He will make sure that he
do not claim that he had done the healing, least someone will later sue him or
claim Benny as a fraud and have the fraud squad after him. No, Benny is smart and knows all
of man's laws that will keep him out of prison. Is Benny Hinn, a Faith Healer or
Con man? You will have to make your own judgment to that question. Benny may
be rolling in the good life here on earth, giving himself a large salary through
his ministry. He will continue to travel around in his own private jet. (He
needs this privet jet in order to get some rest while travelling so that he can
do the Lord's work. His god, Je-Zeus Christ) He dresses in all white, white suite,
white socks and white shoe's so that he may look all the more Saintly. His chest is laden with
fine gold chins with religious medels hanging around this neck. His fingers are adorned with
real diamond rings. Those gold necklaces and diamond rings, along with his jets,
fine home, are all paid for by the generosity of those people who are gullible to believe in
Benny. All this and it is tax free money because it is a non-profit ministry, or so they claim.
Now with Benny Hinn's popular multitudes around the world who are being
impacted? Or being used, by Benny Hinn's Miracle Conventions. From the first
song by the choir to the final "Amen" that ends in prayer, each convention
service is a time to worship his god, "Je-Zeus Christ" and to witness the
demonstration of his miraculous saving and healing power, say's Benny. Let us
not forget Benny's daily half-hour television program, "This Is Your Day", that
is seen across the United States, Canada, and around the world in more than 190
nations. That is a lot of people to preform to and bring in those dollar bills
to the bank. There is only one problem with this whole senerio. Benny forgets
that he is getting much older, and one day, he will still have to deal with the
Judgement of GOD. The very Laws of GOD that he willfully broke while he is
having such a fun time here on earth. No; While Benny may fool his fellow human
beings, he certainly will not fool the true GOD. I just pity the people who are
sucked in by this deceiver.
Update Note; The Fifth Estate had made an in-depth study of Benny Himm and
had aired their findings on Wednesday evening on CBC Nov. 3rd./2004 titled; "Do
you believe in miracles?". The Fifth Estate in-depth study revealed that Benny
Himm is still deceiving people. There are thousands of these type of Christian
ministries and preachers who take advantage of people who are weak and
desperate. But what can one expect, given that these people belong to a
fraudulent religion that the majority of these type of shysters all belong to.
This is the reason why I have gone out of my way to expose this perverted,
heathen religion of Christianity who defraud the masses of people. I thank the
Fifth Estate and CBC for bringing out the truth to the general public about
these fraudulent people. I can only hope that more people in the media will have
the courage to warn and educate the public by exposing these fraudulent
shysters, these pretenders of representing GOD, with their false god that are
deceiving people throughout the world. My own personal experience during my
study of Christianity and their priests and preachers is one of great
disappointment. To having found out that the vast majority of these people do
not hesitate to lie when upholding or defending their perverted, heathenistic
religion. This lack of honesty in them tells me a great deal about these people
and their religion. I should not be totally surprised by this for after all,
their foundation is based upon a lie, and their religion, with their man-made phony
god is a counterfeit to the true person of Yeshua, who is our Beloved Brother, a
true son of GOD.
This Christian organization is viewed in Canada and elsewhere around the
world. These people believe in the satanic cult of demonism. In that they fully
believe in the existence of Satan, the devil and all of the demonic forces that
go along with that belief system. This Christian religious sect also believe in
the paganized, perverted, fictitious man made god, Jesus Christ. They also
believe in the "three-in-one" doctrine of the Godhead, that they view their god
as being... god the father, god the son, and god the holy spirit, all rolled
into a single Entity, a single Spirit (body). Simply put, the three attribute's
of the one GOD, (As found in Hinduism) that was first adopted by the Roman
Catholic Church. These people have a corrupt understanding of the things of GOD,
and of His Heavenly Domain, yet they claim that people are being healed by their
fake god.