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Welcome to our Question and Answer page. Here are questions that members have asked Brother Jean. This will also be our way to keep all the members informed and in touch with one another. So send your questions that you may have, it may answer questions other members may have. Don't forget to use our member e-mail address. Remember that from now on, we are now under secure mode. We know by experience now how non-members try to invade our privacy. We will continue to answer questions concerning Religious and Life matters in the same manner as to keep our members privacy intact. Please do not hesitate to use this form to get answers to questions that you may have. So check this site often. We are here for you.


Dear Brother Jean; I have come across some people that try to tell me that I need an intermediary between me and GOD, namely Jesus Christ or Mary, the "Mother of GOD". Despite what people say, I still believe that I do not need an intermediary between me and GOD. Also, I am hearing a lot of different views on the coming Kingdom of GOD. I just received another view from a friend I'll call Fred. How can I tell who is right? Sho.

Dear Sho; You are quite right when you say that you do not need any intermediary between you and GOD. You can come to GOD on your own accord. What Yeshua tried to show his people during his time on earth was that they can have a personal, loving relationship with GOD as a loving Father. That is why Yeshua always referred to GOD as his Father. Something that got him into deep trouble with the religious establishment of his time. Sho; There are many views that surround this very topic.

1st common view; Most (Christians) believe that all they have to do is believe in their fake GOD, and then just sit on their duff and wait until their Jesus comes back to establish the Kingdom of GOD.

2nd common view; That Elijah will come back and restore the redemption of the people of Israel with GOD, get the Temple built without having to have blood sacrifices, and establish the Kingdom of GOD. Once that is done, Yeshua will come back to sit on his throne.

3rd common view; The Jewish people are waiting for Elijah to come back. He will redeem the nation of Israel back to GOD, get the Temple built and offer up blood sacrifices as in the days of old. The Kingdom of GOD will then spread throughout the world.

The way that it has been revealed to me, and I believe it to be the right one; When the Jewish people will come to recognize Yeshua as one of their own, Understand his teachings and through this, establish a personal, loving relationship with their GOD. To look upon GOD, as their Heavenly Father, that will set in their heart the desire to do His Will and become the redeemed people who will establish His Kingdom upon this earth. This will be the redemption of the Jewish people. That the Most Holy Temple will be built without any need for blood sacrifices, so that all the nations of the world will seek to go up to the mountain of GOD to learn of the teachings. Israel will then become a Holy Land with Jerusalem as her eternal Capital. But it will not come easily, for there will be much tribulations to overcome, nations will seek to destroy Israel and the city of Jerusalem. But if people put their full trust in GOD, He will see them through it all and they shall become the Light onto All of the nations of the world. On the other hand, If humanity rejects the Will of our Heavenly Father, they can kiss this world good-by.

Then there are those views that are in between all of these views mentioned.

Sho; I can not presume to tell you how to handel what is deep within your heart, but the way I would handle Fred's letter is to tell him that he has an interesting view on the subject and that only time will tell how everything will work itself out. Hope this is a bit of help. Your Friend, Brother Jean


Why the Holy Testament book?

Dear Brother Jean; Can you tell me why you wrote the Holy Testament? Lic.

Dear Luc; The reason the Holy Testament came into existence was because Father saw that there was a great need for it. Because of the many mis-interpretations of His meanings and intentions by the various religions that had come to exist that emerged from the various cultures of humanity, it has brought about much confusion of what is His Will. The Holy Testament was to make sense out of what made no sense in their understanding in order to put an end to humanities confusion. It was to this end that the Holy Testament was written. Unfortunately, the people of these various religions took the insights contained within the Holy Testament and retained much of their old traditional doctrines it was meant to replace. It is not easy for them to change their teachings for fear of being proven wrong or being viewed of having a lack of understanding of what is the Will of our Heavenly Father. Their Pride and ego get in the way to accept new understanding. I hope that I have answered your letter Luc. Brother Jean


One of the most type of e-mails I have received from contentious Catholics and Protestants is the topic that deal with the statement found in the New Testament of Yeshua saying to Peter... " Blessed are you Simon, Ben Jonah.. No man has revealed this to you, but my Heavenly Father. I declare to you... you are the rock, and upon this rock I will build my (church )". Most of the e-mails I received from these people I can plainly see that they had not bothered to read the Holy Testament. Had they, they would have found the answer to this issue that they constantly bring up. I explain in the book how much the words was changed, added, or that the text had even been altered to line up with the "church" perverted teachings. I had explained in the Holy Testament that one must always remember why the New Covenant that Yeshua had made was never transferred over to the pagan Christians. First, the church had re-worked the word "congregation" into the word "CHURCH" in where Yeshua was supposed to have said "upon this rock I will build my church". We know that Yeshua would never have used the word "church". That word came into use or existence much later in history. Yeshua's original saying when he asked his deciples... " Who do you say that I am? ", and When Peter said to Yeshua" You are the Anointed, a son of the living GOD..." Yeshua answered.. " Blessed are you Simon, Ben Jonah.. No man has reveal this to you, but my Heavenly Father. I declare to you... you are the rock (foundation of the Faith), and upon this rock I will build my congregation." What Yeshua was saying to Peter was that... upon Peter's faith will the congregation or movement be based upon the teachings of Yeshua, which he had started, will be carried out into the world. That he (Peter) will build a new Israel according to Yeshua's teachings, according to the New Covenant that will represent Father's Kingdom upon this earth. Remember, there was no such word as "church" in those days. Yeshua would have said or used the words... synagogue or Temple if the word would have been translated as church in later times. In the time that Yeshua had lived, one must always remember that there were only synagogues and Temple's in existence. That word "church" one can plainly see was added during the re-translation at a much later time frame when the word churches came into use. That word "church" was inserted to give a whole new different meaning to what was Yeshua original message. The "Church" had substituted or altered the text in order to give the Roman Catholic its foundation, its excuse for its existence. This happened at a time when these new pagan Christians created their own, new GOD, in the form of Yeshua, and began to teach that this new GOD Jesus Christ was or is GOD, and people should worship him instead of the Heavenly Father. It was during that time in history when these Christians were no longer became a part of the original group of Yeshua's deciples. They had severed that bond, and in doing so, they had separated themselves off from the original teachings and Covenant of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. This is the reason I say that no Christian churches or those within Christianity can now claim that the New Covenant had been handed down to them. Never forget this. These Christians are just as dammed as those who would go against the Will of our Heavenly Father. Brother Jean ______________________________________________________________________________

Dear Brother Jean; Now that the gathering of the Elects is over, how are we to deal with those Christians who believe in their perverted teachings of Jesus Christ who they claim is their GOD, and who are outside the Covenant? Sister Liz.

Bearly Beloved Sister Liz. The best way I can answer you is to just smile and listen to what they say, and then just tell them that their belief is very interesting and let it go in this manner. Do not get into an argument or exchange views or let them know where they are wrong. After all, your Heavenly Father have given these people over to a strong delusion. You would only be casting your gems of pearls to swines, so to speak. Always treat them with kindness, when you can. But do not let them walk all over you. Relax and take all things in stride and do not let their stupid, ignorant remarks bother you. You know that you are in good hands within our Heavenly Father, so do not bother to explain things to these Christians. Instead, speak to those people who have left that perverted religion and tell them what you know. Don't forget to keep your diary updated. It will become part of our history and lessons for the future generations. I hope that I have answered your question, Liz. Brother Jean


Dear Brother Jean; I've been monitoring the short wave bands and T.V. stations on these Christian groups for some time now. I noticed that there are a few preachers preaching more in line towards your teachings while they are maintaining their traditional man-made GOD theology. Will they have a chance to save themselves if they continue to teach the truths that they got from you? Brother Zak

Dearly Beloved Brother Zak; The answer to your question is no. What these people are doing is taking what insights they can get from here and then use these into their perverted religion. These people are not being honest. I know that Father has stopped His Ears to their cries and prayers and so has our Beloved Brother Yeshua, for he knows them not. All of these Christian preachers as far as I am aware, are now locked in, so to speak, to their soul/spirit destiny of death for having spoken against me. When they had spoken against me, they have also spoken against the Holy Spirit. They can preach the truths they got from our web pages or from the Holy Testament until they are blue in the face, but it will not change their standing. These insights they get from us will not change their present circumstance. Remember how they have acted in the past, they are using these truths that they get from us for their own selfish ends. You should be well aware of that fact by now. They will continue to deceive others as they have deceived people in the past. Just forget them and let them carry on in their deception to their own kind. I hope that answers your question, Brother Zak. Continue in your own walk and do not worry about what will happen to them. Remember; All that is going to happen is the Will of our Heavenly Father. It is not for us to go against His Will. Brother Jean


Dear Brother Jean; I have noticed that Christian preachers are now claiming to be the injured party since you established this web site to counter their verbal attacks on you. Was it not them that had attacked you from the very beginning of your ministry, as I recall? I can remember when you first came on the Internet to challenge their attacks on you. Now they are giving people the impression that you were the one who had attacked them from the very start. What a bunch of deceivers and hypocrites they are. Rob

Dear Rob; You have been with me during the very first year when I started this ministry and you of all people are well aware of the verbal attacks that these "Christian" preachers had laid upon me. Now that I am able to defend myself, they are now crying over spilt-milk, so to speak. These bunch of vipers have been snapping at my heels right from the start. Now that I am stamping on their toes, all of the sudden, they are crying foul. You see, Rob, these "Christian" preachers had not anticipated that I knew how to use a computer and get on the Internet and create these web pages to counter their verbal attacks on me. Now that I have established this web site, I am able to show people in their congregations and the the general public how stupid or ignorant these preachers really are about GOD and His Word. They do not like it when I correct them of their errors. Well, isn't it just too bad. I can tell you this Rob, I do not enjoy having to do this. It was not of my own choosing, but if these preachers insist on attacking me, it will only give me the determination and cause to expose and show people what a bunch of deceivers and hypocrites these Christian preachers really are while I crush their viperous heads and put an end to this little matter once and for all. They are only getting what they fully deserve. Brother Jean


Brother Jean; I've also have been listening to some Christian broadcasts on my short wave radio. What do you know about a Harold Camping, who is the owner and manager of "Open Forum"? I feel that this person is just as ignorant about who GOD is, as most Christians preachers I have listen to who preach about their man-made god. What do you know of this person? Jake

Dear Jake; I had heard of this Camping fellow at one time or another on a radio program called, world harvest family radio. I had heard him one time, trying to explain how GOD can be three persons into one single being. He also tried to explain how GOD can became a mortal human being, and while in that state, went on to pray to some other god. Then Camping explained on his radio broadcast that he and his people in his congregation did not have the where-with-all, the capacity to comprehend the full nature of GOD because they have only a peanut size brain. The fact that Camping and a great many preachers and people cannot comprehend GOD, it is because they only have a book knowledge of who or what GOD is. A corrupted book knowledge at that, because the book they refer to is itself, very flawed. This is because many portions of text that is found within the New Testament, had been added to or greatly modified. Then this New Testament was inserted with the Old Testament, to make up the Christian "Bible". A Bible that had been corrupted by the insertion of heathen myths, which has many gross errors and contradictions within its pages and had its text tamperd with by groups of pagan scribes who followed the perverted, heretical, Baal worship, man-made god theology and teachings that is reflected and presently found in the New Testament. Because Camping's understanding of GOD is greatly flawed, he assumes that because he is unable to comprehend GOD fully, no one else is able to. I can understand why this inability of knowing GOD, which Camping and a great many priests and preachers find themselves in, is because they can only relate with what they read from a flawed book that they base their entire faith upon. With a flawed understanding of GOD, it is no great wounder that they are in that state. Camping is devoid of any personal intimacy with GOD and therefore cannot come to the full comprehention of GOD. What can you expect when your knowledge of who GOD is comes from a book that has been greatly flawed and give a false understanding of who or what is the truth of GOD. Unfortunately; Camping and a great many priests and preachers, cannot accept the fact that the Christian "Bible" they have is flawed. And because of this, they remain stuck in that perverted theology. This should answer the question of why Camping and his people are ignorant about who GOD really is. I must spend some time and listen more to this man's preaching and then I will make a full report about this man for our members and for the general public to read. Thank you Jake, for reminding me about this ignorant, preacher. Check out our web site in a month or two to get my reoprt on this Camping fellow and other preachers who belong to that perverted, Baal religion called Christianity. Brother Jean


Dear Brother Jean; What will happen to those people who will come to believe what you have taught? Sister Mi.

Dearly Beloved Sister Mi; All I can tell you is that some of these people may find that they will enter Father's Heavenly Domain or they will have a re-incarnation when they perish during the time of their earthly death. Those people who will be re-incarnated will allow these to continue to walk on their Spiritual journey until such time they will be ready to enter into Father's Heavenly Domain. I hope that I have answered you question, Sister Mi. Brother Jean


Dear Brother Jean; I have heard on a christian catholic radio broadcast where a bishop, or cardinal, who claims that the devil is very real and that the vatican are in a spiritual war against those who speak against the roman catholic church. What are your views on this? Sister Ruth.

Dear Sister Ruth. The Vatican has always been in a so called, "spiritual war" from its very conception. This is nothing new. The reason they are in a constant spiritual warfare is because the truth is not in them. What they espouse and preach in a paganized man-made god theology that they themselves do not believe or uphold what moral teaching they preach. One has to only look at their sorry historical track record to know this. As for their belief in the devil, they have to maintain that belief because they had a great part in bringing in that pagan myth into their perverted, paganized religion. So what are my views on what that Bishop, or Cardinal had said? Not much given what can you expect from a religion that make very little sense and are so backward that they cannot move beyond that paganized mind set. Don't let the outward appearance of the Vatican fool you with its grandeur and flashy glitter, for inwardly, they are really dead dry bones. They do not know nor even can they come to know the true GOD of Heaven. It is like they are unable to advance in Spiritual growth and are stuck in the mud to become like fossilized dinosaurs. It is a church that has deceived people for a very long time, that is now nearing its final end. I would not even give the time of day to that Bishop, or Cardinal who belong to that dead end church. Brother Jean


Dear Brother Jean; I have been listening to various Protestant preachers on the radio and T.V. lately, who tell their followers that Angels have a free will that had caused some of them to rebel against our Heavenly Father. I feel like I want to tell these people how wrong they are about Father's Angels. That Angels are incapable of sinning against our Heavenly Father. What should I do? Sister Bev.

Dearly Beloved Sister Bev; Say nothing. When they talk about fallen Angels as a reality, know that they do not know what they are talking about. This is an indication to you that they are false teachers. It is given to these to believe in this lie because they have perverted the teachings about Father and His Heavenly Domain. For they have rejected the truth when it was offered to them. It is Father's Will that they continue in their lies and deception for they are already dammed. Those people who have chosen to continue to believe in their preachers, be they Priest's, Pastors, Rabbi's or other Spiritual Leaders will also be condemned to be among those who will be dammed at the end of time. Say nothing to these. For if you do, you would be going against the Will of your Heavenly Father because it is He that has given them over to a strong delusion and the spirit of unbelief. It is in His plans for all this to happen according to His Will. He knows who are the true and the false far better than we can know. Trust in His Judgment. Just be glad that you are one that He has chosen to save. Be great full and glad of that. I hope that I have answered your question, Sister Bev. Brother Jean


Brother Jean; When I compare the text in the Holy Testament about the reason why Yeshua came to earth, and what the Christians say about it as it is written in the New Testament books which had been corrupted, I can only come to the conclusion that the Christian version do not make any sense no matter how I try to justify it. For GOD, our Heavenly Father, to have demanded a son who had become a mortal human being to be sacrificed, that would make Him no better than those Canaanite man-made, heathen gods who demanded human sacrifice to appease their lust for blood. Do Christians really believe that GOD would do that? Karin

Dear Karin; Oh Yes; these paganized Christians actually believe that GOD is no better than those Canaanite, man-made, heathen gods who demanded human sacrifice to appease their lust for blood. They have taken the sacrificial demand of GOD, one step further, or maby I should better say backward, from the demand of GOD for the Hebrews animal blood sacrificial rites that stem from ancient Sumerian tradition. You are right Karin, the Christian version do not make sense, unless their god is one like that of ancient Canaanite gods like Baal. Brother Jean


Dear Brother Jean; Who were those that is written about in Revelations 6: 9-11? Cicel

Dear Cicel; Those are the Nazarene ones, who held fast to the true teachings of Yeshua and were accused of being heretics by the paganized, heathen, gentile Christians. These paganized, heathen, gentile Christians accused the Nazarenes of trying to usurp Roman rule and were thus killed by the Romans during the late first to the second century CE. When all of the time, it was the paganized, heathen, gentile Christians who were acctually trying to usurp Roman rule. As history has shown us, the paganized, heathen, gentile Christians had indeed succeeded in gaining power over Rome and the rest of the true congregation of Yeshua, via the rule of Constantine I during the forth century CE. These paganized, heathen, gentiles Christians had preached another gospel, another Yeshua, who became their god-man, their god, and named it, "Je-Zeus Christ". Since then, these paganized, heathen Christians had gone in every direction in their teachings, which caused them to drift away from the original Apostles of Yeshua that neither one of these Christian "churches" had the full knowlage of truth any longer. The Roman church and various Eastern Orthodox sects became the paganized group of gentiles who had formed this new creature, Je-Zeus Christ, god-man myth. Those people under the Alter of GOD who were slain for the testimony of Yeshua, are our Beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Faith. Brother Jean


Dear Jean; I have been listening to a Protestant preacher on T.V. called Arnold Murray of Shepherd's Chapel. Do you know anything about that church and preacher? I will explain why I had asked, later. Sandra

Dear Sandra; I have come across that name since the time I came on the Internet. All I know at present is this preacher, Arnold Murray is a twerp who was one of the first Protestant preachers that had and continue to verbally attack me and our web site with his big flabby mouth during the first month we came on line. What I can tell you about this man is that he is as phony as one can be when he claims to represent GOD. He is a Christian and reads from their corrupted book they call the Christian "Bible". The one that was corrupted by those early pagan, gentile scribes, those "church fathers" of that perverted religion called Christianity, with its heathen theology of their fictitious, man-made god. This Murray is so phony, that he places the title of Dr. with his name, when he do not even have a PhD This shows Murray's true fraudulent nature. It also shows you what kind of an ego trip this man is on, despite the humble attitude that he puts on for his audience during his TV show. This guy had also claimed to be a prophet of GOD at one point in time, until he was found out to be a fraud, just like so many of his fellow Christian preacher and false prophets, like that R.G.Stair that I had spoken about. Murray's Christian theology is a mixture of Ted Armstrong, the Ku Klux Klan theology, and of Charles Taze Russell of Jehovah's Witnesses. So that is some theological brew this Murray has made up for himself which he teaches to his group of not so bright people of "Shepherd's Chapel", which is based in Gravette, Arkansas. What an interesting mixture of brew he has fashioned. Would you believe that Murray, this clod, had actually claimed to have entered the "third heaven" on Dec. 2nd, in 1980 and he overcame Lucifer, and kicked his butt? My, what a tough ombre this Murray fellow is. Imagine, actually kicking the butt of a fictitious, non-existence, man-made, mythical devil that people had invented through their heathen myths. Murray has also stated repeatedly, that he served in the US army. Given that Murray has lied about being a holder of a PhD I would take Murray claims of having served in the Korean War should be taken with a grain of Sault, as a home spun tale. If Murray was in any army, he probably served on some latrine duty, or was busy on the garbage brigade while the real soldiers were out fighting the war. Murray reminds me of that G.I. character found in old comic books, Sad Sack, that I had read when I was a lad. Murray also teaches on his audio tapes that he does not have free will, (probably because he is something like a zombie) and that he overcame just what, I really can't tell, but that he was justified in another lifetime, during the first earth age. He claims that he did not have to be born again, but that he came back to earth as a teacher. Good grief! Given what he is preaching on his TV and radio broadcasts, I know that statement is just another one of his lies, among the many string of lies this deceiver has already dished out to people. Which by the way, some people are foolish enough to believe this twerp, this moron, who is a poor excuse of a person who claims to be a man. Oh; By the way, don't let Murray fool you when he speaks of GOD the Father. To Murray; his god which he calls, "the heavenly father", is none other than that fictitious man-made, pagan god-man, he claims to be Jesus Christ. You know what, Sandra? This phony, man-made Jesus Christ could not have known nothing about Satan being a pagan myth, a man-made fabrication according to what is written in their "Christian Bible". Yeshua would have known. Lately, he has also called his fictitious man-made god "Yeshua" in order to confuse people of his deception. Murray must have taken a page from that R.G.Stair whom I call the last day prophet of perversion. What is Murray's qualifications as a teacher about the true GOD that is our Heavenly Father? Let's me think about that one for a second. We already know that this man is a fraud. He believes his god is the Christian, phony man-made god, that makes him just another one of those Baal worshippers. He has managed to deceive hundreds, if not thousands of people over the years, through his baited, deceptive hook, which is his TV and radio broadcasts. We know that people were stupid enough to swallow his perverted Christian brew theology, hook, line and sinker. We also know that Murray is too stupid to know that his perverted religion, that is of Christianity, is crumbling at its very foundations and it is only a matter of time when that whole perverted religion will crumble into a pile of ash-heap of dust and decay. In the meantime, Murray's "students" heads will take on the shape of a big lolly- pop and will come to realize one day that they had been suckered, hoodwinked by this preacher of perversion. I will spend some time to listen to the rest of the tapes concerning what Murray preaches to his congregation. In the meantime, Sandra; What do you know about this twerp, Murray? Your fellow Brothers and Sisters of the Faith as well as I, would like to know what you have found out about this man. Please give us the details, Brother Jean


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