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Dear Brother Jean; Reading our web page on Path two that you say humanity is
heading towards as their destiny, is it too late to alter this destiny of humanity?
Dear Philla; There come's a point in time when a destiny can no longer be
altered. At the time that I wrote "The Future of Humanity", at the end of 1999,
it was very much the sense that I had received, the spiritual emotion, the spiritual
cosmic consciousness of a darkness, like a black cloud over the world, that I had
picked up that was emanating from humanity. Lately, I am sensing a gentle and
deep undercurrent of love that is coming from all sectors of Spiritual cultures
that is cutting into this dark cloud, this blackness. But will it be enough to displace
it to the point that it will alter the destiny of humanity is anybody's guess. We are
very much in a state of flux at this point in time. I personally do not feel it is
strong enough yet to overcome this blackness, this dark cloud. But never
underestimate the power of Love, for it can overtake, conquer and displace the
darkness by its radiating Light. At the present time, I cannot change the path
of humanities destiny on our web page because the dark cloud is still densely around
this Earth. But never give up hope. I hope that I have answered your question, Philla. Brother Jean
Brother Jean; You stated that words were changed, added or taken away and
that some text in the New Testament were inserted at a much later date. Can you
give me some examples of this? Jos.
Dear Jos; Get a copy of the Holy Testament and read it. Here are just a few
examples... In Matthew 16:13-20 It talks about Peter being the rock and on that
rock I will build my church. See nothing strange about this text? This whole
text was added much later in time. Sometime during three hundred AD. or later
when there was such a thing called a "Church". During Jesus day's... no one
would have said the word "Church". It was never invented or used until much
later in time. Another insertion like this is the Doctrine of the Cross in Mark
8: 34 where Jesus is supposed to have said.. If a man wishes to come after me,
he must deny his very self, {take up his cross}, and follow in my steps. This
was to have been said long before any idea of a "Cross" as the church depicts it.
That also came into play at a much later date. The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem,
the flight into Egypt and killing of all the first born was also an insertion at
a later time to make Jesus as another David and Mosses all rolled into one. You
can find out these things for yourself if you try. One can write a large volume
to point out all the changes that were made in what is known as the New
Testament. All I can suggest for you is to Study, Study and Study. I hope that
I have given what you asked for, Jos. Brother Jean
Brother Jean; How can you say that we Christians believe in a false Jesus when we in the USA have
been so blessed. Look how great America is! The proof is in the pudding!! Che.
Dear Che; What I am about to say is not to be meant as a put-down but rather
to examine the facts. Christian Priest's and Pastors have been preaching the
same message for the last five hundred years after the Great Reformation. By now
it sounds like a broken record. When Christians came upon the land mass what was
dubbed as the New World, let us see what has transpired between then and
now. I see the shedding of innocent blood of aboriginal people such as the First
Nation People. I see the shedding of innocent blood from those who were labelled
as witches or just plain mad. I see the shedding of innocent blood of Negro
(Black) people. And now the shedding of innocent blood of the unborn. Yes Che, I
will keep reminding Christians, like an old broken record, of their past history
to those who dare stand up and claim boldly that they have represented the true
Jesus. Yes Che, America, (and I say the same for Canada to a lesser degree)
became great not because they believed in Jesus, and was thus Blessed, but became
great in the same manner as the Roman Empire. And it shall fall in like manner
if they do not repent and set things right to the One and Only True God who is
the Father and the Creator. Who will do His Will and seek Father's Kingdom above
everything else. That dear Che is the Proof in the Pudding. I hope that I have
answered your question Che, Brother Jean
Dear Brother Jean; I am hearing many Christian "preacher's" who are
dismissing what you have written in the Holy Testament on your prophesy because
it do not match Revelations that is in the New Testament. Should you not explain
why to the general public? Your Beloved Sister San.
Dear Beloved Sister San; The prophesy in the Holy Testament was never meant to
replace or try to explain Revelations that is in the New Testament. The prophesy
that is written in the Holy Testament are writings of personal visions that I
had received from time to time that was not set in any chronological order. That
is the big mistake that these Christian preachers are making. They assume that I
am trying to interpret Revelations when I am not. Just as the Holy Testament is not
trying to rewrite the New Testament as so many of these people think. The Holy
Testament is a book that stands on it's own, yet it is connected to the Old and
New Testament by a thread. Why write something that is already there? These
visions that are in the Holy Testament were just to let me know what is to come
under the different circumstance's that humanity might choose as their path. I will
not try to elaborate upon it to these preachers nor to the general public at this late
date. If they would have asked me, I would have told them. Instead they choose to
jump to their own conclusion's. Let them believe what they want to believe. Do not
trouble yourself on what they may say. We no longer have any connection with
these people. I hope that I have answered your question, Sister San. Your Beloved
Brother, Jean.
Dear Brother Jean; What part of our continent will be effected if and when
the planet earth will go into a convolution? Brother Chr.
Beloved Brother Chr; This is something that I do not like to talk about
because what I saw in the vision is not a pretty sight. On our side of the
world, South America will become an Island, cut off from North America via
Central America. That portion of Central America will sink. Some of the
Caribbean Island's will be no more. On the west Coast of North America, Alaska,
Vancouver Island and the west coast will sink into the sea. An Inland sea will
be created from the Gulf of Mexico via New Orleans, up what is now the
Mississippi River. All the Great Lakes will form into one sea. Part of Toronto,
and all communities that boarder all of the great lakes will go under this new
sea that will be created. The St.Lawerance River will enlarge along the southern
region. Montreal PQ will be sunk under water, along with many other
communities that it will make eastern USA into an Island. I do not know when
this may happen for I did not receive any date to go by. I hope that I have
answered your question, Brother Chr. Your Beloved Brother Jean
Dear Brother Jean; I hear some Christians say that people will hate them
because they believe in Jesus. Do you agree with that statement? Sister Mar.
Dearly Beloved Sister Mar; I strongly suspect that it may not be for the same
reasons as in the past. Not because they say that they believe in Jesus, per-say.
But because the majority of Christians betray the teachings that their religion
represents. They take their faith superficially and it will show for all to see.
I suspect it will be more of a discuss feeling rather than a "hate" attitude
that people will feel towards those people who call themselves Christians. You
see Mar; There is such a thing called HONOUR. To dishonour "The Code" as in the
teachings of a religion, is looked upon as a betrayal. When people of a secular
or religious society see how the majority of Christians behave and act, how they
betray "The Code" that represents the Christian religion. Can only have contempt
and discuss for these people who then dare say that they believe in Jesus, and
then try to convert people from the secular or of other religions. I hope that I
have answered your question, Sister Mar. Your Beloved Brother, Jean
Dear Brother Jean; Most people that I talk to do not believe what you say or
what is revealed in the Bible. We seem to be the only one's who think
differently. Could we be that wrong? Sister Olg.
Dear Beloved Sister Olg; Regardless what happens in the near coming future,
Be that humanity as a whole choose Father's Kingdom or not, Father will
establish His Kingdom here on this planet or on a new earth. Either way, Father
will have His Way. Know that we are very much part of His plans to accomplish
this regardless how it may look right now. Know that through us, Father's
Kingdom will be established if we stay faithful to His Will. Even if all of
humanity rejects Father's Will, let it be that we will not betray our Heavenly
Father and our Beloved Brother Jesus. For this we have come to be, to exist.
Concern yourself not what other people may say or may want to believe. Let us
stand steadfast with resolve in Fathers Will. Know that if any one within the
membership have any doubt in all of this, they are free to go their own way.
Know that I shall stand steadfast, even if I am the only person on this earth
who will remain Faithful to Father. I shall not change. A time will come when
it will seem like we are the only one's that believe in what we believe to be
true. That we are all alone in this. Know that we are not alone, for we have
Father and His Covenant, we have our Beloved Brother Jesus and our
extraterrestrial brothers and sisters who are standing by for us. Given all of
this, If you still feel that we may be wrong, or you have any doubt, feel free
to leave the group. I will not try to hold you back. Your Beloved Brother; Jean
Dear Brother Jean; What do you think about the actions of Pope John Paul II
in him coming out to openly admit to the wrongs of "The Roman Catholic
Church"? Pa.
Dear Pa; Pope John Paul II sincerity is truly admirable. I feel he is deeply
sorry for the wrongs the Roman Catholic Church had caused to our Heavenly
Father, and was in part to blame for the tainting of the good name of our
Beloved Brother Jesus. For all the suffering and deaths of innocent people it
had caused because of their lust for wealth and power. He is fully aware of what
goes on in the Vatican. Now, in his late years, he is trying to reconcile the
church with Father, with our Beloved Brother Jesus and with the people of the
world. If by his actions, his example, it will cause it to filter on down
through the Vatican, and eventually to their followers, only what little time we
have left remains to be seen. Now, at this late date, all that Pope John Paul II
can do, is to reconcile himself with Father and with our Beloved Brother Jesus,
for the part he played in or the lack thereof. Still, it took a person of great
love, honesty and courage to do what Pope John Paul II had done. For that, I can
only admire and commemorate him. I hope that I have answered your question, Pa.
Brother Jean
Dear Brother Jean; I had to take some time out to re-evaluate my faith. I
went back to the church that I had attended before I joined this group. I
listened to the preacher that I have known for many years. I listened to many
preachers on the radio and T.V. from various Christian denominations that I
could find. Now I understand what you have been talking all along in the Holy
Testament and on our web pages. I am returning to the Temple of the Holy
Testament for good. I do not need to look any further. I love you, Brother Jean.
Sister Olg.
Dear Beloved Sister Olg; I hope that all of our members who may have any
doubt, will do what you have done. Examine all that there is out there in order
to seek the truth. How many individuals have there been in history, who stood
out alone as the majority of society ridiculed them for what they believed to be
true, only to find out much later, that those who had been ridiculed were right
all along. This I have encountered many a times already. Being ridiculed is no
longer a stranger to me, especially now. Dearly Beloved Sister Olg; I am glad
that you took the time out to examine where you stand in your Faith. Now I know
that you are able to help other people who find themselves in the same dilemma.
Welcome Home!!! Continue on in your Spiritual journey and grow. I love you too,
Sister Olg; Your Beloved Brother and Servant; Brother Jean
Dear Brother Jean; I am a layman in religion and want to get a better
understanding of who Jesus is. Can you tell me in very simplistic terms who is
Jesus and what is he in relation to you? Kel.
Dear Kel; Jesus is a son of God, the Father. Who shares a very unique and
special position with Father and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity. Jesus is a
separate being from the Father and from the Holy Spirit but they are all
connected as one within the realm of the Trinity. Jesus main task was to redeem
humanity to the Father, to bring humanity to the Father so that they may come
to know, to understand and love Him. Another task was to do away with the
sacrificial sin offerings presented at the Temple. That was the reason Yeshua came
down to humanity for, nothing more and nothing less. Please know that even with
the special status that Jesus and the Holy Spirit have with Father, they are NOT
GOD. Father is the one and only God in existence, regardless what Christians may
say or believe or how they interpret the Bible. That was one of the main reasons
why I was given the task to write the Holy Testament. To rectify this miss-
understanding notion that Christians have about Yeshua and the Holy Spirit. They
do not realize how little they actually know about the things in Father's Heavenly
Domain. Yeshua is my Beloved Brother, in the same way that GOD is my
Heavenly Father. To better understand what I mean, you should save a copy of
the Holy Testament onto your computer. Then you can read it through any word
processor or better yet, bring it up onto your screen as a .html page [file]. Then
you can read it at your leisure without being connected to the Internet. It should
answer any questions you may have. ====================================================================================
Dear Brother Jean; What is your views on the Palestinian question in Israel?
Dear Mev; The Israel that I know has no Palestine within it, nor is the land
of Israel known as Philistine or Canaan. That was done away with at the time of
Moses, and again during May 15th, 1948 and also during the six day war in 1967.
The Israel that I know is the one that seeks the Kingdom of God and establishes
it. It is a far cry from the present modern day Israel of today. This Israel has
become a very secular society that have strayed away and lost that vision that
their Heavenly Father blessed them with. It was meant to be a Holy Land and a
people that would reflect the Will of God so that it may become the LIGHT onto
all the nations of the world. That is the only Israel that I know. To me, there
is no Palestinian question, just a FAITH question. I hope that I have answered
your question, Mev. Brother Jean
Dear Gerald; Thank you for your beautiful and meaningful cards and words.
Thank you for your hospitality. We have much in common, you and me. I hope to
hear from you soon. Your Beloved Brother in Spirit and Friend. Brother Jean.
Dear Brother Jean; A friend asked me about our Passover and how the Eucharist
fit into all of this. I explained to my friend that Passover to us is a Sacred
Meal as it always has been. We hold the Eucharist rite at the end part of
Passover just as Jesus had demonstrated. How else can I better explain the
Passover Rite? Sister Sil.
Dear Beloved Sister Sil; The best way to explain our Passover is to invite
your friend for Passover. Just make shure to let the person know that to us, it
is a very Sacred Rite. You can also explain its early history. About how the
pagan Christians abused the Passover Rite because they did not fully understand
it. Show 1st Corinthians 11; 17-34 in the New Testament to your guest so that
they may know that you are not just making it up. These pagan Christian's looked
upon this perpetual Passover Rite more like a party, rather than give it the
respect that it was to represent. You can also explain how the Christian
churches's during its early history had done away with the perpetual Passover
Rite and exchanged it into the Eucharist rite that is used in most Christian
churches of today. You can also mention that this perpetual Passover Rite was
never to be done away with. Those who have altered and or done away with the
perpetual Sacred Passover Rite as our Beloved Brother Jesus had practised it,
have profaned it and made it's effect, null and void. This is something that most
Christians are not aware of. I must add here; There is nothing wrong in having a
Eucharist Rite every day, once a week, month or year. But for it to be
effective, the Sacred Passover Rite must not be negated and it must be observed
at its proper time. The Eucharist Rite can be said to be a shadow of the main
Sacred Passover Rite that is perpetual, as set by our Heavenly Father. Have a
Blessed Passover, I hope that I have answered your question, Sister Sil. Your
Beloved Brother; Brother Jean
Dear Brother Jean; Someone came to me and condemned me for having long hair
and even having a beard. He kept raving at me like one of those Christian
ultra-fundamentalist type. What can I say to him the next time he see's me?
Brother How
Dear Beloved Brother How; The next time this person raves in your face you
can do one of three things. You can tell him to... please, get lost! Or you can
engage with him in a little history lesson. You can tell him that it was
Alexander the Great who introduced cutting long hair to short hair and the clean
shaven face. He very much liked the feminine touch. Most men imitated that look
throughout his empire. Oh by the way, How, You can also tell this ignorant
person that Alexander the Great was a homosexual. Ask him... who is imitating
who. Last but not least, I would just totally ignore him and just walk well away
from him. How I hope those type of people would do that with me. Your Beloved
Brother; Brother Jean
Dear Brother Jean; I was scanning my short wave radio and happen to be
listening to a preacher on one of those well known Christian program. He stated
that when Jesus said to go out to preach the good news of the gospel to the
world, we must believe all that is in the Bible as the infallible word of God. I
am thinking, at the time when that was said, there was no New Testament. That
only came out much later after it had been altered to suite the belief of the
then church establishment. The more I pondered on this man's statement, the more
ridiculous it sounds. And this come's from a man with a Doctorate of Divinity
degree. He is suppose to be informed and teach the uninformed. What is apparent
is that he himself is so woefully uninformed. Talk about the blind leading the
blind! What is your views on this Brother Jean? Wil.
Dear Wil; I see that you are exercising your mind by examining what is being
said. I can only give you my view based upon what you have mentioned here. For I
did not hear this person speak. I would think that because this man has a
Doctorate of Divinity degree, he would surly have some knowledge of the history
in the evolution of the New Testament. If this is the case, then I would have to
say that he is being less then honest to the people he is suppose to be
teaching. To me, that is being deceitful in my books. On the other hand, if this
person is really so uninformed about the history of the making of the New
Testament, then this person has no business teaching other people. People of
today want only the straight goods, not some flim flam rhetoric. People may have
believed that in the distant past, but not in this day and age. I would encourage
all people to really examine what is being said by these preachers and see if it
holds water or has their teachings have any holes. In order to do that, you must
make yourself well informed in these matters. Once the original teachings or
Sacred Text has been altered by other than the original author, then it ceases
to be the infallible Word of God. Unfortunately, the rendering and making of the
New Testament did not escape the hatchet job by many people. This is the reason
why I am striving to get rid of any misunderstanding in the Holy Testament. If I
feel that some text is not clear or understandable, I will not hesitate to
rewrite the text to get its true meaning made perfectly clear. This I will
continue while I am still around to make these necessary changes. I have also
made shure that there will always be several copies of the originals to fall
back on within our membership. That is my view on this matter. I hope that
answers your question, Wil. Brother Jean
After receiving Wil's letter, I went out to borrow a short wave radio so that I
may scan the short wave bands to see for myself exactly what is being said. Now
I have heard for myself what Wil was speaking about. The level of ignorance in
the history of Christianity I had not realized it to be so rampant throughout our
society. It is no wounder why the average person who hears the teachings from
these priest and pastors believe what is being said, believe it to be true. The
level of ignorance, or better said, the level of deceit reeks of foul stench all
the way up to the High Heavens. Has our society fallen so far that there are no
longer any honest person for truth to be found? Now I can better understand why
Father has laid upon my heart to write the Holy Testament. Only Father knew how
desperate the situation truly was. Wil; I thank you for causing me to have a look
for myself as to the level of ignorance and deceitfulness is truly out there.
God help all of humanity!! Brother Jean
Dear Brother Jean; About John 1 1-5 ? I was told by my pastor that this
passage was taken from Genesis 1. But when I looked into my Bible when I got
home, I could not find this passage there. Can you help? Stv.
Dear Stv; Don't try to look too hard because you will not find it there. You
see Stv., that part of John 1 that is called the Prologue is really a part of a
hymn that became well known and used that reflected the belief of Jesus being
God. That was not the teachings of the original apostils. This teaching only
developed at a time when all of the original apostils, including Paul had been
dead for some time. This notion of Jesus being looked upon as God developed into
a tradition as found in Irenaeus (Adversus Haereses) that developed towards the
close of the second century. That is why John is not the true author of that
passage, but he included it to show what people were believing at the time. By
the way; This is not the same John who was known as "the beloved disciple" who
was with Jesus. The person who wrote The Gospel According to John was John, son
of Zebedee. Did I answer your question or confused you even more? Let me explain
it in another way to help you get some understanding in this whole affair. After
the death of all the apostils, including Paul, the early church began to teach a
different teaching than what the original apostils had preached. The first
alteration that was made by the now gentile pagan Christians was to claim that
Jesus is God. The second alteration was doing away with the Passover Rite and
implemented the Eucharist in its place. The third alterations was made to the
writings that later became the New Testament. This was precisely what Paul was
afraid of, for he saw the handwriting was on the wall, so to speak. That is why
he spoke about the false apostils and said that if anyone, even angels speak of
a different gospel than the one we gave.... By the time the early churches got
themselves organized in around 400 AD., the damage had already been done. That
is why there was and still is so much confusion in the teaching of Christianity.
This is a short glimpse of what happened. You can find out for yourself of what I
speak at any public library that deal with the history of Christianity. I hope
that I have cleared up some of this confusion. The strange part is, if anybody
now dares to clear up this whole mess, who try to teach the truth, that will of
course be a different version than their corrupt version, they promptly call
that person a heretic. In other words... If anybody now preach a different
gospel than the now corrupt gospel, that gospel is a heresy. In the same way, by
the time the New Testament was ready for translation and hit the printing press
at the time of the Great Reformation, all text that was by then was to be
translated from the then known text that was the New Testament, that had been
tampered, altered and corrupted. These translations, regardless if it is called
the St. Athanasius (4th Century) to the King James version were copied from text
that had been tampered with way back when. Now you know why I have little
respect for these preachers who display a smugness air about them and belittle
anyone who tries to help people and society in their calling. Especially when I
can plainly see that they were too lazy to find out the facts or kept the truth
from their believers or use people with their "church" as a money business
enterprise to line their own pockets and who are phony. Now these same people
are sweating like crazy and attack what I write because it will expose their
deceit or ignorance. I hope that I have helped you and others who are seeking
the truth. Brother Jean
Dear Brother Jean; A couple of Christian people came to my door and asked me
if I belong to any religion. When I explained to them that I was a member of the
Temple of the Holy Testament and went in depth as to what our Faith is, they
tried to tell me that I was not saved and that I belong to a satanic cult! I
told these people to please leave and not to come back. What else can I say to
people like that? Sister Mi.
Dearly Beloved Sister Mi. What you did was quite proper under the
circumstance. Personally, I would have pointed out to these people that they
were the one's who were not saved because the belong to a pagan religion. You
see Mi; When the early gentile Christians broke away from the teachings of the
original apostils and turned the teachings into a pagan religion, they were no
longer under the Grace of God. This happened the moment they decided to make our
Beloved Brother Jesus their god. You know very well that our Heavenly Father
said... There are no other gods before me... They had severed the ties to Peter
and the rest of the original apostils the moment that the gentile Christians
changed the original teachings and turned their FAITH into a pagan religion.
That is the reason why I said that no Christian church can claim apostolic
succession to Peter once they had created their own god, be it named Jesus or
whatever name they care to name their new god. They betrayed the Covenant they
had between Father and our Beloved Brother Jesus. Just as much a betrayal as
Judas at the Last Supper. Point that out to these people if they should ever
come back to your door. Your Beloved Brother, Brother Jean
Dear Brother Jean; I am personally not entangled in any religion. But I had
to write to tell you that you have made a good case against the apostolic
succession of the Roman Catholic Church. Good Work! Joe.
I am glad to hear from you Joe, even if you are not "entangled" with any
religion. That is why I have nothing to do with these gentile pagan Christians.
Nor do I care if they call their god Jesus, or god-man. Who call the mother of
Jesus, the mother of god. For all I care, they can even make this Mary their
goddess because I know that they can't be talking about the Mary and Jesus that
I know. The Mary and Jesus that the original apostils of knew as depicted in the
"New Testament". I tried to point that out to these Christians in so many ways,
but they were too stupid to see it. Thank you once again for your kind words
Joe. Brother Jean
Dear Brother Jean; It seems like you had to spell it out to these Christians
why Father and our Beloved Brother Jesus had turned their back on them. You had
tried, time after time to open their eyes but they were too busy making fun of
you, ridiculing you and having a good laugh at your expense. But where I am, you
should hear them now... Personally, I have no pity for that bunch because they
did not take heed in what you were warning them in the first place. You tried
your best to point them in the right direction while there was still time. Not
let them reap what they have sowed. Your Beloved Sister Fle.
Dear Beloved Sister Fle; Thank you for your message. You have been with me
the longest time and you have seen what I had to put up with. Despite that, I
kept on trying to show them where they went wrong, but they just would not
listen. I knew the time would come when Father would tell me to let them go. And
now so I have. Give my love to all of the membership for me. I am going to take
a break for a while. You take over the wed site Sister Fle. Your Beloved
Brother; Brother Jean
Dear Brother Jean;
I just came across a radio program on shortwave called "The Revolutionary". By
the way this Christian pastor is preaching her gospel message, it is quite
obvious that she has taken and grasped the essence, the core of your teachings
as found on our web pages. Yet we have never heard from her nor does she intend
to contact us. It looks to me that she is giving the impression to everyone on
her radio program that all that she is speaking of, comes from her own insight.
While debunking you at the same time. How should we deal with such a person?
Sister Bet.
Dear Beloved Sister Bet; Please do not trouble yourself about this person or
what she is doing. While she has grasped the essential core of our teachings,
she has not learned the vital lesson, the fact that she is only deceiving herself
by her actions. To think that she can hide her motives from our Heavenly Father
and from us will tell you that this person is playing the game of deception.
This should not be surprising to you Sister Bet. Knowing that it is coming from
the ranks of Christians. They are experts at deception. The time will come after
all of her talking and deception is done, she and her followers will come to
realize that they have ended up with empty hands and arrived at a dead end, with
nowhere to go. That is why I say, let her be. Your Beloved Brother; Brother Jean
Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters; The question was asked of me if there
was a chance for humanity to alter its destiny? I alone cannot change the path
of humanities destiny. It is only those people who have a deep love for our
Heavenly Father and seek to do His Will that can displace this darkness that is
smothering planet earth and all that is upon it. But never underestimate the
power of Love, for if there was a sufficient amount of people, their strength can
overtake, conquer and displace any darkness that may shroud this world by its
radiating Light and change the course of human history. The question was; Were
there enough people who have this love that can cut through the darkness and
displace it? The answer was no, there was not enough people who have that kind
of love to displace this darkness. For this, I am truly sorry. Brother Jean
Dear Brother Jean; I have been hearing many preachers implying that you are
the Anti-Christ even though they do not name you by your name. How can I best
respond to that kind of accusation when a Christian accuse you to my face?
Sister Val
Dearly Beloved Sister Val; Do not fret your little head about this matter.
People who will make that claim will find out in good time that they are barking
up the wrong tree, once again. You see, Sister Val, It is only those people who
are in the Christian religion who believe that Jesus is god-man or that Jesus is
God himself. Therefore; For a False-Christ to appear and claim to be Jesus, and
then God, he can only come from within the "Christian" ranks. No people with a
sound mind who Love and know Father could ever come to believe that Jesus is God,
our Heavenly Father. No one from our group believe that Jesus is God, or that
Jesus, is god-man or even God, our Heavenly Father. The word "Christ" means
Anointed as most people are aware of. I was Anointed by my Heavenly Father.
So how can I be against myself or my Beloved Brother Jesus? Jesus nor I are
god's. It is contrary to our teachings. This belief would only show how
stupid these preachers are when they talk that way. Tell that to any Christian
who may make the stupid claim to you that I am the Anti-Christ who will claim
to be God! I hope that I have answered your question, Sister Val. Your Beloved Brother, Brother Jean.