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Brother Jean; I was scanning channels on my short wave radio and I came across a Christian Preacher by the name of Arnold Murray of Shepherd's Chapel. I listen to him speaking on different topics and the answers he gives to people to their questions on his radio program. I found that he has a lot of errors in his teachings. Do you know anything about this man? Sister Ter.

Dear Beloved Sister Ter; Yes I have heard this man's teachings from the audio tapes that people had sent me. Do not let this man fool you when he speaks about the Heavenly Father. For Murray, is a Baal worshipper of this fictitious man-made god, Jesus Christ is the Heavenly Father that he speaks about. You see Ter; This Baal worshipper Murray believes in the same man-made, phantom god-man that the majority of these Baal worshippers Christians believe. He is also one of the Vipers that I have been talking about who attacks our teachings because we expose many stupid remarks that he makes in his teachings. He is a very sly one, this Murray fellow. He has brought the art of deception to a high level. Next time you listen to his broadcasts, pay attention to what he is preaching and keep an ear on his sly comments. You have found that he makes many errors in his teachings of scripture. Unfortunately, many people do not pick up these errors that Murray makes. This man is a coward to name names when he attacks people that do not follow his teachings. Personally; I have found the man to be ignorant in understanding many of the passages that is written in the Christian Baal worshippers Bible. Anyway Tes; You have come to realize that Arnold Murray's teaching is full of subtle misinterpretation of the Scripture. Many people who listen to his preaching have yet to find that out for themselves. He commonly manipulates verses out of context, and makes use of selective citations in order to fool people. I place this Baal worshipper Murray, in the same category as R.G Stair (The Last Day Prophet of Perversion) or Harold Camping or the thousands of other Baal worshippers preachers of Christianity who have perverted the truth about GOD and our Beloved Brother Yeshua. How Murray likes to emphasize to his audience that he has the correct, "inside information" meaning that Arnold Murray thinks that he is one of GOD's true teachers on earth today. What a Joke! He is nothing more than a Baal worshipper, pretending to be a preacher of GOD. I will write about this man Murray fellow based upon what I have observed and heard from the teachings he is preaching to people on his radio or TV broadcasts. I hope that it will give you a better understanding about this Murray fellow, Tes; Brother Jean


For those people who will be reading our web pages, here is what this Baal worshipper teaches about his man-made, god-man he calls Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christ, God, GOD the Father, and now throws in the name of Yeshua into the mix in order to confuse and decieve people when he is speaking about GOD, the Heavenly Father. I suppose this Baal worshipper Murray will use any name he can get away with to decieve people. This will show you how sly this Murrary fellow really is. Lately Murrary has been using the name of Yeshua a great deal in order to confuse and decieve people on his TV and radio broadcasts when he is speaking about GOD, the Heavenly Father. Take out any of Murrary's old tapes that you may have on hand and compair his preaching then to what he is preaching now. Do you notice that he had only used the name of je-Zeus Christ (Jesus Christ) in all of those old tapes? But since we came on the Internet, now all of the sudden, he uses the name of Yeshua. How come, you may ask? It is because this snake, this Baal worshipper sneaks up to our web site and reads our web pages. He knows we are speaking the truth so he now uses the name of Yeshua for his fictitious man-made god he used to call je-Zeus Christ. Here is a short list of some of Murray's teachings from his little harlot house he calls Shepherd's Chapel. Murray denies the Trinity, yet he teaches that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the "Three in one God" theory. That sounds like the same Trinity that most Christians believe in. Murray explains that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three offices held by the one God. This was explained to Murray by a little old lady who had once explained it that way. She had said, "To my husband I am a wife, to my children I am a mother and to hundreds of third graders I am their teacher. They are three different offices; none of them the same, but I'm still the same person". What this lady seems to forget in her whole explanation is how do that explain the text in the New Testament that speaks about Jesus Christ being on earth while he is praying to GOD who is in Heaven? Her comments do not address the text where Jesus Christ is sitting or standing at the right hand side of GOD or takes the scroll with the seven seals from the hand of GOD as it is written in Revelations. Nor do it explain the text where at the baptism of Jesus Christ at the Jordan River where GOD spoke down from Heaven as the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus Christ. Frankly; This whole explanation throws the notion of Jesus Christ being GOD, and the "Three in One" god theory right out the window. Good try Mr. Murray, but you do not get any prize. So Murray's sticks to this man-made, Baal worshipper god-man theory that Jesus Christ is GOD the Father, GOD the Son, and GOD the Holy Spirit. Hence, Murray is guilty of teaching the very same perverted heresy that most Baal worshipping Christians believe in. Muarray also believes that Satan is very real. A real live, literal being. He also believes in Hell and all the trappings that go with it. What you might call the standard Baal worshippers Christian belief. He do not believe that some people will be "lifted up" to escape the destruction of planet Earth. Probably because he knows that he will be one of those who will be left behind. He teaches that the myth of Adam and Eve is totally true and that Eve had a literal sexual encounter with a serpent in the garden of Eden. He must think that while Eve was busy eating her apple, Satan, that old snake, slid up Eve's leg and had a go at her. He also believes that snakes can actually talk, like we humans. He must be watching too many Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck cartoons to believe that snakes or animals can talk just like humans do. Murray also believes that the offsprings of Eve's impregnation resulted in Cain, who is of course, Satan's offspring. Murray must not know that snake sperm cannot fertilize a human embryo. The two different DNA would not allow that. So that blows that idea right out of the water. Murray also strongly believes in the Fallen Angels myth and that Satan was a fallen angel that had free will and took part in impregnating many women at the time of Noah. Murray must not know that GOD had not given Angels free will as He had given it to human beings. This idiot Murray must not know that Angels are sexless beings. Whoever wrote that Fallen Angels myth must not have known that about Angels. Like I said, Murray reads the corrupted New Testament line by line, lies by lies.... Murray also claims that the northern ten tribes of Israel are the lost tribes that went north and populated Europe and North America. This sounds much like the theology of the Anglo-Israeli religion that most Neo-Nazis groups or Ku Klux Klan believe in. They believe that all other races are inferior to whites, and the Negro's and Jew's are particularly stigmatized. Out in the open, Murray says that he respects blacks (Negro) and other races as long as they stick to themselves, to their own kind. But in his "church" Arnold Murray promotes many literature of other Anglo-Israelis teachers to his "Bible" students. This phony, this Baal worshipper, with his man-made god, je-Zeus Christ (Jesus Christ) really believes that the Kenites are Jews and believes this race are the devil's literal offspring. Murray asserts that the offspring of Cain are the Jewish people and that they are not a race, but a "hybrid" and considers them to be less than human. Murray believes that the Kenites (Jews) are the tares, according to the parable of the wheat and the tares. Of course to Muarry, his je-Zeus Christ (Jesus Christ) was not a Jew, but an Anglo-Saxon. Murray believes that interracial marriage is totally wrong. I wounder what Neo-Nazis group or the branch of the Ku Klux Klan do Murray belong to? This Muarry fellow also thinks that the "Mark of the Beast" is only in your mind. I suppose this lame-brain has not heard of the chip implant that has come on stream. This shows you what an idiot and how backward this Muarry fellow really is. It is plain to see from his teachings that the only "Doctor" Murray is, is a spin doctor who amounts to being nothing more than a flim-flam, charlatan as you will find most of these Baal worshipping Christian preachers are found to be. Muarry claims that he is a man of god, and that his god speaks to him. I have no doubt at all that Muarry speaks to his man-made, fake Baal god that he claims is je-Zeus Christ (Jesus Christ) somewhere in la-la land. The guy is talking to pretend beings and these pretend beings are talking to Muarry. Quick, get some mental help for this man before he totally cracks-up. As for me, I'll stick to the real GOD who is our Heavenly Father. As for Muarry's fictitious je-Zeus Christ (Jesus Christ) that he claims is his god, I'll stick with the real person of Yeshua who is our Beloved Brother.


Dear Brother Jean; During a discussion with a person, she claimed that she had seen our web pages. She also made the sarcastic remark that you think that you are the long awaited Messiah that the Jews and Christians are waiting for. I tried to explain to her that you have no thought of being the Messiah or Jesus the Christ. I tried to explain to this person that if she had read the Holy Testament at all, she would not have been ignorant of that fact. I find it hard to believe someone can read a book and not know what it contains. Sister Luc.

Dear Beloved Sister Luc; When a person says to you that they had read the Holy Testament and take from it a wrong impression, you can be shure that they only skimmed through the Holy Testament rather than really take the time to read it. Next time someone says something in like manner, you can also explain to them that I have said... Do not look here or there for the Messiah. Be on your guard and let no person deceive you. Many will come and claim that they are the Messiah and people will run and gather to them. These you will find to be false. For the Kingdom of God is within every person who seeks to do the Will of our Heavenly Father. They are the true Messiah's that will establish Father's Kingdom on this earth. I only point the way as a guide, nothing more. You are right to tell people that I do not believe to be any Messiah or think that I am Jesus the Christ. This should tell you how ignorant these people are who think this way. Do not be surprised that they will not believe you, for they only believe what they want to believe regardless what the truth may be. Do not get upset by their ignorance. These are people who you cannot rationalize with. Your Beloved Brother; Brother Jean


Speaking of metaphors, misinterpretations, taking things out of context and sheer ignorance. The bulk of Christians has these in full measure. Especially those from the Protestant camp. Here is a classic example of what I mean. The serpent that Eve encountered at the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden, can better be understood as the serpent being a metaphor for the extension of Eve's thoughts. The things that were running through her mind as she was contemplating to take the fruit or not. In the same way as when Jesus encountered the "Satan" during his days of the Temptation when he went out into the desert wilderness before he started his mission or ministry. It is unfortunate that the religious community could not understand this and made these metaphors as factual beings. In that there was a real serpent that could talk to Eve, or that there was a real devil that tried to tempt Jesus. I hope this will help you better understand these segments of Scriptures. Brother Jean


Dear Brother Jean; Does that mean that Jesus went out into the desert to do a self evaluation before he started his mission? Brother Jay

Dearly Beloved Brother Jay; You are correct. Jesus had to look within himself as to what his motives were for the course that he was about to take. Was he doing this to acquire fame? To gather great wealth and power? Would he test his Heavenly Father to do his bidding? These and many other questions he had to ask himself and resolve before he was to undertake the mission he was about to begin. You have learned a valuable lesson today. Keep up the good work Brother _________________________________________________________________________________

Dear Brother Jean; I saw a T.V. program that praised Islam as the one and only religion. They cited how blessed they are because of their faith. You have said very little about Islam and their followers. What can you tell us about Moslems? Sister Cor.

Dearly Beloved Sister Cor; Moslems need not be so proud of what has been done in the name of their faith. For the History Book of Islam that I possess, has many pages soaked with the blood of innocent people who were, and are being shed in the name of Islam. It also lists all the atrocities that were, and continue to be committed by their cry of..."Convert to Islam or Death!". I tell you Beloved Sister Cor; Moslems need not be like the rooster, and set itself erect with an air of pertness and crow out it's message at sunrise. For they have nothing to crow about when it comes to what had been done in the name of Islam. I tell you that all religions have fallen short when it come's to doing the Will of our Heavenly Father. I had hoped that all people who profess to Love Father, would have taken the time to be still and contemplate on what it means to be "Children of God". To seek a oneness with one another, despite the culture differences in order to use the time and effort to build and establish Father's Kingdom on earth rather than to hate and kill. Brother Jean


Dear Brother Jean; What will become of Israel, and the Jewish people who dwell in the land? Sister Tes.

Dearly Beloved Sister Tes; I can not tell you at the present time what will become of Israel and the people that live therein at this present time. All I know is that the present Prime Minister, Ehud Barak is very much a man of this world. He is relying on his own strength, trying to do what the world expects of him in finding a way for peace in that region. I do not envy his position for he is being pulled from both ends. On the one hand, by the way of the world that he has relied upon throughout his whole life, and on the other hand, that part of him, that still linger deep within his heart and soul that is of God. He very much wants to find a peaceful way, by the worlds way, under the strength and effort of man. And yet, he can somehow sense that he is being led down the path that will eventually lead Israel to slavery and death. To whom will Prime Minister Ehud Barak place his trust in is anybody's guess. Maby he will find his answer at the official opening at the ceremony of Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes on this Remembrance Day at Yad Vashem. That is a choice he will have to make for himself. That choice will determine the future of Israel and the people that dwell within the land. Brother Jean


Eucharist Sacraments

Dear Brother Jean; I think there is a discrepancy in what the Roman Catholic Church teaches when a Priest gives out the Eucharist Sacraments in a state of sin. What do you think of this? Brother Ken. Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters; Brother Ken has been observant when he pointed out the discrepancy when a Priest gives out the Eucharist Sacraments in a state of sin. Know what kind of fraud that is being committed by the Roman Catholic Church. You all know that when one of their Priest's makes the act of the Sacred Eucharist, they believe that the bread and wine becomes the actual body and blood of our Beloved Brother (Yeshua) Jesus. Yet they also make the claim that a Priest can be full of sin and be unretentive and continue to commit the sin and expect the Sacred Eucharist Rite to be valid. Interesting. Yet, we know that if we sin against Father, or even against our Beloved Brother, and are not retentive of our sin, we cut ourselves from their Loving Presence. That being the case, how is it then possible for a Priest to be in a state of unretentive sin and expect that the Sacred Eucharist Rite will still be valid? Especially when they are cut-off from the very same source? Yet their Church say's that any one of their priest can be an unretentive sinner and commit the Sacred Eucharist Rite, and it will still become valid. They have some fancy Latin word for it which is only the language of the ancient Roman Empire that killed our Beloved Brother Yeshua. So you see Beloved Brothers and Sisters, how they are corrupting the Sacredness of being a Priest, of corrupting the very act of the Sacred Eucharist Rite. And they call their "Church" a house of GOD. What FRAUDS they are! Glad you brought this to our attention. Brother Jean


Christianity is not representing the real GOD, our Heavenly Father, or the real Yeshua that had actually lived on Earth. They are representing a very different "god", and most of all, a very different person then the real Yeshua that I know. What it really come's down to, it is that "Christianity" had perpetuated the greatest fraud upon humanity. That religion is as phony as a three dollar bill. A real counterfeit when it come's to representing our Heavenly Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua. If a contest were ever given of who would be the greatest con artist that has ever existed, then "Christianity" would win hands down. It is a wounder that those priests and pastors who espouse to that religion are not arrested for committing the greatest fraud upon the general public. They have taken what was of Yeshua, and made it into a den of thieves. But freedom of religion stops Justice from being served. While these people may escape man's Justice from being served, they will not escape the Justice of GOD. This they will know when GOD set's His Wrath upon these people who have willfully defied, defrauded and corrupted His intentions. What amaze me is that most people are so blind not to see it. I can respect most other religions because of their honesty and sincerity in what they believe in. But what I have seen and know of Christianity, I think I have already said enough. You can make your own conclusion on this matter. There is a real GOD, and there is a real Yeshua. But it is not the GOD, nor the Yeshua of Christianity.

It is not a great mystery why priests and pastors will be persecuted in the future according to what I had written in... The Future of Humanity. They will not be persecuted because they may claim to believe in a god, or even in a god-man, but because of their lies and deceitful nature. For they have willfully mislead people throughout the centuries by substituting the real Yeshua, for their fake god-man they call.. je-Zeus Christ (Jesus Christ) and have perverted themselves in the sight of GOD, our Heavenly Father. I pity those people who happen to be Christians. Who have been mislead by their churches. I have met some of these people during my travels, whom I found to be kind, caring, understanding, honest and just beautiful people all around. But because of those detestable, deceitful pastors and priests, these Christians will most likely suffer the same fate of persecution when it begins to spread around the world. Therefore; I have asked Father to place a hedge around these people so that their soul/spirit may be saved.


Note; To the members of the Very Elect. A privet web site has been created for the Very Elect and the Elect. You will be notified of the passwords to use to gain entry to our Privet web sites. Please use the privet site for the continuation of your personal members web site and the newly located Question and Answer forum. Brother Jean

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