According to that apostate, perverted Catholic organization called the Vatican, it has officially announced Pope Benedict XVI's April 15-20 trip to the United States. In a written statement distributed Feb. 8th, the Vatican said the pope would visit Washington with a visit to the United Nations in New York. The pope's six-day trip will include an April 16th meeting with President George W. Bush at the White House, and he will also address the New World Order (United Nations) crowd, on April 18th. Every time these people get together, I can not help reflect upon the document of John's Apocalypse. Particularly chapter 13:13 in the Book of Revelation that was added and placed in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. That is just like that guy who claims to be the head honcho of that apostate, perverted religion called Christianity. With its phony Baal god/gods and Messiah, that Catholic church organization called the Vatican, which are very big on having statues of their phony, pagan, man-god, Je-Zeus Christ, and their mother of god and producing great sings and wonders such as miracles. Like their long standing requirment that they must have two miracles associated with any candidate who is to be beatified. Like that of the late Pope John II and that Catholic televangelist Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen whom Catholics are working to have beatified, are required to produce testimony concerning two miracles associated with them for their canonization or to be declared to sainthood. What a strange coincidence how neatly they fit that revelation! To some people, that might just be a quirky coincidence. But it is no coincidence. It is a revelation to expose that Great Whore and her protestant harlot daughters who have corrupted the truth and have deceived the greater part of the world where millions of people have been known to be cast to their eternal death. A sad situation, indeed.