The Christian Rapture, True or False?

The doctrine of the Rapture is nothing new. I will give my thoughts on the Rapture from a non-Christian perspective. Although the term "rapture" is not found in any bible, the theory is indeed firmly based in the original Hebrew Scripture. the English word for "rapture" is derived from the Latin verb "Rapere" meaning "to carry off" or "to be caught up". Because Christians have become acquainted with this knowledge, Christians have expected this rapture was going to come in their days ever since the late first century CE. As far as I can understand the many Christians rapture theories that are believed from the preaching of Catholic priests and Protestant pastors, which I have heard for the past fifteen year, I have found that there are as many interpretations of the Rapture as there are Christian denominations. With the advent of modern communication, the Rapture became popular among Christians through the teachings of John Nelson Darby, who was an Irish evangelist. It first really began to spread around during the 1830's and was based upon one key verse in Daniel 9:24-27, which speaks of "Seventy weeks are decreed on your people and on your holy city, to finish disobedience, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy." Christian Rapture cult began to spread in the United States, towards the end of the 19th century. During the late 1960's and 1970's, The Christian Rapture theory had gained greater interest during that time when Hal Lindsey published his book, The Late Great Planet Earth. Lindsey had made a fortune with that book, by the way. Many of the apostate, pagan Christians with their false gods developed Je-Zeus Christ cults and end-time movements which had sprang up all across the world, all waiting for the rapture to come. Lindsey's "End of the World" prediction never materialized however. At this time, I will not get into every detail on the various interpretations that catholic or protestant priests, preachers and false prophets believe and preached about the end-time event, which will come in some set date. Instead, here is an overview on what I have heard. Most Christians believe that when all believers of their god, Je-Zeus Christ, those who are still alive just before the end of the world comes, will be taken up and go to Heaven. Some who accept the Rapture doctrine believe that all non-believers of the Christian religion will be left behind during the tribulation period will eventually die and end up in Hell. Most Christians agree the tribulation period will last for seven years, the final seven years of this age, when their phony Je-Zeus Christ returns to Earth to set up his earthly kingdom during the Millennium. Among Christians, there is also a doctrine called the "secret rapture" which is believed that the second coming of their phony Je-Zeus Christ will be in two separate stages. In the first stage, some sort of a secret rapture of Christians will occur at the beginning of a seven year tribulation period. Then they and their phony pagan god returns once again in a glorious and triumphant state, and sets up the kingdom of their pagan god which will last for only a thousand years, followed by a second stage when Satan comes back out of hell and corrupts the people once more, so some other god is ready to destroy planet earth, though not before the Christian god accompanied by his Christian, apostate, perverted, pagan church returns to a new heaven and a new earth. This view is the closest to all the others though they have many wrong assumptions regarding this matter. There are some Christian denominations from Roman Catholics and other small protestant groups who have come to believe what is written in the Book of Revelation about the end-time events, offers a vision of healing love for the entire world by their three god's. Boy, are they in for a rude awakening! Did you know that the Roman Catholic church claims that they represent the Kingdom of GOD on Earth? I find that claim hard to swollow given the horrfic history the Roman Catholic church has had for the past two thousand years. Not to mention the lies, deceptions, forgeries, false gods, mental and sexual abuse of children, fake icons and miracles that this apostate, pagan church had commited under its roof. The kingdom they might be representing is that of their phony demigod, Je-Zeus Christ, and not of GOD. Christians seem to disagree just when to place the countdown on those 490 years (70 times seven). But after the 69th week, however, Daniel says; and the people of the prince who shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and its end shall be with a flood and war. Then in the 1990's another guy by the name of Harold Camping of Family Radio, (Station) came along with his own end-time predictions. Camping came from the Christian Dutch Reformed Church. Camping's theology is based upon the dogmatic teachings of John Calvin. John Calvin had based his ministry upon one key verse in the New Testament, in Roman 3:10 which say's; As it is written, "There is no one righteous; no, not one." The facts prove otherwise. There are many people throughout the Scripture who were called righteous by GOD. Noah, was one such person, David was another. Anyway; During the 1990's, Camping published a book entitled 1994? in which he greatly hypothesized, based upon his ability for complex computations, on dates and numbers which were derived directly from his Christian bible, came up with the date for his end-time prediction. Camping had set the return of his fictitious Je-Zeus Christ, and the end of the world, in 1994. The most likely date all this would happen. Well; Christians were waiting for the end-time to come, and what happens? The date passes by and life goes on as before. 1994 came and went without a whimper. The return of their phony god, Je-Zeus Christ, or the "End of the World" failed to materialize despite all of Camping's reasoning, which he had boasted was based upon his fifty odd years he had spent meticulously studying his Christian bible. A bible which by the way, Camping is totally ignorant about how its text were actually written or put together. Camping has recently published another book based upon the very same meticulous, complex set of calculations, and has come up with a new End-Time prediction. He now claims with much certainty, that his phony god will return, and the "End of the World" will take place in the year 2011 CE. Despite many false predictions and failed computations by these pagan, gentile Christians, the Christian rapture theory continues to grow in popularity among gullible Christians, especially those from Evangelicals. Though I must say that not all Christian denominations buy into the Christian "Rapture" theory. I had noticed among Protestant Christians, there are a great many false prophets among them who make end-time predictions and end up falling flat on their face when the "End Time" event, fails to materialize. Though they all had claimed to have received their revelations directly from one of their gods. Such is the reliability of Christians and their religion and prophecies. What I find strange about these Christians is that they all give a contradictory date and set of events, all from the same god, I think. This is just like what you find in the contradictory teachings that come from the various 33,000 Christian denominations. What do I think about all this Christian Rapture hype? Well; Given what I now know about their religion and the people who spread that perversion, yes, I feel angry at those Christian priests, pastors and false prophets who should know better. But feel sorry for those people who had been duped and cone to believe in their false pagan, fictitious god/gods and that they have become ensnared into that apostate, pagan, perverted religion. These people will have no part in the coming rapture nor will they be reincarnated into a new earthly life, sad to say. Their Christian belief that they will have any part in the "Rapture of GOD" is false. It is just wishful thinking on their part, which really will amount to a whole lot of nothing. The claims these people are making, is a lot of hogwash, simply put. These Christians are no different than those who have already passed away, having waited for the end-time to come during their lifetime. This fools game had gone on among Christians for the past dozen centuries. Have you ever taken notice how present day Christians can't seem to wait for this "End-Time" event to come? Well, I have. Something about these people is driving them into a sort of suicide frenzy, like what drives a moth flying into an open flame. Their end will be likewise.

Other people believe in a long standing Mayan Prophecy for the year 2012 CE. This is based upon a series of super sized stone monuments and with precise calendar computations. Planted with great intention, these dates were left to ensure that future generations would be alerted to the coming end point of this great 26,000 year cycle. A cycle corresponds with the 26,000 year relationship of our Sun orbiting a central star of the 7 Sisters Pleiades constellation. According to the Mayan, the "future" which lies beyond this end date will alter the earth's cycle and cause great destruction upon planet Earth which one can say will become like some "new creation".

Do I believe in the Rapture? I guess one can say that I believe in a non-Christian type of rapture which is not based upon the Christian religion, nor on the Christian bible, nor on the preaching by people and their meticulously complex calculations, but by the Word from the true living GOD of Heaven. Unlike in the story of Nineveh, Governments and its people had failed to respond to the warning. Governments, religious leaders and its people had ignored it. Therefore; We of GOD's Very Elect, are presently just standing by for the time when we will encounter a physical "rapture", on a physical apparatus, (such as a spaceship of some kind) which will take us to the New Earth. Those of the Very Elect were the people who were ready, waiting and were drawn to the call when it was sent out over the World Wide Web. The elect, are the people who had not responded to the call, but had eventually been drawn to come to the truth and had accepted the free gift of Grace. These people are the great multitude of people who will encounter a reincarnation and take part in the new Earth where the Temple and the Tabernacle of GOD shall reside, if they retain their new found faith. But because of the limited amount of space, only the Very Elect will be able to be taken out of harms way just before the time when the global nuclear war begins. Those of the elect, were given to them valuable information as to how to survive through these dreadful coming events. Once the global War is over, one can say that those who are left behind and have managed to remain alive, the planet Earth will indeed look like a "new creation", after the effects of the holocaust. Here is what The Future of Humanity will be like. It was composed during 1995, when The Holy Testament was written. By the way; Despite what those Christians claim, the "End of the World" will not take place for another thousand years after the global nuclear war ends. I thought you might like to know that, to set your mind at ease.

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