I had been going over my old files and I had come across this
interview of an ex-Christian called Mark. I think you might find interesting reading.
Those of you who are most familiar with my articles and web-content on the People
of the Holy Testament web site, which has been on "The Web" since 1998. Over the
course of that time, I have presented many arguments in exposing the truth about the
Christian Bible and of Christianity as a religion. However my perspectives on Biblical
inerrancy does not rest well with Christians. I asked Mark, who is an ex-Christian, how
he can still believein GOD, in light of his own viewpoints. This is going to be the focus
of this interview, what Mark believes about the Bible, if and how his beliefs have
changed during the past few years, and what his belief is at the present time.
So let me begin here with some questions to you, Mark... Back in 1999 when
you were involved and worked with Harold Camping and his Family Radio
ministry, you considered youself to be a reasonably conservative evangelical
Christian, right?
Mark: Yes.
Jean: Regarding Biblical inerrancy, you felt that the Bible was totally
reliable and authoritative?
Mark: Yes.
Jean: Looking back now, is there any scholar/teacher that you could identify
as having changed your views on this matter and how would you describe your
views on the Bible now?
Mark: As far back as I can remember, I had always believed that the Bible was
without error and without question, reliable on all matters it covers. Since I
viewed the Bible in this light, as literally the "Word of God", it was not
unusual for me to stay clear of situations where that belief may have been
compromised. Looking back, I remember being completely immersing in the Bible
where I felt safe and secure. Speaking on inerrancy, I’d have to say that Harold
Camping was probably my biggest influence at that time. As you may remember,
Harold Camping predicted the end of the world for Sept. 6th, 1994, and that of
Jesus Christ’s second coming. Needless to say, the world did not come to an end
and Jesus Christ did not return. But I continued on as a believer and carried
the basic Christian tenet of Bible inerrancy that Camping insisted on into my
Christian walk.
Jean: What do you think about Camping's latest prediction that the end of the
world will come on October 20, 2011?
Mark: Camping is full of crock. I feel sorry for those people who believe
Jean: Are your views different now than they were then?
Mark: My views are considerably different now. However, this change did not
come about overnight but thru a long and developed progression. After the Harold
Camping folly, I began to venture out of my safe zone into other more open or
objective circles. I got caught up with reading material from that "Bible Answer
Man" on the People of the Holy Testament web site, and from there I became aware
of a whole community of apologetic writers through your writings and those I had
found on the Recomended Reading links on the People of the Holy Testament
Archive page that focused on dealing with skepticism. At that time, I remember
thinking: "finally, some solid answers." I’d say, from the end of 1999, to about
2002, is where most of my progression took place regarding Bible inerrancy. At
the height of this progression, my mind reflected back on those Christian
apologetic writings that always seemed to say the same thing, I began to realize
that those Christian books were for the most part, quite shallow. There really
never seemed to be much substance behind those books. As my mind began to hunger
for more explorative examinations, I began to venture outside of my safe and
secure zones I had been accustom to. By the end of 2002, 80% of my reading
encompassed books written by mainline academic scholars and legitimate biblical
scholars of an atheistic persuasion. The more I learned, the more I realized I
really didn’t know much. As I began to re-look at my Christian books, and some of my
own essays, I realized that I was no longer a Christian and was no longer an issue.
Jean: In what way are your views different?
Mark: While my views on elements or within the Bible are subject to being quite
different than before, my view on the Bible’s basic message of an existing creative God
who has an invested interest in humankind, is very much intact. I believe the books
that make up the Christian Bible (in its different versions) to be various human
reflections of God’s dealings with mankind and I believe these reflections are captured
in theological thoughts through Jewish historiography.
Jean: Who has influenced you to change your views?
Mark: You have greatly changed my views through your People of the Holy
Testament web site, as well as other known Biblical scholars on inspirational
matters. Basically, your boldness of not being afraid to speak the truth which
is not a popular thing to do within the greater Christian community that has influence me.
Jean: Based upon your knowladge of having been a Christian, what did
Christians at Fanily Radio think of my views on the Christian bible?
Mark: Oh; They criticize you for your views on the Bible. They do not
appreciated your critical thinking, your critical comments and observations and
have wondered if you have gone a little too far on occasion. Most think you are
of Satan.
Jean: Do you believe that this Satan really exist?
Mark: No; You have made it perfectly clear where that whole Satan myth had
originally come from. Christians are not comfortable with your views because you
make sense in what you say. Recently, a Christian had written to me out of
concern for having left the fold and said: "You are on your way to Hell for not
believing that Jesus Christ is God and that the Bible is not the Infallable Word
of God!" My response to that individual was to ask a couple of questions. Like:
"Did you know that Muslims also believe everything they read in the Koran? Did
you know that Mormons also believe everything they read in the Book of Mormon?"
Just because something is readable, does not make it true. God gave us critical
minds and surely He would not penalize a believer for being overly cautious.
Jean: In your opinion, what is the value and reliability of the Christian
Bible? How reliable is it in providing valuable information?
Mark: Those ancient recordings found in the biblical text, comes to light
when reading stories the reader can identify with and gain some insight from
them. In this respect, I probably differ little from the typical Christian
perspective. The difference is that I don’t view all these stories as being
literally "The Word of God" as Christians clain but rather as human reflections.
Hence, in my view, the reliability of the Bible has its limitations.
Note from Jean: People who had been working for Camping claim that their is a lot
of contention among Camping's ministry, and his board is undermining the entire ministry. "Everyone is in turmoil about his end of the
world on October 20, 2011 stand, says an ex-staff member. Harold's position on
his end-time events is his own business, and he is using Family Radio as his own
personal forum to promote his book, Time has an End. He uses Open Forum so he can
talk about 2011 and has even gone so far as to counsel people who call in not to
make any long-term plans because his phony god, Je-Zeus Christ is coming back very
soon. Camping has no formal theological education, and feels that rather than worrying
about sowing deception or erroneous predictions, he's getting out the message that the world
will come to an end in the year of 2011. "If I am correct in this, and there is every
indication that I am, we have a very short time left to get right with God." This he says
very deliberately. He warns people that when October 20, 2011 arrives, no one else
can become saved because the end has come. Camping had made a previous prediction that the
world was coming to an end in his controversial 562-page book, 1994? which we know
that the world had not come to an end and that his phony god had not shown up. Yet;
Camping uses the very same arguments to give credibility to his latest prediction. I
will not hesitate to bring Harold Camping and all those Christians ministries who had
proclaimed that their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ is comming real soon, I am going to
bring them to task and go all out to expose those deceivers and charlatans after
October 20, 2011 have well gone by and the world had not come to an end nor had their
phantom god come to claim this world. I have up to now, not really begun the real
battle for GOD, truth, honor, integrity and a hope which is real.
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