Out from the Great Whore

I find it quite interesting how those protestant ministries expect to be protected by their fictitious, man-made Baal god they call Je-Zeus Christ. When one examines their religious beliefs, it not only makes no sense, it isn't even logical or rational. You have these people who expect to be in touch with GOD, our Heavenly Father, by speaking about the Heavenly Father in their sermons and some even call Him, Father GOD, while at the same time they are serving another god, a pagan, phoney, man-made god the Roman Catholic has called Je-Zeus Christ. Where do these protestants think that name came from, or their Christian bible? None of the original text of Yeshua's original congregation had used the name, Je-Zeus Christ. The name Je_zeus Christ was inserted in all of the early Roman Catholic documents they had, which were copies of copies from the formation of the pagan Christian religion. The Roman Catholic church had been calling the name of their phoney pagan, man made god, Je-Zeus Christ during the first fourteen hundred years, before the Protestant Reformation. That pagan god name was inserted in all the works the Catholic church had. All the words they claim was spoken by Je-Zeus Christ, was taken from the mouth of the real person of Yeshua and inserter into the mouth of that counterfeit, man-made pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ. It was during the late first century CE and onward, that this was done to all the text which had then existed, be it in Latin, Greek or Hebrew, and eventually were circulating among the Roman Catholic churches throughout the pagan Christian communities. One must remember that there were no such thing as protestants, during the first fourteen hundred years because they had not been invented. The problem for the local people in those Christian communities, they could not read those text, not even some people who were of the Nobility. Only the priests and bishops of the Roman Catholic Church had the education and training to read those text. Which was by the way, the way the Roman Catholic church wanted to keep it that way. It sort of gave them mastery over all the people. Where once the original text had read..."Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Yeshua, the anointed one, for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit", it was changed to read....."Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Iesous Christus (Je-Zeus Christ), for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit". The name of the Roman Catholic pagan, man-made god. Bible scholars now believe that Yeshua was the proper name that was known by his Apostles and peers during his lifetime. Whereas, Iesous Christus was Anglicized, (changed into English) for the phony, man-made Christian god, Je-Zeus Christ. Even those Christians and Christian Messianic Jews who use the name, "Yeshua, the anointed one" as their Christian god, fell into the Roman Catholic church devious trap. How stupid can these protestant be, to think that what they read in their Christian bible, regardless what translation it is, the text had not been altered and corrupted during the fourteen hundred years that it was only in the hands of the Roman Catholic church? The early Protestant Christians must have been that stupid, because they had bought into the Roman Catholic lie right from the get go, so to speak. Now these idiots think that they will be saved and receive the Holy Spirit! Fat chance of that, while they keep worshiping that Roman Catholic, man-made god, Je-Zeus Christ. How stupid can these people be! One would think that with the brains that GOD had given them, they would use it to discern the truth. But no, they had compleatly missed the mark. Instead, they had believed what the Roman Catholic church had taught Christians throughout all of the centuries since Christianity became Rome's national religion in the forth century CE. The Reformation movement had not made protestants any better than the Roman Catholic church, rather they became the harlot daughters of the Great Whore. If those protestants insist on worshipping that pagan, man-made god, Je-Zeus Christ, then they had better run back to the Roman Catholic church, that Great Whore, where protestants had originated from, prior to the days of the protestant reformation, when they started to break away from the Roman Catholic church, their whoreish mother. I sugguest that protestants re-read their history books on Christianity. Good Grief, how dense, how stupid those Christians can be!

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