I had the occasion to hear a
Christian preacher spew out his poison on World Harvest radio of LaSee Broadcasting.
It is a Christian broadcast which was established by Lester F. Summerall, which is run
now by his son, Peter Summerall. I had spoken once before about this broadcast which
holds to that perverted doctrine of their man-made god, je-Zeus Christ. This broadcast
has managed to deceive a great many people throughout the years of its establishment.
Anyway, on this occasion, the topic was on "One World" which the preacher claims that
their phantom god will establish a one world system that will bring peace to all the
world. I wonder if it will be anything like the Chrisisdom of Christianity way back when
Christians went on their biobotical campaign of cutting down all those who would not
submit to their perverted religion and charge these people as being "heretics" for not
accepting their paganized "Christian" dogma and teachings. Heretics were anybody
who dared to preach another form of Christianity, or those people who would not
accept the teachings of Christianity, or those people who spoke against Christianity
and its perverted teachings. During the centuries of the Inquisition, and their era of
the so-called witch hunts, in which a great many innocent people had been killed,
hunted down like wild animals, and their books and text of herbal recipies or books of
any other religions were confiscated and burned. Oh yes; These high minded eschatology
Christian misfits had the freedom to preach their perversion without having anybody to
challenge them. I can not forget what Christians had done during their past history
when they had great power and had total control. This preacher went on to claim that
all the heathen apostate religions will come to believe the Christian man-made phantom
god, when he comes to rule the world. (I wonder if this too will be done under the
treath of death, as history has revealed about Christians and their perverted way of
thinking and how they see the world under their rule.) Well, I hope that all the news
networks will be around to capture the non-event in Jerusalem around the fall of 2011
CE to cover the expected apparence of this je-Zeus Christ, and tell the world what liers
these Christians are because of the botched appearance of the Christians fictitious god.
As I sit and listen to this preacher give his sermon or lecture, I could not help think that
all this talk is coming from a preacher who belongs to one of those heathen apostate
religions. You may have already guess what I think about all this. you are right, I not
only think, but know it is all hogwash! What else is new? The only One World these
Christians will see is the UN, One World Order system which is well on its way to
become fully established. These Christian preachers insinuate that my goal is to be
involved with this One World Order system. That insinuation is as wrong as is their
perverted religion with its damnable heresy. I can understand being hated by most
of these Christians, for they have good reason to do so. I am exposing the truth about
their perverted religion. Unlike when Yeshua spoke about the religious establashment
in parables, in figures of speech, but I come to tell you in plain language, not in hidden
metaphors about the Christian religious establishment in our present era, or about my
Heavenly Father and the Kingdom of GOD. What I have found out about some of these
catholic priests or protestant preachers, is how stupid they really are. I have often
heard these type of people condemn their fellow Christian ministries. They speak about
how perverted these Christian ministries are, when they themselves belong and preach
the same perverted Christian religion about their fictitious god, je-Zeus Christ. Like
most of these deceived, perverts of truth, they would be laughable had this topic
were not so serious. You have Catholics condemning protestants and protestants
condemning Catholics and anyone else who do not ascribe to their particular Christian
denomination. This is how messed-up these Christians really are, those who preach and
belong to the Christian religion. With the kind of logic they use, it is no great wonder
that they have no problem at all to believe in their man-made phantom god, or believe
that the mythical Satan, the devil with his demons are real and that a hell of fire
realy exist, which people will burn there for eternity. I also find these people to be highly
superstitious. Catholics will wear little medals around their neck and wear brown
scapulas under their clothes, or carry a vial of "holy water" to ward off evil spirits or
demons. Anyway, regardless what these Christians might say, I would have a very
difficult time taking them very seriously, given the kind of exposure I already had with
them. Christian's like those listed on the "Facts about these Organizations!!" on our
web site who are so stupid that they cannot see the difference betwen Yeshua,
je-Zeus Christ or Yahweh, because to them, they are all the same person. They have
not a clue that these persons or beings are totally seperate indivdules. It is the same
thing with these Christians when it comes to using names like Yeshua, je-Zeus Christ
or Yahweh. To these people, those names mean and represent their fistitious god,
je-Zeus Christ. In fact, to the majority of Christians, all of those names, Yeshua,
je-Zeus Christ or Yahweh, refer to their phony god, je-Zeus Christ. Whereas to us
of the Holy Testament, Yahweh is GOD the Father, the one and only GOD. To us,
Yeshua is a son of GOD, and our Beloved Brother. As for that strange creature
Christians call je-Zeus Christ, he is nothing but a phony god, or someone who had
never even existed in real life. We have nothing to do with this je-zeus Christ of the
Christians who is only a phantom that was invented by man. Therefore; Unlike these
Christians, it matters a great deal to us which name is given when we speak about GOD,
when we call upon Yahweh, our Heavenly Father. Who is a seperate Individual from
Yeshua, who is our Beloved Brother. As for that phony Christian god, je-Zeus Christ, my
Heavenly Father has made known to me that the name, Jesus Christ, is a cursed name. How
often have I heard Christians use that name when they curse. But that is another
topic which can be explored more fully at a later date. I laugh at these Christian
priests or preachers who claim that I do not know how to interpret their Christian bible
and that I do not know GOD. These Christian heathens seem to think they can tell me
something about GOD, my Heavenly Father, or about their corrupted Christian bible and
religion, that I do not already know. Most of those heathen catholic priests or protestant
preachers whom I have heard, were not even born, or were just snotty-nose youngsters
when I was studying the history of Christianity and romping around the South American
jungles for the sake of adventure back in the early 1960's. They seem to think they can
tell me something I am not already aware of. What a bunch of idiots they are! Here is a prime example of how much of an idiot these people are. There is this Lester F. Summerall guy, on World Harvest Radio / LaSee Broadcasting. Lester F. Summerall is dead but his son plays his sermons that were taped. This guy Summerall claimed that the New World Order under the U.N. will be just like the Hitler era when Germany had great power. That the crowd at the U.N. are infidels and are of Satan the devil. That they are corrupt, godless heathens. That they will claim to be god and will worship their idol of their pagan god. That they will deceive all the people to follow their religion. That will be the Anti-Christ as it is written in their Christian bible. Well, what do that Summerall idiot think was the predominate religion of Germany during the Hitler era? It was Christianity and the German people were Christians! They were Catholics and Protestants. At least 80-90% of the people in Germany were Christians during the Hitler era! Most Germans are probably still Christians. That lame brain Summerall, had been going on about how great Christianity and Christians are. That their phony Christian pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ was going to save the world. Seems to me that Summerall is saying that their Je-Zeus Christ whom they claim is god or a god, will save the world through the U.N. the coming New World Order. Is this history repeating itself? As for those priests or preachers who are around my age or are older, preachers like, Harold Camping of Family Radio ministry, that Christian false prophet, R.G.Stair of Overcomer
Ministries, or that rachet jaw, Arnold Murray of Shepherd's ChapeI, I am amazed that Christian's like these have remained so ignorant and have not advanced in knowledge or wisdom during their lifetime to prevent them from making fools of themselves.