There are a great many religions that pretend
to be worshiping the true GOD of Heaven when they are not. This is the case with
Christians. Christians have failed the test when they had rejected the truth which
was revealed to them by the Holy Spirit. The reasons are many, but I believe that
the main reason they had failed the test was their stubborn reliance upon what had
been taught to them by their priests and pastors who represent and teach the religion
of Christianity despite what had been revealed to them through the Holy Spirit. But
their heart, ears and eyes were uncircumcised, and they could not see or listen to what had been
revealed to them. Instead, the words of the Holy Spirit had become to them a reproach,
and they have no delight in it. Therefore; The wrath of GOD, who is Yahweh, (Not the Christian
fictitious god, je-Zeus Christ) is upon these people. GOD will pour out His wrath upon these people, upon their land, upon their assemblies, together with their priests and pastors who
have spoken falsely to them. They have preached saying that they have the truth when they had not. They had said, peace, and peace be with you, when there was no peace, nor had they any peace. They had rejected to walk on the path that would have given their soul/spirit peace and rest, instead they said, we will not walk therein and continue to worship our god, je-Zeus Christ. They are not ashamed for having committed this great abomination. No, they were not at
all ashamed. Therefore; These Christians shall be cast down and fall among those who will fall.
I think that their unbelief stem from their failure to believe that their Christian bible had
been altered to represent the false god/gods they have come to believe in. Despite the fact that
these flaws were pointed out to them in so many ways concerning their Christian bible and their false teachings. Because Christians had failed the test, they are now deemed to be lost and have
no part in the Kingdom of GOD.
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