One of the greatest flaws within the Christian protestant mindset is their false belief that they can know and understand the things of GOD by just reading from their Christian bible alone, without understanding what the original Apostles of Yeshua had believed and had written. As it has been pointed out, Protestant Christians read from a set of scriptures within their bible which had been greatly perverted and altered by the early pagan Christian "church" fathers of that perverted Baal religion called Christianity. With that Protestant mindset, it is no great wonder that Protestant Christians are so mixed-up and are in such chaos that they find themselves in a quagmire of their own deceit. At least the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Christian churches can rely upon their traditional teachings which they had perverted, and had passed on from generation to generation, from which Protestant Christianity had originally evolved from. During the past centuries, Protestant Christians have tried to interpret their scriptures, which had been derived from copies of scriptures which had been perverted and greatly altered, without having the benefit of what the true understanding of what the teachings of Yeshua's original congregation had believed. This alone puts Protestant Christians at a very great disadvantage. Especially when they rely upon scriptures which had long ago lost the true meanings and teachings of the original author, that of Yeshua, The Anointed one. Protestant Christians over the centuries have tried to piece together what is the truth from what is false from the traditional teachings and scriptures within that Christian religion which had long ago been altered and because of that, had lost the true meanings and teachings of Yeshua. They no longer have Yeshua's Apostles original meanings and teachings to refer to, for these have been lost through the passage of time during the early part of Yeshua's congregation which had been hijacked by those pagan Christians with another gospel and another Yeshua who is the invented je-Zeus Christ. All that is left for Protestant Christians to refer to, are copies of copied text which had been perverted and greatly altered to reflect the perverted Christian dogma. Only when the true, original text of Yeshua's Apostles are uncovered, will Protestant Christians have something they can refer to and rely upon, as to the truth of what was originally written. And these are the people who now accuse me of not having the truth when I have diligently articulated and pointed out all these things on this web site, along with the true history of Christianity. They speak of something they have no or little knowledge about. In that light, what spews out of their uninformed mind and mouth are things that are corrupted and have little knowledge about what is the truth. This is the reason why it was imperative for the Holy Spirit to come and reveal the truth, so that people may know the truth and what had been lost during these past centuries.
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