Altering of the Hebrew text

You may have by now heard Christian priests and pastors claim that their Christian bible is the "Infallable" Word of GOD! That what is written in the Christian bible was accreatly translated from the Hebrew scriptures the Torah. These statements are nothing but lies. I have shown through many sources how Christians have changed many of the Hebrew text that is found in the Christian bible in order to reflect their perverted theologhy and dogma. Some of the major tenents of Christianity is that Jews and gentiles must believe in their phony je-Zeus Christ in order to be saved, and that the expected "messiah" is the Christian je-Zeus Christ. It is also told by Christians that those people who do not believe in the Christian je-Zeus Christ is damned and will go to Hell. That there is no salvation outside of the Christian je-Zeus Christ. In other words what Christians are saying is that GOD's salvation program is soly based upon in the belief of the Christians fictitious je-Zeus Christ whom they claim is the messiah spoken of in the Hebrew bible, the Torah, better known as the Old Testament to Christians. In order for Christians to validdate their claims, they had to change or alter many of the Hebrew text in their Christian bible in order to support their false claims. As you can plainly see, Christians prefer to remain in the dark ages with the mindset of a 13th-14th Century person who believes in a corrupted and greatly perverted theology rather than to come into the age of enlightment. These Christian priests and pastors may want to remain in the dark ages and be ignorant, that is their free choice, but it does not mean that you need to remain in ignorance as they are. Remember; GOD had given you the capacity of free choice in order that you may choose.

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