Conspearcy of Silence

According to World Statistics, there are more than 2.1 billion Christians throughout the world today. There are 30,000 different Christian denominations. These people place their whole faith and trust upon a book, namely the Christian bible. Christians priests and pastors make the bold clain that the entire Christian bible is the inerrant and infallible "Word of GOD". For fifteen hundred years, Christianity held great power over most of the known world. Anyone who would dare challange the Christian claim about the inerrantcy and infallibility of their bible and showed textual proof that the Christian bible was not the inerrant and infallible "Word of GOD" as was claimed, were quickly silenced and its work suppressed and destroyed by the clergy. This diobolical conspiracy of silence could not be held indefinitely. It was only a matter of time when the truth would be known. The conspiracy of silence was finally broken during the second half of the 20th century when the Christian "church" no longer had sway and power over the people or its governments. Now; The truth has been allowed to come out into the open and has earned widespread public attention. This enabled me to release The Holy Testament in 1996 and onward to the general public. I was verbaly attacked and demonized by most Christian denominations for having brought out The Holy Testament. I had expected that since this has been a long standing tactic of the Christian clergy. As a last resort, in order to better defend the Holy Testament, I began to do my own research in the year of 1999 CE, on the subject of the infallibility and inerrantcy of the Christian bible. During that extentive research, I had found out that the Christian claim on the infallibility and inerrantcy of the Christian bible, was an outright blatent lie. I had found its text to be greatly flawed in many areas.

Take the verses of; Isaiah 9:5 for example. For those people who do not have a Christian bible handy, this is what Isaiah 9:5 says... "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselior, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Now for the proper translation of Isaiah 9:5 this is how it really reads, "For a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us and the dominion will rest on his shoulder; The Wondrous Adviser, Mighty G-d, Eternal Father, called his name Prince of Peace. Notice the great difference how the Christian version reads compare to what the original text is really saying? In the original Hebrew version, the "Wondrous Adviser, Mighty G-d, Eternal Father" is GOD! And GOD had called Hezekiah the "Prince of Peace." Taken in context, it is clear who the verse is referring to - King Hezekiah. We mustn't forget that Isaiah lived in the days of Hezekiah and many of these prophecies are directed to him or to the Jews who lived at that time. I thank Rabbi M. Younger of who gave me the proper translation of Isaiah 9:5. In this example alone, it is clear that the Christian bible is not inerrant or infallible as those Christian clergy often claim it is. Another bold claim Protestant pastors make is that the Authorized King James bible was translated from the "Original text". That it is a reliable and true translation of the Hebrew Text. That Protestant phony claim is blown right out of the water because I had used the Authorized King James bible to prove this point. So their claim that their bible is the inerrant and infallible "Word of GOD" is false and their claim is unreliable. I have often heard preachers claim that their only Authority is their bible. They base their entire faith and trust in a book (bible) which had purposely been mis-translated by the early pagan church fathers of Christianity. I had found many such verses which had purposely been mis-translated in order to uphold the Christian false doctraine that their fictitious Je-Zeus Christ is GOD, when they quote verses like Isaiah 9:5 and John 1:1 in their Christian bible.

Now let us take a look at the New Testament text in the Christian bible and point out passages that are problematic, that are very obvious. That jump right out at you without having to go into it too deeply. Before we start, let me explain that the name, Jesus Christ, which GOD had cursed and damned, is as phony as the Christian religion. Therefore; I will substitute that name with "Je-Zeus Christ" which better represents this phony Christian god. Now lets take a look at the Christian account of Matthew 28: 51- 54. We read that a centurion with his men was keeping watch over Je-Zeus Christ and had been terror-stricken at seeing the earthquake and everything else that was happening at that time during the final hours of the crucifixion. Suddenly the curtain of the sanctuary (Temple) was torn in two from top to bottom. During the earthquake, boulders split and tombs were opened. In the first place, there had not been any such earthquake of that magnitude. That kind of earthquake would have caused the earth to split right up to the Temple Mount. There is no historical record or written account from other sources that such an event had ever happened. Such a quake would have earned a mention from other sources than the Christian "gospel" account. It would have been nentioned in Roman records or in other historical sources. But there are none. Secondly; We know that the Temple had not stopped functioning after the death of Je-Zeus Christ. Such a massive earthquake would have rendered the Temple a dangerous place to be in and would have been unstable. It would not be useable. Also, such a massive earthquake, enough to split huge boulders and cause a deep rift in the ground are not mentioned in any Jewish historical record. Thirdly; We have people coming out of their tombs and walking about the city. Some of these dead people must have been walking skeletons, some with decayed flesh hanging from their body that was rotting away while others were just in the process of decay! You mean to tell me that these walking Zombies actually walked about the streets and not a word of it is ever mentioned from Roman records or other historical sources? And we are supposed to believe that all of this had really taken place? I know that most Protestant preachers out there in never-never land, actually believe that these events had taken place. After all, it is written in their Bible, the infallible word of God as these people like to put it. They will say that if it is written in their bible, then it has to be true. So you have dead bodies roaming around like it is the most natural thing to see. Am I reading a Harry Potter book or what? These dead bodies came forth from their tombs and entered the holy city (Jerusalem) and appeared to many. Another problematic passages is when Je-Zeus Christ was at the age of twelve. We find him at the Temple while his parents had left Jerusalem to go back home to Nazareth. We read that the Temple Priests and wise men were amazed at the wisdom of such a young boy. The writer put in this passage to show the wisdom of Je-Zeus Christ at such an early age. But this text also backfires from the previous text we read about Simeon and the Prophetess during the presentation of the child in the Temple for the circumcision rite. This is the same boy that had been brought to the Temple for circumcision where Simeon and the Prophetess had given thanks to GOD, and claimed to the crowd that this was the child who was the long awaited Messiah, whom the people had looked forward to for so many years. The one who would be their deliverance. Are we now to believe that these Temple Priest's and wise men just forgot that this boy standing and speaking before them was their long awaited Messiah? Come now! I find this to be extreemly hard to believe. During the ministry of Je-Zeus Christ, why was he not known as the long awaited Messiah in Nazareth where he could not work his miracles? How come the Temple Priest's and wise men in Jerusalem did not reconize Je-Zeus Christ as their Messiah in the Christian New Testament passages, given that they were fully informed that he was the Messiah during his circumcision rite? These are just a few passages that are problematic. I find other text that do not add up in the writings of the Christian New Testament gospels. What people, Temple Priest's or wise men would forget that this Je-Zeus Christ was their long awaited Messiah? If you want to see other passages that are problematic and text which contradic other text that relate to the same event, then I sugguest you read Fallacy of Christianity. Fallacy, Lies & Contradictions.

It takes a great deal of time, work and research to point out these flaws that are in the Christian bible. All the time knowing full well that when such a document is released to the general public, Christian religious leaders will quickly demonize the person and do everything in their power to quickly suppress it. They will even lie in order to defend their perverted, pagan religion. What do that say about the credibility of Christian priests and pastors who claim to represent GOD, and have a higher moral and ethical standard than secular society? Not very much. After reading this artical, a person will come to realize the true face of Christianity, for what it really is. This artical has also exposed the Christian clergy for what they truly are. They had purposely lied and betrayed the trust of their church membership.

Frankly; I would advise Christians to reject their false Baal, apostate religion if they want to save their soul/spirit, their self, from eternal death. That pagan, apostate Christian religion do not, I repeat, do not represent the true GOD of Heaven.

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