Tim Staples

Trying to debunk historical facts.

Tim Staples is one of many Catholic diatribes who try to defend the perverted, apostate Roman Catholic claims and teachings. I have no doubt that when Tim Staples converted to the Roman Catholic church, they gave him the job of being one of their "Apologetics" because of his vast experience as a Protestant minister who is good at twisting scripture passages, of being a boldface liar and his ability to omit certain facts when defending the Roman Catholic church, its claims and its teachings. In recent times, on EWTN Catholic Radio, Tim Staples, a Catholic apologist, persistently try to advanced the thesis that the Dark and Middle Ages were not actually dark, that the 1,000 year period stretching from the fall of Rome to the Renaissance (around 1500 CE) was an era of significant intellectual and cultural advance. they try to debunk the truth about the Roman Catholic churches role in history of suppressing scientific advancement for centuries. This is what the Catholic church tells their Catholic people... "The era from the fall of Rome through the Middle Ages was a time of spectacular technological and intellectual progress that erupted when innovation was freed from the grip of Roman despotism.” Similarly: “Christian commitment to reason and progress wasn’t all talk; soon after the fall of Rome, it encouraged an era of extraordinary invention and innovation". This is what Tim Staples says... "Undoubtedly the most provocative and detailed section is the one on “The Church and Science.” The reason for this is clear. If there is any point on which the Church is harassed, to the point of monotony, it is its alleged suppression of scientific advancement. Central to any such discussion is the infamous “Galileo Case,” which is described in detail. Yet, for all the coverage it receives, it is “practically the only example that comes to mind” of supposed clerical obscurantism. Catholic from its inception, would preserve and extend our knowledge beyond that of any previous society. What goes unmentioned is that beginning in the Middle Ages, the Church was supporting research". Really? Well, here are other examples that comes to mind of clerical obscurantism, Mr. smart ass! Alexander the Great had founded Alexandria on the north coast of Egypt in 331 B.C.E. He also established the school and library of Alexandria, which became the recognized center of scientific knowledge. The dynasty of General Ptolemy governed these institutions up to the time of the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 B.C.E. (A span of about 300 years). During that time, Greek physicians practiced medicine according to the philosophy of Hippocrates. Control of the school at Alexandria passed into the hands of Jewish theology during this period. Later, Christian theology took control of the school and dominated it up to the 12th century. Early in its organization, the Catholic Church took a hard stand against all learning and science. The last scientist to work at the library of Alexandria was a woman by the name of Hypatia. She was born in 370 A.D. Her father preceded her at the library in the field of mathematics and astronomy. Because of her scientific esteem and her influence with the Roman governor, the archbishop of Alexandria, whose name was Cyril, came to despise her. Her learning and science represented the Pagan culture which at the time the Church was intent on obliterating from society. In 415 when Hypatia was 45 years of age the archbishop arranged for a band of fanatics to waylay her on her way to work, drag her from her chariot and killed her. Carl Sagan in his Cosmos in 1980 wrote, "The glory of the Alexandrian library is a dim memory. Its last remnants were destroyed soon after Hypatia's death. It was as if the entire civilization had undergone some self-inflicted brain surgery." The Catholic church had made Archbishop Cyril of Alexandria a saint. Was that because he had instigated the murder of Hypatia and sacking and burning of the Alexandrian library? Let us continue... shall we? In the Middle Ages (13th century) there was no sewage control in any of the "Christian" towns and cities, so water and food supplies were grossly contaminated by human and animal waste. Garbage accumulated in the streets, breeding insects and rats. In 1347 when the Christian crusaders fought against the Tartars in the Far East, the Tartars had become infected with the plague and were decimated by it. This plague spread amongst the Christian crusaders, some had died at sea on the way home. Those who reached home set off an epidemic which spread right across Europe. At that time in history, which was called the "Dark Ages", for good reason, it was the height of Roman Catholic church suppression of scientific and medical knowledge. It was not a good time for cats, either. Catholic theologians at that time associated cats with witches and the devil and had them killed. With no cats around, the towns and cities became invested with rats, which had greatly helped to spread the plague, which was called "The Black Death". During that time, the Church had fostered the belief that filthiness was next to godliness. That bathing was the sin of pride and that it tended to wash away the effects of the church baptism. The less exposed to water, the more holy one remained. The lack of sanitation had contributed to the deaths of millions of people because of the church's stupid reasoning. The general populace came to realize that epidemics receded more quickly in the towns and cities where cats controlled the rat population and the cleansing effect of burning the corps by fire. From time to time the Church would stop the killing of cats when it was recognized that a high population of cats was associated with a lower mortality rate in the Black Death epidemics. During the plague, the Catholic bishops and priests fled the towns and cities to remote monasteries and left their catholic Christian people to fend for themselves. Nostradamus (Michel de Nostredame), who lived in the 15th century, relates in his own journal about the suppression of the Roman Catholic church. During all that time, Western civilization was at its lowest point, a return to the barter system, constant wars and plagues. Medicine and healing by the use of nature was considered black magic, the only people who were literate were mostly in the clergy. People rarely lived past their 30s, infant mortality was extremely high. Diseases was high and there was little to no scientific discovery, and if there were it was quashed as heresy. During the time of Pope Innocent VIII, there were Heretic trials and executions being directed by him. During that Christian era, it was a cold, bleak and frightening times of slaughter. Yes, the Roman Catholic church have suppressed scientific advancement for centuries. A good book to get in the public library is.. "A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom", published in 1896 by Andrew Dickson White, who was born in Homer, New York, on November 7, 1832. This is a two volumes book; It outlines how the Catholic church had suppress the advancement of science through the ages. If you can not get that book, you can read.. The Myth of Christianity Founding Modern Science and Medicine (And the Hole Left by the Christian Dark Ages) is a commentary by Jim Walker. Personally, I believe in this day and age, the ability for the Catholic church and its Catholic apologist, people like Tim Staples, to suppress the truth is almost at an end. Need I say more....


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