Christian Trash

Many people wonder why I am so harsh on Christianity. To me, it is nothing but trash. The reason I say that, it is because Christianity is nothing more than an apostate, perverted, heathen religion. Those people who call themselves Christians had originally been given the opportunity to know the truth about GOD, through the teachings of Yeshua, the Anointed One. But they had chosen to pervert it by adapting those teachings to an invented new pagan religion called Christianity, with its man-made phony god/gods, whom their main god goes by a name that sounds like Je-Zeus Christ. Followers of Christianity are known to be charitable, like in giving things to the poor. I think they do that so that they will look good to soceity. They love to stand and pray in their churches so that others can see them and think they are good Christians. They love to preach their apostate, perverted, heathen gospel and give tracts and Christian bibles on street corners so that they may be seen by the general public. Of course they do this to promote their apostate, perverted, heathen religion and make themselves look good before the general public. It gives them the opportunity to brag about their merciful deeds. It also gives them the opportunity to preach their doctrines according to their pagan apostate traditions and lay down commandments invented by them. It also gives them the opportunity to convert people into their apostate, perverted, heathen religion. Christians believe in many false notions. Such as; Christians think that they know the real GOD of Heaven, and that they are His chosen people. There are Christians who claim that GOD speaks to them and that they are indwelt with the Holy Spirit. To all that, I say Hogwash! The history of Christianity and the track record of Christians is littered with atrocities, gross sexual sins, murders, thefts and evil thoughts. Christians are found to be coveters, full of wickedness, are deceitful and adulterers. In their heart, it is full of lustful desires, pride, preaching false and foolish teachings about the things of GOD and blaspheming the true GOD of Heaven by their worship of their man-made pagan false god/gods. They are quick to see the sin's of others, but don't consider the gross sin's within themselves nor do they consider what Christians had done in the name of their phony pagan god. These they tend to hide or excuse or downplay its severity. They are also very quick to judge and condemn people, especially those who do not ascribe to their pagan, apostate religion, but they hate it when someone else judges and condemns them. They very quickly band together and attack on mass, such people. There are thousands of Christian sects within the perverted religion of Christianity. All of these various Christian sects are claming to be in sole posession of the only truth, all of them claiming to know the real GOD of Heaven and they fight amoung themselves on these issues. Yes; They stand and pray in their churches and fight amoung their fellow Christians as to who has the truth and who is the head over all the Christian churches. I have observed Christians for many years in my travels. I have found that the vast majority of these, be they Catholic or Protestant Priests or Pastors or the average Christian, to be a bunch of Hypocrites! It is for these many reasons why I am so harsh on the religion of Christianity and think it is nothing but Christian trash.

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