Determining the validity of Religions

In order for people to be made aware of what is the true facts concerning GOD, which may well set some people free from the bondage of ignorance, false heathen religious teachings which has kept people away from knowing and having a personal relationship with their Heavenly Father, the true GOD of Heaven, The Creator, I would welcome a system whereby a panel of experts in religious studies are required to examine the validity and claims of any religions before they receive an accreditation to practice and establish their religion within a nation. Such a panel would examine their religious dogma, the historical record of their religion and the legitamacy of their claims. Here in Canada for example, such a panel could examine the claims and validity of Christianity, represented by the Roman Catholic church, and various heads of protestant churches which have already established themselves in Canada. They can then examine other religions such as Judaism, Islam, Hindu and all religions which has established themselves within its soceity. Such a system would still retain freedom to practice a religion for those who pass the examination. It would also get rid of the religious trash which presently exist within a soceity. Such a system will also protect people from those fraudulent claims made by those who represent a religion. It would get rid of deceivers, religious shysters, pretenders and eliminate phony religions who are claiming to represent GOD and are defrauding the general public with their lies and false claims.

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