Yeshua, A Son of GOD.

I have come to realize that the things written in a book called the New Testament is very misleading about what the puropse Yeshua came to planet earth, and what he went through during his time on Earth. Therefore; I asked Yeshua if I could set the record stright, so to speak, and relate everything that he had experienced while he lived on earth. I asked this of him because of the many writings that have been handed down and written about him have proven to be false. Yeshua said to me.." Write down what I tell you so that people may know my true story". Therefore; I took my lap top computer in hand and began to write. (Note; I am going to use all English names here because I am addressing people who speak the English language.) "Remember the time when I returned Home, and you wanted to reek revenge because of what people had done to me? I shall start my story just before the time when I had left Home to become a human being. In the land of Israel, in a territory known as Galilee, there is a town there called Nazareth. That is where my future earthly mother lived. Nazareth was a Roman garrison town for the Roman Legion. The town was divided into three sections. One part of the town was the Roman Legion garrison itself where no Jews were allowed to enter. Another part of town was considered of ill repute because of the many roman soldiers that were stationed nearby. There was heavy drinking, gambling and prostitution going on there. That part of town was the industry and business sector where commerce was conducted. The other section of town was the Jewish quarters where Mary lived. As a young virgin maiden, Mary, my mother to be, was to be betrothed to a man named Joseph, son of Heli. One evening, Mary had to pass by the rough side of town to go on an errand for her parents. As she was passing by this rough section of town, a band of men who had become roman soldiers grabbed her and dragged her into an alleyway. There they promptly raped her and then left her to her own fate. As night time came, Mary awoke from her trauma. She could not go back home because of the great shame that she felt was upon her. She also did not want to go home because of fear that her people would seek revenge and be killed if they found out what was done to her. So she left the town of Nazareth and went to seek Elizabeth who lived in Bethany, which is located in the hill country of Judah. Once having arrived there, Mary stayed at Elizabeth's house for about three months so that the wounds and bruise's that were upon her body were no longer visible. It was during that time that Mary found out that she was pregnant. This caused Mary great anxiety. But an Angel came to her and said "Mary, Do not be anxious, for out of this darkness will come a new Light. The Lord your God will be watching over you. Blessed are you among the women." Mary was deeply troubled by his words, and wondered what his greeting meant. The Angel went on to say to her; "Do not fear, Mary. You have been found with favour in the sight of God. You shall conceive and bear a son and give him the name of Yeshua (Immanuel). Great will be his dignity for he shall redeem humanity onto God. He will be called a Son of the Most High". Mary said to the Angel; "You know that I am a servant of the Lord God. Let it be done as you say". With that, the Angel left her. Mary then quickly told Elizabeth all that had transpired. Elizabeth told Mary that she too was with child, despite her old age, proving that all things are possible with the Lord Most High. Mary then departed Elizabeth's house soon afterwards to return home to Nazareth. Mary's parents by then had been informed about what had happened to Mary. After a few days had passed, Mary told Joseph that she was pregnant and how all this came about. Joseph, my earthly father to be, was an upright man and was unwilling to expose her to the law and towns people. He had decided to break the betrothal quietly. Then one night as he laid in bed, an Angel of Father appeared to him in a dream and said to him; Joseph, son of Heli, have no fear about taking Mary as your wife. She will soon bear a son who will be called Yeshua (Immanuel). He shall bring onto your people a New Covenant and redeem all the people from their sins. All this will happen to fulfil what the Lord your GOD had said through the prophets of old. When Joseph awoke, he did as the Angel of the Lord had directed him and received Mary into his home as his wife. Mary and Joseph decided it would be best to move away from Nazareth for a few months until after I was born so that the town people would not become suspicious of my early birth. They decided to move to Bethany where Elizabeth lived. This was done so that the time of my birth would not become an ill- fated rumour that would bring on suspicion to anybody. The towns people of Bethany were very kind, and Bethany was close to Jerusalem. Five months after my birth, my mother, and Joseph, decided that it would now be all right and safe from any people's suspicion for us to return back to our home town of Nazareth to live our lives. As time passed, I had four step brothers named James, Jose, Simon and Judas and two sisters named Solemn and Joanne. When I was twelve years old, the family went to Jerusalem for the yearly Passover Festival. When the festival was over, they started back home with a large group of people who were going the same way. After travelling for about twenty miles, they made camp with the other people. It was only then that my parents found out that I was not with them. They started looking for me among our relatives and friends, but they could not find me. So the next day, they left the other children in the care of relatives as they went back to Jerusalem to look for me. On the third day they found me in the Temple, sitting with the Jewish teachers, listening to them and asking them many questions. My mother stormed in among us saying.." My son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been terribly worried trying to find you." I tried to explain to her that I had become lost in the heavy crowd but she just kept on talking over me. I finally said to her.." Did you not know that I had to be in my Father's house?" But she did not understand what I said. We went back to Nazareth. Five years later, John, my nephew, cam to realize the great hypocrisy that was within the Temple. He had left Jerusalem to join a pious monastic group of people called the Essences. They were located south east of Jerusalem near the north-western end of the Dead Sea. The whole area is a hot, dry, rocky desert. There he remained for a time to learn their teachings and become one of them. After seven years, John had left that group and struck out on his own because he felt that the teachings could benefit not only the Essences, but also all the people who would believe. It would no longer be just for the exclusiveness of the monastic sect. To do this, he formed his own group in the wilderness. His reputation was known far and wide. He preached to the people and baptized those who became followers of his group. He told people to get ready for the time when the Messiah would come to bring about the Kingdom of God that would liberate all the people of Israel. When I was sixteen, my step father was killed in an accident. He was working on a loaded cart when the axel he was working on broke and crushed him to death. A few months later, I left the house of my mother. The reason I left was because I had always felt like I was the stranger within my family. There was always an estranged relationship between my mother and I. I had also felt very jilted by the hypocrisy of the Temple priests which my mother belonged to. So I left my mothers house and roamed about the country until I came upon the Essences monastic community by the Dead Sea. There I met up with John, (the Baptist) my nephew. I stayed with this group for a few years. They opened up a new world for me in their teachings. I stayed with this group for only a few years because I could not espouse to all of their doctrines. I left this monastic group because they harboured much hate in their hearts. They also had very little tolerance in people's weakness and were so dogmatic and ultra- fundamentalistic. I could not stay here any longer in good conscious. So I explained my reasons to John and the elders and went into the wilderness to be alone to contemplate on all that I had seen and learned. There were many factions within Judaism. You had the Hellenistic group. They were worldly in nature and espoused to live in peace within the Roman Empire. They were a religious group who financially exploited people by selling spiritual indulgence. They were the Sadducees, that belonged to the Temple and had the High Priest. They were willing to live with the Romans as long as it served their purpose. Then you had another group who were the middle of the road fundamentalist. This sect was called the Pharisees. They were the Conservatives compared to all the others. But even with that group, there were those faction that lived for peace and others for war. Then you had the ultra fundamentalist like the Essences and John the Baptist who hated all the Romans. They were for total war to overtake the Romans. Between these groups, there were smaller groups that formed a variation of these major groups. You also had the group who were the secular Zealots. These were a fanatical group who espoused to the patriotic side of their nation. This faction was very anti-Roman and fought the Romans at every chance for the liberation of their people and homeland. These were the insurrectionist and freedom fighters within the nation. This was the spectrum of people I had to deal with. I decided to travel beyond my homeland to seek and understand the knowledge that other societies of nations had of Father. I travelled eastward to the lands that is now known as India and China until I came upon the Great Sea. In India, I came to know the teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism. In China, there were as many various religions as there were people. While we exchanged many teachings of Enlightment, I felt that I could not make any headway in the teachings of Father's Will with these people because their traditions stood in the way. This was the greatest barrier that I could not break through, despite all of my efforts. After all these years had passed, I decided to go back to my homeland. When I arrived back to my native land, I spent some time in the wilderness to meditate and speak to Father concerning all that I had learned about people, and the establishment of Father's Kingdom on earth, as it is in Heaven. I agonized over the approach that I must take in the work that I must do. I knew people would find it hard to believe in me because the tension in the air was very explosive. I knew that I was walking into a hornets nest but people had to trust Father that all would go well. When I had felt that I was ready for my ministry. I went to see John at Aemon, which is near Salim, to let him know what I had planned to do. Then in the Jordan River, John gave me a Special Baptism to send me off in my new ministry. With a few of John's followers with me, I set off to Galilee proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. That the time for God's Kingdom on earth was at hand if people would place their trust in Father and do His Will. I would encouraged people to reform their lives and to believe that they too may become children of God, children of Light and live according to Father's Will. After a few months into my ministry had passed, I received word that John had been arrested by Herod and was put into chains and imprisoned. This cause me to leave the territory of Galilee and go into Juda which was outside the jurisdiction of Herod. I stayed away until things cooled down and I felt it safe to return to Galilee. After a few weeks, I made my way towards Galilee. When I reached the Sea of Galilee, I followed the western shore. In Bethsaida, I found Peter (Simon) and his brother Andrew, James and John. They followed me as I toured around the area of Galilee. One day, I felt a deep yearning to see my mother, my brothers and sisters and other kinfolks I had not seen for many years. I had decided to go to Nazareth, for it had been just too many years since I had last seen my home town. Some people of John's (the Baptist) disciples came to me and asked of me for John, if I was really the long awaited Messiah everybody was waiting for? Deep down inside me, I knew that I was not like the David war kind of Messiah people were expecting. I knew that Rome could not be defeated by brute force alone. Not in the present time frame, at least. The only answer for peace was through reason and understanding. That was how I was going to win over the Romans, if the people believed and trusted in me. I evaded their question and told them to wait and see. I went to my home town of Nazareth. On the Sabbath Day, I entered the synagogue of my youth and gave a reading from the Scroll. It was opened to the book of Isaiah. I read the passage that said; "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Therefore; He has anointed me. He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captive. But the people did not believe me, not even my mother or any of my kinfolks. I left Nazareth then and went to villages and towns near Tiberias, Magdala and Capernaum to speak to people about the Kingdom of God. I heard news that Herod had John beheaded for speaking the truth. I wondered how many prophets must be killed before they realize the truth? How long will it be before they go after me? We stayed at Peter's parents house. Peter (Simon) told me his mother in law was sick with fever so we went to her house and stayed there for awhile. Then I had to leave town and go to a quiet place to be alone to meditate and commune with Father. While many people came to me to heal them from their illness, my message of the Kingdom of God is not getting through to them. They focus more on me and my healing than my message. I had hoped that in time, that would change and people would focus more on the message. I came back to the town of Capernaum to try once again to speak about the Kingdom of God. People kept coming to me to heal them while I wanted to teach them about the Kingdom of God. I saw Levi, son of Alphaeus at his tax collector's post and I called him to follow me. He became one of my disciples. He invited us to sup with him. It was a wonderful feast with good red wine. We spent the whole night talking. This was indeed a good place to be. The people there were kind and good hatred. But I had to leave this town and continue the task at hand. I set out for the town of Bethsaida. It was here where I met Philip and he became one of my disciples. We went to Canna and were invited to a wedding. My mother, step brothers and sisters were also there. My mother went around as a busy bee to make sure everything was going well at the reception. Then when the wine ran out. She wanted to get me involved in her affairs. But as a guest, I wanted to decline. But you know how mothers are, she would not take no for an answer. There was no wine to be had in all of Canna, so I turned some water into wine as my gift to the bride and groom. After the wedding, my mother, step brothers and sisters and I and my disciples went back to Capernaum to stay there for a few days. Then we all left to go back to Nazareth. When the Sabbath Day came, I began to teach in the Synagogue. But the people challenged me and did not respect my sayings. I went about the town teaching when people told me that my mother, brothers and sisters were looking for me to come home because they were very concerned about my mental health. This I took as a big letdown. After all that I had done, now my own family looked upon me as one that was ill of mind. I was deeply hurt and quite angry and disappointed by their ignorance, their lack of understanding of what I was trying to do that I told them that those who do the Will of God are my mothers, brothers and sisters. I had to leave town because no prophet has any honour or respect in their own home town, not even with his own family. My disciples and I left to go back to the lake country where people there respected me and my teachings. By the time we reached the main Highway, a great crowd of people followed us. They were from all parts of Galilee, Juda, Jerusalem, Idumea, Jordan, Tyre and Sidon. By the time we reached the Sea of Galilee, there was such a large crowd that I told my disciples to get a boat ready in order to avoid the press of the crowd because of the many healing that were made. That was all that the people were looking for, not my message or teachings. When we were far out near the middle of the sea, a storm came up as I slept. My disciples were so afraid that they woke me up because they thought that the boat would sink. I was amazed that they had so little faith. When we had come upon the shore, we were in the country of Gerassenes. I healed a person from his fear of demons that was instilled in his mind through his religious belief. This frightened the local people. They were so afraid that I would destroy their religious belief's that the entire townspeople asked me to leave their neighbourhood. We promptly went back to our boat and sailed back to Galilee. When we reached the shore, we were welcomed by the people. I went to a rulers house because his daughter was near death. I entered the child's room with Peter, John, James and her parents and revived her back to life. She had developed a seizure that put her in a comatose state. We left the house and went out to the country to be alone. There I showed my disciples how to cast demons out of people and how to cure many diseases. I explained to them that they too should be doing what I had done. I tried to explained to my disciples that my real purpose, my mission was not to heal the sick but to bring about the Kingdom of God on earth. This is what I had to focus on. We continued on to Caesarea Philippi by way of the Damascus Road. Along the way, many people were healed by my disciples. I withdrew from my disciples and the crowd to be alone so that I may commune with Father. People wanted to draw me to become the warrior Messiah like David, yet I knew in my heart that it is not by brute force that will bring about the Kingdom of God on earth. For it can only come about through reason, and the Love of the heart. I felt like I was being pulled apart in two different directions. The way I know Father wants me to take and what the people expected of me. came to realize that I had a big job to somehow convince people that Father's way is the true and better way. Not by conquering by force, by the way of war and bloodshed. But by believing and trusting in Father's Will. When I returned to my disciples, I spoke to them about this. I can see from their expressions that they were highly troubled and confused. We journeyed on to Tyre, Zarephath and Sidon. I had told my disciples that I did not want people to think that I had come only just to heal people of their sickness. That was not my main mission or purpose in life, but to bring about the Kingdom of God. But people cannot see past their own wants, beyond their own selfish needs. I can see clearly that people look upon God for what He can do for them instead of coming to Father for Love and devotion sake alone. Therefore; We went on to the district of the Ten Cities. I decided to disguise myself so that no one would recognize me as we passed through some towns. I had hoped that I would be able to preach the Kingdom of God to the people. But it was not too long before someone came by and recognized me and only wanted me to heal their small daughter whom someone had placed a curse upon her. Soon many people came for me to heal them from their evil spirits that tormented their minds that I had no chance to preach about the Kingdom of God. The healing became so demanding in this place that I had to leave it. People, in their culture, believed in evil spirits and the power they had over them. We went on to the village that nestled in the valley by Mt.Tabor. But there, people only came to me for healing. I went to a place in total seclusion so that I may be with and speak to Father. It still bothered me to think that my own mother thinks of me as being smitten in the mind. That I had gone mad or was suffering from delirium. After I left that secluded area, I went back to Nazareth to speak to my mother about what I am doing and the state or condition of my mind. We had a good heart to heart talk so that she may understand all that I am doing. She is an orthodox Jew of the Pharisee persuasion and was deeply troubled by my teachings. While there remained a barrier between us, she finally accepted me as I am and realized that I was indeed sane and was not suffering from any mental condition. I told her not to let those towns people or the Temple crowd bother her about me. But she is still terribly worried about what people may say about her and the family because of what I am doing. It is for this very reason that I call her Woman, instead of Mother. I told her that I would not terry, teach or dwell here in Nazareth for her sake. This was a moment long overdue for both of us to clear the air between us. While I was here, I spoke to my step-brothers and sisters about my mission and the discourse I had with our mother but they remained sceptical at the work that I was doing. During this time, my decibels rested from our long journey. From Nazareth, we travelled south to Samaria, Sychar, Ephraim, Jericho, Bethany, Bethlehem, Hebron and Engedi by the Dead Sea. It was at Samaria that people first spoke about me as being the expected coming Messiah. I was finally getting through to the people about the need for reform. I also spoke to the people about establishing the Kingdom of God, but only through peaceful means. It was here that people began to understand that they could develop a personal, loving relationship with Father and become sons and daughters of God. That to Love and worship Father is not done on a mountain top nor in Jerusalem, but in one's heart. That Father seeks authentic people who seek Truth and worship Him in one's heart, mind and Spirit. That I am the doorway to this understanding and no other way can people come to truly know the Father and of His Will. There were some people here that believed in me that they wanted us to stay with them so that they may hear and learn more of what I had to say. We spent a few days going to houses where people had invited us to sup with them. Their hospitality was greater then some who believed to be pious. This was the basic message that would be my trademark as I went about from town to town. Some people who had been with our group became a little disenchanted with my idea's of a peaceful reformation to establish the Kingdom of God and left our group. This even troubled my own disciples, but they stayed with me. It seems like people are not looking for a peaceful Messiah. It do not enter into peoples heart as a viable option, they just want to fight and shed Roman blood at any cost. We stayed there for a few days speaking about the Kingdom of God. After many days, we departed to spread the good news of the Kingdom of God to other towns. As we were leaving Jericho, I healed two blind men. Then we left to go to Jerusalem. I was told just outside of Jerusalem, that the Sanhendrin had decided that I was not the long awaited Messiah that they are looking for. I had already known that they would say this in my heart and did not surprise me by their verdict. I decided to bypassed Jerusalem and continued on to Bethany. There, I met Lazarus, my childhood friend. His sister's are Mary and Martha. Mary, the wife of Zadok, was the mother of Lazarus, Mary and Martha, is a close friend of Elizabeth. Every time we made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem for Passover, we would stop at the house of Elizabeth's in Bethany to rest from the long Journey. Lazarus and I would spend most of our time at play during the holidays. It was this Mary ( wife of Zadok) who had found a place for us to live in Bethany during the time I was born. They are the nicest, kindest people one could ever meet. Lazarus and I were very close as any true friends can become. We spent many days talking about many things while my disciple went about the surrounding countryside, preaching what they had learned from me. After spending a few months here, the local Rabbi accused me of blasphemy because someone said that I had claimed to be the Son of God and the Messiah. He got people together to stone me to death. We made a hasty retreat and we went on to Engedi, we then departed there and went on to Hebron, then back to Jerusalem. It was here that the crowd brought to me the adulteress woman that was to be stoned. We then departed Jerusalem to Lydda, then to Arimathea and on to Caesarea to get away from those people who were trying to entrap me. From there, we went on into Galilee to the town of Jezreel. We bypassed Nazareth, and continued on to Canna. After many weeks of preaching " The Way", healing the sick, the possessed and the lunatics, we found ourselves back in the town of Capernaum. Here we established a base to work from. It was here that I had decided to put a lot more emphasis on speaking about the Kingdom of GOD than seeking to heal peoples ailments. People were looking to me only for a healing rather than to help me establish Fathers Kingdom as I saw fit. Therefore; I made the resolve that from this time onward, I would only be proclaiming that the Kingdom of Father was at hand. Once people realized that, the crowd became less as time went on. Nevertheless, I tried to persuade people that my way was the right and best way. We continued to speak to people throughout Galilee and Samaria. When we entered a small town near Sychar, people were very unfriendly towards us that we had to leave quickly from it. When we arrived to Samaria, someone ran up to me and had informed me that my dear friend Lazarus was very sick. I knew he once suffered from seizure that had caused him to faint or be in a coma like state when we were out alone a long time ago. This ailment happened to others and where thought that they had died. I did not realize that he was dining. I lingered a few days as we went towards Bethany. When we arrived there, Martha told me that Lazarus had been dead for the past four days. that He was already resting in the tomb. I removed the stone to see Lazarus . I began to weep heavily for the loss of my dear friend. I told the women that Lazarus would not see death but would be raised up to be with my Heavenly Father very soon. I spent a few days at their house to console Martha and Mary. We then departed quickly to evade the townspeople and stopped at the house of Simon the leper. He lived on the outskirts of town. Mary, the sister of Lazarus, brought out some costly perfume and poured some on my head, the rest she poured on my feet and dried my feet with her lovely hair. I took Mary in my arms and kissed her forehead and said to her, "Blessed are you Mary, for believing in me". At dawn, we went on to Jericho and Ephraim. I came to realized that people were no longer interested in following my lead, except for a small group of faithful people who truly believed my teachings. I began to question even myself as to what my purpose was all about now that it was very obvious that I was going nowhere with these people. I was lead to believe that I was the expected messiah that all the people of Israel were waiting for, but now I am not so sure. I had less support now than I had when I first began my ministry. I had a deep nagging feeling from within me that would not go away. That my life was now in great danger. So I told my disciples not to speak of me as being the Messiah to anyone. I spoke to my disciples about my coming death so as to prepare them for when it comes. I sensed my death was near and nothing seem to drive that feeling away. I knew that this time when we go into the city of Jerusalem, it would be different. I resolved to make my last stand there before I should die. I asked my disciples told Peter that he is the rock of the faith. I would place my trust in his hands because of his faith. to continue the work to establish Father's Kingdom on earth if I should be killed. After a month of preaching, the time came when Passover was at hand. When we came upon a hill and were in sight of the Temple, I told my disciples that the Temple would be razed to the ground and be turned into a pile of rubble because of the path people had chosen to follow. We gathered together the faithful as we made our entrance into Jerusalem. They were so wonderful. They carried palm leaves as in a precession and laid branches of palm along my pathway. As we were moving past the gate, I heard someone in the crowd ask another, who is this fellow? The person replied, that is the prophet Yeshua, from Nazareth of Galilee. My heart sank to the soles of my feet. after all the things that I had done for the people in this land and they still did not know me?. By the time we reached the Temple, my anger and frustration welted up inside me so greatly towards the Temple establishment. How they have tried so hard to fight against me, To discredit me, to attacked my motives and my teachings. to make me look like I was insane or that I was the bad guy right from the very start. They should talk when their own actions were full of hypocracy. I just lost my self control and cleared out the Temple area of all the merchandising and exploitation that was going on. I was sure that the Temple establishment got my message as to how i felt about them and their beliefs. We left there before the Roman soldiers and Temple guards could reach us. After passing many winding streets and lanes, we came to our furnished upper room safely to have our Passover meal. It was a safe place to be in the sector known as the place of the unclean. No one would look for us here. It was here that I spoke of my betrayal by one of our members. It was after the Passover meal that I added one more element to the Passover ritual. I took the bread and said to my disciples, This bread is like the manna that had come down from Heaven in which is the bread of life. My teachings is like that bread of life, take this and eat it. Then I took the wine in hand, and told my disciples that I will bring a New Covenant through my shed blood. Take this wine that represents the New Covenent between you and your Heavenly Father brought by the shedding of my blood. Take this cup of the New Covenant and drink from it. Do this as part of the New Passover ritual in remembrence of me. I knew that my disciples did not understand fully what I was saying, or driving at, so I explained that I would be soon be arrested and that my hour on Earth had come. I told my disciples that the teachings that I had given to them, and the New Covenant between Father and me will lead them to everlasting life. Therefore; Honour this New Covenant with Father and to keep it. Not to break it as those who people who had done in the past. After the Passover meal and the new ritual was finished, we went out on to the Mount of Olives to the place of the wine press, near the garden grove. We could no longer stay in our upper room because of Judas. He had been a plant placed in among our group by the chief Temple priests of the Sadducees who had sold their heart and soul to the Roman Empire. He would now lead the Roman soldiers to the upper-room where we had the Passover meal. It was here on the mount where I spent some time alone reflecting on all that had transpired since the beginning of my ministry. I agonized over what little Faith people had in me, and what was now sure to come. Most of the people had rejected me because of their traditions. The religious establishment were of no help to me from the very beginning. They in fact went out of their way to discredit me before the people. After all the time I had spent talking to, and healing people, nothing seem to have done any good to bring about the redemption of people onto Father to establish Father's Kingdom and make it into a reality. Even my very own disciples, who were sleeping in the cave, did not truly understand all that I had tried to do. Now, I felt my death was soon at hand if something did not change in people's heart and attitude. I knew that the Roman soldiers were looking for me and it was only a matter of time that I would be found and captured by them in their pursuit of me. All that I have worked for was now coming to a closure. My life I deeply felt, was coming to an end. But I was now reminded by Father's Angels of what father and i had spoken about before i made the final commitment to come to earth. that my end to this earthly life was only the beginning of a new life. I then looked over towards Jerusalem and thought, as my disciples slept soundly in the cave nearby. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, How I have yearned to gather your children as a hen would gather her young under her wings. But you resisted and refuse me because of your stubborn pride, vanity and your traditions. Just then, I looked down and saw a long column of touches coming up the pathway towards us. Judas was leading the Roman soldiers to our hiding place. I quickly woke up my disciples and bid them to flee. By the time the Roman soldiers had ere we were, my disciples had already fled for safety. They had wanted to stay and fight, but there were just too many soldiers here to defend ourselves. I told them that I would hold them off while they made their escape. I was alone to face the mob. They arrested me and took me to prison. There, the guards tied me to a post and scourged me with a whip. They treated me with contempt and threw insults at me as I was brought into a courtyard so that Pilate could have a glance at me. It was here that I saw Peter. Pilate said to his men," So this is the king of the Jews", he threw down a robe so that I may look like a king. Then he ordered the guards to take me back to my prison cell until morning when I would suffer the punishment of crucifixion. At dawn, they beat me with their fists and threw insults at me. They had put a crown upon my head that was made out of thornbush and placed the robe that Pilate had thrown down from the balcony, upon me. They bowed down to me as if I was the Messiah, and hailed me the King of the Jews. I and two other persons whom I had seen before, were each given a long beam to carry, but I had no strength left in me so I was forced to drag my heavy beam that I was to carry, along the rough street. Roman soldiers headed the column, they were astride and behind us that formed a very long narrow column. There was small groups of people here and there along the pathway. when i could no longer carry or drag the beam, the soldier forced a man from the crowd to help me. When we reached the place of the sculls, the soldiers laid me upon the beam and blinded my arms upon the crossbeam and hammered a nail into each of my wrists. Oh; The pain was so great when they hoisted me upright as they stepped and secured the beam. By now there were many people that had gathered about. Some of these began throwing insults and jeering at me and my fellow companions. One of my fellow companion cursed me as he said..."Some Messiah you turned out to be.. You can't even save us now!" But the other said to me.. "Remember me when you go to the Father". I assured him that he would be in Paradise with me because of his Faith. As I hung there on the beam, I found it hard and painful to breath. I looked down from where I was and saw sweet Mary and Martha. Mary Magdalene and Elizabeth was there weeping for me. I also saw my mother with my step-brothers and sisters and a few of my disciples who were there among the crowd, staring in unbelief. I looked upon my mother and said to her, " Woman; Look now upon your son "; For she had never really believed, nor appreciated the work that I was doing because of her orthodox narrow minded views. But now her heart was pieced when she came to the full realization that I was indeed sent by my Heavenly Father to redeem humanity to the Father. Then I said to James; "You are now the eldest son, look after mother". How I wished that they had been more understanding of me. But now, my time on this earth was coming to a close. I then looked up to the heavens and asked Father, " Father; Forsake not Your son, May Your Will, and not my will be done." I heard a large commotion going on below me so I looked around and saw the jeering crowds bellowing at me. I looked up , shedding tears as i looked up to the Heavens and said to Father.. "please Forgive them, for they know not what they have done". I then felt a deep ripping feeling within me and gasped, I remembered uttering to Father; "Into Your hands I commend my spirit". After that, I knew nothing more. The next time I could recall anything, was when I woke up. My head felt very lightheaded and I felt strange, yet strength ran all through my body. I got up as the stone rolled away that had blocked the entrance to this cave, this tomb, that I was in. It was dark outside and it must have been late at night or very early in the morning. I went to a friend's house, but I saw no one about. So I borrowed some clothes from their shed and went into the wilderness to collect my thoughts. At dawn, I decided to seek out my disciples who may be still in Jeruselm. As I neared the city, I met two of my disciples along the road leading away from Jerusalem. I followed and spoke to them but they did not even recognized me. They had invited me to sup with them as it was getting late in the evening. I supped with them and then departed from their sight so that I might contemplate on all that had happened. I came to realize that I had died and was now alive. I also came to realize that I had but a little time before I must ascend to my Father's Heavenly Domain. For my work was done here on earth. I went to the upper room where we had the Passover meal. I knew that I would find the rest of my disciples there. True to their form, they were all there hiding, they were afraid to be seen out of doors. I spoke to Thomas. He turned around and saw me but he would not believe until he touched my body, my flesh. I took all my disciples to task for the killing of Judas. For not believing in me, for their stubbornness and little faith. I told them to recall all that I had done and spoken while I was with them. To continue the work that I had started. To establish Father's Kingdom on earth as I had instructed them. We then left the city of Jerusalem, heading towards Bethany. As we were walking, I asked Peter if he loved me? When he said that he did, I told him to feed my sheep (followers) in body, mind and spirit. When we were about halfway to Bethany, we stopped on a small mound and I blessed my disciples. Then I acceded towards my Heavenly Home, escorted by Moses and Elijah. You know the rest". I thanked Yeshua for giving me his true story. It is my hope that this will put an end to all the confusion that was created by the various tales that were told about you. I, Jean, have recorded faithfully all that was revealed to me.


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