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  Citizen Kane (1941)



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Orson Wells
Joseph Cotten
Agnes Moorehead

Rating: 10/10

Acting - 3 stars - The actors, most of which who were making there film debut, did a great, including Orson Wells, who himself was making his debut in front of the camera.
Plot - 3 stars - Citizen Kane was interesting in that it started at the end. It told the story of Kane's life through the eyes of others.
Asthetics - 4 stars - Wells, who also directed the movie, used unusual camera angles, shadows, and settings that were never used before.He was a genious.

Click here for information on how I rate movies

ROSEBUD! The movie poster says that Citizen Kane was "Terrific". What an understatement! This movie is considered by many as the greatest movie of all time. I must say that it's the greatest movie that I ever saw.

The movie starts off with Kane (the equvilant to Bill Gates money wise) saying his final word, "Rosebud," before dying. Then one man who works with a company that makes News Reals, is assigned the job to find out what Rosebud means. He talks to old friends and an ex-wife of Kane to find out what Rosebud means, but nobody knows. The movie ends with men burning junk found in Kane's monsterous mansion, and one of the men unknowingly throwing a sleigh with the word," Rosebud" on. It leaves the audience to wonder why Kane, on his death bed, a man who had everything he could ever want, thought about a sleigh when he died.

Personally, I have my hypothesis, but I'll wait until a later date to share it with you.

I leave you with the suggestion to go out and rent this movie. You will not be dissappointed.