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Frankenstein Quiz
Final Results




The Monster supposidly died when he burns to death in the old windmill. Another point if you got that correct.

Now for the results.

Add up your points and grade yourself using the following scale:

0-1 points: You can't tell Frankenstein from a Larch tree. You need to go to your local movie store and rent or buy Frankenstein.

2-3 points: Not real bad. Either you never saw the movie or saw it a long, long time ago. You need to go to your local movie store and rent or buy Frankenstein.

4-5 points: Preatty good. You deserve to treat yourself to watching Frankenstein. You definetly have good taste in flicks.

6 points: You are a real classic monster fan. I can't say anything other than you deserve to be given the Karloff Frankenstein Trilogy for Christmas. But, the way you did, maybe you already have it. In that case, go to the official Karloff site and treat yourself to some more Frankenstein and Karloff memorabilia.

Ok. You can email me your score and I'll put you on my scoreboard that I'll have up once I start getting some feedback. To go back to my site, simply close this window, or click here.