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  Dr. Seuss'
How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1966)



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Narrated by:
Boris Karloff

I know what you're thinking. This isn't a movie and it's a cartoon! But, can you argue the fact that this is a Christmas Classic? I can't think of a cartoon that's 33 years old that still has as a big a part of our Christmas celebration as The Grinch.

Boris Karloff has the difficult task of narrating this cartoon (hey, you try reading a Dr. Seuss book out loud), but he does a great job, none-the-less.

This cartoon will remain in our hearts forever.

The Story

The story begins with the Whos from Whoville getting ready to celebrate Christmas. The Grinch, who lives on a mountain high above Whoville, is tired of all the happiness comming from the bottom of the mountain. So, he decides to keep Christmas from comming, but how? He got a wonderful, aweful idea. He decides to, as desguised as Ol' Saint Nick, go down to Whoville and steal all of the Whos' holiday items. So, with his dog, disguised as a reindeer, Mr. Grinch, heads down the mountain to steal the Whos' "Christmas". The Grinch goes into each house and steals the trees, the Who Pudding, the Roast Beast (which he couldn't stand in the least), and even the last can of Who Hash. However, Mr. Grinch dasterdly mission is almost foiled when he is confronted by Little Cindy Lou Who (who was no more than two). The Grinch lies to little Cindy Lou and puts her back to bed.

After all the houses are emptied of Christmas cheer, the Grinch heads back up the mountain. When the sun arose, he stopped the sleigh to hear the Whos crying boo-who when they realize what happened. However, to his surprise, the Whos come out to where the town's Christmas tree used to be and, hand-in-hand, started singing. It was then that the Grinch realized that Christmas was not about presents, trees, or Who pudding, but meant something a little bit more. Mr. Grinch's heart then grew three sizes, and after he saves his sleigh from falling of a cliff, heads back down to Whoville and distributes everything that he stole.

The story ends with Mr. Grinch celebrating Christmas with the Whos by carving the Roast Beast and celebrating "heart to heart and hand to hand."