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  House of Frankenstein (1944)



Boris Karloff
Lon Chaney

Rating: 4/10

Acting - 1 star - Karloff gives a decent performance as a mad scientist, but it seemed like he was just going through the motions and really didn't "become one" (you actors know what I mean) with his role. Lon Chaney gave his usual performance as Lawrence Talbot (the wolfman). All in all, the acting was not that great.
Plot - 1 stars - I, who love these types of movies and never falls asleep during them, almost want to during this movie. This movie just don't have much action, and is very "dry". And the ending, well, it's just bad.
Asthetics - 2 stars - The settings used in this movie was probably the only good thing about this movie. The setting sets the "horror" mood which is neccessary for this movie.

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I'll start off by saying this, "Why did Universal Pictures add this to its Classic Horror collection?" This movie is really not that great, and unless you are a classic horror buff like me, I suggest against buying this movie.

The Story

A deranged scientist Gustav Niemann(Karloff) and his hunchback friend (J. Carrol Nash) escape from prision and overtake the director of a traveling chamber of horrors that features the skeletol remains of Count Dracula. Niemann accidentally removes the stake from the skeleton, reviving the Count, and commands him to kill the man responsible for Niemann's imprisionment.

Niemann then travels to the ruins of Frankenstein's castle to search for Frankenstein's notes about his experiments. He finds them and the frozen bodies of the Frankenstein Monster and the Wolfman (Chaney). Niemann revives both creatures and he kills two villagers who testified against his horrific experiments with corpses. However, when other villagers come to Niemann's lab to take him into custidy, the monster flies, carrying Niemann. In a panic, the monster walks into a pool of quicksand to seal It's and Niemann's death.