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  Frank Capra's
It's A Wonderful Life (1947)



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James Stewart
Donna Reed

Rating: 10/10

Acting - 3 stars - Stewart did a spectacular job playing a character who experiences many different emotions. That's why this has become the role he is best known for. Donna Reed also did a great job, expessing many emotions and showing unconditional love for her husband.
Plot - 3 stars - This movie had a very strong message to it, but also had it's funny moments that didn't take away from the overall story. Also, the majority of the movie was God telling the story of George Bailey's (Stewart's) life to Bailey's guardian angel. A creative angle to take.
Asthetics - 4 stars - The setting was well designed and really helped convey the changing mood of the main character and the story.

Click here for information on how I rate movies

This movie was selected by the American Film Institute as one of the 100 greatest movies ever. This movie is one that will forever be remembered.

This movie is shown mostly during the Holiday season, but in reality, is suitable for any time of the year. The only reason why it's catagorized a "Christmas movie" is because it takes place on Christmas Eve.

The powerfull message of this movie is that everyone is special. No one is born a failure. No one is poor who has friends. This message is told throughout this two-hour long movie.

The Story

The movie begins with people praying for George Bailey. The story moves to Heaven where God hears their prayers and summons an angel who has not had much success at helping people in the past. To catch the angel (Clarence) up on the situation that George is in. God tells Clarence about how George, as a teenager, saved his brother's, as well as an older member of the community, life.

As a adult, George has plans of going to college and then traveling the world. He wants to get out of the small town that he grew up in. However, he decides to wait until his younger brother gets done with college before going to college himself, so he could help is father with the town's Savings and Loan. Unfortunately, George's father dies while George's brother is in college, and George decides to take his father's posistion instead of selling the Savings and Loan to a scrooge-like banker. When George's brother returns from college, George is suprised to find that his brother has married a young woman, who's father offered the brother a job in his business, leaving George to stay in the little town, in charge of the Savings and Loan.

George marries the girl who loved him ever since they were kids, but instead of going on their honeymoon, George gives his honeymoon money to the town's citizens who have lost their money when the bank closed.

George always put others before himself, but when the Savings and Loan's money disappears and investigaters come questioning possible extortion, George goes off the deep end. After snapping in front of his family, he leaves home, trying to figure out what to do. After the remark to him is made that, because of his Life Insurance, that he'd be better off dead, he decides to commit suicide. He goes to a bridge, planning of jumping off it, but instead, Clarence (disguised as an old man), George's guardian angel jumps in, forcing the better part of George to jump in and save Clarence. Clarence tells George who he really is, and, of course, George doesn't believe him. George feels that it would of been better if he was never been born, so Clarence asks God to make it as if he wasn't. So George walks through his small town, seeing that everybody was miserable, including his wife (who was an old maid). When he realized his value in life, he asks God to make it as if he had lived again, and God did.

So, George runs home, happy to be alive, and the townspeople come to help George out, each giving money to George to replace the missing money.

The movie ends with George realizing that, even though he doesn't have money, he's rich, and he is a valuable asset to everybodies lives.