Got energy that you would like to exert on behalf of a noble cause? If so, I'd advise you to call your local chapter of the Boy Scouts or something. But if you'd rather just support Lore in his quest for the highest office in the land, you've come to the right place. The Lore 2000 campaign needs volunteers accross the country and even in Canada and Sweden and places like that, because I'm sure they've got elections coming up sometime. If you'd like to volunteer your time, just fill in the form below:
Note to AOL users: AOL Sucks. Specifically, it doesn't like forms. So if you try to submit your info, I'll just get a blank e-mail. So instead, you'll have to send an e-mail to with the neccessary info. Or get yourself a real browser.
Note to everyone: The campaign is over. There's no point in joining. We're just leaving his page up for posterity.