Pharmacy Keys - Failure lyrics
from the album “Comfort”


Two bright eyes and one red mouth and two long legs, one icon.
They can’t think and they can’t act, they wear straps, two long legs.
They work hard and they sell things, we like that cause there’s no choice.
We can’t see cause it’s like that, we can’t hear cause it’s too late.


There’s a philosopher I once met, he showed me many things,
He told me things of the world.
His face was unusual, but it could tell a story with rich detail.
Sometimes eating, sometimes eyes closed, there was always the face.
Of his knowledge of things he never spoke; he needed not to.
He sits in a zoo in North America, has no other in his habitat.
He’s originally from West Africa.


I don’t feel alone, I can’t seem afraid, I wanted to think but I’ll sleep it away.
Something I forgot, somewhere to sit down, some stuff to do up, some crap that I found.
We’re the credulous ones on a dead machine, blowing bucks into banks with no shame.
Too loud in my ears to fill up my mind, too black to ignite, two words who will bind.
Which blank did I draw? What kind of a day? Which one had to go? Whatever you say.
We’re the credulous ones on a dead machine, blowing bucks into banks with no shame.
Don’t try and read this, it means nothing; I can’t say this if you hear it.


Swiftly losing patience, can’t decide a move.
Pick from the bottom on the left side, I want to win tonight.
I blink my eyes real quick-like, wash away the haze.
While I’m blinking quickly, I see the man on screen.
He’s hiding on the face bar, he thinks I do not see.
He’s an elevator passenger, bored as he can be.
He’s the man who lives nextdoor, he’s come here to frighten me,
He takes out his saxophone, plays those lonely hidden notes.
Can’t speak about this to anyone, this man’s eyes are serious.
He’s the man in my screen, I cannot let him frighten me.


Twisting slowly up the walk, I want to get there so quickly,
But my body is not doing what I thought I need to do,.
The gun is getting slippery, your illusion’s getting early,
And I feel a certain panic flowing through me in waves.
Won’t you listen to me? Won’t you listen, can’t you see?
Let me in, I’ve come for mother.


Muffled snaps and louder cracks, sound of blows knock you down.
Flesh recoils and starts to swell, hear the rushing of the blood.
Carve the rage into you, I’ve absorbed the pain,
It comes so easy from my arm to your face.
Breaking up to speed again, finds a place that’s not been numbed,
Sinks with lightness once again, feel the blankness from above.
Carve the rage into you, I’ve absorbed the pain,
It comes so easy from my arm to your face.


Prince Al is fun name, til the pen won’t play straight,
Doesn’t care about a shoelace, a rubber mask who breathes.
He makes you want to strike hard, those who can’t try, scrapes you back home.
Something about his loose walk, all the kids just drain down.
Stretches out in your space, pulls you back to hate.
He makes you want to strike hard, those who can’t try, scrapes you back home.


I do believe it’s coming, don’t dread its approach.
The only preference we might have is that I hope to see it.
Could start with an invasion or maybe it’ll come from fire.
The bomb’s so boring, I want to see some blood.
There’ll be people in the streets, I mean the ones that live in houses,
I want to see them screaming, ‘Holy Mother of sweet Jesus!’
I may seem a bit morbid, but you totally can’t deny,
Cause when it hits I’ll be laughing and you will start to cry.
Young and old and middle aged, domesticated creatures as well,
There are other ways to look at this than a state of living hell.
As your friends, relatives, and acquaintances perish in catastrophe,
Just think of it as the best movie you’ll ever hope to see.
It’s got action and violence, rape is there too.
Starvation, whole nations, and it’s all for me and you.
It’s got everything you’ve wanted and this admission is free.
There’s only one catch: it’s compulsory.


My little angel, how soon do you go? Come here for hours, never go.
My paper princess, how much you know, I’m always pleased that you don’t say no.
I do not mind that you are a girl, I do not mind that, little girl.
You see, it’s me who loves you the most, please let me show you, little girl.


I was thinking that you would stay today.
Something tells me that you’ll show up to say goodbye.
Salt wound, too soon.
If I push you down you’d just let it stand.
You bring for spray good one, full of rocks and sand.
Grasping, both confused, I couldn’t love you more,
Always talking to me, but did she know the sure goodbye?
Breathe hard, chips start falling down, head hopes crawling down, please.
Goodbye, salt wound, too soon, falling down, breathe hard, crawling now,
Chips fall, splits too deep, head hopes, goodbye, please.
from the album “Magnified”


Breathe your death down, cause you will not see.
Let it drip down, let it soak your feet.
Yesterday I watched her break down; split in two, she’s quite appealing.
Subtle ways I could have hurt her rack my brain when I am sleeping.


Sometimes pear-shaped women melt down onto concrete.
Splashing sun and sidewalk insects down by these feet.
Sometimes puddles terrify me as they gaze up.
Scrap of paper floating crumpled, I can’t pick up.
Goodbye, no one’s ever gonna find out from this shut mouth,
Just be sure to keep these eyes closed, they can read those.
Sometimes people use their sound holes pointed at me.
Rusty winds groaning down alleys blow right past me.
Sometimes pipes creaking inside here know me too well.
Flesh and steel I had carved up for a farewell.
Too late, no one’s ever gonna find out from this shut mouth,
Just be sure to keep these eyes closed, they can read those.
I’ll never wish for it, but now it grows inside just like a moth.


Sent away to have my head checked, no more playing in the sand,
Frogs are leaping off my brain stem, they don’t seem to understand.
Roadside blurs against a big bus, face is slouched against the glass,
I am headed for a cleansing in a room without a bath.
Didn’t it seem kind of silly the way the doctors carried on, so uptight?
It’s not bad being so distant, I can live inside the gap.
Frogs are hopping off my brain stem, so excited to be sane.
Didn’t it seem kind of silly the way the doctor’s carried on so?
Now that I’ve become a monster to them, I’ll have to keep their fear turned on all night long.
I’ve gone away to have my head checked, I guess I need to have it looked at.


Blowing fire through the hillside, pelting wings stuck to quicklime,
Smashing nobody’s headlights, nothing tells us we’re alive.
Bernie’s got the way to feel good times, she lives on the way to the park.
All we’ve got to do is just drop by, we don’t have to wait until dark.
Screaming tyres through the sunshine, told the cripple he looks blind,
Caught the rats in the manhole, beat them all the way back home.


I’ll show you a trick with ants when the sun’s high in the sky.
We can burn them up to crispy black shells,
See them crunched by old, slow, slick snails.
Light the fuse inside the dead bird, feather flurries rain on our heads.
Empty nest with three small brown eggs, we’ll think of something before the night falls.
Don’t hurt a fly they all sang, don’t rape a girl in bright May,
Don’t kill anyone ever, lay still and stand this fever.
The sun’s just a big glass, we’re all ants, I love you.


It’s not about the boy found slain, it ain’t about his lips blood-drained.
You should have seen his dreams dissolve into the dumpster behind the mall.
I’m going down to the wonderful life, I’m going down inside a satellite,
I’m going down on the bullet train, I’m going down on the perfect dream.
It’s not about the freeway drone that score her tired journeys home,
Softly licking her to sleep, her eyes are closed to the brake light streaks.
I’m going down to the wonderful life, I’m going down inside a satellite,
I’m going down on the bullet train, I’m going down on the perfect dream.
Sleep in the softest bed, eat everything you need, never ask anyone for anything at all.
Why can’t I stroke this world to sleep? Please help me stroke this world to sleep.
It’s not about his prescription brain, deprived of pills that keep it sane.
He told himself he could go it alone, see him plead with the unplugged phone.
Sleep in the softest bed, eat everything you need, never ask anyone for anything at all.
That restless old monkey prisoned inside of me,
Stiff bones that close him in, he waits trapped deep within.
I’m going down to the wonderful life, I’m going down inside a satellite,
I’m going down on the SST, I’m going down on the perfect dream,
I’m going down to the wonderful life, I’m going down like a ripped-up kite,
I’m going down with broken ribs, I’m going down to a dirty crib.


Someone said they’d like to set you up, they’re gonna feed on you, just sleep now.
Should have known they’d try and make you cry, they’re gonna have fun now, don’t fight it.
Let me come undone in your house, I need to kill some time tonight.
Let me come undone in your mouth, I need to know that you’re the same.
Could have guessed you were the only one they wanted to laugh at, believe them.
No surprise you let it get to you, it was always there, can’t hide it.
Let me come undone in your house, I need to kill some time tonight.
Let me come undone in your mouth, I need to know that you’re the same.
Your face is easy to hate, looking helpless and sincere.
Curled up in self-sickness, lick your wounds and dream of home.
Someone said they’d like to set you up, they’re gonna feed on you, just sleep now.
Should have known they’d try and make you cry, they’re gonna have fun now, don’t fight it.
Let me come undone in your house, let me come undone and kill some time,
Let me come undone in your mouth, let me come undone and feel the same.


She was giddy with remorse as she skipped river stones
Off slick rapid rushing heads, babies belched from below.
Clenching shame in her stomach, it felt the same as the last time.
Cramming fear in her white fists, hoping this is the last time.
She put rocks in her pockets, knowing wet gravity.
Shrunk away from the water’s edge, fell down hard by a tree.
She stuffed shame in her pockets, it felt the same as the last time.
She crammed fear in her white fists and hopes this is the last time.
Brain squeals, same as the last time, brain squeals, she hopes this is the last time.


I came here to be shallow and to watch you spill out all your dreams,
Sucked them up like a cool drink, I was never too willing to leave.
Some empty friend who talked me into sleep, sweet dreams,
And threw my wings into the blazing sun.
Coughed a castle of crystal across the bright yellow kitchen floor.
Watched the roaches grow kingly, served them death by the ivory sink shore.
Some empty friend who talked me into sleep, sweet dreams,
And threw my wings into the blazing sun.
Caught up in my thoughts, a beehive swarming.
I can’t swat you out, your stories are too sweet.
Should have never believed you, why’d I ever believe you?


Small crimes, smiles stretched on old trees,
Strike your match so lightly, watch the crooked smoke rise.
Empty prayers to heaven, just a mask of blue sky, look away to
Small crimes, kick the dog for eating,
Leave your old self hungry, watch in coldest pleasure.
Tell the world whatever turns you on is fine with me as long as matches don’t get wet.
Warm winds calling me a coward make me smile, they can’t convince me now.
Burned prayers turn me on to nowhere, sick and empty, I don’t feel so bad.
Ever turns around again, says to me softly, ‘Start the fire now.’
Small crimes sever used-up old considerations,
Freedom’s not so great, all fears burn up.
They said hold onto the stairway railing, meaning everything is meaning,
Something makes it hard to keep track, hold on, found my tangled forest,
Growing, got my driest summer, small crimes, held my matchbox tightly.
from the album "Fantastic Planet"


I’m never gonna say the words that you want.
I’m never gonna feel the shame like you do.
I’m never gonna stretch my shape to be with you.
I only need you for a day, cause I only want to be your
Saturday saviour, I could be that.
Saturday saviour, I will be your
Saturday saviour, I could be that impostor in your bed.
I’m never gonna make you feel that you’re satisfied.
I’m never gonna feel your pain like you wish I would.
I’m never gonna open up more than this.
I just want to be your Saturday saviour.
I could be that.
Saturday saviour, I will be your
Saturday saviour, I could be that impostor in your bed.
I’m never gonna break apart quite like you.
I’m never gonna long for life the way you do.
I’m never gonna push you out, cause you’re not in.
This will only take a while, cause I only want to be your
Saturday saviour, I could be that.
Saturday saviour, I will be your
Saturday saviour, I could be that impostor in your bed.
Let him out please.


They won’t ever find out just where I hid them,
One hundred stones that sparkle in darkness.
They caught me downtown changing the bus lines,
An easy target: midday, no disguise.
Sergeant Politeness, searching for weak points.
Caress my ego, trick me so softly.
I only took them to find my way out
Of the self-infixed freeze that comes from boredom.
You see I let them find me.
One hundred stones that mean nothing to me.
Sergeant Politeness, searching for weak points.
Caress my ego, trick me so softly.
I’m so innocent, sir, that I can’t reveal a thing.
I’m blind and happy, sir, to be tortured in this way.
Sergeant Politeness, searching for weak points.
Caress my ego, trick me so softly.
Sergeant Politeness, I’m so enlightened.
Go on, molest me, I won’t confess now.


Woke in my warm bed, just in time for all the brilliant red lights.
They were streaming through my half-shuttered window,
Christmas lights in time with my stuttered brain waves.
The doorknob was glowing, all my photographs were rippled and melting.
Through the walls I could hear panicked voices.
They seemed to say, 'Go back to bed, there’s no choices, and nowhere not burned out.'
The fireman calls out, ‘We’ve got another smoking umbrella left in the hallway.’
And the fireman calls out, ‘We’ve got another smoking umbrella left here.’
I gave no answer to all their shouted questions, just lay back choking.
Didn’t want to stay, but my bed was on fire.
Instead of screaming I fell back into dreamland, blinking and sighing.
The fireman calls out, ‘We’ve got another smoking umbrella left in the hallway.’
And the fireman calls out, ‘We’ve got another smoking umbrella left here.’
I don’t want to leave the comfort of my bed.
I’d never believed it would happen this way.


I sprained my will lying in bed,
Counting the pores across my skin.
I’m so ashamed to love no one.
My ego’s bent and my pride’s undone.
I’ll spend the night with my pillowhead girl.
We never fight or say a word.
I’ll spend my life with my pillowhead girl.
She is my lovely faceless queen.
I gave up hope in finding you.
I’ve got a friend I’ve grown used to.
I’m so ashamed to love no one.
My ego’s bent and my pride’s undone.
I’ll spend the night with my pillowhead girl.
We never fight or say a word.
I’ll spend my life with my pillowhead girl.
She is my lovely faceless queen.
I’ll spend the night wasting away.


No conviction in your numb mind, a hidden cell of chemicals.
Keep your soul on the projection, never turn on the camera.
Because I kind of like the blank way I fill up my life.
I don’t care for nothing that gets me too high.
I want some dampened spirits and blackened bitter spoons.
I’m not looking for reflection; I’m living on the moon.
No conviction in your voice box, it’s buried low beneath the guilt.
It all seems real as you whisper, she lies warm and as well as you.
And she knows I kind of like the blank way you fill up my mind.
I don’t care for nothing that gets me too high.
I like some dampened spirits and blackened bitter spoons.
I’m not looking for reflection; I’m living on the moon.
Here I am, right at home in my crater; here I am, feeling old.
Here I am, wishing for a miracle.
I need you to know that I like the blank way I fill up the sky.
And I care for nothing you put in my mind.
I like the blank way you fill up my mind.


I got high on scrapings from my nails.
Now I’m back down, my eyes are growing dark.
My burnt spoon has dried beneath the bed,
And I’m dreaming of dirty blue balloons.
I’ve waited so long without you, I’ve waited too long for you.
He came in, he didn’t speak my language.
I paid him with everything I had and promised next time.
He opened up his mouth and then they floated out, dirty blue balloons.
I’ve waited so long without you, I’ve waited too long for you.
Nothing helps and no one else can make it feel okay, float me through the day.
Nothing helps and no one else can make it feel alright, float me through the night.
I cannot let them go, dirty blue balloons.


I’ve been freezing my time, I’ve been slowing my breath,
I’ve been saving my soul, I want you to freeze too.
Are you haunting me again? Are you thawing out my head? I want you to get out.
I’m on an ocean that has a brain and makes us dream.
I’m on a mission to wipe imagination clean.
You grow inside me, dying time and time again.
I’m on a mission to escape from what my life has been.
I’ve been hiding in snow, I’ve been treading on ghosts.
Are you haunting me again? Are you burning up my head?
I will never solve algebra of need.
Any thought just might turn to flesh and drag me back to life.
I’m on an ocean that has a brain and makes us dream.
I’m on a mission to wipe imagination clean.
You grow inside me, dying time and time again.
I’m on a mission to escape from what my life has been without you.


Down by the railroad tracks I will enjoy you.
Can’t feel a single thing that won’t fade away.
We’ll laugh like we always do when we hear the whistle.
So high and satisfied, let’s sleep for a spell.
You’re pitiful, laughable, once again silent.
Down at the carpet shop, you want to cut me.
The patterns are laughing out, I know it’s not fair.
Go ahead, roll me up in your detachment.
I’m here to decorate your fear for awhile.
You’re pitiful, laughable, once again silent.
You want to hold onto me, I want to hold out on you.
That’s what you’ll tell yourself as I fade away into your isolation.
You’re pitiful, laughable, once again silent.


Leo woke up in his bed again, startled by all his familiar friends:
Burnt-out stubs, confectionary wrappers, bottles spent and empty.
Leo felt a terror in the world.
He sighs, ‘It’s not so bad,’ and goes about his day as if nothing changed.
He finds it so hard to explain the way he can’t communicate.
The feeling’s there but he can’t say why it’s so hard to relate to anyone.
Leo quickened his step toward his car; he broke into a sprint at twenty yards.
As he guessed, the dogs had come, ripping into his arm for fun.
Leo got away in his blue car.
He sighs, ‘It’s not so bad,’ and goes about his day as if nothing changed.
He finds it so hard to explain the way he can’t communicate.
The feeling’s there but he can’t say why it’s so hard to relate to you or anyone.


Say hello to the rug’s topography.
It holds quite a lot of interest with your face down on it.
Say hello to the shrinking in your head.
You can’t see it but you know it’s there, so don’t neglect it.
I’m taking her home with me, all dressed in white.
She’s got everything I need, pharmacy keys.
She’s falling hard for me, I can see it in her eyes.
She acts just like a nurse with all the other guys.
Say hello to all the apples on the ground.
They were once in your eyes, but you sneezed them out while sleeping.
Say hello to everything you’ve left behind.
It’s even more a part of your life now that you can’t touch it.
I’m taking her home with me, all dressed in white.
She’s got everything I need, some pills and a little cup.
She’s falling hard for me, I can see it in her eyes.
She acts just like a nurse with all the other guys.
She’s got everything I need, pharmacy keys.
She acts just like a nurse with all the other guys.
Say hello to the rug’s topography.


The solar panel’s shining face is smiling back on me.
Twisting off into the sun, it’s okay to be lonely.
All my missions float away; I never trained too hard.
I’m so caught up in the tree of stars falling in my backyard.
She’ll always be what I can’t find, she’ll always be where I break down.
She’ll always hide behind a star, I’ll always dream she can’t be far.
I've got no Houston to whine down to, I’ve got no protocol.
Gravity’s so far away, wrapped on that shrinking ball.
I eclipsed my memories sleeping inside this pod.
Patient time will carry me on her back without a sigh.
And I won’t let her down; my soul is celestial bound.
And if I’m never found, she’ll always be,
She’ll always be what I can’t find, she’ll always be where I break down.
She’ll always hide behind a star, I’ll always dream she can’t be far.


I heard you driving in my car, then in a frozen bar.
I claimed I didn’t care for you,
But your verse got trapped inside my head.
Over and over again you played yourself to death in me.
I thought I’d drop you easily, but that was not to be.
You burrowed like a summer tick.
So you invade my sleep and confuse my dreams, turn my nights to sleepless itch.
Stuck on you til the end of time, I’m too tired to fight your rhyme.
Stuck on you til the end of time, you’ve got me paralysed.
Holding on the telephone, I hear your midrange moan.
You’re everywhere inside my room.
Even when I’m alone I hear your mellow drone.
You’re everywhere inside of me.
Stuck on you til the end of time, I’m too tired to fight your rhyme.
Stuck on you til the end of time, you’ve got me trapped,
I can’t escape your incessant whine when you beam it out all across the sky.
No, I can’t escape your insipid rhyme when you shoot it deep, straight into my mind.


Right now we’re sick of everything.
Tonight we’ll bind up our brains again.
With eyes pinned, I’ll fly around on your bed.
We’ll grow close while our hearts disconnect.
Morning is limping into the room,
Pleading that we blind ourselves again.
Rip out that heliotropic rose.
Back off, please let the lost get lost.
I know my faith has meaning, but I’ve forgotten why.
It’s so important to me; I can’t remember why.
Living a phantasm of the nerves.
Girlfriends, chemicals in your head.
Good days eventually oxidise,
Put them with thoughts that escape your mind’s eye.
I know my faith has meaning, but I’ve forgotten why.
It’s so important to me; I can’t remember why.
Seems like I’m fucked forever, seems like at least right now,
But I forgot why I need to feel these things.


I’ve got a catacomb with fur-covered styrofoam, so come over now and sleep.
Time isn’t here again, wasted thoughts that could have been, now we can devise our plan.
Daylight won’t find us here.
I’ve got a catacomb with flags that flew fifty years ago, let sleep overcome your mind.
God isn’t safe again, molest trees and chop down men, so we must revise our plan.
Daylight won’t find us here.
from the Depeche Mode tribute album “For the Masses”


Words like violence break the silence, come crashing in, into my little world.
Painful to me, pierce right through me, can’t you understand, oh my little girl?
All I ever wanted, all I ever needed is here in my arms.
Words are very unnecessary; they can only do harm.
Vows are spoken to be broken, feelings are intense, words are trivial.
Pleasures remain, so does the pain, words are meaningless and forgettable.
All I ever wanted, all I ever needed is here in my arms.
Words are very unnecessary; they can only do harm.