KMFDM lyrics - English translations


Helmut mein Helmut
Helmut, my Helmut, you are a real man, we love you so very much.
A just, strong chancellor, the kind, good man, Helmut, my Helmut, he can do anything.
We love our chancellor, he is so wonderful, Helmut, my Helmut is always there for us.
Helmut, my Helmut reigns with a strong hand, the whole country loves him.


I am a red airplane and I fly into the sky, so alone.
I fly through space, so blue like a nightmare, so alone.
It is an existence with difficult consequences, to be the centre of feelings.


From one corner of your mouth to the other is smeared sweet life, is smeared sweet lust,
A sticky load, sweetly plucked flowers, full of a tendency toward power, breathe in the smell, so good, so strong.
You love to give what we dream of, what we miss, never again.
I absolutely cannot watch a football game without thinking of my father, who, at the age of sixteen,
got the referee's wife pregnant, without waiting for the players,
and because of that the two most important players' lives were cut off, and this brought upon their team a terrible disaster.
From one corner of your mouth to the other, sweetly smeared, your white skin.
How could I ever ignore you? Desire, now boundless to the nth degree,
Stay with me, my fruit, hold on, I die, kill me.


On the left in the corner, I want a sausage; on the left in the corner, you stink, you pig.
Armatures, can you laugh, can you freeze, are you fish?
Dance the catechism, dance the occultism, dance the fatalism, dance absolutism.
I am God, it becomes light, it needs cattle, worms and you.
Love apple, sweet to bite, but the pleasure does you no good.
Eat the earth, have desire, hate your lineage, understand nothing, you are too clever, sticky outside, rotten inside.
No worries, it's too late, what goes before itself bores me, close your eyes, come rest, the shop is closed tomorrow.


Colossal love embraces the cosmos, brutal silence, we want to dance and slaughter.
Merciless vibrations makes you high and crazy; I want the absolute totalitarian liberation of power.
Dance, liberate yourself, move your arse, open yourself without regret.
I want all of you or nothing at all, be mine.
Peace on earth, weapons destroyed, all destructive ideologies killed by hate.
We transform the earth into a joyful bundle, full of energy.
Killed all media of illusions and power. Head, bite, rift, dig, room, cut, shot, wound.
Show your wounds, expose your mark, beaten bloody, embrace me.


When I have to die then I want to strangle myself in your black hair,
When I have to die then I want to suffocate between your sweet breasts.
When I have to die then I want to be blinded by your brown eyes,
And when I have to die then I want to cut my veins on your lips.
I have not yet learned enough, my hands in chains, the brain a hole in the wall.
When I have to die then I want to starve in your lap, and when I have to die then I want to burn in your bed.
When I have to die then I want to drown in your heat, when I have to die then I want to be poisoned by your blood.
I have not yet learned enough, my hands in chains, the brain a hole in the wall.
When I have to die then I want to melt away from your kiss, and then when I'm dead, bury me close to your heart.



What will happen if no one cries anymore, how were the men and where were the fools?
Who here doubts its origin, when will we be happy to settle the score?
I will rise up, resurrected from the ashes, reborn in a new life.
Where people unite and fraternise, startle and deter themselves,
Where people divide up and distribute and violate the truth, and the lame man donates his crutch to the blind man.
What will happen if you cannot sleep anymore, scared out of your mind that no one will ever be happy?
You don't believe it, don't feel it, but it will happen anyway.
I will rise up, rise again to go, born from the ashes into a new life.
I want more, ever more, just like you.
I roam through a chewing-gum paradise, the prophet is irrelevant in his own home,
Where only money opens the eyes of your native language, German until the very end.


And so I will pray and pray that your country undergoes recovery.
And that you will use your power, see bliss, and harvest salvation.


Music is power, a definite connection of intelligence and stupidity.
Noise addicts under immense pressure and passion have the greatest pleasure and confidence sucked away.
The heroic riff is the frog eater, the rhythm is a beautiful swan,
Only the words of a leech in your mind, no more power for you.


Every child that once was naked shall be held in the arms of this woman,
And shall be taken behind this iron door and pushed inside,
And each child shall be bolted in, then I was conscious that each child is forgotten.


Take a deep breath, you are allowed to enjoy it; be fearless, become almost empty.
To be unaware is to experience, to desire yourself is to throw yourself away, love is a robbery.
Hold me tight, never go far, one with you, never go away.
Touch me, kiss the sky here on earth; in my secret place I consecrate you.
Sanity and existence, healing and lust, be my life, be irrational, baby be mine.
Hold me tight, never go far, one with you, never go away, let me be happy.


On a flying carpet towards hell, and back with a detailed account.
Under a sky of lead, barricades darken the light.
Headless soldiers in the battle, insects in death-throes.
Stars extinguished in our faces abandon all our hopes.


The wonder of this world will be given to you.
Happiness cannot be bought.
Longing remains unattainable.
Price-puzzle beckons the glutton.
No pity for the masses.
When the underground quakes, the order is overthrown.
Betrayal in the heart makes life unhealthy.
With powerful rhymes we will pass the time,
Quite a long while, until the big booms.


Leid und Elend
Your boat leaves the harbour of our city, alone you steer into the clear night.
Only five minutes I desire for you, my true longing comes with you.
I love your moon in my night, without your sun there is no day.
You are the stars in my firmament, I am a stone and you are my cement.
Divided pain is half pain, my heart is your heart.
Divided happiness is half happiness, my grief is your grief.
You are the keys on my piano, anything you want I'll play for you.
Your sweet wound, sweet juice makes me very drunk without any alcohol.


Tragic thoughts, like being trapped in a net, plunge their paws into a cool grave.
Ghostly visions have gentle soles, you fall from all the clouds, you will never recover.
Going out of the skin, making things out of dust, no longer getting anything worthwhile.
Give us the power, we need new juices, to lose all rights in the bosom of nature.
I don't believe in this happiness, in brotherhood, in the pursuit of happiness.
Wise justice, give us revenge, that the helpful thing balances itself out.
My crying eyes will repent, look forward to the early hope beginning to scream.
Oh Mother Earth, pay attention just this once.
I made you a joyousness, I've brought it to you.
The song of betrayal, the song of power, the verse will end; it is almost done.
We turn in a circle, in the same rhythm, faster and faster, it is almost done.
Oh Mother Earth, do you hear us scream, we are your children, and we're fed up, we are ready.


Sturm und drang belongs to you, sturm und drang experiences art.
Sturm und drang, new and foreign, sturm und drang, my KMFDM.
Reconstruction and destruction, reality and heroic poetry,
Noble truth and legends, KMFDM to the bitter end.

[Sturm und Drang is a state of uneasiness and usually resentment brewing to an eventual explosion.]


Welcome to the ride on the razor's edge, we make the ending of the eerie vision,
Let us stop the potbellied warmonger, the gluttonous jaws, and tear apart the veil of silence,
Rage and Courage are the names of the beautiful daughters of Hope.


Hau ruck
Don't always paint the devil on the wall, your endless whining is at the cost of understanding.
Roll up your sleeves and take a deep breath, we've already begun, defy your fear.
All aboard now, one and all, spit in your hands, we're taking over.
Heave-ho! Let's go!
Grin and bear it, you have nothing left to lose, but winning will be worth it.
Tighten your belt, feed your anger, the last wars of the dogs, focus your determination only on what's ahead..
All together now, let's get out of this mess, our backs and our fists are united to one cause.


So small, everything is mini in our lives.
Mini Moke and miniskirt, mini-ugly and Lilliput.
He is mini Doctor Schweitzer, the sound of mini lacks flair.
Miniskirt and mini mock, I don't give a damn about miniature.
Everything is mini in our lives.
Minister and terminus, minimum and mini-bus.
Me, I prefer maxi things, maxi mock and maxi-skirt.
Maxi-ugly and Maxiput, he is maxi Doctor Schweitzer.
Maxi lets me breathe the air, maxiter and termaxus.
Maximum and maxi-bus, maxister and termaxus.


Auf Wiederseh'n
Old and tired, fat and bald, abandoned in valley of misery,
Dull and dim, hollow and empty, you will never amount to anything.
Weak and grey, pure scorn blows you away, you already stink.
From the varnish, out of the dream, smoke and mirrors, the naked horror.
But I will not just sit and stay, it must go on, goodbye.
The last journey for this old wreck, out of the dream and from the varnish,
By the end the air is gone, at the end we play in an oven.
Execrator, ratcatcher, thrown away, isolated, failure, outcast,
Overthrown, sunken and smeared in shit, cut short, fucked and wiped out.
From the varnish, out of the dream, smoke and mirrors, the naked horror.
By the end the air is gone, at the end we play in an oven.
Your own shadow is a conspiracy of lies, poison and liquor and self-destruction.
Wiped out, lost time, eternal torment.


Out of nothing, the die has been cast.
Let us dare, the thing speaks for itself.
Out of nothing, not all of me will die.
Let us dare, not all of me will die.
Primordial chaos.


Saft und Kraft
Man or pig, victory or death, eat the sausage even if you have no bread.
First we were done wrong, then we made it right.
Nevertheless, therefore, along with, also.
Totalitarian, totally irrelevant, virility.
I remember You in my silent prayer, destroy what You will.


Los Niņos del Parque
The boys in the park are very lucky, they walk around and dream of candy, kisses and money.
The boys and the girls walk around together and are very lucky, who says they're innocent?
The boys in the park are lucky, they walk around and hold hands, and dream of candy, kisses and money,
But who says they're innocent, they smoke cigarettes and play with bombs.
The boys in the park are very lucky, they walk around and hold hands, and dream of candy, kisses and money.
The boys and the girls are not innocent, they smoke cigarettes and play with bombs.


It has me so frightened, you have me ever so frightened,
I am anxious and so awfully thirsty; I am irritated, so terribly annoyed,
And so pissed off that I could puke.


Let's go, brother, let's unite and tomorrow will not be black-and-white.
Onward, brother, let's make sure that tomorrow will not be about the rich and the poor.
Let's go, brother, let's drink to friendship and to the boots on our backs.
Let's go, brother, maybe we take a last look forward and stop living in the past.
Onward, brother, education is work into violent peace that will conquer the world.


Piece of the whole, madness machine, sleeper cell in the land of traitors,
Struck from lightning, stirred from thunder, catapulted out of rigor mortis.
Recognise yourself, find the measure, do what you want, until the end of the world, the last goodbye.
Dud bombs of unknown origin, unpredictable, gone wild.
For better or for worse, come hell or high water, in spite of all warnings, full speed ahead.
Recognise yourself, find the measure, do what you want, until the end of the world, the last goodbye.
Naked dread, sheer scorn, sold down the river, blood money.
For better or for worse, come hell or high water, beyond good and evil, full speed ahead.
Last advance, the borders of existence, nothing is impossible, self-determined, all alone.

["Potz Blitz!" is an expression that is difficult to translate.
It is equivalent to a mild curse, such as "Ye gads!", "Shiver my timbers!", "Gee whiz!", or "Cor blimey!"]


When I have to die then I want to strangle myself in your black hair.
When I have to die then I want to suffocate between your sweet breasts.
When I have to die then I want to starve in your lap.
When I have to die then I want to be blinded by your brown eyes.
When I have to die then I want to cut my veins on your lips.
When I have to die then I want to burn in your bed.
I have not yet learned enough, my hands in chains, the brain a hole in the wall.
When I have to die then I want to drown in your heat, when I have to die then I want to be poisoned by your blood.
I have not yet learned enough, my hands in chains, the brain a hole in the wall.
When I have to die then I want to melt away from your kiss, when I'm dead, bury me close to your heart.

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