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Damaged Pistons

This is a damaged number 2 piston. I took off the head because of a loud knocking sound which happened after a full blast run. I assumed a bad bearing because of oil starvation but it doesn't look like that yet. There are lots of pieces of ring land and rings. The edge of the piston is also damaged. This engine lasted for ~12K miles. You can see the 1035 head gasket. I haven't taken it apart yet so I don't know what caused the damage. It's really strange that number three piston looks the same almost. I never ran lean so I assume it was a ring that got stuck or a bad ring set, et cetera.

This is a bad number 2 piston. Those are pieces of rings stuck to the top of it. You can see that something has been hitting the top of the piston.

This is a damaged number 3 piston. Something has been hitting the top of this piston also.

This is a 12K mile 1035 head gasket running 20 PSI boost.

This is a 12K mile 1035 head gasket running 20 PSI boost.

This is a 12K mile 1035 head gasket running 20 PSI boost.

This is a damaged 427 Vette piston.