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This story is absolutely true and verified by many independent witnesses. This race took place in 1957 in Chester,Pennsylvania.

The 34 Ford had done a lot of street racing at the local hangout, Shuster's. It had never been beat. Eventually the other big street racer in the area heard about the car and figured he would hand him his whipping and walk away feeling like a winner. He pulled up to the hangout and wanted to race the guy with the fast 34 Ford. He met him and asked him how he wanted to race, from a dead start or from a roll. My dad just said that he would line up behind him and whenever he decided to take off the race would start. They pulled out and when the the Ford in front with the Judson Supercharger took off my dad passed him before he hit second gear and never looked back. The loser drove away and never came back to the local hangout. Why did my dad agree to race him starting from behind? Dads car had a broken first gear so of course he couldn't race him from a dead stop. Now that's what I call street racing!