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Name______________________________________________________________ Date_________________

Spelling Contract

We will be reviewing the past month's vocabulary words. Here is a list of activities to help you practice. You must do all 6. You may do more (e.g. a board game activity). Check off the activities you finish, sign the contract, and hand in everything when you are done.
The contract and all the activities that you choose are ABSOLUTELY due Monday, January 5, 2004, the day of the MONSTER TEST!.

1. _____Pick any 10 words (or more). Make a column putting them in alphabetical order by the first letter. Make a second column putting them in alphabetical order according to the SECOND LETTER in the word, then the THIRD LETTER. Write the lists next to each other. Circle the second and third letters in those lists.

2. _____Write a short story using as many spelling words as you can. It must have a beginning, middle, and end, and you must use at least 10 spelling words. Underline the spelling words. Why don't you make the story silly?!

3. _____Use a dictionary to look up any ten words. Write down what they mean and make a Matching Game with the words on one side and the definitions on the other side. Other 103 scholars will play your game, matching the definitions.

4. _____Make up your own word search. Draw boxes with a ruler, use graph paper, or you may use the Puzzlemaker link on the The Learning Website's Language Arts Page at ( to make your word search.

5. _____Make a picture book using the vocabulary words. Pick 10; write descriptive sentences with style, and illustrate each page.

6. _____Make up a plexer or "who am I?" riddle about ten spelling words. For example, "A synonym for me is "oneness." Answer: unity. Hint: use a thesaurus.

Have Fun! Try to choose words you need to practice - not just the easiest ones! The Best Scholars always challenge themselves.

Signature of student_________________________________________________________