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Milky Way
Andromeda Galaxy
The Sun - Our Star!
StarQuest Introduction Star Quest Task Star Quest Process Star Quest Evaluation Star Quest Conclusion

HomeLanguage ArtsMathCritical ThinkingScienceSocial StudiesMulticulturalSportsMusic and ArtWebQuestsParent-FamilyHomeworkTeachersEmail Miss Mackiewicz

Greetings again Star Rangers!
Click either the Star Web Button or the Constellation Web Button. If you prefer to use Kidspiration or create your own web, you may do so. However the topics that need to be researched on this mission are titled on these webs, so you will need to at least refer to the web. Both are best printed in landscape version.
Then use the links below to research stars and/or constellations.
It might be a good idea to print out the
Task page and Evaluation-page rubric to help quide you in your quest.
Look at these Constellations!
StarWeb Worksheet ConstellationWeb Worksheet

Email Miss Mackiewicz

The Sun