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Here are five gadgets that are usful and inexpensive. They are also great ideas for kids.


Tools Needed:

VHS Cassette Box w/ Pegs in Lid

Exterior Two Sided Tape


Plastic Automotive Trim Fasteners: 2-1" long

Drill Bit: ¼"dia.

This is a VHS Cassette Fly Box. It also holds two tipit material spools. Cut the foam to fit bottom of the box. You can leave it like that for nymphs. For dry flies you need two-sided tape, and an extra strip of foam to keep the hackles off the bottom. For the tipit material spool holder drill a 1/4" dia. hole through the center of the peg hole. Then insert a trim fastener. Then take and cut a plastic circle (appox. 1 ¼"dia.) and drill a ¼" dia. hole in the center to use as a washer to hold on the spool. A piece of milk jug works great or any flat plastic will work. You can use a six pack holder as a carrying case. If the holder is not over the neck length cut the strap in the middle and attach a piece of stap that can be purchased at a local fabric store. The fly box is sitting on top of the six pack holder.


Tools Needed:

Drill Bit: 3/32"

Tubeing: ¼"OD x 7" long

Weed Eater line: .050dia.

Wire Crimps: 2-that will slide over line doubled

Lanyard Snaps: 2


This is a retractor made from an empty super glue container, and weed eater line .050 in diameter. To get the line to coil, drill 3/32" hole in each end of the tubeing and 3 ¼"" in from each end. Wrap line around a the tubeing tightly. Thread the line through the holes to hold it. Then use a sauce pan with boiling water, place tubeing in boiling water for appox. 15 mins. Take out with a pair of tongs and run under cold water, then remove the line from the tubeing forming a coil. Put a 3/32" hole in each end of the empty super glue container. Then make a loop with both ends and secure with the crimps. Then feed the loop through the tube end first by attaching it to a piece of wire and pulling it through the hole. Do the same to the cap end. Snap on lanyard snaps.



Tools Needed:

Soap Dish

Utility Knife


Exterior Two Sided Tape

Plastic Window Screen

Name Tag Clips

Hot Glue Gun

This is a is a soap box insect catcher and holder. First, take the soap dish and cut out the bottom, leaving about a ¼" ledge, save the part you cut out. Next, cut a piece of plastic window screen to fit snugly in the inside of the box and secure it using the hot-glue. Now take the part you cut out and attach foam to it. You can leave it like that for nymphs. For dry flies you need two-sided tape, and an extra strip of foam to keep the hackles up. If you would like, attach a name tag clip to each so they will clip onto your fly vest. These may be purchased at any office supply store.



Tools Needed:

1 - 3/8" Barrel Nut

Smallest Possible Cup Hook

Piece of 5/16" Dowel Rod

This is a dubbing twister. To make this take the barrel nut and screw the dowel rod into it. Then, cut off the dowel rod flush with the top of the barrel nut. Next, screw the cup hook into the piece of dowel rod.


Tools Needed:

1 - Ball Point Pen

1 - Piece of Spring Steel (Panio Wire or Guitar String)

This is a dubbing loop twister. To begin, take apart the the ball point. Discard the inside parts - pen point, and ink. Be sure to save the end cap of the pen. Bend the Spring Steel into a V-Shape. Take the cap and re-insert it holding the V apart. For preference you can cut the pen tube down to the size you would like.


