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More Buds

Ok...dont look at me that what if most my friends are female? Geesh...act as if you never met a chick magnet before ;)

Jen (the goddess)

Ok, this is jen, the one that got away heh heh...but we wont talk about that. my THERAPIST says it isn't good for the mind...he'll get something for the mind when a 22 slug is there..heh heh Anyway, jens an excellent friend...quite understanding and she dont mind taking the wrap for 3rd degree murder.. OOPS...i didnt say that...


Ok, heres cara, my New Zealand friend, cara is more of my mom though.. NOOO, the good kinda mom, not the nagging slipper wearing trailor trash.. geesh...get your mind outta the trailor for god sakes! Cara is the kind that will always be there for ya when she can be a most excellent friend.


Ok, this is connie, a friend of mine from chat, shes an excellent lady, always concerned for you. a very loving lady :)