Frequently Asked Questions

So what do I get for accessing your shoe box, any coupons for free ice cream?
I'm looking for these quotes, will you help me?
May I use your quotes for...?
Do you have a daily quotes list?
What dictates a new Version number?
You're committing plagiarism!!
Why aren't you updating?

So what do I get for accessing your shoe box, any coupons for free ice cream?

You get the pleasure of enjoying my shoebox
As for coupons, sure wish I could! But sadly, I have a very limited budget, and with 30 visitors a day (although it was only 8 when this question was written) I cannot afford to. Donations to the "Send me Shopping Fund" are welcome ^_^
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I'm looking for these quotes, will you help me?

A better place to start would be, but I would be happy to help! Be warned though, I only check my email once a week or so (usually friday) because I get very little mail. Please include as much information about the quote as you can.

May I use your quotes for...?

you may use quotes from my collection for anything except to enlarge your own personal internet collection. I like my traffic, and prefer people not to take any of it ^_^
I do, however, appreciate being told you're going to use my quotes for something - it makes me feel warm and fuzzy ^_^

Do you have a daily quotes list?

At this time (April 2001) I do not have a daily quotes list. I am currently polling for demand.
I did, however, have a daily quotes email from December to January. It was terminated due to lack of interest, lack of time on my part, and my usual forgetfulness. I am considering restarting the list in September 01.

What dictates a new Version number?

Major revision numbers (such as from 2. to 3.) are dictated mainly by a major change. 2 had a new sub-section and bookmaking system that did not exist in 1. 3 had a new author indexing and short biography database that did not exist in 2.
Minor revision numbers are based on how many approx hours (about 20) of work or amount of new quotes (10, 15 printed pages) were put in.
Basic updates - such as adding a few quotes here and there or tweaking colors will be noted, but not constitute a new revision number.

You're committing plagiarism!!

At no point in time have I claimed to be the author of any of these quotes. If there is no author listed, then the author is unknown. Whenever the information is available, I site the original source. If any quote is misquoted it is not to my knowledge. Please inform me of any mistakes!

Why aren't you updating?

Most of my updateing is done through research and off-line publishing on my desktop. Internet updates will come in great spurts as I complete new pages.
I also find myself crunched for time between labs, tests, lectures, church, and social-activates. As a forewarning, there will be no updates this summer as I will be with limited internet access.

last updated: April 8