8/21/05-Live from Madison Square Garden in NYC!!!

(The UWA revolving globe logo appears on the screen and fades into the background.)

Game Time (2/13/05)

(We get a grayscale image of a bloodied Panther lying face down inside the steel cage as a teary-eyed Joanie Laurer hovers above him. The sound of a heartbeat can be heard in the background, growing louder as the camera zoom in closer on Joanie's face. We then cut to footage from moments earlier)


(Back to post-match footage of Joanie as she looks down on her fallen friend and teammate. Suddenly, we flash back to action)


(Back to the post-match scene, zooming in tight on Laurer's somber expression, before quickly flashing back to the action)



(The thumping of the heartbeat continues as we now cut to slow motion footage of Corino posing by the Game Time set. Suddenly, another flash)

"...allow me to welcome you to the NEW ERA of the Universal Wrestling Association!"

(We cut to footage of Steve Corino's victory speech from the 2/15 Gear before flashing back to the scene of him celebrating at Game Time. Another flash to Gear)

"the Steve Corino era of the UWA."

(Back to the Game Time scene of Corino celebrating. Then, we flash back to Gear)

"Joanie, get your bags...YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!!!



(Back to another grayscale clip of Joanie hugging Panther in the halls at that night's Gear before turning and exiting the arena. The camera follows her out, the sounds of the heartbeat growing fainter and fainter as we slowly fade to black...

Patriot Gamez (7/17/05)

(Dramatic music begins to play in the background as we cut to footage of the second round End Game match between Rage and the Inner Circle's Rodney Demp, during which, Steve Corino rushes out to ringside to attack the One Man Riot. Corino's sister and Rage's girlfriend Allison watches in horror from the floor as Corino punishes Rage in the ring. Suddenly...)

VJ: I can't believe this! I can't believe Corino's gonna cost Rage the End Game--

DD: Vince look...








(The footage continues with Joanie beating Corino around the ringside area, knocking him over the guardrail and chasing him through the crowd as all the while frenzied event staff and arena security struggle to gain control of the angry former Commish! In the background, an audio clip of a Joanie promo kicks in)

Joanie (voice-over): Corino...


(We see footage from the 7/19/05 Gear, where Joanie tackles Corino on stage and begins pummelling him with right hands)

Joanie (V.O.):...I'm not gonna sit back any longer and allow you to tarnish the position that I worked so hard to uphold!

(We get a series of clips from past Laurer/Corino confrontations, as well as footage of Joanie battering him during the End Game match at Game Time! We finally settle in on a full color close-up of Joanie as she sends a firey glare into the camera)

Joanie (V.O.): Corino...at Hell on Earth...YOUR ASS...

(Flash to Joanie s flooring him with a right hand at Total Annihilation 05)

Joanie (V.O.) IS...

(Flash to Joanie slamming Corino headfirst into the cage at Game Time)

Joanie (V.O.) MINE!!!!!!

(We close out with footage of Joanie driving Corino to the mat with a DDT, before finally settling in on his body as he lies face down in a pool of blood. We then cut to grayscaled footage of him delivering a promo on the entrance stage)

Corino: Laurer...

(We cut to a full color clip of Joanie going face-to-face with Corino in the ring...only to be attacked from behind by Corino's Inner Circle)

Corino: When are you gonna get it through your thick head that your days here in the UWA are over?!

(We see the Inner Circle holding Joanie down in the ring while Corino measures her with right hands)

Corino: When are you gonna realize that the Joanie Laurer era here in the UWA is OVER?!?!

"...is OVER?!"

"...is OVER?!"

(Those last two words are echoed, each replay accompanied by shot of Corino blasting a helpless Joanie in the head with a steel chair.)

Corino: And I promise...

"I promise..."

(Clips of Corino beating on Joanie during the End Game)

Corino:...at Hell on Earth...

"HELL! ON! EARTH!!!!!!!"

(Clip of Corino tossing her into the side of the cage)

Corino: I already buried your career, and on Pay-Per-View I'm gonna bury you with it...ONCE...


Corino: AND FOR ALL!!!!!!

"AND FOR ALL!!!!!!"

"AND FOR ALL!!!!!!"

(We get repeated clips of Corino giving Joanie the Old School Expulsion, before finally settling in on a grayscale clip of Panther and Tina looking over her. We then cut to a medley of clips of both Joanie and Corino)

VJ (v.o.): So at Hell on Earth...

"HELL! ON! EARTH!!!!!!!"

VJ: It'll be Joanie Laurer battling Steve Corino! The UWA Commissionership will be up for grabs! And with as much bad blood...as much hatred that exists between these two, this will truly be...

"...will truly be..."


"HELL! ON! EARTH!!!!!!!"

(The dramatic music fades into a high-pitched drone as we focus on an orange-tinted image of the two of them squaring off. We remain focused on this image for a few moments, before the music stops, and we abruptly flash into darkness. Then, Nas's "Thief's Theme" begins as we cut to CGI footage of an underground cave, at the center of which sits a 3 dimensional black pentagram. The object begins to glow orange, growing brighter and brighter as we move closer to it, before finally combusting into a sea of flames. From the flames emerges the Hell on Earth logo, which is also glowing a bright gold and orange)

And now...EWR 4.2 presents HELL ON EARTH! LIVE ON PAY-PER-VIEW!!!!!!!

All at once, a huge fire ball zooms forward and engulfs the screen, transitioning us to the live crowd in MSG, where flames and pyro explosions go off in front of the Hell on Earth set. When the pyro stops, the camera pans the crowd, where thousands of fans are cheering and holding up signs such as "PANTHER IS GOD," "Welcome Home, Rage," "BLACK BLOOD SUCKS," and "sXe"! We then cut down to ringside, where Vince Johnson and Delaware Dave are seated in the announce position.)

VJ: Ladies and gentlemen...from the most famous arena in the world, MADISON SQUARE GARDEN...WE ARE LIVE!!!!!!!! Vince Johnson is here alongside Delaware Dave, and fans welcome to Hell on Earth! It's the two-year anniversary of the Universal Wrestling Association, and fans what a night it's gonna be!

DD: Damn right, Vince! I tell ya, we've called 'em all here in the UWA, and we've seen a lotta memorable stuff over the past two years! We've seen a lot of incredible matches, but Vince...I've just got that feeling...I have never felt the electricity at ANY wrestling show that I'm feeling here tonight! This night is gonna be something special, Vince!

VJ: That's for sure! We've got a stacked card here tonight in New York City! Of course, as we just saw, the UWA's Commissionership will be on the line as Steve Corino is forced to put his position on the line against the former Commissioner, Joanie Laurer! This is a match that could undoubtably change the face of the UWA, but in addition to that, Dave, it's a match that's just so personal! So much animosity between these two! It's been building for well over a year...since Corino entered the UWA! And tonight, it's all gonna come to a head.

DD: Yeah Vince, and lemme tell ya: don't get your hopes up for Corino losing this match tonight! I mean, let's not forget that in addition to being the best damn Commish we've ever seen, this guy is also a world-class athlete! He's a former Universal Champion, Vince, and I guarantee you that right here tonight ol' Joanie is gonna be in for a lot more than she bargained for!

VJ: That may be the case! Nevertheless, it should be quite the battle when those two finally square off! Speaking of Joanie, we've got another huge match scheduled for tonight as her twin sister Tina defends the Women's Title against the #1 contender and leader of Black Blood, Darkest Desires! Desires has turned the UWA on its ear since her shocking transformation a few months ago, Dave, and tonight she comes into this match with a lot of momentum! And as formidable an opponent as Darkest Desires is, the biggest obstacle that Tina must face comes in the form of Desires' Black Blood faction. Who knows what role they'll play in the outcome of this one.

DD: Please Vince! Leave it to you to already start coming up with excuses! Desires is one of the most talented women in wrestling period, and believe me that she doesn't need any help when it comes to beating Tina for the title! She's done it before, Vince!

VJ: Yes! I remember! Whether or not she'll be able to do it tonight remains to be seen. And from there, fans, we move to another member of Black Blood: the mysterious Enygma--the centerpiece of the Black Blood faction! Tonight, he does battle with none other than the Champion of Champions himself, Panther!

DD: Yeah, and if you ask me, Enygma's got Panther's number! I mean remember: HE BEAT PANTHER last month at Patriot Gamez! He pinned him CLEANLY in the middle of the ring, then did it AGAIN just a couple of weeks ago in that mixed tag match on FNS!

VJ: Well whether or not those wins were clean are debatable to say the least, but the fact remains that Enygma does hold two pinfall victories over Panther--something not too many people can say here in the UWA. And there is so much heat coming into this one! So much hatred has built up between these two over the past few months, and I've got the feeling that tonight, we're due another explosion when these two meet up! And then of course, it's the big one! Former tag team partners collide when Ice Cube defends the Universal Title against Rage! These two men, Dave were once as close as brothers! They were one of the most formidable tag teams in wrestling history when they were together as the Riot Makerz! Tonight, they do battle with the UWA's ultimate prize up for grabs! Will Rage be able to overcome his former friend and walk away with the title? We'll find out tonight! All that and more, ladies and gentlemen, but let's not waste anymore time! Let's take you down to ringside for our opening contest!

Falls Count Anywhere: CM Punk vs Orlando Jordan

(The house lights fade out, leaving the arena in total darkness as the sounds of AFI's "Miseria Cantare" hit the PA system. White spotlights kick in and out to the beat of the song's heavy drums as the cameras focus on the entrance, from which CM Punk emerges. Clad in his black jacket and short yellow trunks with black trim, Punk scours the arena, a cocky smile on his face as he raises both fists into the air crosses his arms to form an "X." He then pulls that X close to his chest as he starts down the ramp toward ringside)

Announcer: The opening contest at Hell on Earth is scheluded for one fall, and is a FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH!!!!! Introducing first...hailing from Chicago, IL! He weighs in tonight at 210 pounds...C...M...PUNK!!!!!!!

(The crowd boos at the mention of Punk's name. The Punker remains unfazed by their jeers as he continues his path to ringside.)

VJ: There he is ladies and gentlemen! The former 2-time Intercontinental Champion! The former leader of the Young Wunz, and tonight, he goes one on one with his former protege so to speak...Orlando Jordan.

DD: Yeah, Vince! Protege is exactly right! I mean, I still can't get over the ungratefulness of this punk ass Orlando! I mean, CM Punk took him from nothing and turned him into a star! He taught Orlando Jordan everything he knows--treated him like a brother, Vince! And do you see how this idiot repays him?

VJ: Now wait a damn minute, Dave! You know as well as I do that CM Punk did nothing but use Orlando Jordan! He needed someone to watch his back--someone to help him win matches, and that's all that the Young Ones were! CM Punk did nothing but leech off the hard work of the Young Wunz, and that's the truth, Dave!

DD: Please, Vince! CM Punk never needed the Young Wunz! He brought them together out of the goodness of his heart a made them something in this business, but they didn't appreciate him! This Orlando especially, Vince--he bit the hand that fed him! Well that's ok, Vince, because tonight, CM Punk is gonna bite back, and this'll be one bite that Orlando won't be able to recover from!

(Having now made his way around the ring, CM Punk pulls himself up onto the apron and enters the ring. There, he removes his jacket and tosses it to a ringside attendant! He then throws up the sXe symbol one last time before his music dies down and Orlando Jordan's music kicks in. The crowd pops in the background as cameras cut back to the entrance, where Jordan appears in his black trunks with red trim and his "OJ" logo stitched on the back.)

Announcer: And his opponent: hailing from Miami, Florida! He weighs in tonight at 250 pounds...here is ORLANDOOOOOOOOO...JOOOOOOOORRRRRDAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!

VJ: Orlando Jordan!! The former Young Wunz enforcer is on his way...and it looks like he's not gonna waste any time! Jordan sprinting down to the ring...

DD: Watch it Punk!

(Jordan quickly heads down the ramp and slides into the ring, where he's immediately attacked by CM Punk. His music stops abruptly and referee Jim Molineux calls for the bell)

Ding Ding Ding!!!

VJ: The bell has sounded and look at Punk go to work! CM Punk...stomping the hell outta his former protege Orlando Jordan! He is all over him, Dave! And now what's this? Punk now with Jordan...Irish whip sends him in...Jordan coming off, ducks the clothesline...from the other side, Punk with the knife-edge--ORLANDO GOES UNDERNEATH...and he sends Punk in! CM Punk...off the ropes--AND HE GETS NAILED WITH A BIG DROPKICK!! CM Punk got nailed, and watch Jordan! Punk is back to his feet...AND A BIG CLOTHESLINE BY JORDAN SENDS HIM UP AND OVER THE TOP!!!!!! CM Punk...Punk is down on the outside, and remember fans--this is falls count anywhere!

DD: Yeah Punk! Watch this idiot...

VJ: CM Punk now trying to pull himself to his feet on the outside...Orlando Jordan now on the apron...and he blasts him with a double axehandle. Orlando now with Punk here...handful of hair and he sends him facefirst into the guardrail! CM Punk, Dave...CM Punk is in trouble here in the early going, and look at Orlando Jordan go right to work on him against the steel! Right hands! Right hands! To the head of CM Punk!

DD: I don't believe this, Vince!

VJ: Punk can't believe it either as Jordan...Orlando has him once again...there's the Irish whip--NO! CM Punk reverses, and now Orland--OH!!!!



DD: HAHA! What about that, Vince?!

VJ: Jordan...CM Punk able to buy himself a little bit of time on that one. Jordan is hurt and now watch Punk here! He charges in...OH MY!!!! JORDAN WITH THE BACK DROP JUST SENT CM PUNK FLYING INTO THE CROWD, and now here we go, Dave!!!!! Falls count anywhere in the building...

DD: Watch those idiots out there Punk! They've got alcohol out there!

VJ: CM Punk in the crowd here...pulling himself back to his feet...he's just been unable to get outta the gate in this one, as now Jordan heads into the crowd after him! Orlando moving in on the former I-C Champ...Punk tries for a right but it's blocked...AND ORLANDO BLASTS HIM WITH A HARD RIGHT HAND!!! Orlando ducks another right from Punk...and another one catches him with a boot to the midsection! And now Jordan with a front facelock applied...dragging Punk through the crowd! What's he setting up for here? Could be a suplex coming up...YES!!!!!! Snap suplex by Orlando Jordan...that pained expression on the face of CM Punk says it all, Dave!

DD: Oh Vince...I don't like this!

VJ: Punk's not liking it either, I assure you! Orlando Jordan now...what's this? Jordan just grabbed a cup from a fan...

DD: Oh now wait a damn minute, Vince. That'd better not be what I think it is!

VJ: It's beer! Orlando Jordan with that cup of beer now, and...

DD: Vince, this is not right!

VJ: Jordan with Punk! We know CM Punk lives that straight-edge lifestyle! He's drug-free and alcohol-free. And now Orlando's taking a sip of that beer...

DD: And this is exactly why CM Punk is better than him, Vince...OH WAIT!!!


DD: YOU IDIOT! He's gonna pay for that, Johnson!

VJ: Punk...right hand misses, and now watch Orlando! Jordan's got him here...


VJ: BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX ON THE CONCRETE!!!!!! He just dumped CM Punk on the back of his head, and that could be all! He's got got the cover! 1...2...NO!!!! CM Punk able to kick out...

DD: Oh...oh my God, Vince! Can you believe the nerve of this idiot to actually spit beer into the face of CM Punk?!

VJ: I'm sure if Punk knew where he was right now, he'd be livid!

DD: Yeah well...you just wait, Johnson! This match is just begun, and before this thing is over, Punk's gonna make this moron wish he'd never even seen a beer, much less try and spit one on CM Punk.

VJ: Orlando now with CM Punk once again...he measures him for a right hand! Another! Orlando now with a handful of hair brings Punk back to his feet...and now take a look at this, Dave! CM Punk...being drug through this sea of humanity! Being given a tour of MSG by this capacity crow--

DD: Look at Punk...

VJ: Wait a minute! Punk with the Irish whip...AND ORLANDO GOES CAREENING RIGHT INTO THAT BARRICADE!!!! Orlando...he hit hard once again, as Punk...

DD: Get on him, Punk! Get on him! Show this idiot what for...YES!

VJ: Oh now look at CM Punk here! Stomping away at the midsection of Jordan! Stomping the hell--NOW CHOKING HIM WITH THE FLAT OF HIS BOOT...

DD: And it's all legal here, Vince! No DQ!

VJ: And Punk is taking advantage of that! Orlando Jordan...oh look at him! Orlando is in a bad way at the moment, as now Punk...

DD: WHat in the world?!

VJ: Punk...he just snatched that tray from that cotton candy vendor! Punk with that metal TRAY--AND HE NAILS JORDAN RIGHT IN THE HEAD WITH IT!!! C'MON!!!

DD: HAHA! What about it, Vinnie?! Revenge has never been so sweet!

VJ: Orlando just nailed with that tray...who knows how much that thing weighs, as now CM Punk...ew! Spitting on Orlando...

DD: And I love it, Vince! Do it again! Do it again!

VJ: Orlando looks a little loopy after getting hit by that tray...and watch Punk! CM Punk headed into the stands here...

DD: What's he up to, Vince?!

VJ: I dunno! Punk in the stands...right above Orlando here, and now look at this! Punk is climbing...

DD: What is he doing,Vince?!

VJ: Punk's climbing up onto that railing! God only knows what he's going to do...

DD: Oh Punk, look out--

VJ: JORDAN!!!! Orlando with those camera cables...he just wrapped those wires around the head of Punk! CM Punk...

DD: Punk, what the hell were you thinking?!

VJ: I dunno, but whatever it is, it just backfired...OH MY!!!!!!! JORDAN USING THOSE WIRES TO SLING PUNK RIGHT DOWN ONTO THE CONCRETE FLOOR! CM Punk...from what looked to be about about a 5 foot drop...

DD: Oh Punk, c'mon! You cannot let this idiot--LOOK OUT!

VJ: Oh! And now Jordan blasting Punk with that cotton candy tray! He follows up with a hard stomp to the head! Jordan with Punk now...handful of hair brings him back to his feet and now watch this...Orlando...


VJ: PUNK GETS A FACE FULL OF RAILING!!!! CM Punk is staggered here...AND JORDAN ROCKS HIM WITH ANOTHER HARD CLOTHESLINE!!!! COVER...he could have him here...NO! Punk able to kick out, it looks like...and now Jordan with a handful of hair brings him to his feet one more time! Orlando...measures him for a hard right...another one sends Punk reeling right back to the backstage area! These two men fighting away from ringside here...AND LOOK AT PUNK!

DD: Hey!

VJ: Punk tossing boxes...furniture...everything he can get his hands on in the direction of Orlando Jordan! Punk desperately trying to halt his momentum, but Jordan keeps coming...HARD right hand catches Punk in the midsection! PUNK RETALIATES WITH A RAKE TO THE FACE OF JORDAN! And now Punk has Orlando by the hair here! Punk leading Orlando...oh wait a minute...


VJ: PUNK SENDS ORLANDO CRASHING INTO THAT EQUIPMENT!!! He goes hard into that lighting truss...we've got pipes and everything falling down around him!

DD: And I've got the feeling now, Vince! Punk seems just about ready to put this clown away!

VJ: Orlando trying to pick himself out of that wreckage, but look at CM Punk...Punk's got a trashcan here! Punk stalking Orlando with that heavy trashcan...AND HE BRINGS IT RIGHT DOWN ACROSS THE BACK!!!!!! ONCE AGAIN, RIGHT ACROSS THE HEAD OF ORLANDO JORDAN!! Orlando is down, and now watch CM Punk...


DD: Oh...wait a minute...


DD: Referee do something! This idiot's lost his mind...

VJ: Oh but Punk turns it right back around here, and look at Punk! Peppering away at Orlando's forehead with those stiff right hands...and Orlando...my goodness!

DD: Yeah, Vince! You heard what Punk said! He made Orlando, and I've got a feeling that he's fixing to break him right here!

VJ: Punk's got that pipe...oh no! Oh no! Punk with one of those pipes...Orlando getting back to his feet...OH MY GOODNESS WHAT A SHOT!!!!!!



DD: What?! Are you kidding me?!

VJ: CM Punk can't believe it! CM Punk has to be wondering what he has to do to beat Orlando after that one! Shut up, Dave!

DD: What?!

VJ: I said shut up...BEEATCH! Punk once again mounting Orlando now, and he nails him with another hard right hand! One more catches him right in the forehead, and Orlando's been opened up, Dave!

DD: Aww yeah,Vince! Make him bleed!

VJ: Punk once again brings Orlando back to his feet...there's knee to the gut of Jordan! A second one doubles him over here! Punk has Orlando now...tried to send him into that pillar but Jordan reversed it, and now it's Punk who tastes the concrete!!! Punk...CM Punk is dazed, and now's the time for Orlando...

DD: Watch it, Punk! Watch it...

VJ: OH!!!! Hard right hand rocks CM Punk...A SECOND BUCKLES HIS KNEES!!!!! HE FOLLOWS UP WITH A DROPKICK THAT PUTS CM PUNK ON HIS BACK! And here we go, Dave! Orlando's building momentum!

DD: Oh no! Oh no! Punk!

VJ: Punk's in trouble back there, and there you see Orlando bringing himself back to his feet...

DD: He landed hard on that hip, Vince! I think he hurt it!

VJ: Jordan measuring Punk...Orlando...PUNK DUCKS THE CLOTHESLINE! Orlando is hooked here...Punk floats around with the hammerlock, and--OH NO!!!!!


VJ: DDT!!!!!!! CM Punk...that arm was trapped, and Jordan got driven facefirst right into the concrete! He couldn't even get his hands up to block it, damn it!

DD: Yeah, Vince! And ya know...if that head of his wasn't busted open before, it's damn sure busted open now!

VJ: Busted open?! Hell, his skull may have been cracked! And now look at him...standing over the fallen Orlando...he's out! Orlando is out, but look at Punk taunting him! Slapping Orlando Jordan in the back of the head...C'MON!

DD: HAHA! Put it to him, Punk! Put it to him!

VJ: Orlando is barely moving after getting his head slammed into the canvas...why doesn't Punk go for the cover here, Dave?!

DD: Because he wants to punish him, Vince! See, Punk already knows he can beat Orlando Jordan! There's no doubt about that, because he's done it before! What he's doing right now is teaching this skankhole a lesson! He is showing Orlando Jordan and he's showing the entire world just what happens when you cross CM Punk!

VJ: Punk hovering over Orlando as he pulls himself back to his knees...and look at that! That pool of blood on the concrete where Orlando's head once lay...

DD: He laid him open good, Vince...AND LOOK AT THIS! HAHA!

VJ: Punk with a hard boot right to that head of Jordan...AND THERE'S A SOCCER KICK RIGHT TO THE GUT!!!! Jordan sent rolling over onto his back...and Punk nails him with another hard kick to the head! One more...

DD: Look, Vince! He's got his head moving around like one of those bobblehead dolls! HAHA!

VJ: Punk bringing Orlando back to his feet...he measures him with another right hand! One more sends Orlando down to a knee! Punk with Jordan now...bringing him back to his feet...

DD: Watch this, Vince! Watch this...

VJ: OH NO!!!!!!!! CM Punk...

DD: Did ya see that?!

VJ: ORLANDO DARTED HEADFIRST INTO THAT CONCRETE PILLAR!!!!! Like a javelin, damn it! A damn javelin, and now Punk with the cover! CM Punk's got him...1...2...THR--OH WAIT A MINUTE, HE PULLED HIM UP!!!


VJ: CM Punk...c'mon, damn it!

DD: He's sending a message, Vince! He's sending a message!

VJ: This is not right...CM Punk's trying to hurt this man here in MSG! And now watch this...Punk bringing Jordan back to his feet! CM Punk...and now once again dragging Jordan by the hair! Punk dragging Jordan...and he just flings him right to the floor!

DD: Like a piece of garbage! C'mon, Vince! Get with the program! This is great!

VJ: This is disgusting! CM Punk is toying with Jordan...not only trying to beat him, but humiliate him in front of the world! And now watch Punk! Jordan...desperately trying to get his wits about him, but here comes Punk--OH! There's a hard kick right to the ribs! And another one to the head...another! Another one! Orlando Jordan...

DD: HAHA! Look at him crawl! Look at him crawl Vince!

VJ: Orlando crawling...Orlando trying to get away from Punk any way that he can...

DD: But it's no use, baby! You got him, Punk! You got him!

VJ: And judging from the look on his face, he knows it, Dave! Punk is in full control of this one, and he is grinning from ear to ear as he brings Jordan back to his feet...oh! There's a knee to the gut of Orlando! Another hard right hand sends him right back to his knees...and...oh look at this...

DD: HAHA, Vince look! Like a dog!

VJ: Punk using the hair of Orlando to lead him around...Orlando on his knees...he doesn't even know where he is, damn it!

DD: Vince, I am loving this! I can't even put into words how great this is! Oh and look! They're headed back out here!

VJ: Punk leading Jordan right back out to the ringside area...Jordan's bleeding buckets here as Punk leads him right back out toward this capacity crowd...AND ANOTHER HARD KICK RIGHT TO THE GUT OF JORDAN!!! And another one...

DD: Punk's enjoying this, Vince! He's having the time of his life...and so am I, Vince!

VJ: Orlando is down once again, and now Punk's got those camera cables! Punk with those cables...AND NOW HE WRAPS THEM RIGHT AROUND THE THROAT OF JORDAN!!!! RIGHT AROUND THE THROAT...C'MON REF! STOP HIM! HE'S GONNA KILL HIM!

DD: No DQ, remember?!

VJ: Jordan...damn!

DD: Ya know, Vince, you need to relax! You need to sit back, put your feet up and enjoy this for what it is! This is quality entertainment right here!

VJ: This is starting to resemble a slaughter! Punk once again taunting Orlando and this capacity crowd...and now look at Jordan! The bloody Orlando...you've gotta give him credit, Dave! This kid's got guts! He's got a lotta heart as he tries to fight back to his feet!

DD: Yeah, he's got heart, but unfortunately not a brain to match! Watch Punk...

VJ: Jordan...back up onto rubber legs here...AND PUNK NAILS HIM WITH A HARD RIGHT HAND! ANOTHER!!!!!! And look at Punk just tee off here, Dave! He's...he's almost defenseless!

DD: And any moment now he's gonna be careerless! Look at this!

VJ: Orlando Jordan...down onto one knee after the onslaught of CM Punk...and now watch Punk...OH C'MON! Open hand slap right to the face of Jordan!

DD: Hehe! I'm loving it, Vince! I am absolutely--WHAT THE HELL?!?!


DD: Oh...c'mon, Punk! Get up!

VJ: Both men are down in the crowd...as these fans...cheering Orlando on! Maybe he's not outta this thing just yet, Dave!

DD: Oh yes he is! That was just a luck, Vince! Nothing but luck!

VJ: Both men now pulling themselves back to their feet...and look at Punk! He really got his bell rung by that right from Jordan! Both men are wobbly in the crowd! Referee Molineux is right there as Punk...Punk's right hand is blocked...AND JORDAN NAILS HIM WITH ANOTHER ONE!

DD: NO!!!!!!!

VJ: Punk now...he tries to rebound with another right, but it's blocked again...AND JORDAN WITH ANOTHER RIGHT HAND HAS PUNK REELING AGAIN!!!! Another right hand by Jordan! ANOTHER!!!! ANOTHER!!!!

DD: Oh no, oh no!

VJ: Jordan's making a run here, Dave! Orlando Jor--OH MY GOD, PUNK WITH A LOW BLOW!!!!! What a no good...Punk with another handful of hair flings Jordan to the concrete!

DD: See, Vince, that's what's great about CM Punk! He's always thinking! He's always one step ahead...

VJ: That was a blatant cheap shot...

DD: Cheap shot my ankle,Vince! Is this or isn't this a no DQ match?!

VJ: Well...it is...

DD: Exactly, so shut up! Stop your bitching and call the match, skankhole!

VJ: Punk now with Orlando once again...it looks as if they're headed back down here...Punk with the Irish whip--SENDS JORDAN INTO THE STEEL BARRICADE!!!! What velocity that was, and Punk...

DD: Look at him, Vince! I think he just signaled of the end!

VJ: CM Punk now...perhaps you're right here,Dave! Punk, it looks like...it looks like he doesn't wanna waste any more time! CM Punk...bringing Jordan back to his feet...

DD: And oh yeah! Here we go, Vince...

VJ: Punk's got him hooked...no! CM Punk...he could be going for a modified version of the Pepsi Plunge here--OH WAIT--

DD: NO!!!!!!

VJ: ORLANDO!!!!!!! ORLANDO WITH THE BACK DROP, AND PUNK GETS TOSSED RIGHT OVER THE RAIL!!!!! Punk is down...Punk hit hard, Dave! And now's the time! Now's the time for Orlando to turn this thing around!

DD: Shut up, Vince! Punk...

VJ: Punk back to his feet...

DD: Oh my gosh, Punk--LOOK OUT...


DD: Well damn it, somebody put that bitch back to sleep! Watch it, Punk! Watch it!

VJ: Orlando bringing him back to his feet here...hard right hand catches him right in the forehead! There's another! Punk goes for a right of his own...Orlando goes underneath, and he's got him hooked now! Orlando with Punk once again...

DD: Oh no...


DD: Oh Punk...

VJ: Punk just crotched right across the guardrail! CM Punk is in a world of hurt, and take a look at Jordan now! He's headed over to the timekeeper's table...

DD: What's he doing, Vince?!

VJ: Jordan...the timekeeper's been tossed aside, and now Jordan's got that chair!

DD: Oh no!

VJ: Jordan...Punk's still on that guardrail...

DD: Oh no, not this! Not STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!!!!


DD: NO!!!!!!!!

VJ: PUNK JUST GOT HIS HEAD TAKEN RIGHT OFF HIS SHOULDERS! That'll do it, Dave! That'll do it right there! Jordan's got the cover...1...2...3!!!!!


VJ: CM Punk...how the hell'd he kick out from that?!

DD: Because he's better than Orlando Jordan, Vince?! Jordan can't touch him, Vince! Jordan's not on his level!

VJ: CM Punk's been busted open by that last shot, folks!

DD: Oh...he's gonna pay for that, Vince!

VJ: Jordan...oh look at that face! He is the proverbial crimson mask as he brings himself back to a vertical base! CM Punk is down...he's been busted wide open, and now watch Jordan here! He's got that chair once again...

DD: Oh no, Punk! Watch out...


DD: Damn it, Vince! This isn't fair! This isn't fair!

VJ: Jordan has weathered CM Punk's onslaught and now he's dishing out punishment of his own! Look at this...Irish whip by Jordan--PUNK HITS THE GUARDRAIL!!!! Punk hit hard, and now watch Orlando...Orlando moving in--PUNK MISSES WITH A RIGHT HAND! Jordan with the go behind...


VJ: OH NO!!!!! JORDAN...

DD: My God, Vince, did you see...

VJ: Punk just crotched on the ringpost! Punk...

DD: And he hit his head too!

VJ: Jordan's got the cover...Molineux with the COUNT...OOOOOH HOW CLOSE WAS THAT?! PUNK JUST BARELY...JUST BARELY...

DD: Vince, for that effort alone, CM Punk deserves this thing! He will not allow himself to be beaten by a little chump like Orlando!

VJ: I'll give it to Punk there! He is a very tough individual as Jordan...he seems to be feeling the effects of that blood loss!

DD: Oh Vince, can you believe this match?!

VJ: What a tremendous way to kick off the night! Hell on Earth! The biggest show of the year, and watch Jordan now! Handful of hair by Jordan sends Punk back into the ring! Punk is down, and now Orlando...

DD: Where's he going, Vince...oh no!

VJ: He's got steel! Jordan with that steel chair...tossing it into the ring!

DD: Get it, Punk! Get it!

VJ: Punk is on Dream Street right now! He barely even knows where he is at this point as Orlando heads into the ring...Punk back to his feet...

DD: Oh no--

VJ: AND HE MOWS PUNK RIGHT DOWN WITH A RUNNING CLOTHESLINE! Jordan...Jordan's got Punk once again...bringing him back to his feet...

DD: Watch it, Punk...

VJ: Jordan...OH! Slamming Punk face first into that steel chair! Punk is down and Jordan...he's feeling it, Dave! And these fans are letting him hear it!

DD: Yeah, yeah! But look at Jordan! He's limping here, Vince!

VJ: Well...yes! I think that may be the result of that dropkick in the backstage area! He landed hard on that hip, but it may not deter him here! Jordan has Punk once again...handful of hair sends Punk facefirst into the buckle, and now look at Orlando Jordan go to work here with the boots! Jordan stomping away at the midsection of CM Punk here! And now what's Jordan doing? Orlando...setting Punk up on the top turnbuckle! Jordan...

DD: This doesn't look good, Vince!

VJ: Orlando...Punk set up on top, and now he blasts him with a hard right to the forehead! There's another one! Jordan now starting to climb...he's headed up top with Punk, and Dave after the beating he's suffered thus far in this match, what a coup it would be...

DD: Oh just wipe that thought outta your head, Johnson! This thing ain't over yet!

VJ: Jordan...having a bit of trouble climbing due to that hip! CM Punk still out of it on the buckle...and Jordan nails him with another hard right...MY GOD WHAT AN UPPERCUT! Punk...

DD: Oh no, hold on!

VJ: Punk nearly went tumbling from the top rope after that one! He's been knocked completely loopy after that one, and now Jordan's starting to climb once again! Orlando...perhaps looking for a superplex, Dave, and if he hits this it could be...

DD: No, no, no, Vince! I refuse to believe...look at this...

VJ: Jordan...still having trouble due to that hip of his...unable to pull himself to the top...AND NOW LOOK AT PUNK HERE! Punk with a hard forearm nails him right on the jaw! And now a clubbing forearm to the back of the head! CM Punk...CM Punk trying to capitalize here, Dave! He's got the arms hooked...

DD: Vince...

VJ: CM Punk! This crowd...Punk's got Jordan and...



DD: It's over, Vince! It's over!

VJ: Punk nailed the Pepsi Plunge! Jordan went rolling to the outside...whether or not that was intentional, I can't tell you, but the fact of the matter is, Dave, Jordan's in big trouble!

DD: And for once, your dumb ass ain't lying! Look at this damn Orlando...

VJ: Orlando...he is down and out on the arena floor! He seemed to have everything well in hand before that hip injury came back to haunt him, Dave...and that slight hesitation, Dave! That slight pause was all Punk needed to turn this thing around with that signature Pepsi Plunge of his...

DD: And it's all over now! We might as well stick a fork in his ass, because Orlando's done, baby! He's done!

VJ: Punk out to the floor with Orlando now...remember this is falls count anywhere! Normally Jordan would be relatively safe here but that's not the case tonight as Punk brings him back to his feet...

DD: I'm surprised Punk didn't go for the pin there...

VJ: Watch this...OH! PUNK JUST SENT ORLANDO FACEFIRST INTO THE RINGPOST!!!! Orlando...already bleeding profusely, and what was the meaning of that! What the hell does that accomplish?! He had the match won!

DD: Well...he wants to inflict a little more damage, Vince!

VJ: But hasn't he done enought?! Punk's got Orlando once again! Punk...brings him back to his feet...AND AGAIN!!!! Jordan goes facefirst into the post...and Jordan goes flailing back into the Brazilian Announce table! And now Punk...Punk once again just teeing off on Jordan...Punk...C'MON! JUST FINISH HIM OFF, DAMN IT!!!

DD: I think that's what he's planning to do, Vince! He wants to put this idiot out once and for all!

VJ: Punk now climbing up onto that table with Jordan...what on earth? Punk bringing him up on top of that table, and now using the hair to pull Orlando...

DD: He's out, Vince!

VJ: He is out! Punk...Orlando Jordan is limp on top of that table...Punk could end this thing anytime he wants, but he is intent on getting one more move in! He is intent on trying to put Orlando away once and for all...

DD: And I've got a feeling that this'll do it! This'll do it right here...

VJ: Orlando...OH WAIT!!!!!!

DD: WHAT?!?!?

VJ: Jordan...Jordan outta nowhere nailed Punk with the low blow!

DD: Cheap shot! What a cheap shot, Johnson!

VJ: Punk is reeling...and now watch Orlando...Jordan's got Punk set up...

DD: Hey c'mon...c'mon--NOOOOOOO!


DD: Oh Punk...Punk...

VJ: Punk is down...Jordan...it's falls count anywhere, Dave...

DD: Shut up, Johnson! Punk, get up!

VJ: Orlando...Orlando with one arm across the chest of Punk...referee Molineux with the count...2...

DD: PUNK!!!!

VJ: HE GOT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!


Ding Ding Ding!!! **Cue Orlando Jordan's music!!!

Announcer: Here is your winner: ORLAANDOOOOO...JOORRRRRDAAAAAAN!!!!!!

VJ: Orlando...Orlando Jordan has just pulled off a huge upset over his former boss CM Punk!!!!! Orlando...

DD: Damn it Vince! That was a fluke! Nothing but a fluke!

VJ: CM Punk had the match won, Dave! On at least two occasions he had Jordan beat in my opinion, but he failed to capitalize! Punk was so intent on trying to hurt Orlando...so intent on trying to take him out, that he left himself open and Orlando was able to take advantage! And now look at this...Orlando...Jordan getting his hand raised here in MSG, and this crowd is showing their appreciation!

DD: Ahh to hell with that idiot, Vince! We need some help out here for CM Punk! Punk's hurt!

VJ: What unbelievable action to kick off Hell on Earth here tonight! What a display of heart from Orlando Jordan! This man...look at him, Dave! Blood oozing outta the man's head...he damn near had his skull cracked open in the backstage area, but that didn't deter him...nor did CM Punk's signiture Pepsi Plunge...a move that's put just about everyone away! Orlando Jordan was able to hold on and pull this thing out in the end, and what a win this is on the biggest stage of them all! Give him credit, Dave!

DD: Yeah, yeah!

(The cameras cut backstage, where we see Rage pacing back and forth in his locker room as his girlfriend Allison looks on. The crowd pops inside the arena as their image appears on the UniversalTron)

DD: Oh look who it is, Johnson!

VJ: It's Rage! The hometown hero! Tonight, he challenges for the Universal Title and will you look into those eyes! You can see the fire...you can see the determination in his eyes, Dave! He looks ready to take the title away from his former partner Ice Cube! DD: Please, Vince! All I'm seeing from Rage is nerves...and rightfully so! See tonight, you can forget about all that talk of him taking away the title, because the only thing he'll be leaving with is Ice Cube's boot right upside his jaw! Saw whatever you want, Johnson, but tonight's the night that the One Man Riot comes to a halt courtesy of Ice Cube!!

(Rage continues to pace as we cut to the interview area, where we see Rosie Sanchez standing alongside Downcast)

RS: Well ladies and gentlemen, we just saw Rage, who tonight will be challenging Ice Cube for the Universal Title! Rage, of course won that title shot last month in the Patriot Gamez tournament. And standing by my side right now is another man who was entered in that tournament, Downcast!

Downcast: Yes Rosie, I am amazed that you or anyone on this planet can stand there with a straight face and actually proclaim that a bum like Rage is the #1 contender to the title! I mean, this guy is the biggest embarrassment to the sport of professional wrestling there is! I mean, here is a guy who's completely worthless...a guy that I've beaten and absolutely dismantled EVERY SINGLE TIME I've stepped into the ring with him, yet he's the one who's getting the title shot tonight and not me! And why?!

RS: Uh...I dunno, Downcast. Maybe the fact that you LOST your tournament match has a little bit to do with it. Doncha think?

Downcast: (chuckles) Cute, Rosie! Real cute, but lemme tell you something! I didn't lose a damn match! I was never pinned, Rosie! I was never made to submit! You know, I know and even J-Dogg knows that if not for a bad call by that worthless referee, J-Dogg would've never been able to beat me! I'd have won the match, then I'd have gone onto the finals and beaten Rage for the 1000th time, then I'd have gone on to Hell on Earth tonight and taken the title from Ice Cube! But that's not what happened, Rosie, and now because of one b.s. call, not only am I not getting a title shot, but my once perfect record has been blemished! (chuckles) Well that's ok, Rosie! That's perfectly fine, because here tonight, I get back on the path toward making things right! Tonight, I send a message to everybody out there! Anybody who thinks for even one second that "J-Dogg" Johnny Gunn could even come close to defeating me, well then you take a look at what I do here tonight! Because I'm not only gonna beat J-Dogg, I'm gonna embarrass him...I'm gonna humiliate him in front of the world! And Rage...Ice Cube, I want the both of you to pay attention, because the same thing that happens to him is gonna be the same thing that happens to whichever one of you that walks outta here with that belt! You see I don't care who it is! It doesn't matter to me! Each and every last person here in the UWA needs to BEWARE...OF DESPAIR!!!!!

(Downcast laughs evily into the camera before turning right and heading out towards ringside)

RS: Well fans, there you have it from Downcast! From the sound of things, he is ready for his match with "J-Dogg" Johnny Gunn! Folks, let's take you out to Vince and Dave with our next match!

Downcast vs "J-Dogg" Johnny Gunn

(We cut out to ringside, where the announcer is in the center of the ring with a mic)

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL!!!!!

(Just then, the lights drop as we're greeted by the opening chimes of Eminem's "The Way I Am." Baby blue spotlights flood the arena and smoke pours out from the locker room as cameras focus on the entrance, from which J-Dogg appears clad in his blue yellow singlet with red trim. Additionally, Gunn is wearing shades, and has his bleech blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. He places his hands on his hips as he stands at the top of the ramp, and cracks a cocky smile as he saunters his way down to ringside)

Announcer: Introducing first: hailing from Seattle, WA! He weighs in tonight at 210 pounds..."J-DOGG" JOHNNYYYYYYYYYYYYY...GUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!

(The crowd pops once more for Gunn as he continues down the ramp, sliding into the ring once he's made his way down to ringside, and quickly heading over to a far corner, where he slowly raises his arms into the air as dozens of camera flashes go off in the crowd)

VJ: There he is, Dave! "J-Dogg" Johnny Gunn! The first man here in the UWA to hold that Universal Title, and believe me, there is nothing he would love more than to be competing for it again tonight! Gunn, of course, last month at Patriot Gamez picked up a second round win over Downcast via disqualification, then went on to the finals, where he and Rage had a tremendous battle! J-Dogg was SO CLOSE to pulling it out, Dave...but unfortunately, just unable to get it done!

DD: Yeah, Vince! And now because of this idiot--just like Downcast said--we're stuck with an embarrassment as the #1 contender!

VJ: Now wait just a minute! I'm sure these people here in New York would take exception to you calling Rage an embarrassment!

DD: Yeah, and I'm sure these are the same people who would swear to you with a straight face that the Knicks were actually a good basketball team! Face it, Johnson, these people are morons! Rage is nothing more than an embarrassment as a wrestler, and if not for J-Dogg and that shoddy officiating, Downcast would've gone on and beaten him in the finals and given us a main event we can be proud of!

VJ: Oh please! Lemme tell you something, Dave: if Downcast thinks he's gonna come in here tonight and just run over J-Dogg, he's got another thing coming! J-Dogg, as we mentioned, is a former Universal Champion! He's main evented before, and like Downcast, Gunn has also gotten victories over the likes of Panther, Lightning, Rage, and even the current Champion Ice Cube! J-Dogg is no slouch in that ring, and if Downcast comes out here thinking that, then he's gonna be in for a rude awakening!

(J-Dogg hands his glasses over to a ringside attendant and begins hitting the ropes to loosen up. His music begins to fade out, and suddenly the lights go out as "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park hits the PA system. A roar of jeers come up from the crowd as cameras cut to the stage. Suddenly...


...white sparks shoot up from the stage as blue and red spotlights begin to flash over the arena. The crowd's jeers grow louder as Downcast strolls outfrom the locker room, a huge smile on his face as he greets his "adoring" public. Downcast blows a kiss into the crowd as he heads down the ramp to ringside)

Announcer: And his opponent: hailing from Orlando, FL, weighing in tonight at 265 pounds...here is MR. UWA...DOOOOOOOWWWNCAAAASSSSSST!!!!!

(Downcast continues his path to the ring, turning left once he reaches ringside and quickly climbing up the ring stairs and onto the apron. He prepares to step through the ropes but pauses, ordering referee John Finnegan to back J-Dogg up to keep him from attacking. J-Dogg chuckles and obliges Downcast's request, cockily stepping back into a corner as the referee admonishes him. With the coast clear, Downcast steps into the ring and climbs upon a near turnbuckle, where he raises his arms into the air to boos from the crowd. The music dies down as he hops down from the buckle, and the lights begin to return to normal as referee Finnegan calls for the bell)

Ding Ding Ding!!!

VJ: There's the bell, folks! And we're underway! Downcast and J-Dogg! A rematch from the Patriot Gamez tournament!

DD: Yeah, Johnson, and the key word there is "GAMEZ"! See tonight, Downcast ain't playing around!

VJ: These two men going face-to-face in the center of the ring as referee Finnegan gives them their instructions.

DD: Look at Downcast, Vince! He's so cool!

VJ: He's an ass if you ask me! Both men talking trash here...and there's the lock up! Collar-and-elbow tie-up in the center of the ring! Downcast with the height and weight advantage will easily win this one, I'd suspect...and yes! There you see J-Dogg...being driven back into the buckle!

DD: HAHA! I think you're actually starting to get with the program, Vince! See, this J-Dogg is an idiot! I don't care what he's done in the past, there's no way he can beat Downcast! Knowing him, he probably bribed the ref last month to get Downcast disqualified!

VJ: He did not!

DD: How do you know? If I was in his situation, that's what I'd do!

VJ: Well not everyone's a pathetic coward like you are, as the referee calls for the break here! Downcast with Gunn against the buckle...will we get a clean one...

DD: From Downcast? Of course!

VJ: Oh yeah, I'm sure. Downcast with those hands held high...signifying to the clean break to the ref--OH WAIT! He just tried to hit Gunn...AND CAUGHT A HARD RIGHT HAND FOR HIS TROUBLES!!!!!!!!!

DD: What?!?!?

VJ: J-Dogg...Gunn with the hard right hand knocked Downcast right on his ass! And Downcast can't believe it!

DD: Vince, I think this idiot may have just chipped one of Downcast's teeth!

VJ: Downcast...he is in total disbelief as J-Dogg hovers above him telling him to bring it! And it looks as if Downcast is gonna oblige him here, Dave! Now pulling himself back to his feet...

DD: Yeah Vince, and lemme tell ya that J-Dogg doesn't want any of what Downcast is about to bring here...look at this!

VJ: Another collar-and-elbow tie-up! Downcast driving Gunn right back to the buckle...AND LOOK AT HIM UNLOAD WITH THE CHOPS! THREE HARD KNIFE-EDGE CHOPS TO THE CHEST OF JOHNNY GUNN!

DD: HAHA! What about it, Vinnie?! What about it?!

VJ: J-Dogg is writhing in pain here...Downcast with the Irish whip sends him cross corner...Downcast follows him in--AND THERE'S A BIG CLOTHESLINE SANDWICHING J-DOGG!!! J-Dogg is in trouble! Gunn left slumped in the corner after that last blow...and look at Downcast take advantage here with that knee! Pressing it right into the face of J-Dogg...

DD: I am loving this, Vince! Good ol Downcast is taking J-Dogg to obedience school! Get it?! Obedience school?! Because he's a dog!

VJ: I got it. Dave Chappelle you ain't, Dave! Trust me. Downcast now with Gunn by the hair...AND ANOTHER HARD CHOP SENDS HIM BACK TO THE BUCKLE...and he is proud of himself!

DD: As he should be! That's MISTER UWA!

VJ: Downcast is solidly in control of this one as he rears back for another knife-edge...GUNN GOES UNDERNEATH! AND LOOK AT GUNN NOW!!!! J-DOGG! J-DOGG!!! CHOPPING AWAY!!!!!

DD: Wait a minute, Downcast! C'mon!

VJ: Gunn is unloading on Downcast here! Chop after chop! Downcast is reeling, and now Gunn with the Irish whip sends him cross corner! Gunn follows him in...WHOA! Gunn...leaping on to the second rope there! Perhaps looking for a monkey flip, but Downcast ducked outta the way...

DD: Watch Downcast...

VJ: From behind now...OH! He catches a mule kick to the face by J-Dogg...another one has Downcast staggered! Gunn to the top now...Downcast...

DD: What in the world...

VJ: ...charges in--BUT LOOK AT GUNN! Gunn moonsaulting up and over his opponent! Downcast turns around...AND HE GETS CAUGHT WITH AN ARMDRAG FROM JOHNNY GUNN!!!!! Downcast back to his feet...J-DOGG CAUGHT HIM WITH ANOTHER ONE! And now look at Gunn here! The armbar applied to Downcast...Gunn cinching up on that arm...

DD: Damn it, Downcast, c'mon! You cannot allow yourself to lose this match here!

VJ: Gunn is in control here in the early going...and now look at this...driving that knee into the shoulder blade is Gunn! One more time causes Downcast to cringe in pain! Gunn now with the arm...using it to bring Downcast back to his feet...

DD: Hit him Downcast! Hit him...

VJ: Downcast...able to reverse into an arm wringer...J-Dogg reverses it right back--OOOH!

DD: HAHA! Yes!

VJ: Hard forearm to the jaw of J-Dogg has him reeling! And now look at Downcast...Irish whip sends Gunn straight to the buckle...Downcast follows him in...

DD: Wait...oh no...

VJ: HE GOT CAUGHT!!!!! J-Dogg with the tip-up was able to catch Downcast coming in with the headscissors! Downcast is in trouble, and now J-Dogg...


VJ: J-DOGG FLINGING DOWNCAST TO THE OUTSIDE!!!! Downcast is down on the arena floor, and this crowd is solidly behind J-Dogg!

DD: Ah, this crowd don't know nothing, Vince! Downcast...oh c'mon!

VJ: Downcast is livid on the outside! Downcast...he so badly wants to avenge his only loss since arriving in the UWA in March at SlamFest! And now...

DD: Watch that idiot, J-Dogg! He'll do something crazy, Vince!

VJ: Downcast is on the outside and watch J-Dogg...Gunn with that look in his eye...

DD: Look out, Downcast! Look out...

VJ: J-Dogg...OH! Vaulting over the top, onto the apron! J-Dogg able to fake Downcast out with the dive, but now Downcast has the ankle! Downcast from the floor has the ankles of J-Dogg...what's this--OH!

DD: Oh my goodness,Vince! Did you see that?!

VJ: I bet J-Dogg wishes he didn't feel that! Downcast yanking J-Dogg down and he hit facefirst off the apron! Downcast now...he's got a handful of hair--AND HE SLAMS HIM RIGHT BACK DOWN INTO THE APRON! J-Dogg in trouble, Dave...

DD: And he may have a busted nose after that one!

VJ: Downcast rolls him into the ring...he follows him in here, and now look at Downcast...he hits off the ropes...HE CATCHES GUNN WITH A SNAP ELBOW RIGHT TO THE STERNUM!!!!! Downcast...follows up with another huge elbow drop...there's the lateral press...2...and--NO! Gunn able to raise the shoulder before the count of three! And now watch Downcast...bringing Gunn back to his feet here...he scoops him up, and...OH!!! Brings him right down across the knee with a front backbreaker! Downcast now to the corner...he climbs upon the second rope...and...


VJ: BIG KNEE DROP RIGHT TO THE FACE OF GUNN! All 265 pounds right across the face, and there's the cover...2...ONCE AGAIN GUNN KICKS OUT!

DD: Yeah, but he's feeling that one, Vince!

VJ: Indeed he is, as Downcast now cinches up on the rear chinlock! Downcast with that big forearm of his wrapped right around the head of Gunn...

DD: He's trying to pop him like a pimple, Vince!

VJ: The referee needs to keep an eye on that arm! It could easily slip under the chin and become a choke...as now J-Dogg...trying to combat this thing here! Gunn trying to fight to his feet...this hold still cinched in tight by Downcast, as this crowd of 20,607 tries to rally behind the D-Generate King! J-Dogg...Gunn back to his feet now...AND THERE'S AN ELBOW DRIVEN RIGHT INTO THE GUT OF DOWNCAST! A second one causes the break! J-Dogg into the ropes here...coming off--DOWNCAST MISSES WITH A CLOTHESLINE...from the other side now...OH!!!!!

DD: HAHA!!!!

VJ: J-DOGG CAUGHT THAT KNEE RIGHT TO THE MIDSECTION! J-Dogg just knocked for a loop for that one! And now watch Downcast! Downcast measuring him...SOMERSAULT NECK SNAP TO J-DOGG! Shades of the late Curt Hennig there, as Downcast goes for the cover...referee with the count...oh, and J-Dogg raises the shoulder, Dave!

DD: But he almost got him there, Vince! C'Mon Downcast!

VJ: Downcast now has the hair...bringing J-Dogg right back to his feet...and he slams him hard into the buckle! Once again by Downcast and J-Dogg is in trouble! And now look at Downcast here...driving those shoulders of his repeatedly into the ribs...

DD: HAHA! Look at this, Vince! He's absolutely taking J-Dogg apart!

VJ: That he is! J-Dogg getting the air driven right outta his body by Downcast as "Mr. UWA" now...oh please!

DD: Yes, Vince! He's great! He is great!

VJ: Downcast showboating for the crowd...and now he has Gunn again! Irish whip sends him to the buckle...he charges in after him--J-DOGG ABLE TO TIP-UP AGAIN! Gunn able to twist himself around...shades of Jack Brisco with the sunset flip! He's got him! 1...2...NO! Downcast able to kickout before the three! Both men back to their feet--AND DOWNCAST WITH A BIG CLOTHESLINE PUTS J-DOGG RIGHT ON THE MAT!!!!

DD: He almost took his head off, Vince!

VJ: Downcast ran right through him, and now what's he going for? Downcast bringing him back to his feet...he's got him set up...AND HE SPIKES HIM WITH A PILEDRIVER!!!! Big time move by Downcast! He could have him here! There's the cover...Downcast gets two...AND...ONLY A TWO, as Rage manages to roll that shoulder! And now Downcast...once again with the chinlock!

DD: You gotta love Downcast, Vince! Notice how he's kept J-Dogg grounded here! You know how Gunn usually likes to keep a high pace! Normally you'll be seeing him flying around the ring more than a Mexican jumping bean, but he's not doing that tonight, Vince! Downcast has kept him grounded, he's kept the pace to his liking and he's controlled the match! And that's why he's great, Vince! That's why he deserves to be the Universal Champion! So much more than that skankhole Rage, Johnson!

VJ: Downcast now hooking that leg, turning this thing into basically a freestyle bow-and-arrow! Downcast wrestling a mat-based match here...trying to keep J-Dogg grounded! In addition, we've seen him use high impact moves in this one...also using that strength and weight advantage to put J-Dogg down, and Dave, Downcast could be moments away from pulling this thing out here!

DD: Now you're thinking, Vince! So you agree with me now? Downcast is great?

VJ: Well...I've never taken anything away from him as a wrestler! Like him or not, there's a reason he's never been pinned here in the UWA! I just don't care for the tactics he uses during his matches, and to be frank about it, I think his attitude sucks!

DD: Ha...please, Vince! That is the attitude of a champion he's got!

VJ: Well make no mistake about it, J-Dogg's got that championship spirit inside him as well! And Dave, he looks to be trying to combat this hold now! J-Dogg...trying to turn outta this thing...oh, but look at Downcast! Shifting his weight and now into the body scissors goes J-Dogg...and that chinlock is still applied, Dave!

DD: HAHA! Yes, I love it, Johnson! He could put him out right here!

VJ: J-Dogg...J-Dogg's been unable to combat this chinlock! Everytime he's thought he's found the counter, Downcast has been a step ahead and has managed to maintain! And it looks like J-Dogg is feeling the effects here, Dave! J-Dogg...

DD: He's out, Vince! He's out!

VJ: You may be right, Dave! As referee Finnegan...he's right there with J-Dogg to see if he can continue...Finnegan...lifting that arm once...AND IT DROPS!


VJ: Finnegan now...he raises it a second time...and again, the arm falls limply to the canvas!

DD: One more time and it's over, Johnson! It's over!

VJ: This crowd's making a lotta noise here as Downcast...doing his best to keep the pressure applied! J-Dogg may have been choked out here as the official raises the arm...

DD: This is it, Johnson! This is it...

VJ: Will it fall?! Will it...

DD: He's got him, Vince! He's got him--


DD: WHAT?!?!


DD: Not for long! C'mon Downcast!

VJ: Gunn is still alive, but Downcast's still got the hold locked in! Downcast has J-Dogg locked up with nowhere to go...as Gunn...oh wait a minute!

DD: What the...

VJ: Gunn with those elbows...driving those elbows into the thigh of Downcast! Gunn trying to break the scissors...AND HE DOES!!!!!

DD: Oh no!!

VJ: Gunn's been able to fight out of the scissors, and now listen to this crowd! These fans are making a lotta noise for J-Dogg as he fights back to a vertical base! Downcast...desperately trying to hold on, but I don't think he'll be able to hold it for much longer! J-Dogg's got the adrenaline pumping!J-Dogg...

DD: Oh Downcast! Do something quick...

VJ: Downcast...he catches an elbow to the gut! One more and the hold's broken! J-Dogg into the ropes here...coming off manages to duck the clothesline...to the other side--OH! DOWNCAST WENT FOR THE KNEE AGAIN, BUT J-DOGG SOMERSAULTS OVER IT!! J-Dogg now into the ropes...

DD: Watch it Downcast...NO!!!


DD: Look at him, Vince! He's still feeling the effects of that chinlock!

VJ: But he's also feeling the energy from this crowd, as J-Dogg...YES! J-Dogg waving Downcast back to his feet! J-Dogg's ready to rock and roll! Downcast back to his feet...AND HE CATCHES A RIGHT HAND! Another one sends him staggering into the rope! Irish whip...reversal by Downcast sends J-Dogg in...


VJ: AND HE REBOUNDS WITH A HANDSPRING BACK ELBOW!!!! Downcast got nailed! Downcast got nailed, and now watch J-Dogg! He's going for it! Gunn hits off the ropes...Gunn...

DD: Oh no...

VJ: Rolling Springboard...OH MY GOODNESS! Downcast rolled outta the way, but Gunn managed to land on his feet...AND HE CATCHES HIM RIGHT ON THE JAW WITH A HARD DROPKICK! Downcast is down and watch J-Dogg...Arabian press--CONNECTS!!!!!!! J-Dogg...he's got the cover...1...2...THR--NO!!!!!! Only a two-count, Dave!

DD: Oh Downcast! Don't scare me like that!

VJ: Downcast just a half count away from his first pinfall loss, as J-Dogg has him once again now...right hand sends him back into the buckle! He follows up with a boot to the midsection! Gunn now with the Irish whip...Downcast goes hard into the opposite buckle...J-Dogg follows him in--AND ROCKS HIM WITH A DROPKICK RIGHT TO THE JAW!!!!! Downcast is hurt! Downcast his hurt, and now watch Gunn! Gunn now out to the center of the ring...

DD: What the hell's he doing, Vince?!

VJ: Gunn's signaling to this to this crowd! What are we gonna see here?! J-Dogg back to that opposite buckle...Downcast still down in the corner, and now here comes Gunn with the handspring...he calls that Hurricane Johnny--OH BUT HE'S CAUGHT!

DD: HAHA! Hurricane Johnny's about to get downgraded right here!

VJ: Downcast caught him coming in with the waistlock, and look at him carry J-Dogg out to the middle of the ring! Downcast with J-Dogg...looking for a German--NO! J-Dogg able to shift his weight to counter...and there's an elbow to the tricep to break Downcast's grip! Gunn into the ropes now...comes off with the shoulderblock...DOWNCAST SENT INTO THE ROPES BY THAT ONE! And now watch J-Dogg...Downcast coming off...OH MY!!!!!!


VJ: J-DOGG...J-DOGG WITH THAT CARTWHEEL KICK CAUGHT DOWNCAST RIGHT IN THE EYE!!!! Right in the eye, and Downcast goes tumbling to the floor over by us! Downcast...

DD: Oh my gosh, Downcast, are you ok?!

VJ: Will you sit down?!

DD: Vince, how can you be so cold at a time like this?! Downcast is hurt!

VJ: He is hurt indeed as the referee puts the count down...and at the same time, there you see J-Dogg in the ring! What's he thinking?!

DD: He's probably hoping that Downcast gets himself counted out here, because he knows that's the only way he'll ever be able to beat him! He knows he can't pin Downcast, Vince! He knows it!

VJ: J-Dogg's got this crowd on its feet as now Downcast...returning to his on the outside...

DD: Would you like some water Mr. 'Cast?

VJ: Will you stop?!

DD: But he's hurt! Oh Downcast!

VJ: Downcast is out on his feet but watch Gunn...J-Dogg off the far side in the ring--

DD: Watch it Downcast--NO!!!!!

VJ: OOOOOOOH!!!!!! J-Dogg! J-Dogg!

DD: Sonuvabitch...Downcast!

VJ: Suicide Moonsault! J-Dogg cleared that top rope and nailed Downcast on the outside! Downcast is down, Dave! J-Dogg landed right on his head!

DD: Vince...oh my God, Vince, I'm getting worried here! Downcast is in trouble!

VJ: He is in trouble indeed as J-Dogg rolls him back into the ring! Downcast is out of it, folks, and now watch Gunn...J-Dogg's headed up top. J-Dogg to the top turnbuckle, and Downcast...

DD: Move! Get outta the WAAAAAAAAAAAY--

VJ: HE GOT IT!!!!!! 450!!! J-DOGG HIT THE 450, AND THERE'S THE COUNT...2...


VJ: Ooooooh how in the hell?! J-Dogg...J-Dogg almost had him!

DD: But almost doesn't count, Vince! Downcast get up!

VJ: Downcast still in trouble here as J-Dogg...catches him with a hard stomp to the head...follows it up with a somersault leg drop for good measure! Gunn now bringing Downcast back to his feet...a kick catches Downcast right on the side of the head! Another has him staggered, and watch J-Dogg again! Coming off the ropes...another handspring--OH! Downcast caught him!


VJ: Downcast caught him coming off with the electric chair...AND HE DRIVES HIM DOWN TO THE CANVAS! J-Dogg...the back of his head hit hard off the mat, and now look at Downcast! Downcast setting himself up in the corner...

DD: This is it! This is it, Johnson!

VJ: J-Dogg...Dogg getting back to his feet, AND HERE COMES DOWNCAST! Looking for the spear--OH!

DD: OH NO!!!!!

VJ: J-DOGG WITH THE LEAP FROG AND DOWNCAST GOES CHARGING HEADFIRST INTO THE TURNBUCKLES!!!! Downcast is dazed, and now watch Gunn...back up onto the shoulders of Downcast...perhaps a victory roll--

DD: No! Look at that...

VJ: J-Dogg dropped into wheelbarrow position...Gunn perhaps looking for the Dogg's Bite, but--OH!!!!!! DOWNCAST DROPS HIM THROATFIRST ACROSS THE TOP ROPE!!!!!!


VJ: J-Dogg is reeling after that one, and now watch Downcast...Downcast outta ropes...

DD: SPEAR!!!!!!!



VJ: NO, NO, NO HE DIDN'T!!!!!! J-Dogg able to raise that shoulder before the count of three! What a match this has turned into!

DD: And it's one Downcast is about to win! Look at this...

VJ: Downcast now bringing Gunn back to his feet...and now he's got him hooked! Downcast with Gunn's arms underhooked...could be time for Total Despair...NO!!!!! Gunn with the double leg takedown...AND NOW THE SLINGSHOT SENDS DOWNCAST HARD TO THE BUCKLE! Downcast is dazed...Downcast is dazed again...AND GUNN DAMN NEAR TOOK HIS HEAD OFF WITH A RUNNING ENZUIGURI!!!!!! Downcast is down! Downcast is down! And now watch J-Dogg!

DD: What's he doing,Vince?!

VJ: He's loading it up! J-Dogg's looking for the Shining Wizard here! J-Dogg's looking for it, and watch Downcast...back to a knee here...here comes Gunn...

DD: Look out...OH!!!!

VJ: DOWNCAST CAUGHT HIM!!! DOWNCAST CAUGHT HIM IN POWERBOMB POSITION!!!! J-Dogg's in trouble here as Downcast...drops him right back into position for a standing headscissors, and now--WATCH DOWNCAST!

DD: Oh wait a minute, Vince! He's got him hooked...


DD: HAHA!!!!!



VJ: J-Dogg's been planted...Downcast with the cover...1...2...HE GOT HIM!!!!!

Ding Ding Ding!!! **Cue "One Step Closer"

Announcer: Here is your winner...DOOOOOOWWWWWNNCAAAAAASSSSSSSSST!!!!!!!

DD: HAHAHA!!! What about it, Vince?!?!

VJ: Downcast...Downcast thinking quickly to counter the Shining Wizard from J-Dogg, and just like that he has pulled this thing out! It can happen that fast, Dave!

DD: That's right, and what do ya say now, Vince?! After that display, can you finally agree with me that Downcast is the man? That he is the rightful winner of the Patriot Gamez?! That he deserves to be the one challenging for the title and not Rage?

VJ: Well...again, I'll take absolutely nothing away from Downcast! He came in here tonight on his game! Tonight he was one step ahead of J-Dogg...and give credit to Gunn, ladies and gentlemen! He put up a helluva fight as well, as there you see Downcast...

DD: Say it, Vince! He's the man! He is Mr. UWA!

VJ: Downcast is celebrating in the ring...and now what's he doing here?! Downcast's calling for a mic!

(The crowd boos in the background as Downcast reaches through the ropes and accepts a mic from the ring announcer. He then signals to the tech crew to cut his music, and as it dies down, chants of "DOWNCAST SUCKS" can be heard coming from the crowd. Downcast is all smiles, however, not letting the negative response faze him as he raises the mic and begins to speak)

Downcast: So tell me...how does it feel to have a REAL winner in NYC for a change?! Huh? (Crowd boos) I mean here I am...fair and square...with NO CHEMICAL ASSISTANCE NECESSARY...(crowd boos) beating "J-Dogg" Johnny Gunn right here in the middle of the ring, and in the process, proving to myself and proving to each and every last idiot in that locker room what we already knew in the first placw, and that's that I am the best wrestler in the UWA...period! (crowd boos) Now J-Dogg...

(The camera focuses on Gunn, who's being helped to his feet by referee Finnegan.)

Downcast: J-Dogg...tonight you learned a harsh lesson, man! I mean, after the last month of running around bragging to the world, bragging to all of your friends that you got a win over me...after the last month of trying to convince yourself and each and every last one of these morons that you were actually in my league...right now you sit here in the center of the ring...beaten...embarrassed, and realizing once and for all that you are just not good enough to compete with Mr. UWA! (crowd boos) But hey, J-Dogg, I'll give you your props! I'll give you your due and tell you that you've got some skill my friend! Some talent! Not much, but some! And someday...maybe...(scoffs) I doubt it, but MAYBE if you put your mind to it kid, and you work hard enough...maybe you'll live to become ALLLMOST as great as Downcast! (crowd boos)

VJ: Are you kidding me?!

DD: I tell ya, Vince! This guy...(sniffles) he's so inspirational!

Downcast: That's right! Maybe you'll live to become almost as great as me! But until that happens, J-Dogg, you'll just have to sit back and settle with being the second-rate wrestler that you are! (crowd boos) But enough of that, Gunn! See, I am a true sportsman, and just to show that there are no hard feelings...I'm gonna be the bigger man and ALLOW YOU the privilige of being able to shake my hand!

VJ: What in the...he can't be serious. Downcast...Downcast extending his hand to J-Dogg...

DD: See, Vince, this is sportsmanship at its finest! Downcast is someone that everybody in that locker room can look up to! A real leader, Vince!

VJ: He's a real ass if you ask my opinion!

DD: Well I didn't! Shut your mouth and enjoy this moment for what it is! This is what's missing in professional sports today!

VJ: J-Dogg eying Downcast...Downcast offering his hand to Gunn...can you believe...?

DD: C'mon, Gunn! Don't be such a sore sport!

VJ: The nerve of this Downcast to actually talk down to Johnny Gunn! A veteran in this business! The first-ever Universal Champ...and now Gunn...J-Dogg...it looks as if Gunn...is he gonna...don't tell me he's gonna shake it...

DD: C'mon, J-Dogg! C'mon...YES!!!

VJ: I can't believe...J-Dogg...

DD: This is great, Vince! This is a Kodak moment right here!

VJ: J-Dogg...shaking of Downcast after being demeaned here in the center of the RI--OH!!!!!!



DD: You idiot! You idiot!

VJ: Downcast just got floored by that clothesline, and now watch Gunn! Downcast back to his feet...

DD: Look out, DOwncast--NO!

VJ: Hard right hand from Gunn! Another one has him reeling! Downcast now...looking for a right of his own, but Gunn goes underneath...AND PLANTS HIM WITH THE MICHINOKU DRIVER!!!! Downcast is down! Downcast is Down, and now look at J-Dogg...

DD: Don't you dare, you idiot! Don't you dare!

VJ: He was unable to hit it in the match...J-Dogg into the ropes...and look at this! There's the rolling springboard...INTO THE SKYTWISTER PRESS!!!!!! J-Dogg right down onto the sternum of Downcast, and these fans are loving it! These fans...

DD: These fans have no morals, Johnson! The match is over, damn it! Downcast has already won!

VJ: He's damn sure not looking like a winner right now! Downcast...Downcast trying to pull himself back to his feet, as J-Dogg hovers over him! J-Dogg...this capacity crowd rooting him on...

DD: Downcast...oh my God, Downcast! Get outta there! Get away!

VJ: Downcast...now back to his feet...AND HERE COMES GUNN! Gunn looking for the Dogg's Bite--OH!!! BUT DOWNCAST BAILS TO THE OUTSIDE!!!

(The crowd boos loudly as Downcast rolls to the outside, wagging his index finger from side to side as if to say to J-Dogg "not tonight". J-Dogg looks down at him from the ring, shouting obscenities in his direction as the wobbly Mr. UWA makes his way back up the ramp and to the locker room. "The Way I Am" starts up over the PA system, and the crowd pops once more as J-Dogg turns to them and raises his arms into the air.)

DD: Look it this idiot, Johnson! (to Gunn) You didn't win, skankhole!

VJ: J-Dogg playing to this capacity crowd here in MSG! J-Dogg may have lost this match, and you've gotta give credit where credit is due when in the case of Downcast, but Gunn...Gunn able to leave Hell on Earth tonight with at least a small measure of revenge!

DD: If you ask me, he's lucky he's not leaving with Downcast's foot in his ass, because he was just about a moment away from coming back up here and taking this chump out for good! I mean imagine this loser, Vince! After getting beat fair and square, this idiot has the nerve to attack Downcast here in front of the world...and what makes it worse is that these no good fans here in New York actually supported it! I mean, damn it, Vince, what the hell has happened to good old fashioned family values?! What happened to sportsmanship, Vince?

VJ: You're one to talk about values, Dave. My goodness, fans! What a night it's been at Hell on Earth so far and there's still more to come!

("Thief's Theme" plays in the background once again as another huge fireball engulfs the screen, transitioning us to the match up graphic for the Tina/Desires Women's Title match.)

VJ: Fans...up next we've got a supercharged match on our hands as the UWA Women's Championship will be put up for grabs! It'll be Tina defending the Championship against none other than Darkest Desires. Now folks, 2005 has been a career year for the Superwoman! Since winning the title at Total Annihilation in January, she has defended it against all comers! Tonight, however, may be her biggest challenge of them all, as she's forced to deal with not only a formidable opponent in Desires, but Dave, she also must keep an eye out for her back-up...the EVIL Black Blood!

(Another fireball transition and it's time for a HIGHLIGHT VIDEO!!!!!! Eerie music plays in the background as we take a look at the transformation of Darkest Desires! After over 2 months of hell as the "Love slave" of then Light Heavyweight Champion Lance Silva, Darkest Desires had one last opportunity to obtain freedom when at SlamFest 2, Psyko Stevo did battle with the cocky "Heartthrob" in a steel cage match. The idea was to give Desires a shot at freedom without the possibility interference, and to make matters even more fair, for the duration of the match, Silva's contractually stipulated control over Desires was waived! Everything seemed to be going Stevo's way during the match, and it seemed as if he was just moments away from victory when Desires, acting under her own will, came down to ringside and slammed the door on her friend and former stablemate's head, allowing Silva to pick up the victory! The wrestling world and even Silva himself were shocked to find out that the Queen of Darkness has fallen for her tormentor, feeling that Lance had allowed her to truly experience and embrace her deepest, most natural desires. And for the next two months, Desires stood faithfully by Silva's side, becoming darker and more consumed by her lust for him...so much so that it began to unnerve Silva. Their relationship hit the rocks after the Showtime! PPV in May, when Desires' botched interference led to the end of Silva's 7 month title reign. Desperate to make things right between the two, Desires began performing dark rituals, freaking Silva out to the point that he publically dumped her on an episode of In High Gear. Scorned, Desires went on to assemble her Black Blood army: a group that would not only allow her to gain revenge against her former companion, but would also allow her to satisfy her lust for power. Things started in June with the debut of her Athame--Bane and Seven--who made their debut by completely destroying the former Light Heavyweight Champion. Soon, Abyss was added to the group, then Kammy, and with Enygma as the group's centerpiece, Black Blood wreaked havoc on the UWA throughout the summer. Tonight, Desires rides a huge wave of momentum into the biggest show of the year, where she seeks to take one more step to quenching her seemingly endless thirst for power by toppling the most dominant Women's Champion in the federation's history. But will her attempt be successful? Can the Superwoman hold her ground and save the UWA from Black Blood's evil onslaught? We'll find out...NEXT!!!!)

Women's Title: Tina (Champion) vs Darkest Desires

(The arena lights drop as "The Way You Like It" by Adema starts up over the PA system. A deep purple hue falls over the arena and white strobe lights begin to flash at the smoke-filled entrance as the camera zooms in on it. From the locker room emerge two huge figures. Dressed in all black, wearing dark shades and wearing silver pentagram chains on their necks are Bane and Seven--the Athame. Riding high on their shoulders, wearing a black veil over her head and with a cat o' nine tails gripped firmly in her right hand is none other than the Queen of Darkness herself. She glares coldly into the crowd as her henchmen carry her out to the edge of the stage. She almost appears to be in a trance until the song's heavy guitar riffs begin to kick in, at which point, Dark takes the whip with both hands and raises it high above her head, and...


...huge white sparks fire up from the entrance ramp in front of them. When the pyro stops, Desires brings her whip down and taps Bane on the shoulder with it, at which point he and Seven begin to carry her down towards the ring)

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time-limit, and is for the UWA WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!! Introducing first, the challenger: Being accompanied to the ring tonight by Bane and Seven--The ATHAME--hailing from Kansas City, Missouri, weighing in tonight at 139 pounds!!!! She is the Queen of Darkness, and leader of Black Blood...DARKEEEEEEST...DEEEEEEEESIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRESSSS!!!!!!

(The crowd boos as the trio slowly continues their path to the ring.)

VJ: There she is, ladies and gentlemen! Darkest Desires! And all I can say about this young woman is what a difference a few months can make. Why Dave, it wasn't that long ago that Desires was revered by fans all across the world for her fierce competitive nature. It was that competitiveness--that heart, Dave--that led fans to cheer her on two years ago at the first Hell on Earth when she came out on top in the tournament to crown the very first Women's Champion here in the UWA! It was the fire she possessed that led fans to root her on last year at Showtime, where she and Diamond came in as underdogs and managed to pull out the victory to become the very first Women's Tag Team Champions! And to look at her now, Dave...it...it's almost hard to believe that this is the same person!

DD: Oh believe me, it's the same person, Vince! That competitiveness has never left! That fire's still there, and in fact, it's probably burning brighter than ever as she sits high atop the shoulders of Black Blood! And Vince, you bring up a couple of interestling little tidbits about Desires there! The first ever Women's Champion! One-half of the first ever Women's Tag Champs! Vince, for the benefit of those who are new to the UWA...for the benefit of those who don't know, why doncha tell us all just who it was that Desires faced in the finals of the Women's Title tournament two years ago! Huh?

VJ: Well...it was Tina!

DD: That's right! And she beat her fair and square right in the middle of the ring. And then the Women's Tag Titles...in the finals of that tournament last year...Vince, who was it that Black Diamond teamed against to win the gold in the finals?

VJ: Well...that would be T-n-T! The team of Trinity and Tina.

DD: That's exactly right, and once again, Tina was pinned in that match, fair and square right in the middle! Even you hafta admit it, Johnson!

VJ: Now wait a minute. It's no secret that these two women have their history. Why, bad blood has existed between these two for years...going back to their days prior to the formation of the UWA. However, that was the past. Both women have undergone a number of changes since they last squared off over a year ago, and just because Desires was able to come out on top in their last couple of outings doesn't mean she'll come out on top tonight!

DD: Yeah, that's what you're hoping! All these idiots in the crowd...all these fat teenage girls out there who've taken to Tina over the past year--that's what they're hoping, but we all know the truth! The fact of the matter is that Tina has NEVER--not in the UWA or anywhere else for that matter--she has NEVER in her career gotten a straight-up one-on-one victory over Darkest Desires! And I don't care how much she's changed, and I don't care how much you claim Desires has changed--personally, I think she's made a change for the better! But you Johnson, and all these morons out here are just moments away from finding out that the more things change...the more they stay the same! And I can't wait!

(At ringside, the Athame kneel down onto one knee, allowing Desires to climb down off of their shoulders. She then takes stance in front of them as they bow their heads before her...almost as if they've gone into prayer. After a moment or so, Desires takes her whip and cracks it across the back of Bane, signalling for him to rise. She does the same for Seven, and when both men reach their feet, they each take an arm of Desires' and lift her up onto the apron. Desires then steps through the ropes and marches out to the center of the ring as all the while the fans look on in awe of her.)

VJ: Man...what a bizarre entrance that was, ladies and gentlemen. Darkest Desires...the challenger is here, and we are awaiting the arrival of the Superwoman!

(Desires removes her veil and the rest of her entrance gear, handing them over to a ringside attendant as her music begins to die down. Suddenly...


The crowd bursts into a fit of cheers as the arena goes black, and the sounds of Ashanti's "Only U" can be heard blaring over the PA system. Cameras then cut to the stage, where a string of pyro blasts go off, starting from one end of the stage and converging on the entrance. A stream of red spotlights flood the arena, and the cheers grow louder as Tina appears on stage through a thick cloud of smoke. Wearing her trademark shiny red halted top with matching bell-bottom pants, with her shiny red headband with a silver Superwoman "S" stitched right on the center, Tina moves to the top of the ramp, soaking in the ovation she's receiving from the capacity crowd. She looks to her left, then her right, then sends a firey glare in Desires' direction before taking the Women's Title in her right hand and raising it high into the air, at which point...


...red pyro sparks begin to fire down from the rafters behind her. With a look of determination in her eyes, Tina places the belt back onto her shoulder and makes her way down to the ring with purpose.)

Announcer: And her opponent: hailing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!!!! She weighs in tonight at 167 pounds! She is known throughout the world as THE BADDEST CHICK, and THE SUPERWOMAN of Professional Wrestling...please welcome the current, reigning and defending UWA WOMEN'S CHAMPION OF THE WOOOORRRRLD...TIIIIIIIIIIIINNNAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

(Tina continues down the ramp, making sure to tag the hands of a few fans at ringside along the way. As she nears the bottom of the ramp, she prepares to charge into the ring--as she typically does--but stops dead in her tracks when the huge Athame step into her path.)

VJ: Hey now wait a minute, here! We've got Bane and Seven now...standing in Tina's path...

DD: Relax, Johnson! They're not doing anything! They're just looking!

VJ: I...I don't like the looks of this! I don't like this at all.

(As Tina stares Desires' monstrous henchmen down, a smattering of boos can be heard from the crowd, growing louder as in the crowd, a number of fans can be seen turning to the entrance)

DD: Hey Vince...what...what's going on?

VJ: We've got this damn Athame out here staring down Tina...oh wait a minute...look at the ramp...


VJ: Kammy! Darkest Desires' fellow Sister of Destruction! Kammy's headed out from the locker room...approaching Tina from behind! Oh no...

DD: Quiet, Vince! This could be good!

VJ: Tina's watching the Athame...she hasn't seen her, damn it! Kammy from behind--

DD: HAHA--OH NO!!!!!!


DD: Damn it, Vince! What the hell?! She didn't do anything...

VJ: Oh wait a minute! Watch Desires now, on the apron! Tina's got her attention on Kammy...AND DARK FROM BEHIND NAILS TINA WITH AN AXEHANDLE!!!!

DD: HAHA! Get her, Dark! Get her!

VJ: Tina is down on the outside...already the Black Blood numbers game is coming into play, as now Desires begins to go to work on Tina on the outside! Stomping away...stomping at the fallen Women's Champ! She's got that whip! Desires...she's got that whip, damn it...AND NOW SHE'S CHOKING TINA WITH IT!!! DESIRES CHOKING TINA ON THE OUTSIDE!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!

DD: She had no business putting her hands on Kammy, Vince! She had no business doing it at all, and now Desires is making her pay!

VJ: Desires with Tina by the hair...there's a knee to the head of the champion! Dark now with a handful of hair sending Tina into the ring, and there you see the referee calling for the bell!

Ding Ding Ding!!!

VJ: And we're officially underway! Desires using the distraction from Kammy to gain the early advantage as now she heads up to the top rope! Tina's trying to gather herself in the ring, but watch Desires here...Desires from the top...

DD: Here we go, Vince...NO!


DD: Put her down! Put her down...OH!

VJ: AND SHE DOES! Desires tossed back into the buckle, and now watch Tina go to work! Tina...unloading on Desires with right hands! Boots! She is all over her in the buckle, ladies and gentlemen! Tina now with Desires here...Irish whip sends to the opposite buckle here...

DD: Look at Dark!

VJ: Dark able to roll up the turnbuckle and land on the apron! What a display of agility by her as Tina...Tina coming in catches a shoulder to the gut! Another one doubles her over! Desires now...slingshot into a sunset flip on Tina! Tina with the roll through...


DD: OH NO!!!

VJ: My God what a shot!! Tina...that hard kick catches Desires right in the sternum! And now what's she going for here? Tina's got the legs of Desires...

DD: Oh no! Don't--

VJ: OH MY!!!! Tina with the slingshot just drove the throat of Desires into that bottom rope! Desires is gasping for air in there as she tries to pull herself back to her feet! And watch Tina...Tina's waiting on her...AND THERE'S A HARD KICK TO THE LEG!! Desires sent straight to the mat after that one! Desires quickly back to her feet--AND SHE CATCHES ANOTHER ONE!!!! This one sends her reeling back into the buckle as Tina...oh! Right in on her here! Tina going to work with the forearms...there's a HARD European uppercut right to the jaw of Desires! She got nailed by that one...and there's another Irish whip! Desires goes hard into the buckle, as now Tina...

DD: Oh no!

VJ: She's calling for it! Tina...signaling to this capacity crowd...and here it comes! Handspring elbow--OH!!!!!!! Nobody home!

DD: Haha!

VJ: Desires was able to move outta the way and watch this here! Desires off the rope...Tina able to duck the kick...Desires now from the other side...OH!!!!! And right back into the arms of Tina! TINA'S GOT HER UP!!!! What strength by the Superwoman as she presses Desires high above her head! Desires...Dark's in an unenviable position here as Tina...

DD: Don't you dare!

VJ: Tina looking out to the floor...TINA'S GONNA TOSS DARK--

DD: NOOO!!!!!!!

VJ: RIGHT INTO THE ATHAME!!!!!! Right into her own henchmen!!!! They both go down...and we've got a Black Blood pile-up on the outside, Dave!

DD: Shut up, Vince!

VJ: The crowd...oh boy they are loving this one here in the early going! They are solidly behind the Superwoman as Desires...from the look of things, this one not going exactly the way she planned!

DD: Well what do you expect when you've got this damn Tina out here breaking every rule in the book...

VJ: Are you kidding me?!

DD: No I'm not kidding! I mean...first she goes and attacks Kammy, an innocent bystander who had done absolutely nothing to her, Johnson! And now she goes and tries to mess with Bane and Seven! I mean! What the hell was the point of that?!

VJ: Well, Desires...it's clearly apparent that she's trying to use the numbers game here against Tina! Using Bane and Seven as distractions! Using Kammy as a distraction! She has been trying to use Black Blood to break Tina's focus, and thus far it hasn't paid off...and as you can see, Desires is livid on the floor!

DD: Well you can't blame her! This damn Tina...

VJ: Oh what's this?! Seven up on the apron..

DD: Yeah! I'm sure he's telling Tina just how much she hurt his feelings a second ago!

VJ: Oh yeah right! Seven with the attention of Tina here...watch Desires! From the other side of the ring...OH C'MON!!!! Desires once again using a distraction to gain the advantage, and now she's all over Tina here!

DD: And look at her go!

VJ: Desires with rights and lefts..OH! Hard kick to the gut has Tina on the ropes! Dark now...tried for the Irish whip, but Tina able to hook that top rope to counter! Desires...she tries it again, but again, Tina's refusing to let that top rope go...AND INSTEAD PULLS DESIRES INTO A BACK DROP!!! DESIRES GOES UP AND OVER TO THE FLOOR AGAIN, DAVE!

DD: Damn it, Vince!

VJ: Desires...you can see the frustration on her face as she pulls herself back up to the apron...OH!!!! AND A HARD FOREARM FROM TINA SENDS HER RIGHT BACK TO THE OUTSIDE!!!!!! Desires...once again back to the apron...AND TINA ONCE AGAIN NAILS HER WITH A FOREARM!!!! Tina now with Desires here...and she's got her hooked! Tina...suplex coming up...NO! Desires able to twist out of it and land on her feet! Desires now into the ropes here...coming off, there's Tina out to meet her--BUT SHE GETS CAUGHT WITH A DROPKICK RIGHT TO THE KNEE! Tina...Desires with another dropkick catches her right in the head!!!! Tina is down...and now watch Dark here! Mounting her...Desires mounting Tina, and look at her hammer away! Right hands! Hard right hands to the head of the Women's Champion! Desires with the advantage here! Desires has gained control, as begins to taunt--OH!!!! TINA...


VJ: Those legs right up under the armpits of Desires...bringing her over into a pinning combination for 1...2...no! Desires able to kick out, and now into a pinning combination of her own! Tina's stacked here...


VJ: Tina flipping Dark right back into the pinning combination...only a two-count for her as Desires counters into the cradle! Jackknife cradle for TWO...

DD: Can you believe this, Vince?!

VJ: What action here at Hell on Earth as both women return to their feet, where Desires quickly takes advantage with a side headlock to Tina. And now look at her! Grinding it in on the Champion! Desires has this hold cinched in tight, as from the outside, ladies and gentlemen, there you see the the Athame looking on!

DD: And they've gotta be loving this! Look out--

VJ: Tina now shoving Desires off into the ropes...Dark comes off with a shoulderblock here...Tina doesn't budge!

DD: C'mon, Dark!

VJ: Now into the ropes once again goes Desires...she comes off with another shoulderblock...and again, the Superwoman refuses to leave her feet! Desires now...once again into the ropes she goes! Coming of...Tina--

DD: Look out!

VJ: TINA WENT FOR THE CLOTHESLINE...Desires saw it coming and was able to duck under! And now from the other side comes Desires...she slides through the legs of Tina! Tina now...catching the boot from Desires...OH!!! She misses the mark with the enzuiguri!! Desires goes up over and onto her stomach, as now Tina...

DD: What the hell is this, Johnson?

VJ: Tina's got the legs locked here! Tina's hooking her up...

DD: Oh no! Oh no...


DD: Oh...hold on, Dark! Hold on!

VJ: Referee Stephanie Jenkins is right there to see whether or not Desires can continue...also keeping a close eye on the shoulders of Tina...

DD: That's right! Tina could easily end up pinning herself if she's not careful.

VJ: Tina now...wait a minute! Tina rolling Desires...

DD: What in the world?!

VJ: Tina rocking back and forth with this surfboard! Increasing the pressure on the upper body of Desires! Increasing the likelihood of a submission, as Tina now--OH MY GOD!

DD: Oh no!!!


DD: This is not right, Vince! She's trying to break her in half!

VJ: The human body is not supposed to bend like that, fans! Desires trying desperately to find a way of escape here, fans...OH! And she's out!!!! Desires able to get those legs free and roll out of the hold, and now look at her hammering away at the forehead of the Champion! Piston-like rights...

DD: Yeah! Get her Dark--

VJ: OH C'MON!!!!!! A rake to the face by Desires!

DD: Please, Vince! This is a title match! When you're in a championship situation, you do whatever it takes to get the job done!

VJ: Well...Desires is certainly doing that as she lines Tina up here--AND CONNECTS WITH A HARD KICK RIGHT TO THE SMALL OF THE BACK!!!!! There's another!!! Desires now has Tina by the hair...bringing her back to her feet, and now what's this? Another headlock applied? Desires...

DD: Could be a bulldog coming up, Johnson!

VJ: I think you're right, Dave! Bulldog...Desires looking for a bulldog here--OH MY GOD!!!

DD: DARK!!!!

VJ: DESIRES GOT A RUNNING START, BUT GOT SHOVED STERNUM FIRST RIGHT INTO THE BUCKLE!!!! Dark is hurt!!! Dark is hurt, and watch Tina! Tina's measuring her...off the ropes here...AND THERE'S THE CLOTHESLINE!!! Desires just mowed down by that one!!! Desires is down, and watch Tina! Measuring her once again! Desires back to her feet here...


VJ: THERE'S ANOTHER ONE!!!! Desires taken off her feet once again, and now look at Tina! Frizzing up that hair of hers! She means business, Dave!

DD: Oh please!

VJ: Tina's fired up! Tina's got that blood pumping, and watch Dark...Desires is out of it along the rooopes...

DD: Watch it, Dark! Watch it...OH!!!

VJ: GOOD HEAVENS WHAT A LARIAT!!!!! AND DESIRES GOES UP AND OVER AND TO THE FLOOR!!!!! This crowd is on its feet ladies and gentlemen!! The Superwoman...she is on fire!

DD: Yeah...if only I had a match, Vince...

VJ: Hey, hey! Desires is down on the outside once again here in the opening stages of this one...and she is livid! Absolutely livid! Thus far she's been unable to do anything against Tina! Everything she's tried has been unsuccessful...

DD: But it's still early, Vince! We've got a lotta match left to go!

VJ: Well if this thing keeps up at the pace it's going, then that may not be the case! Desires could cough this thing up here...

DD: No, wait a minute, Johnson! That's not gonna happen! I remind you once again that TINA HAS NEVER BEATEN DESIRES BEFORE! NEVER! NOT ONCE!

VJ: Well there's a first time for everything, Dave, and we could be seeing it right here! As Desires now...taking the referee's count...

DD: Which is smart!

VJ: Desires on the floor with the Athame...what is she up to?

DD: What do you mean?

VJ: Desires...she and the Athame are huddled up on the arena floor! What's this all about?

DD: Well...I'm sure they're just talking strategy! Giving Dark encouragement...

VJ: Oh yeah, right! I've got a bad feeling about this, folks!

DD: It's probably just gas, Vince! Hey wait a minute, what's she doing?!

VJ: Tina...watch Tina here! She's scaling the turnbuckles...

DD: Oh now wait a minute, Vince! She is not...

VJ: Desires is on the outside. Desires is busy with the Athame, and Tina...

DD: Oh wait a minute, Dark! Turn around! Turn arou--NOOOO!!!


DD: What a cheap shot, Vince! Attacking from behind...and where's the complaining now, huh?

VJ: Tina not giving Desires any time to gather herself! Tina with Dark now...there's a hard forearm right to the jaw of the challenger! She follows up with a hard knife-edge chop! Tina now with Desires...rolling her into the ring...Tina right in after her, and--OH C'MON!!

DD: Now wait a minute! She hit him first!

VJ: Bane's got the leg! Bane's got Tina by the leg--AND DESIRES CAPITALIZES, DAMN IT!!!! Another low dropkick by Dark catches Tina right in the head, and now look at Desires here! Going to work! Desires straddling the back of Tina...hammering away with rights and lefts...NOW CLAWING AT THE EYES! C'MON REF! Desires clawing at the eyes...referee Stephanie Jenkins now having to pry her off of the champion! What the hell was that?

DD: What's it look like? She's trying to win!

VJ: Referee Jenkins admonishing Desires...giving her a stern warning here as she takes Tina by the hair here...bringing her over into the buckle, and now look at her stomp away at the champion! Putting the boots right into the chest...and now choking her with the flat of that boot! Ref...c'mon ref...

DD: Five seconds, Johnson! Five seconds!

VJ: Desires...using as much of that count as she can as the referee once again sends her her admonishments! Tina now...gasping for air in the buckle as there you see Seven...behind the back of the offcial--C'MON!! SEVEN!!!!! SEVEN CHOKING TINA!! Damn it, c'mon! C'mon...

DD: Watch Dark--

VJ: OH!!!!! DESIRES CHARGES IN WITH A DROPKICK RIGHT TO THE FACE! Tina's head just sandwiched between Desires' boots and the buckle! Desires pulls her out to the center of the ring, and there's the cover...2...AND A KICKOUT WITH AUTHORITY BY TINA!!! Tina's not outta this one by a longshot, Dave!

DD: But look at Dark get right back on her! Dark's not giving her any room to breathe!

VJ: Indeed! Desires is right back on her...pummelling her with those hard right hands to the head...follows up with a knee drop right to the face of Tina! Another one has Tina in trouble here! Tina...rolling onto all fours here...Desires...she's measuring her for something...oh and look at this!

DD: HAHA! What about this, Johnson?!

VJ: Desires with that knee buried into the lower back of Tina as she cinches up on this cross-armed choke here! Japanese stranglehold applied...

DD: And Johnson, is it just me, or does Dark seem to be trying to take Tina's wind away! That's what her strategy seems to be!

VJ: Well...not a bad strategy at all on Dark's part! Dark the smaller of the two! She's definitely the faster of the two! She cannot match power with the Superwoman,and if she wants to win this one, Dave, she'd probably be best off trying to wear Tina down! Trying to take away that energy! That way the longer this thing goes, the more this thing would favor Desires!

DD: Heh! For once, Vince, your dumb ass is right on the money! Desires is gonna do this here!

VJ: This crowd here in Madison Square Garden...oh listen to them, Dave! They're red hot! This crowd now making some noise here as Tina...Tina tries to combat this thing...

DD: C'mon, Dark! Keep the pressure! Keep the pressure!

VJ: Dark is trying as Tina here...trying to find a way of escape...oh!

DD: Wait a minute!

VJ: Tina able to roll onto her back here...there's a kick right to the face of Desires...another one...one more and the hold is broken! Desires is reeling after that one! Desires is staggered as now Tina begins to rise--

DD: Wait a minute, Vince! Look...

VJ: Desires goes up and over the top of her with a somersault! Tina in a seated position and watch this--KICK!


VJ: HARD INTO THE KIDNEYS OF TINA...AND ANOTHER ONE RIGHT TO THE CHEST PUTS HER FLAT ON THE CANVAS!!! Tina is down...Desires into the ropes for the quebrada...IT CONNECTS!!!! The quebrada connects! 1...2...JUST A TWO, as Tina manages raise that shoulder...and there you see Desires wasting no time at all in applying the headscissors!!! Desires has Tina wrapped up...those legs right around the head and neck...right around that coritid artery, Dave, and Tina's got nowhere to go!

DD: I love it, Vince! I love it!

VJ: Desires with the legs...those strong...powerful legs of hers choking out the Women's Champ...referee Jenkins is right there in position...

DD: Her shoulders are down, Vince...

VJ: 1...2...Tina raising that left shoulder before the count of three! Desires...she's got this thing cinched in perfectly, fans, as now she's even got the right arm hooked! Tina...the arm has been butterflied, as Desires...for the moment, has the Women's Champ completely neutralized!

DD: Yeah, Vince! This is great, and even you've gotta admit it! See, all the talk about Black Blood! Desires needing Black Blood to beat Tina...

VJ: I never said that at all!

DD: Don't even try it, Johnson! You've been making every kinda excuse you can come up with to justify Tina losing her that title to Desires here tonight, but there's absolutely no excuses you can make now! Right now, at this moment, Darkest Desires is simply out wrestling Tina, and there's not a person on this planet that can deny that!

VJ: Desires...oh wait a minute! Increasing the pressure...shoulders are down again...only a two-count as Tina manages once again to get that left shoulder up off the canvas! As there you hear the crowd one more time...trying to rally behind Tina! Trying to will the Superwoman outta this hold! Trying to get her back into the match...

DD: It's no use, Johnson! It's no use!

VJ: Tina's trying to fight it here! Desires...trying to keep the pressure on, but watch Tina now...Tina rolling over onto her stomach...

DD: What...what's she doing,Vince?

VJ: Tina trying to lessen the pressure somewhat! Tina looking to escape this hold anyway she can, as now fans...Tina's pulling herself up onto her knees!

DD: Now wait a minute!

VJ: Tina...it looks like she's gonna try to power outta this thing, Dave!

DD: No way!

VJ: Tina...those legs of Desires' still wrapped around her head as she pulls herself up to a knee...now back to a standing position! Tina...

DD: Oh no, Dark! Hold on, Dark--NO!


DD: Yeah! She's gassed, Vince!

VJ: Tina...I'm sure expending a great deal of energy to try and get outta that one!

DD: Yeah! That's just what Dark wanted her to do!

VJ: Tina is out of it along the ropes...trying to get her wind back as Dark...oh watch her! Desires moving in--SHE CATCHES A BOOT TO THE MIDSECTION FROM TINA!!!

DD: Oh no!

VJ: Another one sends Dark a step back! Tina's still got fight left in her, Dave! She's not gonna quit, as she sends Desires up against the ropes with that hard right hand! There's an Irish whip...reversal by Dark sends Tina into the other side...Tina ducks the elbow coming off...from the other side now...TINA...

DD: HAHA!!!!

VJ: She went for the flying clothesline, but Desires able to duck and she gut hung up right along the top rope! Tina's in trouble...and now watch Tina...teetering out to the apron! What a bad break for her as Desires...what's she got planned here? Desires...Tina trying to pull herself back to her feet...

DD: Watch Dark! Watch her--

VJ: OH NO!!!!! DESIRES WITH THE SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK, AND TINA GETS KNOCKED FROM THE APRON, RIGHT DOWN ONTO THE ARENA FLOOR! Tina is down on the outside...she is down, and this crowd doesn't like it a bit, Dave!

DD: But I love it! New Champion right here, baby! Let the Dark Reign begin!

VJ: Desires watching from the ring as the official puts the count down! Tina is down on the floor...she caught that dropkick right on the jaw, Dave! RIGHT ON THE JAW!

DD: And she's done, Vince! The most dominant Women's Champ in the federation's history, right?

VJ: I don't think she's out of it yet! The referee's count just at 4...as Tina...she's trying to stir here...

DD: Just give it up, Tina! Give it up! You're no match for Darkest Desires!

VJ: The count's at 5 now as Dark...you have to wonder what she's thinking here! The title can only change hands via pinfall or submission! Count outs or disqualifications mean nothing!

DD: Johnson, I'm sure Dark's got everything in hand here! Just watch...

VJ: Wait...we're at 6 and Tina...Tina able to pull herself back to her feet. Tina...she's still on spaghetti legs after that last shot, as now she tries to pull herself up to the apron! Tina...Desires is waiting on her, and--OH!


VJ: RIGHT HAND SENDS TINA RIGHT BACK TO THE FLOOR! Desires now...the ref trying to get her away from the ropes here...HEY WAIT...C'MON!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!??! BANE JUST SENT TINA INTO THE STAIRS!!!!!! BANE SENDING TINA...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??!?!

DD: Now c'mon, Johnson! He meant well! I'm sure he was just trying to send Tina back into the ring...but missed!

VJ: Oh hell...I can't believe it! Tina rolled back into the ring...once again Black Blood has struck behind the back of the official, as now Desires goes for the cover! Desires...oh not like this, damn it! Desires...

DD: Here we go!

VJ: THERE'S 1...2...3--NO!!! Tina got the foot on the rope!!!!

DD: Damn it, Vince!

VJ: Tina able to get that foot across the bottom rope at the very last second...and Desires...oh she can't believe it,Dave!

DD: That's because that was a three, Vince! You know it was three!

VJ: Desires is livid here as she brings Tina back to her feet...Desires now...what's she setting up for here?

DD: Oh!

VJ: Neckbreaker! Neckbreaker applied by Dark! Tina's been left laying in the center of the ring. And now what's she got planned here? Darkest Desires...headed over to the corner...

DD: Uh oh, Vince! I think she's going up!

VJ: I think you're right, Dave! Darkest Desires scaling the turnbuckle now! Tina is down! Tina is barely moving in the center of the ring, and what's Dark planning to do? What's she got in mind?

DD: I dunno, Vince, but whatever it is, if she hits it, we've got a new Champion.

VJ: Desires on the top rope now...Tina hasn't moved yet as Dark...Dark getting ready to fly...

DD: Show the "Superwoman" how it's done, baby...OH NO!!!!!!


DD: Damn it, Dark! Oh no...

VJ: Desires hit hard, and now is the time, damn it! Now is the time for Tina to try and mount a comeback here, Dave! Both women back to their feet...

DD: Hit her, Dark! Hit her...

VJ: OH!! Tina scores with the inverted atomic drop to Desires!!! There's another one! Tina now with the double leg takedown...Desires flat on her back, and what's Tina setting up for here?! Tina cinching up on the legs...

DD: Watch it, Dark! Watch it...

VJ: Oh...OH MY! Desires just slingshotted into the buckle...she had the presence of mind to land on the middle rope! And now watch Tina here! Tina back to her feet! Desires...

DD: Look out...OH NO!

VJ: SHE'S CAUGHT!!! She went for the moonsault but got caught! Tina with Desires on her shoulder--AND SHE PLANTS HER WITH A POWERSLAM!!!!! RUNNING POWERSLAM TO DESIRES!!!!! SHE'S GOT THE LEG HOOKED...1...2...THR--OH!!! Just a two, damn it! Just two!!!!!

DD: C'mon, Dark! C'mon!

VJ: Tina just half a count away from a successful title defense, as she brings Dark back to her feet here. What's she planning to do...Irish whip sends her in! Dark comes of--RIGHT INTO A REVERSE ELBOW FROM TINA! Down she goes, and watch Tina once again! Measuring her...Desires tries to get back to her feet...AND A KNEE LIFT BY TINA SENDS HER STAGGERING INTO THE BUCKLE!!! Desires is in trouble now, and watch Tina! Tina follows her in, and now look at her go to work with those chops! Hard chops to the chest of Darkest Desires!

DD: Yeah! As if her chest wasn't swollen enough!

VJ: Stop it! Irish whip in by Tina...she follows her into the buckle but Desires goes up and over with the tip up! Desires with the backflip goes out to the center of the ring...Tina moves in with the high kick--DARK ABLE TO DODGE IT WITH THE MATRIX MOVE!!!

DD: Can you believe that, Johnson?!

VJ: What flexability by Desires as Tina...OH!! SHE KICKED THE LEG OUT FROM UNDERNEATH!!!!! Desires is down AND TINA FOLLOWS UP WITH THE MOONSAULT! Standing moonsault connects! THERE'S 1...THERE'S 2...


VJ: Oh, and she does! Desires manages to get that shoulder off the mat as the pace begins to quicken here! Tina now with Desires...brings her back to her feet--OOOH! What a chop by Tina to Desires...Dark comes right back with a hard, hard forearm of her own! Tina comes right back! Desires again! Tina again! Desires! Tina! Desires! It's breaking down, folks!

DD: And this is something Dark doesn't wanna do! Not with Tina's strength...SEE!

VJ: Tina with a forearm shot to the jaw, and Desires begins to stagger...another one, and...

DD: Oh no! Dark! Dark!

VJ: Dark is out of it! Dark's knees beginning to buckle, as Tina...

DD: Watch it Dark!

VJ: Tina into the ropes now...coming off--OH MY GOODNESS!!!!

DD: Did you see that?!

VJ: She went for the roaring elbow but Dark caught her with a spinning roundhouse right to the temple! Tina goes to a knee and watch Dark! Dark charges in at Tina...THERE'S A SWINGING DDT BY DARK!!! Tina dropped hard onto her head by that one! And now watch Dark now...to the apron! Dark headed back to the top rope! Her last attempt didn't pay off! Will this be any different?

DD: Of course, Vince! Here we go...

VJ: Dark to the top...Tina is down and...Desires...OH!!!! DESIRES CONNECTS WITH THE DARK CIRCLE!!! THE DARK CIRCLE!!!! Desires with the cover...1...2...TINA RAISES THE SHOULDER BEFORE THREE! Desires...once again, the frustration begins to show!

DD: That's because she had her, Vince! That was a three and you know it!

VJ: Desires bringing Tina back to her feet here...there's a knee to the gut of the Champion! Another! Front facelock applied...

DD: Uh oh, Vince!

VJ: Don't tell me Desires...Desires with a smile on her face! Don't tell she she's gonna--OH! Tina able to twist out of it...AND THERE'S A SIDE RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP THAT PUTS DESIRES RIGHT DOWN ONTO THE MAT!!!! Desires is down...Tina with the kip up...and Dave, now SHE'S going up!

DD: Oh no! Not more flying, Vince!

VJ: Oh hell yeah we're gonna see some more flying! Tina heads out to the apron, and this time it's her scaling the turnbuckles! The Superwoman is ready to fly again--HEY WAIT!

DD: What the...

VJ: It's that damn Bane again! Bane up on the apron...he's got Tina by the ankle! Bane's got the ankle! C'mon ref, get him off of her! Get him off--OH!!!


VJ: Tina just booted Bane off the apron, and he went crashing right into his partner! Right into his partner...as Desires...

DD: Yeah! Watch her!

VJ: Dark with the forearm shot catches Tina right on the jaw! Another one! Damn it! Once again, Desires has used the distraction from the Athame to gain the advantage, and now she's headed up top with Tina! Desires...

DD: What's she gonna do?!

VJ: It looks like...oh my goodness! HURACANRANA!!!!!!!


VJ: HURACANRANA FROM THE TOP!!!!! FROM DESIRES!!!! TO TINA!!!! There's the cover...the leg is hooked and she gets 1...2...NO!!!!

DD: What?!?! Are you kidding me??!!

VJ: Desires unable to put her away! Perhaps now she's asking herself just what she has to do to defeat Tina! What does she hafta do to bring home the title?!

DD: Well I've got a feeling I know, Vince...and we're gonna see it right here! Look!

VJ: Desires now...oh wait, she's measuring her! Desires now, waiting on Tina to rise!

DD: Here it comes, Vince! Do you know what she's setting up for here?

VJ: Most likely it's the Dark Combination...

DD: And if she hits this, we've got a new Champion!

VJ: Tina slowly beginning to rise, as Desires...look at that look in her eye! She's got her sights set firmly on Tina as Tina...Tina reaches a knee! Desires...

DD: Here we go, Vince!

VJ: Tina--OH! She blocks the first kick...SHE DUCKS THE SECOND! And now Tina...Tina with the front waistlock applied to Desires...

DD: Oh no...

VJ: NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX!!! Tina just drilled her with the suplex...AND SHE'S NOT DONE! Tina rolling through with Desires--AND SHE TAKES HER OVER AGAIN! Tina with another roll through...

DD: Oh c'mon, Vince!

VJ: Those hands still locked as she brings Dark back to her feet...AND SNAPS HER OVER A THIRD TIME!!!! And now Tina...TINA WITH THE KIP UP, AND HERE WE GO, DAVE! Tina's headed to the apron! Tina looks to be headed to the top once again...

DD: Oh no! Dark! Look out!

VJ: Tina now climbing the ropes! Desires is still down from those suplexes, and now Tina...up on top trying to steady herself...

DD: Look out, Desires! Look out...AHHHHH!

VJ: OOOH WHAT AN ELBOW DROP FROM TINA!!!!!!! What elevation!!!! The elbow driven right into the heart of Desires! COVER HER! Cover...there's 1...2...THR--OH NO!!!!!! JUST...ONLY A TWO!!!!!

DD: Oh...c'mon, Dark! She's not outta this thing yet, Vince!

VJ: Tina just a heartbeat away from ending this thing there, and now a bit of frustration beginning to appear on her face! She can't seem to believe it, as now she has Desires...and look at her...peppering away at the forehead of challenger with those rapid-fire rights...

DD: I think she's beginning to realize it, Vince. She realizes that she's no match for Desires!

VJ: Tina back to her feet here...what's she...



DD: Oh c'mon, Johnson! This is not right! She has absolutely no right to do--NO!!!!!!


DD: Watch it Seven...NO!!!!!


DD: That damn Tina! Johnson, you know that's not right!

VJ: Tina has had enough as she heads back into the ring...Desires is waiting on her! Desires...tries for a clothesline, but it's ducked! Tina has her here...

DD: Oh no...


DD: Shut up, Vince!!!! Shut up!!!!

VJ: This building is shaking! These people are red hot, as Tina...Tina looks just about ready to bring this thing to an end! There's a handful of hair now by Tina! She's bringing Desires back to her feet...

DD: Oh c'mon, Dark! You cannot...



VJ: DESIRES DROPS TO A KNEE TO COUNTER! Desires...trying to fight this move anyway she can, and...OH NO!!!!!! Desires pushing Tina back into the buckle...the referee just got sandwiched!! Referee Stephanie Jenkins just got sandwiched!

DD: Hey, no harm done there! Knowing her, she probably enjoyed that, Vince! HAHA!

VJ: Tina flooring Desires with that hard right hand, and now she's checking on the condition of the official! Tina...oh man! Stephanie was absolutely crushed in that corner...and now watch Desires here! Desires...

DD: Now wait a minute, Johnson!

VJ: Desires with that whip! She's got that whip, damn it! Tina's with the ref...Tina...oh my god no! Tina look out...

DD: Here we go Vince...OH!

VJ: SHE SAW IT COMING!!! Tina was able to duck the whip shot...Desires tries once again, but catches a boot to the gut for her troubles! Tina has her set up--

DD: NO!!!!



VJ: Oh now wait a minute...watch Bane! Bane's on the apron...Bane's headed into the ring--TINA CATCHES HIM WITH A DROPKICK, AND BANE GOES TUMBLING TO THE FLOOR!!!!! Bane is down...and here comes Seven now...Seven inTO the ring from behind--OH!!!!!! TINA SAW HIM COMING AND MANAGED TO SEND HIM OVER THE TOP WITH THE LOW BRIDGE!!!! Tina...my God, Dave she's on fire!!!! Tina refusing to be stopped here! And now watch Tina here...Tina with Desires--

DD: Kammy!!!!!

VJ: Huh?! Oh wait a minute, damn it! Kammy's back out here...Kammy...Kammy into the ring--NO!!!!!


VJ: From behind, damn it! Kammy just nailed Tina! Kammy...

DD: Serves her right, Vince! She had no business putting her hands on her before the match!!

VJ: Tina is down, and now look at Kammy stomping away! Putting the boots to the head of the Women's Champ...and we've got more company out here, damn it! There's Abyss!!! Abyss is out to ringside...I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS, DAMN IT!!!!

DD: Believe it, Vince! Believe it!

VJ: Ladies and gentlemen, the ref is down! The Black Blood numbers advantage has come into play, as now Abyss is in the ring! Abyss...this huge monster Abyss has Tina by the hair! Abyss with Tina as Kammy now...Kammy helping Desires to her feet!

DD: This is great, Vince! This is absolutely--

VJ: WHAT THE HELL'S SO GREAT ABOUT THIS?!?! A 300+ POUND MAN OVERPOWERING A WOMAN...AND WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY GONNA DO NOW, DAMN IT?!?! Abyss holding Tina...Desires back to her feet and now Desires...she's got that whip again...

DD: I love it, Vince! I love it!!!!

VJ: Desires is stalking Tina...C'MON, DAMN IT!!! She's trapped in there! I can't believe...fans...don't tell me...

DD: This is it, Johnson! This is it--


DD: WHAT?!?! NO WAY!!!!


DD: Oh my gosh, Desires! Get away--




DD: You idiot! Can you believe he just tried to hit Kammy??!?!


DD: I can't believe this, Vince! What the hell is he doing out here?! He's got a match later on!

VJ: Panther has come to the aid of Tina, and all I can say is thank God. Thank God he was able to arrive when he did...as he heads to the outside with that chair...in comes Bane--

DD: Look out--

VJ: HE CATCHES A HARD SHOT TO THE HEAD FROM PANTHER!!!!! Here comes Seven now...AND HE GETS A TASTE OF THE STEEL!!!!! The Athame is down...the Athame has been laid out by Panther...and now watch Abyss...

DD: Get him Abyss! Get him!

VJ: HE CATCHES ANOTHER HARD SHOT TO THE BACK FROM PANTHER...ANOTHER HARD SHOT TO THE HEAD...and now look at Panther...Panther running the monster away from ringside, and this crowd is loving it! Panther...GOOD GOD!!!

(Tina watches with a huge smile on her face as Panther sends Abyss away from ringside. Suddenly, we cut to a shot of Desires, who's recovering from the errant boot from Abyss. Still somewhat loopy, Dark begins to crawl across the ring, extending her hand forward, clasping at her whip which lies before her on the canvas. Just as she's able to grab it, however, Tina steps down on the opposite end, preventing her from lifting it. The crowd pops big as Dark nervously looks up and meets Tina's firey glare)

DD: Uh oh, Vince!

VJ: Desires looking to use that whip, but nothing doing! Her back up has been run off thanks to Panther! It's now one-on-one, damn it! And look at Tina, Dave! Tina is ready to go!

DD: Um Dark...maybe you'd better get ready to go too...oh no!

VJ: Tina with the hair...bringing her to her feet...AND THERE'S A FOREARM!!!! Another hard forearm to the jaw and Tina sends her into the ropes! She follows her in with a boot to the midsection...there's the knife-edge chop to the chest! And now an Irish whip by Tina...Desires sent to the far side--AND TINA JUST DRILLED HER WITH THE POWERSLAM!!! COVER...REFEREE JENKINS IS STARTING TO STIR...

DD: Oh wait...c'mon, now...


DD: Oh no........

VJ: 2...


VJ: 3!!!!!!!! SHE GOT--NO!!!

DD: No, no, no! She kicked out! She kicked out! She kicked out!

VJ: Desires...damn it, I can't believe! I just can't believe it! Tina brings her back to her feet...there's a European Uppercut...another one sends her staggering into the buckle! Tina now once again follows her in...there's a boot to the midsection now! She sets her up...

DD: Wait a minute!

VJ: Tina...Desires is set up on the top! What's Tina going for here?! Tina now climbing the ropes...Tina on the ropes with Desires, and now she's got her hooked! Tina...

DD: Fight it, Dark! Fight it...OOOOOH...


DD: Give her credit, Vince! Give her credit! Desires refuses to be denied! This is her night, Johnson!

VJ: Yeah, and it could be coming to an end at any moment! Tina bringing Desires back to her feet here...there's a hard Irish whip and Desires goes crashing into the buckle! Tina once again...another Irish whip sends her hard into the opposite buckle, and now she's signaling to the crowd, Dave! Tina's calling for it! Shades of her sister Joanie, and here we go! Handspring elbow...CONNECTS!!!!! Right on the money! Desires is in serious trouble right now, and now Tina's about ready to put her away! Tina...with Desires...SHE'S GOT HER SET UP FOR DA' CHERRY BOMB!!! TINA LOOKING TO END--


VJ: What the hell?!?! Alyssa's on the apron! Deadly Candy...

DD: What's she doing out here, Vin--OH!!!!!!

VJ: I dunno, but she just got knocked on her ass thanks to that forearm shot from Tina! Alyssa Sanders is down! Tina...OH! Dark catches her coming in with that kick! Desires--

DD: Oh! Look Johnson! Look!




DD: No way, Johnson! No way!!!

VJ: Desires can't believe it...hell, I can't believe it! Tina refusing to give in! She is refusing to say die...as Desires now with the handful of hair...bringing her back to her feet here...and there's a straight right hand to the head! Another rake at the face sends Tina reeling into the ropes! There's another Irish whip...Desires looking for the dropkick--BUT TINA ABLE TO HOLD ON, AND SHE HITS THE CANVAS HARD!!! Desires hit hard! Tina perhaps looking to capitalize...



DD: Did you see that?!?!?

VJ: Alyssa!! Alyssa just hopped on the apron and bashed Tina in the head with that mirror!!!! The referee was with Desires, and now Desires...NO!! Desires getting back to her feet! Desires now with Tina...inside cradle...


VJ: THERE'S 1...2...3!!!!!!! DAMN IT!!!!!

Ding Ding Ding!!! **Cue "The Way You Like It"

Announcer: Here is your winner, and NEW UWA Women's Champion...DARKEST DESIIIIIIIRRRRREEEEEEES!!!!!!!


VJ: NO!!! HELL NO, I CAN'T BELIEVE...Alyssa Sanders with that mirror shot to the head of Tina, and just like that it's over! Tina has just lost the Women's Title! Desires is the new champion!!!!

DD: And what a moment! What a great moment here at the biggest show of the year! We've got a brand new champion!!! The Dark Reign has officially begun!!!

VJ: Darkest Desires...damn it, I can't belive this!! Desires is our new Women's Champion! Desires has done it for Black Blood, and now look at this...

(A thunder clap goes off in the background as the arena quickly fades to darkness. A purplish hue covers the arena and flashes of lightning go off in the background as Desires lays the Women's Title belt flat on the canvas and kneels before it. Numerous camera flashes go off throughout the arena as Desires continues saluting the title. Then, with a smile on her face, she picks the belt up off the canvas and rolls to the outside, where a now recovered Bane and Seven await her. Each wrap an arm around the new Champion as they approach her and together the trio heads back up the ramp and to the locker room)

VJ: Unbelievable, folks! Just unbelievable!

DD: Well what's so unbelievable about it, Vince? I mean, it's like I already said: Desires has Tina's number! Desires had beaten her everytime they stepped into the ring! Why should this be any different?

VJ: Desires...using a tremendous sum of help to get the job done here tonight! Needing the help of the Athame! Of Abyss! Of Kammy! And just when it seemed as if Tina had overcome the numbers game...just when the Black Blood factor was negated in this match, in comes "Deadly Candy" Alyssa Sanders to cost Tina the title, and...this sucks! This absolutely sucks, Dave! No other way to put it! As now you see Tina in the ring...Tina still recovering after that mirror shot...

DD: HAHA! I love it, Vince! Hold on a sec! I've been waiting to do this for months...(climbs up onto the announce table)

VJ: What are you...what are you doing?!

DD: Hey Tina!!!! YOU LOST, BITCH!!!!!! YOU LOST!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!

VJ: WILL YOU GET DOWN FROM THERE?!?! Tina still trying to gather herself in the ring, and now we've got trainers out here to look after her! She could've suffered a concussion after that mirror shot...

DD: Oh! How great would that be?!

VJ: That wouldn't be great at all! Fans...(sighs) I'm just in shock! I am absolutely...and taking nothing away from Desires! Yes, she's a great athlete! She's damn sure a Women's Title calibre wrestler, but to see it end like this! After all of the hard work put in by Tina! After seeing the pride with which she held that Women's Title, and for her reign to just be cut short like that...Dave, it's just...it's just sad!

DD: Yeah, and I'm sure any moment ol' Tina's gonna be crying the blues here! Look at her!

VJ: Tina being helped back to her feet here by these officials...she looks to have shaken the effects of that mirror shot, folks, and now finally...it seems as if it's all beginning to sink in!

DD: That's right, Tina! It's over! It's all over! HAHA!

VJ: Tina...oh wait a minute! She just struck an official! Tina struck and official, and now...


VJ: Down goes another one!!! Tina...Tina's clearing the ring of these officials...

DD: She's going berserk in there, Johnson!

VJ: Tina...she's absolutely lost it, fans, as now she heads to the outside! Tina...Tina's headed back up the ramp, Dave! And that look in her eyes...

DD: Ya know, Vince! This ain't good for somebody! We may need to call the white coats! That bitch has gone bonkers!

VJ: Tina is absolutely livid as now she heads backstage...fans...oh boy what a night!!! What a night!

(We fade to a quick commercial for the Breakin' The Rulz, the UWA's next PPV offering, which emanates from Washington, DC on Sunday, September 25th! Only on Pay-Per-View! When the commercial ends, we cut to the hallway outside of the Women's locker room, where Rosie Sanchez is waiting with a mic)

RS: Fans, what a night it's been thus far here at Hell on Earth! I cannot believe that as we speak, there is a brand new Women's Champion in Darkest Desires! I am in shock at the outcome of that one, ladies and gentlemen! And in a moment or so, I'm gonna try and get a word with the woman whose involvement was undoubtedly the deciding factor in Desires' title win--"Deadly Candy" Alyssa Sanders! I've been told that she's on her way over here and...(looking off camera) oh! Here she comes...ALYSSA! ALYSSA!

(Cameras pan out, giving us a shot of Alyssa Sanders approaching the Women's locker room. An eager Rosie approaches her)

RS: Alyssa! Alyssa...I was wondering if I could get a wor--OOPH!

(Alyssa shoves Rosie into the wall and enters the locker room without a word. There, moving as quickly as possible, she tosses a few items into her duffel bag and immediately storms out of the room, apparently on her way out of the arena. As she's exiting the room, she's again approached by Rosie)

RS: ALYSSA! I want to get a word with you...I think you owe the world an explanation as to why you interfered in the Women's Title match--

Alyssa: (shooting Rosie a cold glare) What did you say?!

RS: I...I-I-I just think that an explanation--

Alyssa: Listen Rosie, I don't owe you or anybody else a damn thing! You don't tell me--

Tina (in the distance: You bitch! YOU BITCH!!!!!!

DD: What the...

(The cameras turn to pick up Tina in the distance, being tended to by a troop of officials. Her eyes are filled with rage as he glares in Alyssa's direction, and despite the officials' best efforts to restrain her, she breaks free and darts in her direction)

Official: TINA, WAIT!!!!!

VJ: Tina in the locker room area! Tina's managed to break away--OH WAIT!!!!!



DD: What the...no fair, Vince! This is...this...

VJ: Tina has Alyssa down, ladies and gentlemen, and she is pummeling her in the locker room area!!!!! Tina is absolutely pummeling Alyssa Sanders, as now these officials...these officials trying to pull Tina off of her...

DD: Yes! Get away, Alyssa! Get away!

VJ: Oh...and it looks like she's gonna do just that! Alyssa back to her feet now, and she's getting outta dodge! Tina is absolutely livid as these officials--OH! She broke free again!!! Tina broke free...

DD: Faster, Alyssa! Faster!!!!!


DD: Now c'mon, Vince! This is not right! Somebody get ahold of her back there!

VJ: These officials...they are trying to subdue Tina, but to no avail as...OH! Hard forearm shot from her sends Deadly Candy through those double doors! Tina right after her, now, and...

DD: They're in the parking lot, Vince!

VJ: Tina chasing Alyssa into the parking lot! Tina going after the woman who cost her the title, and now Alyssa--OH! Rake at the face of Tina by Deadly Candy...and now where's Alyssa going?! Alyssa now...she's headed to her car! Alyssa hopping into that car now...

DD: Can you believe this, Vince?!

VJ: Tina...Tina tried to catch her, but Alyssa slams the door, and now...


VJ: Alyssa's starting that car! Tina...Tina trying to open that door but it's locked! Tina...Alyssa...OH NO!!!!!!

DD: Oh my God, Vince! Did you see that?!

VJ: ALyssa quickly pulling out of that parking space...Tina had the door handle and got flung hard to the ground, and now watch Alyssa! Alyssa tearing out of the parking lot!

(The crowd boos inside the arena as the car heads out of the lot and turns out onto the street. Still hurting from the impact of being tossed, Tina picks herself off of the asphalt, and with her left arm held close to her ribs, she starts after the car on foot, running out of the parking lot and exiting the arena as a number of officials chase after her)

VJ: Good lord, ladies and gentlemen! Tina going after Alyssa in that car! Tina is chasing Alyssa through the streets of New York City...my God I can't believe it!

DD: This is crazy, Vince!

VJ: What else is gonna happen tonight?!

I-C Title: Kid Kash (Champion) vs The Hurricane


("Eye of the Hurricane" hits the PA system, and the crowd goes wild as the arena lights drop and a green hue falls over the crowd. The camera focuses on the entrance, from which The Hurricane emerges from, bouncing up and down and waving the sold-out crowd to its feet. He starts into the aisle, tagging the hands of ringside fans as he makes his way to ringside)

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the UWA's Intercontinental Championship! Introducing first, the challenger: hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina, weighing in at 191 pounds--THE HURRRRRICAAAAANNNE!!!!!

(The crowd pops once again as the Hurricane slides into the ring, quickly rushing to a far corner and climbing to the second rope, at which point he places his hands on his hips and salutes them. He then hops back down to the ring as his music begins to die down, at which point, "Bawitdaba" by Kid Rock hits the PA system. The green lights disappear, bringing the arena back to total darkness. Soon, white strobe lights begin to flash on the entrance, and with smoke pouring out from the locker room, the crowd begins to clamor, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the reigning champion.


On that cue, main guitar riff kicks in, and white spotlights begin to flash all throughout the arena. The crowd begins to boo as Kid Kash's figure can be seen emerging through the smoke. Clad in his long yellow tights with black kickpads and boots, and with the I-C belt gripped tightly in his right hand, Kash walks to the edge of the stage, holding the belt high into the air as ringside fans boo him relentlessly. He seemingly welcomes the crowd's venom, egging them on and taunting them with the title belt as he draws closer and closer to ringside)

Announcer: His opponent: hailing from Johnson City, TN and weighing in at 202 pounds, he is the current, reigning and defending UWA INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION--KIIIIIID KAAAAAAAAAAASSSH!!!

(Kash continues his path to the ring, climbing upon the apron once he's reached ringside and preparing to enter, pausing momentarily when he notices Hurricane attempting to make a go for him. He orders referee Jim Jonathan to back the challenger up, and when he does, Kash steps through the ropes, heading to a near buckle and raising his title belt into the air. The lights begin to return to normal as he hops down and heads out to the center of the ring, where he hands the belt over to the official. The music begins to die down, and the two wrestlers go face to face as the ref hands the belt over to the timekeeper and calls for the bell)

Ding Ding Ding!!!

VJ: Well here we go, ladies and gentlemen! The UWA Intercontinental Title on the line! The reigning champion, Kid Kash, defending against the 2-time former champion the Hurricane. If Hurricane looking to make history here tonight by becoming the first in the UWA to "3-peat", as far as that title is concerned.

DD: Well the chances of that happening, Vince, are slim and none!

VJ: Lots of heat going into this one. This is the third one-on-one meeting between these two since SlamFest. It was there that the Hurricane pinned CM Punk in a Triple Threat match to win the title for a second time. Kash, of course, the third man in that match wanted a rematch, which he received a month later at On Deadly Ground, and it was there that he used the leverage of the ropes to win the title from the Hurricane. The two men would meet again in May at Showtime, which Kash won with the help of CM Punk, kickstarting an alliance between those two to rid the UWA of the likes of the Hurricane and other top contenders to that title...as there you see, right now Kash is jawing with the fans...Hurricane looks somewhat anxious in there...

DD: This is gonna be good, Vince.

VJ: Here we go now with the lock up! Collar and elbow tie-up...both men trying to jockey for position...side headlock applied by Kash here...OH! Hurricane with the waist drag sends Kash straight to the mat...and it looks like the champ is gonna take a breather on the arena floor! Kid Kash to the outside...these fans not happy about that...

DD: Please, Vince! These fans don't know anything. This is great psychology by Kid Kash! There's a reason that he's the I-C Champ!

VJ: Well...he's taking the count of the official as there you see Hurricane in the ring...he looks ready to go! Hurricane looks anxious, Dave...as now, you see Kash heading back into the ring. Kash...apparently has gathered himself...heh! And these fans letting him hear it, Dave!

DD: Show some respect for the champ, you morons!

VJ: Both men now circling in the ring...and once again there's the lock up! Kash and Hurricane now...locking up again...and once again Kash comes away with the headlock! Kid Kash now...grinding it in...AND ONCE AGAIN HE GETS TAKEN RIGHT DOWN BY THE HURRICANE!!!! Hurricane with another waist drag...and again, Kid Kash takes a powder on the outside! What in the world...

DD: It's psychology, Vince! It's all about psychology!

VJ: Kid Kash...for the second time in less than 2 minutes has bailed out to the floor...Hurricane is not happy about that at all, and from the sound of things, these fans are echoing his sentiment!

DD: Johnson, just relax! I assure you that Kid Kash knows exactly what he's doing in there!

VJ: Well I'm glad you know what he's doing, because from the looks of things, it seems as if the Champ's a bit reluctant to match up with the Hurricane here. It seems that he may be a little scared if you ask me!

DD: Well I didn't ask you, and it's dumb ass comments like that that show why we don't pay you to think out here! Check out Kid Kash's gameplan! This guy is a genius, and he's fixing to show you why in a few moments!

VJ: Kash now back into the ring, and now you hear Hurricane...yelling at him to "keep it in the ring." Hurricane seemingly a bit flustered by Kash's antics here in the early going as these two men go face-to-face yet again. Kid Kash and the Hurricane! Champion and challenger! And here we go! Lock-up--NO!!! Kash ducks under Hurricane's attempt and...OH!

DD: HAHA!!!! Did you see that?!?!

VJ: Kash...Kid Kash just slapped the Hurricane! Kash slapped him right in the face, and look at this son of a bitch now! Hiding behind the official...Hurricane trying to get a piece of the champion...

DD: Watch and learn, Vince! Watch and learn...HAHA!

VJ: Oh c'mon!! Kash with a right hand right over the shoulder of the ref!!!! Hurricane got floored by that cheap shot from Kash, and now look at the champion...stomping away...Kid Kash is putting the boots to the Hurricane! Right to the shoulder, ladies and gentlemen...and now Kash applies the armbar! Kid Kash with the Hurricane grounded here, folks...

DD: And I love it! C'mon, Vince! Even you've gotta admit that was clever!

VJ: It was cheap--that's what it was! Certainly indicative of the kind of reign this man has had as he cinches up on that arm of the challenger! Hurricane grimacing in pain on the mat...that shoulder of his being torqued right across the knee of the I-C Champ, as Kash now...c'mon!!


VJ: Kid Kash now paintbrushing the challenger! Slapping the Hurricane in the back of the head! Now this is uncalled for!

DD: This is great, Vince! I mean look at this idiot! He's not in Kid Kash's league!

VJ: Kid Kash trying to humiliate the challenger here! Trying to get underneath the skin of the Hurricane, and judging from the look on his face, he could be succeeding here! Hurricane...perhaps getting a little flustered here, as he tries to roll back to his feet...

DD: Uh oh! Watch it Kid!

VJ: Hurricane now at a vertical base as Kid Kash...that armbar still applied...Hurricane driving Kid Kash into the ropes here! Looking to find a way of escape...AND HE DOES!!!!! Modified armdrag takedown sends the champion straight to the mat! Kash quickly returns to his feet...Hurricane charges in, but Kash with the bi paso sends him into the ropes! Coming off now...hiptoss sends him straight to the mat! Kash moves in--but catches two feet to the chest from the challenger! To the mat he goes! Both men back up now, and Hurricane sweeps the leg right out from under him! Lateral press gets 1...as now both men quickly return to their feet...Hurricane with a double leg takedown--INTO THE JACKKNIFE CRADLE!!!!! SHOULDERS ARE DOWN FOR A COUNT OF 2...Kash kicks out before the count of three! Both men back to their feet again, and Hurricane scores with an armdrag! Kash back to his feet again--AND HE GETS TAKEN OVER WITH ANOTHER!!!!! A third armdrag by the challenger has Kid Kash on the canvas, and now Hurricane has the armbar applied! Hurricane with that right arm of Kid Kash...

DD: C'mon!!!

VJ: And now Hurricane returning the favor! Hurricane slapping the head of Kid Kash...

DD: Now what about this, Vince?! He can't do this to the champ!

VJ: Turnabout is fairplay, Dave! Kid Kash getting a taste of his own medicine as now Hurricane cinches up on that arm! Kash with a pained expression on his face as he lies on the canvas...and at the moment, the Hurricane is in control!

DD: Well that won't be for long, Vince! Just watch...SEE!

VJ: Kash rolling back to his feet now...just as the Hurricane did before him, and now he's back to a standing position! Kid Kash...Hurricane still has the arm, as now Kash backs him into the ropes...OH! He went for the armdrag, but Hurricane hung on!

DD: What?!

VJ: Hurricane...Kash looking to duplicate what the Hurricane did earlier on, but was unsuccessful! The armbar still applied on Kash, and now watch the Hurricane...OH! Driving that knee right into the shoulder of the champion...AGAIN!!!!

DD: Damn it, Vince! This is not fair!

VJ: The Hurricane still in control of this one, folks! Still with that arm barred as Kid Kash...wait a minute! Kash rolling to his feet yet again! Now at a standing position is Kid Kash, and look at him here...looking for a reversal...into a hammerlock--BUT NO!!!! Hurricane able to maintain, and now he's got the wristlock applied to Kash! The I-C Champ...a trace of frustration on his face there, as now he goes to the mat with the forward roll! Kid Kash--OH!!!!! HE TRIED THE KIP UP, BUT HURRICANE DROPS DOWN AND CINCHES RIGHT UP ON ANOTHER ARMBAR!!!! THE HURRICANE WITH THE ARMBAR APPLIED, AND KID KASH CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! Kid Kash slapping the mat in frustration...

DD: Calm down, Kid! Calm down!

VJ: That's three times now that Kash thought he'd found a way of escape! Three times he's thought he had the counter to this hold by the Hurricane, only to have the Hurricane be one step ahead, Dave!

DD: Well don't get your hopes up, Vince! This idiot's been running on nothing but luck here, and it's fixing to run out any minute now!

VJ: Hurricane now bringing Kash back to his feet here...and now look at that! Driving his own shoulder right into the shoulder of Kid Kash....one more time by the Hurricane...and now he WIIIINDS up on that arm! Hurricane wringing the arm of Kid Kash...and that look on his face says it all, Dave!

DD: C'mon, Kid! You cannot let this idiot outwrestle you!

VJ: That's exactly what's happening here as Kash...wait a minute! Handful of hair brings Hurricane back into the buckle! Referee Jonathan calling for the break here...will we get a clean one?

DD: Well...

VJ: Hurricane...OH NO! Kash on the break just drove that shoulder into the gut of the challenger! There's a hard chop to the chest now...Hurricane in some pain in the corner! There's an Irish whip by Kash...he follows him into the buckle, but watch the Hurricane! There's the tip up...the challenger goes up and over Kid Kash! Into the ropes now he goes...Kash out to meet him--HE GETS FLOORED WITH A SHOULDERBLOCK! Hurricane into the ropes once again...Kash onto his stomach for the drop down...Hurricane off the other side now...hip toss by Kash--COUNTERED INTO ONE OF HIS OWN!!!! Kash tastes the canvas once again! Back to his feet and he catches a dropkick from the Hurricane! Kash to his feet again, and this time he walks into a hard right hand! Irish whip by Hurricane...Kid Kash coming off--NO! Kash holds on, and once again he bails to the outside!

DD: Smart move, Vince! Very smart move!

VJ: These fans not very appreciative...

DD: Well these fans don't know good wrestling when they see it! That was a smart move by Kid Kash! He was losing control of the pace, and he slowed it right back down to his liking!

VJ: Kid Kash taking another breather on the outside...as once again, these fans in Madison Square Garden let him hear it...

DD: Shut up you idiots...oh wait a minute, Vince! Look!

VJ: Watch Hurricane! Hurricane to the top!


VJ: Kash on the floor! Kash is busy arguing with the fans, and watch Hurricane! Hurricane from the top--



DD: Damn it, Vince! These morons distracting Kid Kash...oh Kid!

VJ: Kash is in trouble on the floor, and now look at Hurricane! Hurricane is ready to roll...OH! There's a hard chop to the chest of the champion! Another one has Kash writhing in pain! Kash rolled back into the ring now, and watch the challenger! Hurricane's headed up top once again...

DD: Oh Kid!

VJ: Hurricane scaling the buckle...Kid Kash is out on his feet...AND THERE'S ANOTHER CROSSBODY!!!!! This one in the ring and he's got him hooked! Hurricane has him--1...2...OH NO! Only a two-count for the Hurricane, as the challenger gets right back on him! Hurricane with the arm once again, bringing Kash back to his feet here...and now--OOOH! Hard chop sends him straight to the canvas! Hurricane brings him back up again...AND FLOORS HIM WITH ANOTHER!

DD: Damn!

VJ: That sickening sound of skin on skin in there! Kash's chest getting ripped to shreds on that one, as Hurricane has him once again! Irish whip sends him into the buckle...Hurricane charges in...watch Kash--


VJ: Kash able to tip up! Hurricane got caught coming in, and now Kash brings him over with the sunset flip! Shoulders are down...

DD: He could have him here...

VJ: NO! Only a count of two as both men return to their feet! Kash once again with the side headlock applied! Kid Kash...grinding that arm across the ear of the Hurricane, but watch the challenger now! Bringing Kid Kash down...


VJ: Kash holds on! Kid Kash manages to maintain the headlock!

DD: Yeah! Not this time, Vince!

VJ: Kid Kash with the hold applied on the mat here! He had that one scouted, as now Hurricane looks to find a way of escape...oh wait a minute now! Kash rolled back onto his shoulders...only a two count, as it's reversed right back into the original position! Kid Kash...Kash trying to grind it in once again...but once again watch Hurricane! Shoulders down again...

DD: Watch it, Kid!

VJ: Again, only a two count, as Kid Kash...once again rolling into a controlled position.

DD: Man! He had me a little worried there for a second!

VJ: What a match this has been thus far as Kash once again grinds in that headlock! Hurricane...he's got those arms wrapped around the waist of Kid Kash! Perhaps he's gonna try and roll him over once again, Dave...he does--

DD: But look at Kash--

VJ: OH! KASH!!! Kash able to roll back to his feet, and he drops that elbow right into the back of the Hurricane...ONCE AGAIN! This time to the back of the head of the challenger! And now watch Kid Kash...Hurricane being brought back to his feet here...AND THERE'S ANOTHER HARD CHOP TO THE CHEST! Another one sends him staggering into the ropes, here! There's the Irish whip by Kid Kash...Hurricane coming off--AND HE GETS BLASTED WITH A SPINNING WHEEL KICK!

DD: Right on the jaw!

VJ: Hurricane may be out...Kash with the cover...1...2...NO! Hurricane gets the shoulder up!

DD: Are you sure, Vince?! That looked like a three to me!

VJ: I wouldn't have been surprised if he got the three there, as Hurricane is brought back up to a seated position by Kash...OH! And a hard soccer kick to the lower back by Kash...THERE'S ANOTHER ONE...AND ANOTH--

DD: OOH! Did you hear that, Vince?!

VJ: That sickening thud against the lower back of Hurricane! Hurricane is in trouble--AND THERE'S A DROPKICK RIGHT TO THE HEAD OF THE CHALLENGER!! RIGHT IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD!

DD: HAHA! I love it, Vince! Who's da champ! Who's da champ?!

VJ: Well at the moment it is that man! For how much longer, time will tell! Hurricane now in the buckle...Kid Kash has him once again...AND ANOTHER HARD CHOP TO THE CHEST!!!! Kash...ANOTHER ONE!

DD: He almost chopped his chest head off!

VJ: Kid Kash--LOOK AT THE CHEST, DAVE! The imprint of Kash's hand can be seen on the chest of the Hurricane! As Kash now with the Irish whip! Hurricane goes hard into the opposite buckle, and...oh look at this!

DD: HAHA! Here we go, Vince!

VJ: Kash showboating for the fans! Hurricane leaning against the buckle, and here comes Kash now! Full head of steam towards the Hurricane...he was looking for the monkey flip there, but he got caught!

DD: What?!

VJ: Hurricane caught him! Kash could be in trouble here as Hurricane turns him around and sets him up on the top! Hurricane--OOH! What a palm strike!

DD: Oh no, Kid!

VJ: Hurricane...ANOTHER catches him right in the nose! Hurricane now climbing the ropes with Kash! Perhaps a superplex coming up, but--NO! Kash with a hard right hand changes those plans! Another one! Kash now has the Hurricane hooked...

DD: Look at this, Vince! Look at this...OH!

VJ: TORNADO DDT!!!! Beautifully executed by Kash! Lateral press there...doesn't hook the leg, and thus Hurricane is able to kickout from that one!

DD: What's the matter with you, Kash! You coulda had him there!

VJ: Kash...maybe feeling some of the effects of that palm strike! I'm not sure...as he brings Hurricane back to his feet here...and takes him right back over with a snap mare! Hurricane is down...AND THERE'S ANOTHER HARD KICK TO THE LOWER BACK BY KASH!!!!! Another one! Kid Kash now with the arms...

DD: Could be going for the surfboard here!

VJ: Oh...that's exactly what he's going for! Modified surfboard by Kash! Look at the placement of his foot...right against the lower back of the former two-time champ!

DD: Yeah, Vince! I love it! Put on the pressure Kid...YEAH!

VJ: Kash yanking back on the arms...that look on the face of the Hurricane says it all...

DD: And I think his mouth is saying a little bit more! I think he quit, Vince!

VJ: He did not! Referee Jim Jonathan is right there to see if he can continue as Hurricane...the look of anguish on his face...

DD: Quit, you idiot! You know you want to!

VJ: But he's not! Hurricane trying to hold on...as this capacity crowd now, trying to will him back into this thing! Hurricane...trying to get the adrenaline pumping! Trying to combat this painful hold by the I-C Champ, as now you see him...

DD: Oh no, Kid!

VJ: Hurricane...fighting his way back up to a knee! Kid Kash still with the arms...still cranking back on this hold, but Hurricane's fighting it! Hurricane...fighting back to his feet!

DD: Oh no, Kash! Do something! Quick!

VJ: This capacity crowd is making some noise, Dave! This crowd...WATCH HURRICANE! Hurricane trying to turn into this thing...


VJ: OH! There's a boot to the gut of Kid Kash! Another one doubles him over! Hurricane now...

DD: Oh wait a minute, Vince!

VJ: Hurricane with the arms hooked! He's not wasting any time here...

DD: Watch it, Kash! Watch--NO!

VJ: The Vertebreaker! HE'S GOT HIM UP...

DD: Fight it Kid! FIGHT--YES!

VJ: Oh! Kash able to roll off the back and he shoves Hurricane into the ropes! Coming off now is the Hurricane--AND HE RUNS RIGHT INTO A DROPKICK FROM KASH!!!!! Hurricane got nailed right on the jaw by that one! Right on the jaw...as now Kash heads out to the apron! Kid Kash...what's he got in mind, Dave!

DD: I dunno, Vince...but...look!

VJ: Hurricane back to his feet...Hurricane looks dazed as now Kash...Kash springboarding off the top...AND HE CONNECTS WITH THE REVERSE ELBOW!!! Springboard reverse elbow connects! Cover...1...2...NO SIR!!! Hurricane gets that shoulder off the mat before the count of three! Kash came very close on that one, Dave...as now he brings Hurricane back to a seated position, and look at this! Just hammering away is Kid Kash...right to the head! Right to the temple of the challenger!

DD: Yeah, Kid! Beat him like he stole something!

VJ: Kash now...oh! Crimping that neck of the challenger! Just twisting that head and neck is Kid Kash...and the Hurricane...my goodness, Dave!

DD: He's trying to twist his head off like a bottlecap, Johnson!

VJ: That he is! Kash just...cracking on that head! Hurricane...trying to fight it off! Those blows not doing any real damage as Kash brings him back to his feet here...and he applies another headlock! The headlock cinched in by Kash...AND NOW LOOK AT HIM HAMMER AWAY! Right hands...right to the head of the challenger, and--OH! Kid Kash twisting off there...just cracking the neck of the challenger, and Hurricane...he's hurt, Dave!

DD: Kash is really putting it to him here, Vince!

VJ: The Hurricane...face down on the canvas here as Kid Kash...oh look at this! Just standing on the lower back of the Hurricane! Just pressing all of his weight down onto the small of the back is Kid Kash...

DD: Watch this, Vince! Watch this...

VJ: What the...OH! Big elbow drop right into the lower back by Kash! Kash used that bottom rope to propel himself for that move...and now once again...THIS TIME WITH AN ELBOW DELIVERED TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD! Kid Kash now...and look at him here! Right up in the face of the Hurricane! Kash taunting the challenger here...

DD: And I love it! Tell him, Kid! He's no match for you!

VJ: Kid Kash is in full control here, ladies and gentlemen, as now he has Hurricane by the hair! Kash now...bringing him out to the center of the ring--OH WATCH HURRICANE! HURRICANE WITH A RIGHT HAND TO THE GUT OF KID KASH!

DD: Huh?!

VJ: Hurricane...there's another! He's still got some fight here, Dave! Hurricane now off the ropes...here he comes--

DD: Watch Ki--AHAHAHAHA!!!!!

VJ: RIGHT INTO ANOTHER SPINNING WHEEL KICK!!!!!! Hurricane...I'm not sure if Kash got all of that one, but watch him here! Kash with Hurricane now in the standing headscissors! He's got him up...AND HE DROPS HIM WITH A PILEDRIVER!!!!!!

DD: That's it! That'll do it!

VJ: Kid Kash has the cover! He's got 2...he's got...NO!

DD: What?!

VJ: He can't put him away! Kid Kash was unable to put him away!

DD: C'mon, Kid!

VJ: Kash...I don't think he can believe that one as he brings Hurricane back to a seated position...OH! And he drives the knee right into the lower back of the challenger! And again by Kash...and now he cinches up on the rear chinlock! Kid Kash with the hold applied...

DD: And look at this, Johnson! Look at the positioning! That knee buried right into the spine! Kash has his hands locked right up under the chin, and look at him crank back on the head of the Hurricane!

VJ: This move effecting...basically the two areas that Kash has focused on throughout this one--the back and the neck!

DD: Yeah Vince! I'm not sure how effective this is, though, considering that this idiot was born without a spine!

VJ: He was...will you stop?!

DD: What?

VJ: Hurricane is in some real trouble...this move not only puts pressure on the neck, but it also restricts the flow of blood to the brain, Dave!

DD: Yeah! And what's also great about the positioning of that knee is that your opponent can't expand his lungs! He has trouble getting air into that body...and he could be going out here, Vince!

VJ: Referee Jonathan is right there to check with the Hurricane! He is right there to see if the former champion can continue as Kash...Kash continuing to apply pressure! The referee raising the right arm of the Hurricane...

DD: This is it, Vince! This is it--

VJ: NO!!!! The arm doesn't drop! Hurricane's still in this thing!

DD: What?!

VJ: Hurricane refusing to give in here, Dave! As now this crowd once again starts making noise! Listen to the rumble, Dave! These fans trying to will Hurricane back into this thing...

DD: They're fixing to will this idiot right into a hospital visit! C'mon Kid!

VJ: Hurricane now...he's got that fist pumping! The adrenaline flowing once again, as now he turns over to a knee! Kash...still with the hands locked as Hurricane...Hurricane fights back to his feet!

DD: Oh no, Kash! You'd better watch it...OH LOOK AT THIS!

VJ: Kash now converting that hold right back into the side headlock...but watch Hurricane! Hurricane with the elbows...firing off...


VJ: THE HOLD IS BROKEN!!! Kid Kash has released the hold! Hurricane off the ropes now...Kash ducks the clothesline--AND RIGHT BACK INTO ANOTHER ONE!


VJ: Kash with the headlock applied! Hurricane...there's another waistdrag, and down goes Kash! Both men back to there feet here...full head of steam and--

DD: OH!!!!


DD: They may have cracked their heads wide open, Vince!

VJ: I wouldn't be surprised at all if that was the case! And both men are down! Both men may be out...as referee Jim Jonathan puts the count down! He's up to 1...2...

DD: Oh Kid! C'mon, get up!

VJ: We're up to 3, and neither man has moved, ladies and gentlemen! Kid Kash and Hurricane...they are down and they are out!

DD: Well, on the bright side, Vince, this is to the advantage of Kid Kash! In the event of a double countout, the title stays with him! Remember: Hurricane has to beat him, not the other way around!

VJ: That is absolutely the case as these two athletes now...both men starting to stir as the referee's count hits 5! Jonathan...we're up to 6!

DD: Oh, c'mon Kid!

VJ: This crowd once again making some noise here! They certainly don't wanna see this one end in a double countout, as now we've got both men trying to pick themselves up off the canvas! Both men trying to get back to their feet! The count will cease as soon as one of these men roll over here...as now Kash...yes! Kash now pulling himself onto his knees, and the count will stop!

DD: Yes! C'mon, Kid!

VJ: Hurricane stirring as well, folks! Hurricane...now it's the challenger pulling himself up onto his knees...but watch Kash! Kid Kash is waiting on him...AND HE HAMMERS HIM WITH A RIGHT HAND! Right into the head of the former I-C Champ...AND HURRICANE FIRES BACK WITH AN OPEN HAND SLAP TO THE CHEST!

DD: Damn it, Kid! C'mon!

VJ: Kash fires back with another right...HURRICANE RIGHT BACK WITH ANOTHER SLAP!

DD: Damn it, Vince! Can you believe this?!

VJ: Hurricane and Kash! Hurricane and Kash! These two men are fighting from their knees, ladies and gentlemen...

DD: And Kash is getting the upper hand here! Look!

VJ: Kash...oh! Kash is able to put a couple of right hands together here, and now watch this! The champion bringing Hurricane back to his feet, and there's another side headlock! Kash once again has it locked in...OH, but watch Hurricane! Kash shoved hard into the buckle...Hurricane off the ropes--AND THERE'S THE NECKBREAKER!!!!! That patented reverse neckbreaker by the Hurricane, and now listen to this crowd! These fans...they're on their feet, as now the Hurricane returns to his!

DD: Oh no, Vince!

VJ: Hurricane is feeling it! He can feel the tide shift back into his favor as now Kash...Kid Kash back to his feet...

DD: Look out...

VJ: OH! Hard right hand sends him straight to the canvas! Another one by the Hurricane and Kid Kash hits the deck again! Hurricane with Kash once again...there's an Irish whip into the far side...coming off...there's the reverse elbow...Kash managed to duck under and send Hurricane in with a whip of his own! Hurricane coming off now...look at this...

DD: Oh...oh wait a minute--

VJ: OH MY GOODNESS! SATELITE HEADSCISSORS BY THE CHALLENGER! Kid Kash nearly slung to the floor on that one!

DD: Damn it, Kid!

VJ: Kash back to his feet...and he walks right into another right hand! Another one sends him back into the buckle! Hurricane now...mounting the champion...

DD: Oh no, Vince! Not this!

VJ: Hurricane with Kid Kash in the buckle! These fans have come to their feet, and here we go!

Crowd: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...

VJ: Oh my goodness! 7 right hands to the head of Kid Kash...

DD: But watch Kash, Vince! Watch him!

VJ: Kash has the Hurricane hooked! Kash...Kash looking for a powerbomb here--

DD: OH NO!!!!!


DD: Kid...


DD: No!

VJ: HE'S GOT 1...HE'S GOT 2...HE'S GOT...OH!!!!!


VJ: Kash able to get the shoulder up and...man! These fans were holding their breath on that one!

DD: Well they can hold it until your mom comes home, Vince, because I promise you that's about as close as that idiot is gonna get!

VJ: Would you leave my mother outta this, thank you? Hurricane with Kash once again--THERE'S THE RIGHT HAND! Hurricane bringing Kash back to the buckle here...and now he sets him up on the top! Hurricane just set the champion up on the top here, and now what's he got in mind?

DD: I dunno, Vince! But I don't like this...

VJ: Hurricane climbing the ropes with Kash...perhaps a belly-to-back superplex...no! Kash able to stick that reverse elbow into the jaw of the Hurricane! Another one sends him tumbling to the mat, and now watch Kash here! Kash trying to steady himself up on top...Hurricane pulling himself back to his feet...

DD: But watch Kash here, Vince! Watch it...

VJ: OH MY!!! Twisting sunset flip from the top! What a move by Kash, and now the Hurricane...

DD: Drop, you idiot!

VJ: Hurricane trying to keep his balance...

DD: Drop, you idiot! Drop!

VJ: Hurricane...Kash working as hard as he can to bring him over...AND HE DOES--NO! Hurricane rolls through! Hurricane rolls through, and now with Kash here...SMALL PACKAGE!



DD: Not close enough! C'mon, Kid!

VJ: Kid Kash...man! Both men back to their feet here...right hand by Hurricane--OH! Rake at the face by Kash...and now the headlock! Kash once again with the headlock applied...but Hurricane shoves him into the ropes! Hurricane...once again looking for the clothesline, but Kash ducks under and tries the headlock agai--



DD: Fight it, Kash!

VJ: Hurricane...Kid Kash desperately reaching for the ropes...Hurricane dragging him out to the center of the ring...

DD: Oh my gosh, Kash! Do something! Do something!

VJ: Kid Kash now...turning into that sleeper and now with the waistdrag...BUT NO! HURRICANE HOLDS ON!!! HURRICANE HOLDS ON! JUST AS KID KASH DID EARLIER ON!

DD: Oh no, Vince! Oh no!

VJ: Hurricane has it locked in! The Hurricane refusing to release this hold as Kash now...Kash able to fight back to his feet...Hurricane with the hold still applied as...OH NO! Both men go tumbling through the ropes! Desperation move by Kash to break that hold, but Hurricane once again manages to hold on! Both men landed on their feet on the outside...Hurricane is determined to put Kash's title reign to sleep by any means...

DD: Wait a minute! Watch Kash! Watch...

VJ: What in the...


VJ and DD: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

(The crowd pops BIG in the background, and loud chants of "Holy Shit" echo throughout the arena)


VJ: Hell yeah I saw it! CHA-CHING!!!!! Kid Kash with Cha-Ching to the Hurricane...Hurricane's back just exploded off of that steel post!!!! Hurricane...Kash desperate to break the hold by any means, Dave!

DD: Yeah, well, he broke more than that hold! He may have just broken this idiot's damn back!

VJ: Hurricane writhing in pain on the arena floor! Hurricane...oh he is hurt badly, folks...AND NOW LOOK AT KASH! Stomping right away at the lower back of the challenger!

DD: Which is smart wrestling, Vince! If your opponent has an injury, you go right after it, and that's just what Kid Kash is doing here!

VJ: Hurricane sent back into the ring now, and here comes Kash right after him! Kid Kash...there's an elbow drop right to the lower back of the challenger! There's another one! Kid Kash not letting up at all!

DD: Damn right, Vince! Kash is showing no mercy!

VJ: Kash bringing the challenger back to his feet now...OH! A forearm shot right to the lower back of the Hurricane! Another one! Kash now with the Irish whi--GEEEEZ!!!

DD: Oh my God, did you see that?!

VJ: The Hurricane just whipped back first into that buckle! What impact on that Irish whip!

DD: The ring moved a foot on that one, Johnson!

VJ: The Hurricane on the canvas now...clutching at that lower back...oh, and here's Kash once again! Kid Kash...there's a knee right into the lower back of the Hurricane! Another one! Kash with a handful of hair brings him to a vertical base now...and once again with the Irish WHIP--OH GOD!!!!


VJ: HE'S TRYING TO BREAK THE MAN'S BACK, DAMN IT! Hurricane bouncing hard off the buckle once again, Dave!

DD: He hit that thing like a superball, Vince!

VJ: No kidding! Hurricane...I can't even imagine the kinda pain his lower back is in, as now Kid Kash...look at him! Hovering above the Hurricane...

DD: Yeah, that's right, Kid! You've got him! It's in the bag now!

VJ: You know...at the moment, I have to agree with you there. Hurricane's back is in all kinds of pain! The look on his face is one of aguish, Dave! You can just tell he's in excrutiating pain, as now Kid Kash...oh c'mon! Kash taunting him! Kash slapping him in the back of the head here!

DD: He's got him right where he wants him--HEY!

VJ: Oh! Hurricane's not outta this one yet! Hard right hand to the gut of the champion! Hurricane...hammering away with everything he can muster! Back to his feet now is Hurricane--BUT KASH CATCHES HIM WITH A BOOT TO THE GUT!


VJ: Kid Kash halting that attempted flurry from the Hurricane, and now what's he going for?! Kash has him set up...


VJ: POWERBOMB!!!!!! POWERBOMB BY KID KASH, AND THAT COULD DO IT!! Cover...hook of the leg...and..NO!!!!


VJ: He kicked out! Hurricane kicked out!

DD: No way, Vince!

VJ: Hurricane...Kash can't believe it! Kid Kash can't believe it!

DD: That's because it didn't happen! That was a three and you know it, Vince!

VJ: Kid Kash...Kash arguing with the official! He cannot believe...hey wait a minute? What's running through his mind now?!

DD: I dunno, Vince!

VJ: Kid Kash...eyeing the corner! Kid Kash eyeing those turnbuckles...and now...what is he doing?! Don't tell me he's gonna...OH NO!

DD: Oh yes, Vince! Yes!

VJ: Kash removing that turnbuckle pad! Kid Kash...

DD: He's exposing the STEEL, Vince! STEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!!!!! HAHA!

VJ: I can't believe...the referee trying to stop him, but Kid Kash shoves him aside! Kash loosening that turnbuckle pad...trying to expose that steel knob underneath, and now...C'MON!

DD: Here we go, Vinnie!

VJ: He's got it off! Kash has removed that padding, ladies and gentlemen...and now he's heading over to the Hurricane! Kid Kash...trying to bring the Hurricane back to his feet--BUT LOOK AT THE REF! The ref trying to stop him...

DD: Get outta the way you idiot!

VJ: The referee standing in the path of Kash...trying to prevent him from using that exposed turnbuckle, and now--DAMN IT!!! Kash just shoved the ref to the canvas!! The ref is down...

DD: HAHA! Right on his ass, Vince! Right on his ass!

VJ: Kash once again with the Hurricane...Kash...

DD: He's gonna whip him right into that steel Vince!

VJ: Oh no! He'll break his back damn it! No--OH!!!!!

DD: OH NO!!!


DD: Get up, Kid!

VJ: Kash...he may be out! Hurricane with the cover! Lateral press on Kash! The referee into position...

DD: Oh my God, NO!

VJ: 1...2...NEW CHAMP--OH MY GOD!!!!!


VJ: I thought he had him! I coulda sworn...

DD: But he didn't! You're still in this thing, Kid! C'mon!

VJ: Hurricane can't believe it! He thought he had the title won, as now he brings Kash back to his feet here! Hurricane now...with Kid Kash hooked...Hurricane looking to bring him over for a backslide...

DD: Oh no!

VJ: He's got him! Kash in the center of the ring...he's got 2...OH!!!! DAMN IT!

DD: And only 2, Vince! Only 2! He can't put him away!

VJ: Hurricane...once again just a half second shy of a 3-peat, as now he brings Kash back to his feet again! Hurricane now...he has him goozled! He has Kash goozled, and--OH! Thumb to the eye by the champion! Another desperation move by Kid Kash to buy himself some time...

DD: Yeah! C'mon, Kid!

VJ: Hurricane momentarily blinded! Kash looking to shake the effects of that exposed buckle as now he charges in...full head of steam by Kid Kash--OH MY GOODNESS! HE GOES FOR THE RIDE!! RIGHT OVER THE TOP ROPE COURTESY OF THE HURRICANE! Kid Kash hit the floor hard...

DD: Oh my goodness, Vince! I can't believe this!

VJ: Kash is down on the outside! Kash now trying to get back to his feet, and now...wait a minute! Where's he going?

DD: Uh...site seeing?

VJ: Site seeing?! Kid Kash is leaving! Kid Kash is headed back up the ramp...

DD: Now wait a minute, Vince...

VJ: Wait my ass! I can't believe this son of a bitch would try and save his title this way...watch Hurricane! Hurricane's headed out after him...

DD: Oh no! Faster, Kid! Faster!

VJ: Hurricane from behind...HE'S GOT HIM! Hurricane with Kash by the hair...now bringing him back down to the ring...

DD: Oh no, Kid! Oh no--

VJ: OH! Kash goes facefirst into the apron! Once again thanks to the Hurricane, and now the challenger rolls him back into the ring! Fans...you've got the feeling that Kid Kash is on the run here as Hurricane climbs to the apron! Hurricane now measuring Kid...what's he gonna do...

DD: Oh no!

VJ: Slingshot into a leg drop! Hurricane landing right on the head of Kid Kash! Cover...the leg is hooked...2...

DD: NO!!! He kicked out, Vince! He kicked out!

VJ: Kid Kash...my goodness! You have to wonder just what the Hurricane must do to defeat Kid Kash here tonight!

DD: There's absolutely nothing he can do, Vince! Kid Kash can't be defeated! Look at this...

VJ: Hurricane with Kash now...

DD: Uh oh!

VJ: Yeah, uh oh is right! Hurricane with Kid Kash hooked! He may be going for it again! Hurricane could be looking for another Vertebreaker here...AND HE'S GOT HIM UP...OH! He tweaked his back!


VJ: That back still damaged after suffering the Cha-Ching into the post, and now watch Kash now! From behind with the waistlock...



DD: This is it!

VJ: 1...2...THR--OH NO!!!!!!! Hurricane kicked out! Hurricane kicked out!

DD: Are you kidding me, Vince?! No way!

VJ: Hell yeah, he kicked out, and Kid Kash can't believe it! Kid Kash can't believe it! And now you've gotta wonder just what Kash has to do to retain the title tonight! Just what he has to do to defeat the Hurricane!

DD: We could be about to see it any second now! Get him, Kid!

VJ: Kash...wait a minute! Kash out to the apron...

DD: Huh?!

VJ: Kash...he looks to be headed to the top!

DD: Now I don't like this, Vince! Kash is too loopy! I don't think he's fully recovered from hitting that buckle!

VJ: He's going up top anyway! Kid Kash scaling the buckle...he looks to be a little unsteady, Dave! Kid Kash...trying to keep his balance on the top--OH HE FELL!!!

DD: Damn it, Vince! I knew this was a mistake!

VJ: Kid Kash fell! Kid Kash is straddling the top turnbuckle, and now here comes the Hurricane! Hurricane coming to his feet...can he capitalize?!

DD: I dunno, Vince! Look at that back! It's still giving him trouble!

VJ: Indeed it is! Hurricane with that hand over his lower back, but look at him, Dave! Hurricane is fighting through the pain...AND NOW HE'S GOING UP WITH KID KASH!

DD: Oh wait a minute!

VJ: Hurricane...the challenger climbing up onto that middle rope, and now he's got Kash hooked! The Hurricane...he's looking for a superplex!

DD: No way, Vince! No way he gets him with that back of his!

VJ: He's damn sure gonna try, however! Hurricane...Hurricane has Kid Kash here...here it comes--OH!

DD: HAHA! See, I told ya, Vince! I told ya!

VJ: Hurricane unable to lift him do to the back, and now look at Kash trying to fight his way free! Kash fighting his way free of the clutching of the Hurricane...AND LOOK AT HIM NOW! Slamming Hurricane's head into the top turnbuckle...and now hammering away with clubbing forearms to the lower back!

DD: Yeah, Kid! C'mon!

VJ: Kid Kash...Hurricane is hurt! Hurricane is in trouble on the ropes, and now look at Kash! Kash butterflying the arms here...

DD: Oh my gosh, Vince! You don't think...

VJ: Kash with Hurricane on top! Don't tell me he's gonna...

DD: The Money Maker! He's going for it!


DD: Yes Kid! Drive him right through the mat!

VJ: This crowd is on its feet here as Kid Kash...OH! Hurricane with a forearm shot to the gut! Another! Hurricane fighting free! Hurricane fighting his way free! And now with Kid KASH--

DD: OH NO!!!


DD: Oh Kid!

VJ: Kash is hurt! Kid Kash is hurt, ladies and gentlemen, and now watch the Hurricane! Hurricane measuring him from the ropes...

DD: Watch it, Kid! Look out--NO!


DD: Shut up, Vince!

VJ: Hurricane...his back still in pain! All he's gotta do is roll over...AND HE'S GOT IT! Hurricane with the cover...THERE'S 1...2...3--OH GOD! HE KICKED OUT!

DD: Yes! Yes!

VJ: That slight hesitation right there may have just cost Hurricane the title! Hurricane...Kid Kash is still in this thing for the time being...as now Hurricane...Hurricane with a handful of hair brings him back to his feet! Hurricane signaling to the crowd...

DD: Uh oh!

VJ: Hurricane...the inverted facelock applied, and you know what he's going for, Dave! Eye of the Hurricane coming up--

DD: Look out, Kid...

VJ: OH WAIT A MINUTE! Kash turns into it and shoves him into the ropes! Coming off now is the Hurricane...right into the arms of Kid Kash...OH NO!

DD: Did you see that?!

VJ: Hot shot! Kash with the Hot Shot just dropped the challenger throat first across the top! Hurricane is stunned by that one...AND THERE'S KASH WITH A BOOT TO THE MIDSECTION! He's got him set up...

DD: Wait a minute, Vince! Wait--OH MY GOD!!!!!!!



VJ: Hurricane's back just driven down across that steel knob, damn it! Hurricane...

DD: He broke his back there, Vince! He had to! He had to!

VJ: And watch Kash capitalize now! Hurricane writhing in pain on the mat, and now Kash with the legs! Kash grapevining the legs...Hurricane doing his best to fight him off...

DD: C'mon, Kid! C'mon!

VJ: Hurricane...Hurricane doing his damndest to break away from Kid Kash, but Kash has him hooked! Kash has him hooked, folks! And now he turns him over...


VJ: The Cloverleaf! Texas Cloverleaf! Hurricane is screaming in pain!

DD: It's over, Vince! It's all over now!

VJ: Kid Kash leaning back with all his might! Hurricane...Hurricane is scratching...clawing...doing everything in his power to get to the ropes! Hurricane...those ropes just out of reach...OH! AND NOW KASH DRAGS HIM OUT TO THE CENTER OF THE RING!! KID KASH SETS THE HOLD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING!!!!

DD: HAHA! He's got him, Vince! He's got him!

VJ: Kid Kash...all the pressure settling in on the lower back of the Hurricane! The challenger is in trouble! The challenger is in serious trouble, fans, as now the Hurricane...

DD: Look, Vince! Look!

VJ: That hand...that hand coming up off the canvas...

DD: Here it comes, Vince!

VJ: I can't...don't tell me he's gonna...don't tell me he's gonna tap--DAMN IT!!!!!!!


Ding Ding Ding!!! **Cue "Bawitdaba"

Announcer: Here is your winner, and STILL UWA Intercontinental Champion...KID KAAAAAAASSSSH!!!!

VJ: I can't believe it, ladies and gentlemen! I can't believe it!

DD: Yeah! So much for a "3-peat," eh Vince?!

VJ: Kid Kash...using that Texas Cloverleaf to submit the Hurricane...AND MAKE HIM BREAK THE HOLD, DAMN IT! MAKE HIM BREAK THE HOLD!!!!

(Referee Jonathan has to forcibly pry Kid Kash off of the Hurricane to get him to release the Cloverleaf. The fans boo wildly in the background as Kash takes the I-C belt from the timekeeper and raises it high into the air)

DD: And there it is, folks! Still your I-C Champion! The greatest I-C Champ there ever was!

VJ: Oh please! Kid Kash...and you've gotta give him credit, fans! Kash was able to hang in there when I thought for sure that he was done! I was certain that we'd have a new I-C Champ, but Hurricane...his back just too hurt! Just too injured, and fans...tonight was just not his night!

DD: Yeah! Get him the hell outta the ring, Vince! Long live Kid Kash!

VJ: (sighs) Fans...Kid Kash is still your Intercontental Champion...and you've gotta feel for the Hurricane! A real heartbreaker for him...as right now...I'm being told that in the backstage area, our colleague Rosie Sanchez is standing alongside the reigning Universal Champion, Ice Cube! Rosie...

(We back in the Enterprise locker room, where Rosie Sanchez is standing alongside Ice Cube and Francine)

RS: Fans, what a night it's been thus far at Hell on Earth! We have a brand new Women's Champion in Darkest Desires! A tremendous I-C Title match between Kid Kash a few moments ago, and of course, later on we'll have the big one, as the man standing to my right--the incomparable Ice Cube--does battle with his former best friend and tag partner Rage, with the ultimate prize up for grabs. Now Mr. Cube, I have to wonder what's going through your mind as we approach your match tonight. I mean...the butterflies have gotta be sinking in on you...

Francine: Wait a minute! Wait a damn minute? Are you suggesting for even a minute that my man would be nervous?! Do you know who the hell he is?! Rosie, this man is the Universal Champion! The #1 wrestler in the industry today...bar none!

RS: I know who he is, but still you have to wonder considering between he and Rage...

Ice Cube: History! (chuckles) History, Rosie?! You wanna talk history! Ok, why not! Let's talk some history, shall we! Me and Rage! Why, here you have a guy who I MADE FAMOUS! No ifs, ands or buts about it! In Rage, you have a guy who owes everything he's ever achieved in his worthless career to me! Think about it! It was me who brought Rage to the table! It was me that taught him everything he knows! It was me who--for two years--carried his ass on my back! Who made him look like a superstar! Who allowed him to share in my spotlight, and Rage, as you sit in that locker room of your watching this on the monitor...you and that bitch of yours--you may not admit it, but deep down inside, you piece of shit, you know I'm telling the truth! I made you what you are today! I brought you up from the gutter and MADE YOU the One Man Riot! And that's why, Rage, I had to watch with pride when last month at the Patriot Gamez, you went through the best of the best for the right to call yourself the #1 contender! You went through hell in back for a shot at my Universal Title, and the fact that you were able to do it is a credit to me, Rage! It means that I did my job! It means that I prepared you well. (sighs) But tonight, Rosie, as I stand here before you, the feeling in my heart right now is not one of nerveousness...not one of apprehension...but it's one of despair! I'm sad, Rosie! Believe me, I'm breaking up on the inside! Because tonight...Rage...you force me to do something in that ring that I never thought I'd have to do! Something I never wanted to do! Tonight...you force me to destroy my own creation. (chuckles) See Rage, tonight..just as easily as I made you, I will break you! Tonight, everything I have given you, I will take away! The money...GONE! The fame...GONE! Your bitch...heh...she gets in my way, and I'll take her out too! And when the smoke has cleared, when the dust has settled...when all is said and done...everyone will know just who the real superstar is! Just who the true Champion is! Just who the true legend is, and it's yours truly--ICE MOTHERFUCKING CUBE!!!!!! See tonight...we will separate the contender from the pretender, and just remember one thing, Rage: I DON'T PRETEND!

RS: Well, there you have it from the Universal Champ! He seems ready to do battle with Rage! Vince, Dave, let's take it back to you at ringside!

Lightning vs Rodney Demp

("Put the Children to sleep" hits the PA system, and the crowd boos in the background as bright blue lights begin to flash over the arena and Rodney Demp appears on stage with Mercedes Martinez following closely behind. The crowd boos in the background as they make their way down the ramp to ringside)

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Currently entering the ring, being accompanied to the ring by Mercedes Martinez! Hailing from Atlanta, GA and weighing in tonight at 235 Pounds, here is Inner Circle representative: "The Elite" RODNEEEEY DEMP!!!!!

VJ: Rodney Demp ladies and gentlemen! Rodney of course, along with Mercedez Martinez, a member of Commissioner Steve Corino's tight knit "Inner Circle"...

DD: I'm detecting some disdain in your voice, Johnson. You gotta problem with that or something?

VJ: Well gee, Dave! I dunno. Let's see, in Corino you've got a guy who for over a year whines and complains about politics in the UWA! You've got a guy who at every opportunity he could get went out of his way to make Joanie Laurer--our former Commissioner--appear as if she was biased, as if she showed favoritism to certain wrestlers here in the UWA. And the second this asshole gets into position, he begins showing favoritism to individuals like Demp! Like Martinez...like Simply Luscious, a tag team which his own damn girlfriend happens to be a part of...

DD: Now wait a damn minute, Johnson! What you're drawing attention to is a group of people who were oppressed under the regime of Joanie Laurer! Talented individuals who were prevented from showing their star potential due to the politics of that no good Joanie, and people who I'm sure would be held down again if she were to regain that position again! If anything, Vince, instead of taking that snippy attitude with people like Demp, you need to be commending Corino for giving him the opportunity that he wouldn't have gotten otherwise! For allowing the cream to rise to the top...

VJ: Well, you can say whatever you wanna say! As far as I'm concerned, "The Elite" Rodney Demp is nothing more than a sell out and a kiss ass! And tonight, he's got a real challenge on his hands as he does battle with the former 2-time Universal Champion! Here we go!

(By now, Demp is in the ring conversing with Mercedez when suddenly, a lightning bolt strikes the top of the ramp and the arena lights drop! The crowd bursts into a fit of cheers as "Ride the Lightning" hits the PA system, with bright white spotlights kicking in and out to the beat of the songs heavy guitar riffs. The cameras switch focus to the smoke-filled entrance, where another HUGE lightning bolt strikes right in front of the Hell on Earth set. Then, the crowd comes to his feet as Lightning makes his way through the locker room curtains clad in a black pleather trenchcoat. He has a huge smile on his face as he makes his way down the ramp to the ring.)

Announcer: And his opponent: Hailing from Laporte, IN! Weighing in tonight at 275 pounds, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the one...the only...LIIIIIIIIIIGHTNIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!!!


DD: Huh?!

VJ: This capacity crowd here in Madison Square Garden...they are absolutely going crazy for Lightning!

(Indeed. The crowd noise is deafening as the former Universal Champ makes his way towards ringside, who pulls himself up onto the apron once he's reached his destination. Camera flashes light up the sold out facility as Lightning scours the arena, then sets his sights firmly on his opponent, who stands opposite him on the far side of the ring with Mercedez Martinez rubbing his shoulders. Demp flashes a nasty scowl at Lightning, who in turn flashes a smile at him. Eager to begin the battle, Demp motions for Lightning to "bring it on." Lightning, with the smile still etched on his face, prepares to oblige him, peeling away his trenchcoat and handing it over to a ringside attendant. Then, he steps through the ropes...at which point, he's immediately attacked by an Rodney. The music abruptly stops, the lights return to normal and referee Brad Patterson calls for the bell)

Ding Ding Ding!!!

VJ: Lightning hits the ring and there's the bell...Demp not wasting anytime in going to work! Demp hammering away with clubbing forearms...now with knees right to the forehead of Lightning! Rodney Demp--OH! Yank of the tights by Lightning sends Demp to the outside! Demp able to land on his feet, however, and watch this now! He's got Lightning by the hair...dragging him toward the apron...

DD: What's he doing Vin--OH!

VJ: Oh my goodness! He just slammed Lightning chest first onto the apron--OH! AND AGAIN! That's twice by Rodney Demp!

DD: That could easily break your collar bone, Vince!

VJ: Without a doubt! Lightning...his body in the ring, his head sticking out from that bottom rope, and he was just slammed...unprotected across that steel! And that's exactly what it is, folks! STEEL!

DD: Hehe! And speaking of STEEEEEEL!

VJ: Oh wait just a minute! Demp from the timekeeper's table...he just grabbed that chair! Demp with that chair...c'mon! Lightning's head still draped over that apron!

DD: He's gonna decapitate him, Vince!

VJ: Demp approaching Lightning...c'mon ref! Don't let him...don't let him do this...OH NO--HE MOVED!!!!

DD: What?!

VJ: Lightning moved...still with the presence of mind to roll away...

DD: And he needs to thank his lucky stars on that! Had that chair hit him, it woulda taken his head off, Vince! Without a doubt!

VJ: But it doesn't look like Demp's done here! Demp's in the ring with that chair now...Lightning in the corner...


VJ: OH!!!!!!!! DEMP WITH A HEAD OF STEAM AT LIGHTNING AND HE CAUGHT A BOOT TO THE FACE FOR HIS TROUBLE! DEMP IS DOWN...DEMP IS DOWN...AND THIS CROWD GETTING INTO LIGHTNING! Lightning now into the ropes...Rodney getting back to his feet--AND HE GETS FLOORED WITH A CLOTHESLINE! Lightning...once again he hits the ropes...coming off once again--AND ANOTHER CLOTHESLINE SENDS DEMP TO THE CANVAS!!!! Lightning is making a run here! He's got Demp in trouble here in the early going as right now he brings Demp back to his feet...he measures him with a hard right hand...a second sends Demp back into the buckle, and now look at Lightning go to work! Stomping away...

DD: C'mon, Vince! This is no way to treat somebody like Rodney Demp!

VJ: The Inner Circle's #1 stooge is getting his here tonight in NYC! Irish whip by Lightning sends Demp cross-corner...Lightning follows him in--HE CATCHES A BOOT TO HIS FACE BY DEMP! Demp now...to the second rope he goes...but watch LIGHTNING--

DD: OH!!!!

VJ: Hard right hand to the jaw of Rodney Demp...

DD: Hold on Rodney! Hold on...OH!

VJ: There's another one...and Demp...Demp nearly fell off the top rope to the floor!

DD: That'd have been horrible, Vince! Oh Rodney...

VJ: Watch Lightning, here...Lightning trying to work Demp into fireman's position...Lightning...perhaps looking for the Lightning Rod here...

DD: Fight it, Demp! Fight it...YES!

VJ: Demp...oh...look at those elbow...those elbows to the side of the head of the former Universal Champ...doing whatever he can to break free--AND HE'S DONE IT! Demp fighting outta the grip of Lightning!

DD: I love it! Get him, Rodney!

VJ: There's a hard right hand to the head of Lightning...another one sends him into the ropes! There's an Irish whip now...Lightning into the far side...coming off--OH! Demp lowered the head and got caught! That boot right to the head of Demp--AND WATCH LIGHTNI--


VJ: LIGHTNING BOLT...OH! He was that close to nailing Demp with the Lightning Bolt, but luckily for the Elite One, he was able to get out of dodge! Demp bailing to the floor here...

DD: And what a smart move that was, Johnson!

VJ: I dunno about that! I think common sense would tell you that going into a match against Lightning, his two main weapons--the Lightning Rod and the Lightning Bolt--would be things you'd wanna avoid! Either of those moves are potential match enders, I don't care who you are!

DD: But what if you're the great Rodney Demp?! I mean...c'mon Vince! We've seen in the past just what kinda punishment this guy's able to take! He's as tough as nails! There's a reason why Steve Corino has given him his accolaides as one of the top wrestlers in the UWA...in this industry today!

VJ: He's nothing more than a corporate thug if you ask me! A borderline psychopath, as right now on the outside you see Mercedes Martinez trying to keep her man calm!

DD: And that's another thing, Johnson! You sit up here and call the man a psychopath! Well this man is not a psycho! There's nothing crazy about it, but he does happen to be one of the most dangerous men in the sport, and don't think that with the snap of his fingers he couldn't take old Bolt Brain there...regardless of how man titles he's won and put him on the shelf permanently!

VJ: Well...that remains to be seen, as now you see Demp here...jawing with a few of these fans in the crowd...

DD: Oh wait a minute, Rodney! Keep your eye on Lightning!

VJ: Lightning...Lightning's on the apron...Rodney doesn't see him here...


VJ: OH!!!! There's a big double axehandle blow to Rodney Demp! Demp is down! Demp is down, and now look at Lightning stomp away...putting the boots to the Elite Rodney Demp! Handful of hair now, brings Demp back to his feet...Lightning with the Irish wh--OH GOD!!!! OH!!!! DEMP HIT HARD OFF THE STAIRS!!!

DD: And ya see that?! What about those illegal tactics on the part of your hero Lightning! First attacking the man from behind, now using the stairs...and...

VJ: What is this...

DD: Yeah! You tell him, Mercedes! Tell him!

VJ: Mercedes Martinez...she's getting up into the face of Lightning here...Mercedes challenging Lightning! What is this about?!

DD: I'm sure she's just telling Lightning what a rotton human being he is, and rightfully so--WHOOO!!!! DID YOU SEE THAT?!

VJ: She just...she just slapped Lightning...

DD: Slapped the taste right outta his mouth...I LOVE IT, VINCE...

VJ: Lightning...the look on his face says it all as--WAIT A MINUTE! Lightning's got Mercedes by the hair...

DD: See! See Vince! That's your hero right there!

VJ: Lightning...c'mon, don't do it, Lightning! Don't do something you're gonna regret! Lightning...Rodney Demp from behind--TRIES FOR THE RIGHT HAND BUT MISSES!!!!!!! DEMP MISSES WITH WILD RIGHT, AND NOW LOOK AT LIGHTNING TEAR INTO HIM NOW! HAMMERING AWAY AT THE JAW OF DEMP! Lightning with Rodney--OOH! Headfirst into the ring apron he goes...as now Lightning sends him back into the ring! Lightning...Demp trying to use that distraction from Mercedes, but nothing doing as Lightning now...headed to the top...Rodney Demp--

DD: Watch it, Rodney...

VJ: FLYING CLOTHESLINE CONNECTS!!!! Demp nearly taken outta his boots by that one--AND THERE'S THE COVER...LIGHTNING'S GOT THE LEG HOOKED...OH! Only a two count! Only a two! Lightning unable to put Demp away, as now he brings him back to a vertical base...there's another hard right hand to the jaw...he follows up with a knife-edge chop! Lightning now...Irish whip sends Demp into the far side...HE CATCHES HIM COMING OFF WITH A POWERSLAM!!!! TREMENDOUS POWERSLAM BY LIGHTNING GETS 2...NO! Once again only a two count! Lightning now with Demp here...once again bringing him back to his feet...oh wait a minute!

DD: Oh no!

VJ: Lightning's got him up once again! Lightning once again looking for the Lightning Rod--

DD: Fight it Demp!

VJ: Demp able to fight his way free of the grip, but Lightning...Lightning one more time...he's got him up again! Lightning...Lightning is determined to deliver the Lightning Rod to Rodney Demp...BUT WATCH DEMP HERE! Demp able to slip free again--AND HE DRIVES HIM TO THE MAT WITH AN INVERTED DDT!!!! Rodney Demp...man! Lightning's head just driven into the mat on that one, Dave...and these fans...not to appreciative of the Elite One!

DD: Well Demp is fixing to beat some appreciation into old bolt brain here! Watch this, Johnson!

VJ: Demp...Demp with that sadistic look in his eye as Lightning tries to gather himself on the canvas...what's he getting set for here? Demp measuring Lightning now as Lightning...Lightning to a knee...

DD: Look at this--

VJ: OH! Demp with a running boot right to the side of the head of Lightning...the former Universal Champ just sent straight to the canvas by that one! Rodney now...once again measuring Lightning here...Lightning...Lightning back to a knee--AND AGAIN! Demp...this time with a running fist...and Lightning goes down hard one more time! Lightning...in some trouble at the moment, as there you see him using the ropes to try and pull himself up...oh no! Watch Demp here! Demp choking Lightning along the middle rope--get in there ref! Make him break!

DD: HAHA! Yeah, he'll make a break alright! Around Lightning's damn neck! C'mon Rodney!

VJ: Referee Patterson stepping in to back Demp off of Lightning! Lightning left draped over the middle rope by Demp, as now Mercedes...don't you dare you jezebel! Don't you dare--C'MON!!!!!


VJ: Mercedes Martinez...behind the back of the official...

DD: Now wait a mintue, Johnson! Wait! Remember, Lightning started it! He provoked her!

VJ: He did not! She put her hands on him first, as Demp now...Demp brings Lightning to his feet...belly to back suplex by Demp puts Lightning right on the back of his head! Cover...lateral press gets 2...Lightning able to kick out before three, but watch Rodney...shoving him right back down for another two count...Lightning again able to raise that shoulder! And now--LOOK AT DEMP HERE! Demp just punishing Lightning...mashing that forearm of his right into the face of the former Universal Champ...and now there's a hard stomp to the face of Lightning! Another one! And this crowd...voicing their disapproval of Rodney Demp!

DD: Damn the fans, Vince! This is great!

VJ: Rodney now with Lightning here...there's a hard right hand right to the temple by Demp! A second one sends Lightning back into the ropes...BUT WATCH LIGHTNING! LIGHTNING FIRING BACK! Lightning with the right hands is taking it to Demp here! There's the Irish whip by Lightning...Demp coming off--


VJ: NECKBREAKER! Lightning lowered the head and got caught with a neckbreaker by Demp! And now watch this here...Demp bringing him right back to his feet...Demp...he's got him set up...AND HE SPIKES HIM WITH A PILEDRIVER! PILEDRIVER BY DEMP! There's the cover...he gets 2...OH! Lightning just able to raise that shoulder before the count of three!

DD: The counts are getting closer and closer, Johnson!

VJ: And now there you see Demp cinching on the reverse chinlock! Textbook wrestling by Demp here as he tries to sap the straight of the former Universal Champ! Demp just cranking on the head and neck of Lightning as that...that witch Mercedes Martinez looks on!

DD: She's an angel, Vince! An absolute angel!

VJ: Oh yeah right!

DD: Vince, I'll have you know that Commissioner Corino only associates himself with the finest people! He doesn't hang around just anybody, ya know!

VJ: Whatever! Lightning trying to hang in there...referee Patterson is right there to see whether or not Lightning can continue...as now you hear this capacity crowd in the background...this crowd trying to make some noise for Lightning.

DD: See Vince, this is why I hate coming to towns like New York! These people are so rude and disrespectful...how's a guy supposed to think with these people making all of this noise!

VJ: These fans are loud as hell in Madison Square Garden as Lightning now...Lightning beginning to come to his feet here! Lightning...he's got the adrenaline pumping as Demp struggles to keep this hold applied...oh! There's an elbow to the gut by Lightning...another one breaks the hold...Lightning into the ropes now...coming off--WATCH DEMP--

DD: Whoa!

VJ: LIGHTNING DUCKS THE CLOTHESLINE! From the other side now...Lightning...OH NO!

DD: HAHA! Did you see that?!

VJ: Rodney Demp...Lightning was looking for that flying shoulderblock of his...unfortunately for him, Demp had it scouted, and he got sent face first right into the canvas!

DD: And I love it, Vinnie! He's out! He's out!

VJ: Lightning...he may be out! He's knocked absolutely goofy after that one as Demp here...there's a hard stomp to the back of the head...another one sends Lightning rolling towards the ropes, as Demp now...LOOK AT THIS! Demp with his foot pressed right up against the throat of Lightning...Demp choking Lightning! And this official now...the official having to pry Demp off of the former Universal Champ!

DD: He needs to watch himself here! You don't put your hands on Rodney Demp and get awa--



VJ: I...damn it I can't believe this! Mercedes Martinez for the third time getting involved in this match, Dave...

DD: And whose fault is that, Vince? No one told Lightning to go out there and provoke her a little while ago! See, being the macho, chauvanist pig that he is, he probably thought he could come out here and do whatever he wanted to Mercedes! He thought he could grab her by the hair, toss her--slap her around--and not face the consequences! But now...

VJ: Are you kidding me?!

DD: ...now he's finding out that in Mercedes, he's bitten off a little more than he can chew! She's tought, Johnson!

VJ: I can't believe you! Demp with Lightning in the corner now--just working him over! Those stomps right to the well-developed midsection of Lightning...now with the boot pressed up against the throat again! Referee Patterson once again sending Demp his admonishments...Demp...Demp refusing to break here and once again this official is forced to pry him off of Lightning...

DD: Vince, that is the second time this idiot's put his hands on Rodney Demp! Don't he know--UH OH! Now see!

VJ: Demp taking some exception to the official here...

DD: Exception my ankle, Vince! He's pissed him off!

VJ: Demp...we've got some words between he and this official, and--C'MON NOW! Demp shoving the ref! Demp just shoved the ref--BUT LOOK AT PATTERSON HERE! Patterson shoves him right back!

DD: Is he crazy?!

VJ: Referee Brad Patterson here...refusing to be intimidated! Refusing to back down!

DD: This idiot's got a death wish, Vince!

VJ: Rodney...we've got a volitile situation between he and this official...watch Lightning! Lightning's back to his feet...

DD: Look out Rodney--OH!!!


DD: This idiotic official...damn it, Vince!

VJ: Lightning taking advantage of this situation between Demp and the ref, and now he looks to turn this thing back into his favor! Lightning looking to turn the tide as he measures the Elite One...he nails him with a hard right hand! Another one sends Demp into the ropes, and--

DD: Oh no!

VJ: He's trapped! Demp's arms have become entwined in the ropes...and now look at Lightning...hammering away...

DD: No fair, Vince! He can't defend himself!

VJ: Lightning with those wide-open shots right to the jaw of Demp!

DD: What is wrong with this incompetent official, Vince?! Let him outta there! This isn't right!

VJ: Demp is out of it in the ropes as now the official here...trying to back Lightning up off of Demp...

DD: It's about time this idiot did something right...

VJ: Hey wait a minute...Mercedes on the apron now trying to free Demp from the ropes! Mercedes freeing Rodney Demp and watch Lightning now...he charges in--BUT DEMP'S ABLE TO MOVE OUTTA THE WAY, AND LIGHTNING GOES SAILING THROUGH THE ROPES AND OUT TO THE ARENA FLOOR!!

DD: HAHA! Yeah!

VJ: Lightning...Lightning is down on the arena floor...

DD: And did you hear the splat, Johnson? He hit that thing hard, too!

VJ: Tell me about it! Lightning is down and he may be hurt on the arena floor, as Demp now...intimidating the official...

DD: Yeah! I'm telling ya, Vince! This moron's gonna keep it up and Rodney's gonna slap him to sleep!

VJ: Lightning trying to gather himself on the arena floor here...but here comes Demp now! Demp to the outside with Lightning...and there's a hard knee to the side of the head! Another! Demp now with an Irish whip--AND THIS TIME IT'S LIGHTNING WHO TASTES THE STAIRS! Demp returning the favor from earlier on...

DD: And I love it, Vince! This is absolutely great!

VJ: Mercedes looks to be enjoying it as well! Lightning...Lightning with pain etched on his face here as Demp now...don't tell me! Don't tell me...he's not gonna piledrive him on the floor, is he?!

DD: Yes! Yes! Break his neck, Rodney! Break it!

VJ: Demp's going for a piledriver! He's got Lightning set up for--OH NO!





DD: Oh...c'mon Rodney!

VJ: Thank God Lightning able to fight that one off! If Demp had hit that one, it'd have been curtains for sure!

DD: Yeah...he ain't outta the woods yet, though!

VJ: Not by any means, as Rodney now...back to his feet...he charges in at Lightning--OH!!!! LIGHTNING WITH THE DROP TOE HOLD SENDS HIM INTO THE POST! DEMP JUST SENT HEADFIRST INTO THE POST!!!

DD: Did you hear that?!

VJ: That sickening sound of skull on steel...as now Lightning brings him back to his a vertical base! Lightning with Demp here...Demp is on dream street here as Lightning with a handful of hair--



DD: C'mon, referee! You can't allow him to get away with that!

VJ: Sent back into the ring as now Lightning...Mercedes has his ankle...Lightning...Mercedes trying to prevent him from reentering the ring--AND SHE GETS KNOCKED ONTO HER ASS FOR HER TROUBLE!

DD: Can you believe that, Vince?!

VJ: It serves her right! Mercedes is down...Lightning back to his feet in the ring, and watch this now! To the far side he goes...Lightning...off the ropes once again--AND THIS TIME HE NAILS IT!!!!! FLYING SHOULDERBLOCK TO RODNEY DEMP BY LIGHTNING! There's the cover...1...2...THR--NO!!!!! Only a 2 count!

DD: Yes, Vince! It's gonna take more than that to defeat Rodney Demp!

VJ: Lightning now bringing Demp over to the corner...there's a knee to the midsection...a second doubles him over, and now Lightning with the standing headscissors! He's got Demp set up...

DD: Fight it, Rodney! Fight it...NOOOOOO!



VJ: Demp just barely able to kickout before the count of three! Just barely!

DD: C'mon, Demp! You cannot let this idiot beat you! You've gotta show the world--YES!!!! HAHA!

VJ: Oh c'mon! Demp with the low blow! Desperation move on his part sends Lightning reeling back into the buckle!

DD: C'mon, Rodney! This is your chance! Get on him...SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS REFEREE!

VJ: The official getting on Lightning for his use of the low blow as Demp follows him into the corner here...there's a boot to the midsection! Another, and now what's this here...Demp setting Lightning up on the top.

DD: What's he going for here, Johnson?

VJ: I dunno. Demp headed up top with Lightning now...could be a superplex coming up...OH NO!

DD: Oh yes!

VJ: Oh no! Don't tell me...not his own more!

DD: Yes! Give it to him! Give it to him! Give it to him!

VJ: Demp looking for the Lightning Rod! Demp looking for the ultimate insult--OH BUT LIGHTNING'S FIGHTING IT OFF! THE ELBOWS! THE ELBOWS TO THE SIDE OF THE HEAD--AND DOWN GOES DEMP!

DD: NO!!!!

VJ: Down goes Demp! Demp is down...this capacity crowd is on its feet, as now Lightning...

DD: What's he doing, Vince?

VJ: Lightning's on the top...Lightning...perhaps getting ready to go airborne here! Lightning...

DD: Watch it, Rodney! Watch it--HAHA

VJ: OH C'MON!!!!! MERCEDES!!!! Mercedes shoving Lightning down, and he just straddled that top rope! Son of a bitch!

DD: Calm down, Johnson! Calm down!

VJ: Mercedes may have just cost Lightning this match here as now we've got words between her and referee Patterson! Lightning is down...Lightning is hurt in the ring as Demp now...Demp now with the right leg of Lightning...dragging him out towards the center of the ring! Rodney Demp...what's he got in mind, Dave? What's he--HEY C'MON!!!!! Demp with another low blow to Lightning...a hard stomp right to the lower extremities...now what was the point of that?!

DD: Well...you're always talking about how guys should focus on an injured body part...not that I think Lightning's got anything down there to begin with, but...

VJ: Will you...Lightning writhing in pain on the mat after first straddling that top rope thanks to Mercedes, and now--ONCE AGAIN! Demp with a knee to the groin of Lightning! C'mon damn it!

DD: HAHA! And listen to Lightning squeal, Vince! That's music to my ears! I'm telling ya!

VJ: Referee Patterson all over Demp about the use of the low blows here as Demp now...with the legs once again! Demp--not another one! C'mon damn it! Don't tell me he's gonna...he's...



DD: See! See what I'm saying, Vince! Now I know not even you can condone that!

VJ: Well...no I don't Dave! I can appreciate this man's trying to keep law and order, but if there's one thing you don't do is put your hands on a wrestler! The referee is down and what's Demp doing?! Demp signaling to Mercedes Martinez on the arena floor...what's she...

DD: The chair!

VJ: Oh! That steel chair that Rodney introduced into the match in the opening stages! Mercedes sliding it into the ring...

DD: And yes, Johnson! Are you ready for a little more STE--hey wait!

VJ: Lightning's got the chair! Lightning's got the chair--BUT LOOK AT DEMP HERE! DEMP STOMPING AWAY...Demp...

DD: He's all over him, Vince...OH!

VJ: Demp slamming Lightning facefirst into the chair...and again...DAMN IT AGAIN...and these fans don't like it a bit! Lightning is down...he is down on the canvas, and now Demp's got that chair once again...

DD: HAHA! He's gonna make sure Lightning gets STEEL if it's the last thing he...now what is this?!

VJ: Referee Patterson's back up and he's got the opposite end of that chair! Patterson and Demp...we've got a tug of war of sorts over that steel chair...

DD: I am getting so sick of this guy, Vince!

VJ: Patterson...doing whatever he can to get that chair away from Demp--OH!!! BUT ONCE AGAIN HE GETS SHOVED TO THE CANVAS!!!!! Referee Patterson is down...he is down and now Demp's got the chair! Demp hovering above Lightning...

DD: Here we go...NO!!!


DD: Son of a...REFEREE!!!!

VJ: Demp is hurt! Demp's in a world of hurt, and now LIGHTNING'S GOT HIM UP! Lightning with the fireman's carry...


VJ: THE LIGHTNING ROD!!!!!!!! LIGHTNING JUST NAILED THE LIGHTNING ROD!!!!! There's the cover...referee Patterson into position to count 1...2...3!!!!!!!!


Ding Ding Ding!!! ***Cue "Ride the Lightning"

Announcer: Here is your winner: LLLLLIIIIIIIGHTNIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNG!!!!!!!

VJ: Lightning! Lightning picks up the win with the Lightning Rod, and...

DD: Now c'mon, Vince! Now even you've gotta admit...what about the low blow?!

VJ: Turnabout is fairplay, Dave! Lightning giving Demp a little taste of his own medicine, and that was

Panther vs Enygma


T Money vs Psyko Stevo


Battle For the Commissionership: Steve Corino vs Joanie Laurer


Universal Title: Ice Cube (Champion) Vs Rage



©2005 UWA Productions, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Card Rating: 89