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MFSGL: Harvest Time

The time period from sprout to harvest was 9 weeks and 3 days. We could have harvested sooner, but our schedules restricted the time when we could all meet at the same time. The last couple of weeks of growth was rapid. Two plants were removed because of disease symptoms. It was a leaf spot symptom we related to an Alternaria pathogen. Microscopic investigation revealed no spores, so no absolute culprit was determined. The rest of the crop looked quite healthy. By harvest time the plants on the coir side had overtaken the plants on the wool side in size and compactness of the center. A blind taste test performed with the help of our classmates revealed no significant preference between the plants on either side. Harvest was to reveal the big difference. *****

Picture Perfect

These are in the wool. Above and to the right are in the coir. Pretty, huh?

Down to the Roots

The roots in the coir had a more natural growth, whereas the roots in the wool tended to mat on the bottom of the slab. (pictured below)

The Babies are Delivered

What parent could be more proud?

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