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I heard It

Disclaimer – I’m not associated with Nbc or reilly or whatever…don’t sue me. Yeah…and I’m not a good writer so…yeah…

I wrote this with the fantastic help of my very favourite danis…haha This is very much dedicated to her. [she just LOVES the dixie chicks! Hahahahaha]

This takes place the day after Roger and Pierre are placed in jail. [death sentece, naturally]

Sheridan woke up early and decided she needed air. She had spent the night tossing and turning. Knowing Luis was sleeping on the couch just got to her. She was suppose to hate him…but she just felt so many feelings toward him, none of them were hate. He was supppose to hate her…if he was using her, why did he bother trying to save her? Hmmm…she wondered and wondered, it just didn’t do any good so she decided to go for a walk in the near paris park.
She quietly crept out the door and to pass Luis. She gazed at him and watched him sleep with a smile on his face. Seeing him smile just brightened up her face, it lit up everytime she saw him anyway. She saw him, he seemed so perfect, he wasn’t even drooling. She was about the head out to the part when she heard her name. She quickly spun around and saw a sleeping luis. This striked her curiousity and walked closer to where he lay. He was smiling as his lips began to part and his mouth moved. She grinned as she heard him whisper, “You’re so beautiful…” She sat by his legs as she listened on, “Sheridan…I like you…a LOT…” He murmered something else then moaned, “I came to Paris for you…in hopes of us…please…hear me out…I just want to be with you.” Sheridan’s heart was fluttering now. Was it possible? Was he dreaming about her? But if he was using her…no way! Her thoughts were startled as she heard, “Sheridan…please stay, I…Sheridan…I love you!” Her eyes darted to his eyes. “I love you too.” She whispered to a sleeping Luis, “But you’re not going to hear it aloud…”
a tear dribbled down her cheek as she slowly stoked Luis’s face. She kissed her fingers and placed the kiss upon his lips. Luis stirred as his eyes began to flutter open. “Sheridan…”
Sheridan was grinning at Luis, “What were you dreaming about, officer?”
Luis remembered his dream and smiled, but quickly made his face serious, “Why…why?”
“Oh you were just murmering stuff…”
“Oh…like what?” Luis began to get nervous.
“I was just passing by y’know…so what was it about?”
“Uh…police stuff.” Luis covered, obvious he was lying.
“Hmmm…you just Love the force don’t you?” Sheridan’s grin widened and her eyes sparkled.
“Yes, I do.” Luis tried, “So anyway, what are you doing up?”
“I wanted to go to the park…I couldn’t sleep…” Sheridan began to get up and pick up her jacket.
“Sheridan wait.” Luis reached for her arm. “I wasn’t dreaming about police stuff.”
“Oh I know.” Sheridan smiled as she sat back down. “It definitely didn’t sound ‘policeish’”
“Sheridan…just tell me what you heard…” Luis tried to hide his embrassment.
“you tell me what you dreampt and I’ll see if they match.” Sheridan winked.
“NO! tell me what you heard so I could explain!”
“Why would you need to explain Luis?” her anger about what she heard disappeared. It was probably a misunderstanding, she thought. She knew it wasn’t totally impossible for someone to impersonate Luis. Although it sounded far fetched, her father or the Crane’s could’ve possibly hired someone. She didn’t want to think that, but it could’ve been it. And Luis seemed sincere, and she’d rather love him than hate him, anyway. It was obvious he cared about her. He made several hints while saving her, and why would he save her and spend the little money he had to come to paris? So many questions, thought Sheridan. She pushed away her thoughts and seized the momment.
“Sheridan…just please tell me what you heard, please?” Luis pleaded and he looked sooo cute. She wanted to tell him, but she also wanted to see him squirm. Now she knew his secret.
“Well Luis…you said something about me.” She saw his face turn crimson, “and something about…something else, I don’t remember.” She smiled innocently.
“Oh…” Luis tried, “Okay…I was dreaming about….you on the police force.”
“But you said there was no –“
“oh yeah.”
“Don’t lie to me luis…just…TELL ME!” She smiled and punched him playfully.
“I had a dream..” Luis’s face just turned sincere and happy as he decided to let out the truth, “That we were on a date.”
“Oh. And?” Sheridan smiled happily.
“You got mad at me…but then you listened to me…and we…”
“Oooh even more interesting!” Sheridan grinned.
“Yes…and we became…” luis paused and looked away, “very good friends.” He finished too quickly to be convincing.
“good friends, eh?” Sheridan took Luis’s hand, to his surprise. “tell me, Luis…” She trailed off as she inched nearer to him and gazed happily into his eyes, “do all friends love eachother?”
Luis smiled and returned her gaze, “Harry and Sally did…they also…”
“fell in love.” Sheridan finished. “Do you Luis?” Sheridan asked hopeful.
Luis nodded lightly as he whispered, “Do you?”
“Since forever…”
“and ever…” Luis took it upon himself to pull her close to him, into a warm embrace.
“I love you…I do…there’s no more denying.” Sheridan smiled happily. She inched closer to him as she kissed him sweetly, “no cover ups this time.”
“No cover ups. It’s out now. My big secret, I’m in love with you, Crane.” He kissed her slowly with increasing passion.
“L’amour.” Sheridan sighed, “C’est l’amour.” She wrapped her arms around him tightly as they began kissing more intimately.
Luis suddenly pulled away and looked at her, “You’re crazy, y’know?”
Sheridan placed one more kiss on his lips before she was offended and backed away, “so you’re calling me crazy?”
“Indeed I am, you are!” Luis sighed, “I don’t understand you…I’ll always love you, but I won’t ever understand you.”
“Whatever do you mean?” Sheridan asked confused, but playfully.
“Oh…well, y’know! One minute you hate me…leave harmony because you hate me, then all of a sudden you’re in love with me…and that’s kinda weird…don’t you think?”
“Hmmm…well, I was mad at you for a reason before…but it was cleared up. What’s it matter anyway? I love you NOW isn’t that enough for you?” Sheridan huffed.
“Well you still haven’t told me why you’re—or were mad at me, Sheridan!” Luis whined and whined untill Sheridan would give him a straight answer.
“Well I thought I heard you said you were using me and stuff at the wharf to this person on the phone and stuff…”
“I never said that!” Luis interupted.
“I KNOW THAT NOW!” Sheridan shrieked, “I thought I heard you, but I just figured it was one of daddy’s schemes. Grrr.”
“you sound funny when you grrr…do it again.” Luis chuckled.
“Grrr…you annoy me sometimes.” Sheriadn couldn’t help but giggle.
“You’re really something crane.” Luis shook his head.
“I’m a something that really wants something…” Sheridan grinned.
“Oooh, and what would That be, miss crane?”
“You…” She said seductively.
“You’re nuts!” Luis laughed as he wrestled her down on the couch, beneath him. “You’re the craziest woman in the world…”
“But I know you love me.” She smiled as she kissed him lovingly.
“You know I love you…I know you love me too!” Luis smiled and kissed her back.
“Damn straight!” Sheridan giggled.
“haha” Luis chuckled. “What do you want to do today Crane?”
“Hmmm” sheridan kissed him as she thought, “Let’s stay in…untill noon…we have six hours…than we could…play in the park.”
“Okay…” Luis snickered, “Why are we up at six in the morning?”
“I couldn’t sleep…I was kinda…scared and stuff…” Sheridan blushed at her fear.
“Awww…Cwane! Here I’ll tuck y’in.” Luis swept Sheridan up in his arms and brought her to her bed and dropped her roughly. “haha, you’re funny.” He laughed at Sheridan who was glarring up at him.
“Hmph.” Sheridan turned away.
“don’t be mad! I’m sorry!” he tried to turn Sheridan to face him but Sheridan roughly rejected his attempt.
“You’re mean to me…and you claim you love me. Grrr.” Sheridan shrugged.
“Awww Sheridan…pwease don’t be mad at me!!!” Luis looked like a little boy and she couldn’t stop the smile that was creeping on her face, she turned to face him, “forgiven but not forgotten.”
Luis smiled and kissed her, “good.” He kissed her, relief evident.
Sheridan began kissing him fiercely and pulled him ontop of her. “Ummm, you’re such a shit, y’know that?” She kissed him happily, she slowly tapped her tongue against his lips requestion enterence. They were so lost in eachother and what they were doing they didn’t hear the tapping coming form out of the room.

The noise was, little did they know, Bo and Hope were in the next room. [haha, I had to add them in here, I’ve been disloyal to ‘em…] bo and hope were on their honey mooon. Yep. They were married again and came to paris for some…I dunno, and then yeah…she wasn’t pregnant though, ‘cause…wanna know why? Wanna know why? She wasn’t pregnant because it was all an illusion, Stefano was a retard and planted a chicken egg inside of her…and it eventually popped out. Yep.

Sheridan and Luis continued to kiss and kiss. Luis stopped and rolled over her and lay next to her, “I love you crane.”
“Hmmm” Sheridan murmered as she snuggled up to his arm. “Remember what that police guy said in the lobby?”
Luis chuckled, “he thought I was acting like james bond…”
“And he said that…james always gets the girl…”
“yes…” Luis unsure where this was going.
“And he said he takes her to bed. So that would mean, you wouldn’t be the complete james bond unless you…”
“you’re crazy, Sheridan.”
“Okay…why am I crazy? I love you…you love me…we love eachother…we’re both adults…we both have our physical needs…and I don’t know about you…but you…really turn me on.” Sheridan grinned devishly.
“haha, yeah…I mean, you have an AMAZING effect on me…but… we just…got together like twenty minutes ago!”
“Did we not profess our love?” Sheridan retorted.
“Indeed but, what do you want?”
“you to make love to me, Luis!” Sheridan said lovingly.
“Oh, okay, you win…” Luis grinned as he kissed her and began removing her shirt. Sheridan rubbed her hands around his bare chest as they continued removing eachothes clothes.
Finally they were both not wearing anything and they just gazed before they continued to go the step further. “I want you to know that I’ll love you…for always…and ever and the end of time.” Luis whispered lovingly to her.
“I’ll love too…for infinity and beyond!” Sheridan giggled, “I loved toy story ok?”
Luis chuckled, not long after they’re short talk they began kissing again. The passion increased quickly and the heat turned up as they began to make love.

Afterward, Sheridan watched as Luis slept. The sun beamed on his skin making it glisten lightly. She circled her finger around his muscles. “I love you my luis…I won’t let anyone take you away from me…not some french bimbo…some ditzy flight attendent…or a jealous old girlfriend like beth.”
Luis pretended to sleep as he heard her speech to him. Sheridan continued, “No ones going to take you away, no one. I mean…I don’t know how you could have liked beth to begin with…she’s fake…she’s mean…she’s got nasty breath!”
The last comment set Luis off, he began to vibrate slightly. Sheridan felt it and knew he was listening. She grinned as she continued, “But Luis, you’re the most wonderful man in the world…oh the flawlessness in you…oh my!” Sheridan continued to be sarcastic, “oh but It’s not you that I love…it’s your friend…Luis junior…”
Luis ruffled and looked up at her, “Grrr.”
“haha, you’re funny…that’s what you get for pretending you’re sleeping. I love you though…but I have to admit, I do like your friend.”
“haha…not funny.” Luis smiled fakely, but saw Sheridan’s eyes which turned the smile into a real smile. “I love you anyway. Retarded or not, you’re my Sheridan.”
“I am indeedy…your sheridan…my luis…” Sheridan smiled sweetly.
“oh Sheridan…this is all like a dream.”
“trust me this is better than the dream.”
“oooh so you draempt about me?” Luis grinned.
“yes, but I’m not the one who got caught dreaming about you…”
“That’s not fair…you were…damn.” Luis paused, “oh well…at least we could always remember this perfect momment.”
“Whoa—I forgot something!”
“I wanted to order ice cream…”
“For breakfast?” Luis asked rubbing his stomach.
“Why not? I love ice cream!! You know that! We ate it in the dead of! Sprinkes!! We have ice cream with 10 scoops and lotsa sprinkles!”
“Order me chocolate too…” Luis grinned as he watched Sheridan run to the phone and call room service. She threw on a robe and sat back beside Luis on the bed.
“I love you soooo much Luis…Awww…it’s just so great to be able to say it aloud! Oooh one more time! I LOVE LUIS!!!” Sheridan laughed as she said this.
“Oh you’re seriously psycho! I love you though too…and…it is wonderful to be able to say it, you’re right. But it’s more fun to show it…” Luis pulled Sheridan back on the bed as he placed loving kisses all over her neck.
“haha, stop Luis…hold up! Room service is here!”

After they ate their ice cream they lay back on the bed, exhausted. “Whoa—y’know how much calories I must’ve eaten?!” Sheridan squealed.
“Sheridan, don’t you worry about what you eat.”
“Oh I know…but it’s more fun…that way, we could work it off…” Sheridan grinned.
“true, very true!” Luis tackled Sheridan as he began kissing her and pulled her over and rolled her under her tenderly. “I love you, I do Sheridan…”
“I know…come on, let’s play now…’cause I really wanna go to the park in an hour!” Sheridan smiled and kissed Luis again and again as they got lost and began making love again and again.

to be continued…

