Drowning Her Sorrows
By Katy
I do not own the characters on Passions….blah blah blah. I do own the
Characters Rob, Mike, and Nick.
Sheridan goes into a bar after a rough day at the Youth Center and
after seeing Hank kissing another woman where she runs into Luis…
Sheridan sighed. It had been a really long and rough day. First, she
had to put up with the arrogant cop all day at the youth center. She
really didn't mind the actual work there, but she was just tired of the
constant insult simply because her last name was Crane. Then, on her
way out of the Youth Center, she saw Hank and Beth standing on the
corner kissing. She really didn't have any claim on Hank, but she was
still rather hurt. 'Will I ever find anyone that cares about me,
thought Sheridan.' She decided not to go directly home. She'd had a
bad day and she just couldn't stand the thought of going home to her
empty cottage or having a run-in with Julian. As she was walking the
streets of Harmony, she spotted a bar and decided to go in and have a
drink to relax.
The bar was pretty crowded, but seeing as how it was a Friday night, it
made sense. There were lots of couples there, which only seemed to
upset her more. She walked up to the bar and ordered a beer. (Hey,
just because she's first-class doesn't mean she can't drink beer)
Sheridan: I'll have a beer please. (She said with a half-hearted
Bartender: Here you go, Miss.
Sheridan: Thank you!
Sheridan was enjoying her drink when she looked up and saw none other
than Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald walk into the bar. 'GREAT, as if my day
could possibly get any worse, she thought'. Luis was with some of his
buddies and seemed to be there to unwind after a long day as well.
'Well, maybe he won't see me, and I can sit here and drink in peace!'
As the cards would have it, Sheridan didn't get her wish…she was
spotted by Luis.
Luis: (Smirking and making comments to his buddies, he walks over to
Sheridan) Well, if it isn't the
princess herself. What's the matter, Sheridan, no
high-society benefit to attend tonight? Decided to
slum it with the locals, huh?
Sheridan: (Obviously annoyed by his arrogance, but not in the mood to
fight about it) Oh hello to you too,
Officer. As much as I'd love engage in YET ANOTHER argument with you,
I'm just trying to
enjoy my drink here.
Luis: What, no comeback from Ms. Crane? Well, maybe you just realized
that I'm right, so there is no use
in arguing with me. (He just gets that extremely cute smug
look on his face)
Sheridan: (Chugs the rest of her beer) Hey bartender…how 'bout another
one over here! (She shoots her ice blue eyes in his direction) Yeah
sure, Luis, whatever you say. Can I just enjoy my beer in peace please?
Bartender: Here's your beer.
Sheridan: Thanks, and keep 'em coming!
Luis: Sheridan Crane drinking beer? First no comeback and now this…I
think I've seen it all.
(Sheridan just shrugs and goes back to her beer)
Luis looks concernedly at her, but walks over to a table to join his
friends who are already sitting down.
Luis: Can you believe that Sheridan Crane is in here? Is there no
place sacred from the Cranes anymore?
That woman just gets on my last nerve. It's bad enough that
I have to spend all day with her at the
Youth Center, but she has to show up at our favorite
Rob: Luis, what are you getting so worked up about? She's a beautiful
woman and it's pretty obvious that
she has more of an effect on you than you are willing to
admit…otherwise you wouldn't worry
so much about her all the time!
Luis: Me? Worry about what a Crane does? You've got to be kidding
me! She's an arrogant,
self-involved snob that wouldn't know a hardship if it bit her
in the ass.
Mike: I'm going to have to agree with Rob on this one here, Luis. If
you don't care what she does, why
did you immediately go up to her when we got here? You can
admit it, buddy, we won't hold it
against ya if you have the hots for a beautiful woman!
Luis: I DO NOT have the hots for THAT woman! (He avoids eye contact
with his friends and takes a drink
of his beer)
Mike and Rob both laugh at this.
Mike: Okay, Luis.
Rob: Whatever you say!
Luis looks over in Sheridan's direction trying not to be obvious and
getting lost in thought. 'I don't like Sheridan. Okay, she sorta nice
to look at…well, okay, she's gorgeous, but you couldn't ever tell her
that. Her head is too big as it is.'
Meanwhile, back at the bar, a handsome, but rugged guy, Nick,
approaches Sheridan who is rapidly drowning her sorrows in booze.
Nick: Is this seat taken, pretty lady?
Sheridan: (Rolls her eyes, but tries to be polite) Nope.
Nick: So what's a hot little number like you doing alone in a bar on a
Friday night?
Sheridan: (Snickers at his comment) Is that the best line you can come
up with? You're gonna have to do
better than that if you want to sit down.
Nick: Hey, I'm nervous.
Sheridan: You don't seem nervous…you seem pretty sure of yourself to
me. I get that a lot from the men
in Harmony. (motions in Luis's direction) Do they put
something in the water or what?
Nick: Well, my name is Nick, and if you'll let me, I'd like to buy you
a drink.
Sheridan: In that case, my name is Sheridan, and this seat is
Nick and Sheridan smile at each other.
Rob: Hey Luis, let's go shoot some pool.
Luis is obviously lost in thought and not paying attention to his
Mike: Hellooooooo?! Luis! Earth to Super Cop.
Luis: Huh? Did you say something?
Rob: Where were you? Thinking about the lovely Ms. Crane?
Luis: Man, knock it off. Sheridan Crane is the furthest thing from my
Mike: Well good. Can we go shoot some pool now?
Luis: Sounds good. You guys ready to lose? (Luis laughs)
Mike: Hey Luis. Don't look now, but your old pal Nick Cooper is
Luis: Ugh, I can't stand that guy. Where is he?
Rob: At the bar hittin' on Sheridan!
Luis: HE'S WHAT?
Mike: Easy killer. I thought you didn't care what Sheridan Crane
Luis: I don't, but you know how much of a womanizer Nick Cooper is.
We all know it. We've all seen it.
No woman should have to be subjected to spending time with
him…especially not Sheridan.
Mike and Rob exchange a knowing glance.
Rob: Uh, what was that, Luis?
Luis: I said no woman should have to put up with him, not even
Sheridan Crane.
Mike: Are ya sure? Because to me it sounded like you said ESPECIALLY
not Sheridan.
Luis: What are you guys on? You know I can't stand that woman…I do
not have any feelings for her. Can
we get back to the game now?
Luis tries to get back to the game, but he keeps a watchful eye on
Sheridan and Nick. 'Sheridan is smart…she'll see right through his
game…or so I hope. Luis, get it together. You do not have feelings
for a Crane! Yeah, just keep telling yourself that'.
Nick and Sheridan were laughing at the bar and Nick was obviously
checking her out. Sheridan is pretty much oblivious to the fact that
Nick is trying to get her completely loaded so he can take advantage of
Nick: You seem to be in a better mood now. I'd like to think that
I've had something to do with that,
Sheridan: I was having an extremely bad day, but I can't really seem
to remember what was bugging me.
I'd have to say that I'm having a fairly fun time with
you, Nick.
Nick: Well, I'm glad to hear it. How 'bout we show the people in this
bar how to dance?
Sheridan: Sounds great! C'mon.
Sheridan stumbles her way onto the dance floor with Nick in tow. She
flies past Luis not even noticing him. The song "Nookie" by Limp
Bizkit is playing.
Sheridan: Woo! I love this song! I'm having so much fun.
Nick: Me too. I can't wait to see how much fun we have later.
Sheridan: What did you say? I couldn't hear you.
Nick: Just that I was having fun, too.
Sheridan continues to dance around…it's very apparent that she's
Luis is obviously getting annoyed by the fact that Nick and Sheridan
are getting so chummy.
Luis: God, will you look at them! This song is so fitting for Nick.
'Did it all for the nookie!' That's so
much like him. He had better behave himself if he knows
what's good for him.
Mike: Will you listen to yourself, Luis?
Rob: Yeah, man…just admit that you like her already.
Luis: I will do no such thing. I don't like her, but I don't want to
see her messed up with Nick. You know
what kind of guy he is. 'Great, they can see right through
me. Okay, so I'm sorta taken with her,
but…oh, stop it, Luis. Just stop it'.
Nick and Sheridan are still dancing…she seems to really be enjoying
Nick: How 'bout I get us another drink?
Sheridan: Sounds great. I'll be here.
Luis sees Nick walk away, so he goes up to Sheridan to warn her.
Luis: Sheridan, can I talk to you?
Sheridan: Hey…it's Robo Cop! Look everyone! It's Occifer
Luis: Huh? 'Okay, she's drunk.' Anyway, Sheridan, you should stay
away from that
Sheridan: Who? Nick? He's harmless. We're just having a good time,
which is what I desperately need
right now, okay? And where do YOU get off telling me
whom I can and cannot dance with?
Luis: I'm not trying to run your life, but he's bad news. Just please
be careful.
Sheridan: Luis, you make it very clear day in and day out that you
hate me and my family, so why are you
expressing your concern for me now? Besides, I'm a
big girl and I can take care of myself.
Nick: Sheridan, is this guy bothering you? Oh, Luis…it's you. How
are you doing buddy? Long time no
Luis: Nick. 'I cannot stand this guy. He isn't worthy enough to
breathe the same air as Sheridan Crane'
If you will excuse me, I have a pool game to get back to.
Sheridan, remember what I said.
Sheridan: Yes sir, Officer sir!
Luis walks away and back to the pool table.
Nick: What was that all about? I didn't realize you knew Harmony's
finest cop. Here's your drink.
Sheridan: Luis? Oh nothing…he's just trying to rain on my good time.
I'm used to it. If he can't be in a
good mood, then no one else can either. He's not
going to ruin my good time. Cheers!
Sheridan and Nick continue to dance. Nick starts to get the roaming
hands as Luis tries not to look at them.
Nick: Sheridan, you are so beautiful, and your skin is so soft. (His
hands start roaming up and down her
body and he leans down to kiss her neck)
Sheridan: Nick, what are you doing? (She tries to push him away)
Nick: What do you think I'm doing? I'm just having fun.
Sheridan: Well, this isn't fun for me, so I wish that you would please
Nick: C'mon…you know you want to do this. You've been flirting with
me all night long.
Sheridan: Flirting maybe, but I didn't give you an open invite to
grope me on the dance floor. Get your
hands off me now! (She tries to push him away, but he
starts to get angry and tightens his grip on
Nick: Don't be a tease, Sheridan. You knew exactly what you were
doing tonight and so did I. Now, let's
get out of here.
Sheridan: I'm not going anywhere with you. Now get your hands off me
Luis looks up after he hears Sheridan yell and sees her struggling with
Nick. He runs over to them.
Luis: I believe the lady asked you to take your hands off of her.
Nick: Beat it, Luis. This is between Sheridan and me. (He pushes Luis
away) Now, where were we?
Sheridan: Quit it, Nick! Dammit get your hands off of me!
Luis: Do you know what no means, Nick? I'm asking you for the last
time to take your hands off Sheridan.
Nick: If I don't, what are you going to do?
Luis: This! (He pulls Nick away from Sheridan and gives him one hell
of a right hook and knocks him to
the ground.) I asked you nicely, but you wouldn't listen.
(He turned away from Nick to see how
Sheridan was doing) Are you all right, Sheridan?
Sheridan: Yes, I'm fine. You didn't have to do that, but thank you.
I really appreciate it. I hate to say
this, and I know it's just going to go to your head
and I'll never live this down, but…you were
right and I should've listened to you. Nick is a
Luis: I'm glad I could help, and I'm sorry you had to find out the
hard way that he's a loser.
Sheridan: What? Do my ears deceive me? Did Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald
just pass on an opportunity to insult
me and rub in the fact that he was right? Man, either
I'm really drunk or we can now ice skate in
hell! Which is it Luis?
Luis just smiled his million dollar smile at her.
Sheridan: I think I'm going deaf, because I again didn't hear your
comeback. Man, this alcohol did a
number on me tonight! C'mon Luis! This is killing
me. I feel like I'm in an alternate universe.
Luis: I think you can keep your ice skates in the closet.
Sheridan: That's it? Man, how disappointing! All that build-up and
no delivery.
Luis: (He smiles) Don't worry…I'm not like in every aspect. 'Did I
just say that out loud?'
Sheridan, would you like to dance?
Sheridan starts to turn green and races for the bathroom. Luis looks
disappointed, but not surprised considering how much she'd had to
drink. Sheridan comes out of the restroom and walks up to Luis.
Sheridan: Well, I bet that's a picture you never thought you'd see!
Sheridan Crane throws up at local bar.
Luis: Feel any better?
Sheridan: Ask me when my head stops throbbing.
Luis: Do you need a ride home?
Sheridan: No, I'll be fine.
Luis: Sheridan, you're drunk, I cannot let you drive. I'd have to pull
you over for DUI and then I'd have
arrest you again…then you'd just have to do even more time at
the Youth Center. 'Get it together,
Luis! You sound like an idiot'.
Sheridan: No, I can have Charles or Ethan pick me up.
Luis: It's really no trouble at all…just let me drive you.
Sheridan: Okay, I'd appreciate it.
They smile at each other and walk out of the bar.
What will happen next? Stay tuned for the next chapter Driving Miss
This is my first fanfic and I'd really appreciate feedback…good or bad!