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The Lives Love Invades

Disclaimer – hey, well…um…I’m chloë – just a poor little lonely soul named chloë…and I’m not associated with big companies like NBC or James E Reilly…’cause I live all the way up here in Toronto, eh?! Hehe, yeah…so…don’t sue me…I have no money…I cannot stress this out anymore…this ones one of my first fanfics with a series of couples…so I really need an e-mail telling me what you think…okay? Please, please, please e-mail me! I neeed to know…even if it’s complaints that miguel and KAY aren’t together in this…ha ha ha…if you convince me….why miguel and kay should be together…I’ll put them together…MAYBE…anyway, read on…

Luis paced around his room. He put his hands in and out of his pockets. “Why can’t I get her out of my mind?!” He cried. He had kidnapped her, brought her back to Harmony – been put in jail…but was later released. She flew back to Paris, against Luis’s will. “Why don’t I even have the nerve to tell her?”
Luis grabbed his pillow and began punching it. He stopped and gazed at it warmly, pillows reminded him of Sheridan. Soft, light and comfy. “I love pillows…” he smiled. He was lost in his thoughts and didn’t hear Theresa who was at the door to his room in her robe. “Luis!” Theresa giggled.
“What are you doing sis? It’s like…” Luis paused and checked out the clock, “It’s like 6 am, you should be sleeping! It’s Saturday!”
Theresa grinned, “well…I was sleeping…untill I heard about 10 minutes ago…someone scream out a name very loudly…and I believe it was coming from…THIS direction.” She bursts out laughing.
“really?” Luis questioned carefully, “what?”
“I believe…hmmm…what did I hear exactly…” Theresa turned around just to whirl around and mimic, “No sheridan! No! NO! I want you HERE, I want you with ME!” Theresa laughed even harder now.
Luis turned red as he pulled her arm, “did I really say that?”
“Oh…you must’ve been sleeping…maybe…”
“what?” luis interupted.
“I don’t know…maybe your dream will come true…” Theresa trailed off.
Forgetting who he was talking to he exclaimed happily, “What doy ou mean!?”
“Oh…I don’t know…well…I was up last night…and Mama came home from the mansion and she just said…something…about…sheridan…”
“She’s coming back to Harmony?!” Luis asked happily.
“She’s coming back to VISIT Harmony…and help ethan plan the wedding…then attend the wedding…and if you can’t tell her you love her by then – you’re screwed over.” Theresa smiled happily.
Luis glowed as he whispered, “are you serious?”
“damn skippit.” Theresa laughed. Luis wrapped her in his arms quickly and hugged his sister warmly, “I loooove you sister! I’m sooooo happy!! Theresa!!!! Thank you for bringing me such wonderful news!!!”
“OOOh, I know you don’t love me as much as you love…”
“I don’t love her.”
“yes you do.”
“No I don’t. I know who I love…okay?”
“yes, and I know when you are in love and when you want o deny it.”
“ahem, I believe I’m older…I’m your big brother, okay? I should know!”
“you’re my big stupid brother…” Theresa agreed, “but you don’t know everything. I know you love her. Just admit it, I promise I won’t tell her! I promise I won’t tell anyone…” she paused, “well maybe whitney…but…no one else”
“I don’t LOVE her, theresa…” He smiled, “I just really like her.”
“I knew it. You love her.” Theresa grinned as she tossed the towel that was on the floor and headed out the door.
Luis held the towl in his hand and grinned, “You’re right theresa.”

Sheridan walked into her cottage. “Julian doesn’t have to know I’m back yet. I need some peace for a while.” Sheridan threw her bags down and jumped on her bed. “I’m going to tell Luis.” She promised herself. “There’s just something about him…that makes me know that he didn’t say that…it just didn’t make sense. No, I’m not thinking about the wharf…all I know, is that…I came back to harmony to Luis…and I intend to get what I want.” Sheridan grinned as she picked up her pillow, “Luis is just like you, pillow…you both are so comfy and easy to hug.” Sheridan kissed her pillow, “I love you pillow…” Sheridan lay down on her bed and drifted away to sleep.

Chad opened up the Book café and heated up some coffee. Whitney entered the café and reluctantly walked over to chad. “It’s not opening hour yet, whit.” Chad said quietly.
“I didn’t come here for just coffee…” Whitney gazed on, trying to deny that gaze she retorted, “I came here…because I had to tell you stuff…”
chads interest spoke up and he put down the coffee pot and leaned over the counter so he was closer to whitney. “Why did you come then?”
Whitney bit her bottom lip as she sat down across from chad, “well…I just decided I needed to talk to you.” She continued nervously, “remember at the cabin a couple of days ago?”
Chad’s feelings were hurt all over again, and he pulled back. He got up and turned away filling up the pot again, “yeah…” he tried to say it like it was nothing, and he tried to hide his pain.
“Well…I dind’t mean it. I’m sorry, chad. It was just—“
“hey! It’s nothing, right?” chad said.
“No! it’s not just nothing…it was wrong of me…it was rude!”
“Hey, rudes okay for me! Hey, I’m a guy with zero goals and morals or sumth’n like that, right?”
“I didn’t mean that, chad! I was just…I mean you know by now simone has a crush on you…”
“no offense to your sis, but hey! I wouldn’t go out with her…she’s too…young…and stuff…and I know your parents would KILL…”
“Well…that’s not even it, yet. I mean…I just wanted Her to get over YOU…y’know? I mean…chad…I’m really sorry…and I think you have a lot going for you…I mean…you’re a really cool guy and stuff…” she paused and grinned, “I might have to deny this later…I’m still half a sleep.”
“well I must be asleep too – cause this is too good to be true. Whitney russell, apologizing to ME, chad harris. Ha ha…don’t pinch me….i like this dream.”
She gave him a knowing smile as she began to speak again, “Chad…also…I just wanted to thank you again for all that stuff…because…y’know…”
“it’s fine, whit.” He smiled at her, “I’m sorry I interferred with your family and stuff…’
“that wasn’t your fault…it’s just simones so…”
“don’t say it…you’ll regret it.”
Whitney smiled warmly and chad felt the tingles he always felt while around her. She felt her heart flutter all of a sudden and was shocked by the feeling; by this time she generaly pulled away and tried to stop it. She wanted to, she loved tennis not boys! But theresa had made sense this time. She didn’t want to pull away from it, she, infact wanted it. “chad…”
“shh…” he smiled, “I just want to…”
“put on some music chad? Please?”
“okay…” he pulled himself over to the cd player.
“something slow?” Whitney felt herself warming up. She had never really flirted like this before, or done anything this ‘wild’.
“’kay.” She recognized the tune and called him over to her. “What?” he questioned.
“Shhh…” whitney whispered, “this is my dream, remember?” Chad took whitney into his arms and swayed her side to side warmly.
“Correction, whit…” He paused and closed his eyes, “this is my dream, too.”

Charity’s visions of Miguel and Kay began to eat at her. It was becoming annoying and overwhelming. It woke her from her sleep. She cried and looked at her clock. She hadn’t had more than half an hour of sleep. “kay doesn’t love miguel like that – miguel doesn’t love kay like that…miguel loves me…I love miguel…we love eachother…” Charity cried.
She proped herself up and held her head in her hands, “I love miguel so much.” She knew if she didn’t see him soon, she’d fall apart.

Miguel stirred in his sleep. He knew that charity wasn’t feeling right, they had a connection. Miguel looked at his window and he could swear he saw charity. He got up and opened it up, and outside his window he saw a poor blonde head crying. “charity!” he whispered. “Come in here!”
Miguel wrapped Charity in his arms and say her on the bed, “what’s wrong?”
“Well…” Charity’s sobbed heavily, “I came to see you…because I needed you…and when I looked at you in your bed…moving…I had another premonition.”
”of what?” Miguel asked, whipeing tears.
“You…” Charity sobbed, “and kay…”
“No Charity!” Miguel yelled above a whisper, “Kay’s just a buddy! I would NEVER look at her like a GIRLFRIEND! It’s like me dating theresa…and that’s WRONG!”
“But you two…were…together…married…in…bed…”
“NO CHARITY!” Miguel calmed down. He turned Charity to face him, he tilted her head up to his, “I love you…only you…forever and ever” he kissed her lovingly and intensely. “I could never kiss anyone else the way I kiss you…trust me…charity, I had to kiss kay before in grade 7 or something for truth dare…and um…no. no charity, I could not be with kay. She was just…I dunno…like…she’s just not the greatest kisser…or maybe it’s that our mouthes don’t fit…but when I kiss you… it makes my heart jump and flutter…and it’s like…our mouthes are perfect for eachother…it’s the link from our hearts…I love you charity! You, and only you.” Miguel finished and charity was smiling, “Oh miguel, I love you too!” She kissed him back but this time they fell back onto the bed kissing passionately.

Theresa entered the mansion and ethan was there. “I need to talk to you, Theresa.” He said warmly.
“Sure!” Theresa replied happily.
He took her up to his room and locked the door. “This is the thing…”
Theresa felt her heart flutter but felt her mind work over board, “yeah?” She bit her lip in antisipation.
“Your boyfriend was an idiot…and I was thinking about it…and…”
“Ethan…he wasn’t an idiot…he was…”
“what was he? That’s no excuse! Theresa, you’re beautiful, smart and wonderful! He’s like—geez theresa…I mean…”
“he was in love with someone else.” She said under her breath.
“what?!” Ethan exlaimed, shocked.
“He loved someone else…I think he’s engaged now.”
“Well that little – Aren’t you mad?”
“yes, but…oh well…” Theresa’s eyes filled with tears.
“No oh-wells! That guys…he’s an idiot. You’re better than that!”
“Ethan…Ooog.” Theresa tried, “I was in love with someone else too.”
“WHAT?!” Ethan cried, “but I thought you were upset…with chuck…because…”
“I know.” Theresa cried, “I loved someone else the whole time…and he loved someone else…and now I’ll never be happy because my other someone else is gone…and he loves someone else…and everyone else has found love…but I’m out there…alone…” Theresa sobbed heavily.
“Oh Theresa!” He took her into his open arms, “Don’t worry, I lo—“ Ethan was confused about what he just said, or was about to and quickly corrected himself, “I raelly like you Theresa, okay?” He kissed her head gently. It was just so natural.
“Ethan…” Theresa sighed, “I have to confess something…”
“What? Wait!” Ethan yelled, “I’ve got something more important to confess…”
“okay…you can go first…mines not that important, anyway…”
Ethan sat theresa down on his bed as he paced and spoke, “See…y’know how I’m suppose to be marrying gwen soon?”
“yes?” Theresa questioned, “I know…next month, actually…”
“I think…” He looked at theresa deep in her eyes, “I think I’m starting to like—or be attracted to someone else…and it’s really…overwhelming really…no other girls made me feel the way she has…not even gwen…”
‘great’ thought theresa, ‘not only does he love gwen, he’s in love with some other stupid bimbo…damn.’ She scolded herself, then it hit her, ‘could he be…faling for me?’
“Theresa?” Ethan interupted her thoughts.
“yeah?” she awoke.
“Well as I was saying,” he continued, “I really…think…I’m not ready for this wedding…I mean I love gwen…I do…but I don’t know if it’s fading or I’m loving this other person more…and it’s so strange…it’s not even lust…it’s just…I want to be with her…talking, listening…” he sat next to theresa and gazed in her eyes warmly, “and just gaze in her eyes warmly…and I don’t know what to do…because there has never been anyone but gwen…and the feelings I’m having for her are sooo strong…”
“I know the feelings…” Theresa returned the gaze, “it’s so strong it’s like…you’re being pulled by an unknown force…and all you want to do is stop the force…let the tears flow out and kiss the person…because it seems the kiss will not only unlock the force, it’ll keep it stronger, and keep them closer.”
“And I’m starting to think, that the other girl holds the lock to my heart…because it just seems…”
“So right…and perfect…I think…that…”
“I need to be unlocked…”
“And you’ve been kept up…and put away…and treasured…”
“and you need to open…the chest…”
“And in the chest, deep inside, is buried…”
“The heart…my heart…that’s been…”
“Kept away too long, too long…”
“And it seems to need someone…”
“To love…to be loved…”
Ethan and theresa’s lips drew closer and closer untill they consumed eachother in a kiss. The kiss was heated and it intensified, they let their hearts to the rest of the communication.

Sheridan stood at the foot of Luis’s bedroom. She contridicted herself one last time whether or not to go in. “I have to do this!” She said to herself. She slowly turned the knob and stepped inside. She looked onto him as he lay down in his bed, sleeping. He had the largest grin on his face. “I rove you shewidan.” She heard this and her face lit up. ‘this is going to be much easier than I thought.’
Sheridan sat down on his bed, in between his chest and his legs. She took his hand and held it. Like it was a natural reflex, he squeezed her hand, like a baby and it’s mother, a strong connection was already made. Through the subconsious.
Sheridan smiled down at a sleeping luis and kissed his hand warmly, “I love you, you’re my hero. I’ll love you…it may be hard…” She paused and wiped away the tears, “but I’ll try…I know I will…because I think…when we finally become…get together…we’re going to be sooo…”
“perfect.” Luis finished. “I rove you shewidan.”
“hehe” Sheridan giggled, “You have no idea how much I love you – or how long I’ve waited for you to say that…”
“Rhat? Dat I rove you?” Luis smiled.
“yeah.” Sheridan said, her eyes glistening. “Luis…I came back to Harmony…because…”
“you rove me too.” He wiped his eyes and sat up, “I’m so happy you came back Sheridan.” He wiped away her hair strands that were hanging in her face. He felt his head spin and lay back down. “It’s so nice to have you back in harmony…” he paused, “well knowing you’re safe with me…”
“I know. You know what I really wanted to do when I came back in harmony?” She grinned.
“I have a few ideas.” He grinned back.
“I wanted to be held by you…” Luis pulled Sheridan down next to him and wrapped his arms around her. "and I wanted to…” Sheridan turned to face him, “finish the kiss at the wharf.”
“oh miss crane.” Luis paused, “that kiss was finished…however…” He grinned, “We can start another one…”
“Ummmm” Sheridan moaned and smiled, “Okay…I get to start it this time…” She pulled Luis in for a passionate kiss.
“Sheridan?” Luis smiled.
“yes?” She replied, her eyes sparkling.
“Your lips are so perfect…and smooth…and they’re oh so kissable…”
“My lips are kissable…because…” She kisses him quickly, “They’ve met their motivation.”
“what?!” Luis laughed.
“Your lips motivate mine to kiss and kiss and kiss…”
“And my lips love being your support!” Luis laughed.
“Oh and kissing…hmmm…I forgot to tell you…” She kissed him feverently, “I won the kissing olympics.”
“I love you so much…”
“I know you love me soooo much.” She nuzzled herself into his chest, “You see, Luis.” Her voice turned serious, “I thought for so long I wouldn’t find love. And for so long, I almost knew I wouldn’t…and in the summer…when I met you…I knew I had found it. I knew. Our ‘hate’ was way too overwhelming and deep to be hate…it was so far down…it was…that I was in love with you! I hated you not loving me.”
“But you know now I love you…and you know now, that I’ll always love you…because ever since highschool…I never saw a girl…and I thought I knew all the women in this town…and they were just…I just didn’t love them…but when you rammed into my car, you ran into my heart and now…”
“we’re in love.”
“You oozed out all the love inside me…I’d been keeping locked up for years…and you set me free…just you…I love you soo much Sheridan, you don’t even understand.”
“trust me…”
“I do.”
“then you know I do.”
“I know.” The continued to kiss more intensely.

Charity stirred lightly and smiled at Miguel. The sun light was beaming on his face, and he was smiling. Charity kissed his face softly. “I love you Miguel…I love you so much.”
Miguel reached his arm around charity’s waist and pulled her close to him, “hey you.” He smiled. “This is so much fun to wake up to.”
“Aw, miguel, you know I love being here.” She kissed miguels lips warmly.
“Charity…being with you is like being born…everytime it seems you start my life over again, so perfect…so happy.”
“I love you so much miguel…ooh miguel, you’re so…wonderful! I can’t believe I thought you would love kay…like that…I mean…you’re right. You are.” They began kissing intensely. “Ummm….Miguel…” Charity moaned, “Will you…”
“Will I what charity?” He said kissing her neck.
“make love to me.” She brought his lips back to her lips.
“Charity…do you…think we’re ready?” He said as he continued to kiss her.
“I feel I’m ready…” She moaned lightly, “I know…I want you, I need you.” She smiled, “but are you suppose to make love in the morning?”
“it’s the beginning of a new day, a new life…” Miguel was lost in her kisses, “And I think I want you too…”
“then make love to me, Miguel Lopez-fitzgerald.” Miguel kissed her warmly one last time as he got up and checked the door to make sure it was locked. “Miguel?” charity smiled, “We don’t have…”
“But my brother does…” He grinned.
“hehe, I like the way you think…” charity grinned. The talk, the love and the affection came naturally.
“I’ll go to his room…and sneak in and take some.”

Sheridan and Luis began getting more intimate and kissing more intensely. They were so into eachother they didn’t notice Miguel and Charity. Charity was standing outside in the hall, while Miguel tried to get into luis’s room to get the ‘shield’.
Miguel slowly opened the door and saw Sheridan and Luis…he quickly moved out and covered his mouth from laughing, “Oh my god charity…my brothers making out with sheridan crane!”
“You’re joking? Isn’t she in paris?!” She peered inside and backed up and laughed. “whoa—they’re really…”
“I know!” Miguel laughed…perfect he’s stalled”. Miguel snuck in and crawled under luis’s bed. He felt the springs against his back and he finally felt his way back to the night table he slowly opened up the drawer and removed a pack of condoms and took one. He slowly crawled back under, charity peeked in and saw miguel and began giggling. Miguel finally crawled out from under the bed and dashed out to Charity, he kissed her passionately and they headed for his room …

Sheridan and Luis continued to kiss intensely, and finally one thing led to another and … “They’re in my night stand!” Luis grinned.
Sheridan reached in and looked, “there’s nothing in here, Luis!”
“That’s impossible…I checked this morning, well…” He paused, “I was looking this morning…and there was one more left!”
“It couldn’t have gotten up and left…”
“I know…MIGUEL…” he thought, “I’m sure…miguel…what if miguel?”
“haha, very possible…I mean…he and charity seem to be very… in love…”
“Oh no…let’s go see…what he’s up to…”


Miguel and Charity began kissing more passionately, “I love you so much Miguel…” Charity kissed him hard to prove her point.
“Oh Charity….I love you so much…so much…” He kissed her back as they began underessing eachother.

Sheridan and Luis stood outside the door of Miguel’s bedroom. Luis turned to Sheridan and grabbed onto her shoulders nervously, “Sheridan…this is the plan…”
“I don’t think we should interupt them, Luis…” Sheridan interupted, nervous.
“I can’t let my letter brother just – have sex!”
“he’s what?”
“16 years old…he’s not ready…” Luis raised his eyebrows, “anyway, as I was saying…you talk to charity…and I’ll talk to miguel…”
“What am I suppose to say?”
“I don’t know…whatever comes to mind?”
“They did get a condom…”
“ahem, yeah, ours…afterward, we’ll let them keep the condom and make tehir on decision from there…and we’ll stop by the pharmacy and pick up a new pack.” Sheridan stroked Luis shoulders and kissed him warmly, “sounds goood to me.”

Ethan and Theresa broke off their kisses. They were now laying on the bed together. Theresa stroked his arm and kissed his hand as she stood up, “Ethan…this is really a dream come true…”
“I know what you mean…it’s amazing…it took me so long to realize I was in love with you…”
“I had the biggest crush on you before…and that crush turned to love…and…”
“I know.” Ethan stood up to meet her lips and kissed her warmly.
“Ethan…” Theresa frowned, “What about gwen.”
“What about gwen?” Ethan asked confused.
“You’re marrying her.” Theresa eyed him carefully.
“oh yeah…” ethan replied stupidly, “I don’t want to anymore. But y’know…I can’t just end it like that…I mean…we’ve been together since forever…and…”
“Do you want to be with me?” Theresa interupted.
“Yeah…I love you…but theresa…” Ethan paused, “don’t be mad at me?”
“I can’t promise that…” Theresa eyed him again.
“I don’t know if I still love gwen or not…I mean…I kinda love both of you.” Ethan shut his eyes tight.
Theresa smiled fakely, “Well…ethan…that’s alright…” She turned away, “I waited 17 years for you…I suppose I can wait a little longer for you to realize that we were meant to be…”
Ethan turned theresa to face him, “Listen,” he lifted up her chin, “I love you. Maybe we are meant to be…but right now, I’m confused. I love you…and I just discovered that…but I may still love gwen.”
Theresa smiled and kissed him passionately, “So you need to find out if you still do love her.” she began walking out the door, “and when you do, call me.”
theresa left, proud of herself. Ethan sat on his bed and held his head in his hands confused. “I love you…and gwen.” He whispered.

Whitney pulled away from Chad’s embrace. “Whit…” Chad began smiling, “you’re also an amazing dancer!”
Whitney blushed and pulled back into a hug, “thanks.”
“Oh you’re perfect…what can’t you do?”
Whitney frowned, “I’m not always a people person, as you know…sometimes I can be real rude.”
“But you’re still perfect.”
“No…I just said…”
“shhh…just thank me and I’ll be happy.”
“Whit?” chad smiled.
“yes?” whitney gazed happily.
“will you…um…”
“Go ahead…” Whitney smiled understanding what he was implying, slowly they began inching toward eachother. When whitney stopped, “Chad…”
“I like you.”
“I like you too.” Chad smiled.
“no, I mean…I like you a lot.”
“I know.” And then they kissed the kiss that topped any soap opera kiss! [besides bo and hopes and sheridan and luis’s…but hey they’re in another league okay?he he he]
Whitney and chad sat on the couch at the book café and began kissing more intimately when they heard the door open. There stood a grinning Kay, with a camera.

Sheridan and Luis stood at the door nervously. “okay, here it goes!” prompted Luis. He turned the nob slowly, it was locked. “It’s locked…”
“well no kidding…” Sheridan smirked, “For this reason…”
“well…I’ll knock!” Luis knocked on the door lightly, but when her heard no response he knocked louder and harder. Again, no response, he knocked hardest, “Miguel! Open up, PLEASE…”

Miguel eyed Charity nervously, “Um, Charity…what should we do…put on your pjs!”
“But miguel…I can’t find my top…” Charity cried.
“Hey Luis…Charity and I are…working…on a…SCIENCE PROJECT…just hold up….let us move the…equipment so you can enter!”
“hurry up?!” called luis from the door.
Finally, Miguel found Charity’s top and threw it on. Charity quickly did up the buttons and grabbed Miguel’s brush and brushed her hair quickly.
“Oh boy…” Miguel whined, let’s open it.

Sheridan and Luis walked in and automatically knew that they were right. “Um, Miguel…can I see you in my room?” Luis said smiling.
Miguel felt his palms sweat and nervously followed. “luis? Are you mad?” Miguel tried.
“I’m not mad at all, come’n, let’s just walk there…we need to chat.”
‘damn.’ Miguel thought, ‘I’ve been caught…’
“Don’t worry Miguel, you ARE NOT in trouble…”
“Uh, okay…” They reached the room and closed the door.

Sheridan smiled at Charity and sat next to her. Sheridan knew charity was nervous, her whole face was red. “Charity…” Sheridan began.
“Am I in trouble?” Charity interupted.
“No, no…not at all…I just wanted to talk to you…” Sheridan smiled, “We’re both dating the very sexy Lopez-Fitzgerald boys, right?”
“Yeah…” Charity tried to smile.
“Well…sometimes…when you date…you fall in love…and when you’re in love…you make love?” Sheridan tried.
“yes…I know…”
“And even though, I know you love Miguel…and I know he’s probably clean, and doesn’t have STDS or anything…but…I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the ramifications of sex…sometimes…it’s not even that you can get sick…it’s that you’re not emotionally ready?”
“well…yeah…I know…but when I do do it…I know I’m going to be ready…” Charity paused, “how’d you know?”
“Well,” Sheridan smiled, “let’s just say we had the same ideas this morning, and Luis’s friend’s friend was missing…”
“Oh” Both of them began laughing hysterically.

To be continued…

