Hello again, to all my friends, I’m glad you came to play! The fun and games never end, here’s Sheridan and Luis today! No copying blah, blah, blah…Of course I wrote it as usual, this is how sad my life is, I spend days writing fanfics and watching soaps…don’t you think Bo and Hope should be happy? It’s starting to piss me off! I LOOOVE Sheridan and Luis and Bo and Hope, and it seems many of you do too, judging by the poll taken, oh well Chloë says ON WITH THE SHOW!!
this is all happening after the episode that aired on Tuesday October 26, 1999…
Luis watched as Hank held Sheridan…he had all these feelings valcanoing all over him. He was angry at her, but knew that he, in a way, was happy with her, his feelings were contridicting. He loved to hate her, although he couldn’t admit that he was sorta just a litle interested in her. ‘I have to admit’ he thought to himself, ‘she’s very beautiful, and damn is she hot in that top…’ he stopped himself from thinking anymore thoughts.
As Sheridan was in Hank’s arms she hallusinated seeing Jean Luc for some reason, and all of a sudden she heard the song “I will Survive” In her head. She also started fatasizing about discoing to that song, wow. She then opened her eyes and noticed Luis starring at them as she backed away. “LUIS! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WATCHING US?!”
“I wasn’t watching…I forgot something, plus it’s a public place”
“you are soo sick! Get’n your kicks outta watching, ‘cause I guess no girl in her right mind would…”
“Shut up Crane”
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah shut up!”
Hank then interupted to pretend he was being the cool guy again, “You guys, work it out! Don’t make me do anything drastic!”
Luis pissed off at the comment, “Oh geez hank, shut up, you’re not some sorta peace maker, she’s a damn crane, what the hell am I suppose to do? Ignore her? She’ll complain either way!”
Sheridan chimmed in, “Yeah Hank, just stay out of it!”
Hank all angry nobody seemed to be appreciating him, “FINE DAMMIT! YOU 2 ARE LIKE 6 YEAR OLDS” he grabbed the little keys locked them in the youth centre and took off. Out side of the door he screamed, “NOW I WILL LEAVE YOU IN THERE TO WORK THINGS OUT FOR 2 HOURS! HAVE FUN!” they then heard footsteps running down the steps, fading.
“Oh great your boyfriend locked me in here with YOU…that’s the only damn key, we’re locked in, and no the windows don’t open up like that because they’re child safe.” Luis was ticked as he wondered about.
“It’s not my fault, maybe we should try to work out our differences…”
“holy…no thank you.”
“If you weren’t so stubborn or mean we might actually be friends…”
“we will never be friends…”
“you have such an ego…”
“your brains not large enough to handle one..”
“Well at least I don’t have a…”
Luis started laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“Just tell me!”
“hehehe, well you see, I think…we’re acting like idiots, well I’m acting like an idiot, and you’re the second idiot?!”
“so no matter what you always have to make yourself number one huh?” Sheridan said annoyed but bursted into laughter as well.
“you know what?”
“What?” almost in a friendly tone.
“If you weren’t a crane, I’d like you…”
“uh, hum….really?”
“probably…and if you hadn’t hurt me, with the bottle, coffee, or my cars…”
“I love hating you Sheridan…”
“Love hating? Kinda morbid…”
“nah, what are we gonna do for the next 2 hours?”
“Minimum choices, awe, we’re gonna be pretty damn board…”
“what? Don’t kill me…jokes, hey, lets call it trouce and be friends?”
“Sure, just stay RIGHT there….”
Luis came back with a little discman and hooked it up to little speakers. Sheridan amazed, just starred at the little thing. Soon music sang outta the speakers, it played, it was the tango music she gave him, except he burned it on another disc with a bunch of his favourites.
“Care to Dance Sheridan” He smilled as he pulled her up from the floor. They tangoed, wow, yo ushould’ve seen them on the floor. Soon the music faded, the next song played, “Just Once” By james Ingram.
Luis went to take it off but Sheridan pulled his hand back, he felt electricity, “Leave it on, come’n…” She pulled herself close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Luis held onto her tightly, almost like hank, but softer. She looked into his eyes when she felt her heart skip a beat. Her insides were turning about, she looked into his eyes again, they were gazing.
Sheridan, kind of freaked out of what she was feeling, “Uh, Luis?”
Luis was in his own fantasy about her, he couldn’t shake the feelings that overcame him, his heart was beating for Sheridans. “Uh yeah Sheridan”
“I don’t think I like Hank that much…what do I tell him?” Sheridan stuttering…
“really?” Luis sounding way too hopefull.
“I think I’ve fallen inlove with some other…” Sheridan turning away, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Really?” Sounding disappointed, “who?….uh, not that I care or anything…”
“you care.” Sheridan sure of herself answered.
“I do not…” Luis answered hesitantly, “well not a lot…okay, spill”
“I can’t tell you…” Sheridan answered
“Don’t trust me eh?”
Oooh that’s not it.” Sheridan searched his face, the song faded, and next came on, Tonight I celebrate My Love. “Listen to this song…I love it.”
“It’s one of my favourites…why won’t you tell me? Fine don’t tell me, I don’t like beth anymore, really…”
“you don’t?!” Sheridan a little too happy.
“..like someone else…”
“hell, I’m not telling you ‘tll you tell me! Even then I might still not tell you!” Luis smiled.
“ah, fine.”
“Luis, I have more of a crush on someone, I don’t even know what I’m feeling…one of those ones y’know kids in high school have over this really hot guy…” Sheridan trailing off. Luis looked into her eyes again. “I’m falling inlove with you Luis… don’t be mad…don’t hate me…I know I’m a crane…please…just…just…uh…sorry luis….i know, unrequited love, I hate it, I hate it, I hate me…”
“shhhh, Sheridan, I’m starting to fall in love with you too…” her face lit up with the brightest smile as she tip toed up closer to him to kiss him.
“ummm, I think I’ve wanted to do that for a long time…but you hated me.”
“I loved hating you too…it’s so much fun…”
“of course it is. Just kiss me again please?”
“Alright, but you kissed me first, incase we get in a fight, just remember I said that”
“you are so demented, but okay” he kissed her, long, passionately.
“I do love you Sheridan.” He looked at her and smiled, “except for the crane thing…”
“I love you too Luis..”