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Sam, Ivy and Grace, too much trouble

*picture from Dustins site okay?*This one is another one by, you guessed it, me. See I don’t have a life so I just, y’know write about other peoples.Sad eh? I know. Anyway this one is about Sam and Ivy. I know. I like Sam with Grace too. But Ivy and Sam seem to be so sad they’re not together, so I feel bad, so at least they can have a little story…

After the Police Flee Market thing Ivy Crane took a mad dash outta the building after seeing sam kiss his wife, Grace. She couldn’t handel it anymore! How could she? She loved him. He was the only man she had ever loved. He had her heart. Grace had his heart…or so she thought. She sat under a tree in the back of the building, which a Crane should never do, she peered over the markings of the tree to find her initial with his in a heart from long ago. Her eyes just flooded. She might as well just killed herself than live withought his love.

Inside the Building

“Did you see Ivy Crane run? Something musta upset her! Should I go and see? Y’know try to be friends?” Grace was so lovely, she was so perfect. She would go to any extreme to help someone. She was one of a kind, Sam loved her!? She was perfect for him?!

“No, don’t go. Hey, look, Eve’s calling you! I’ll be back, uh, I got a page from the station!” Sam was a very sucky liar as he also dashed out.

“Sure okay. Yeah. Well. Okay….where’s Eve? Hmmmm” Grace bubbly headed left looking for Eve around the market.


Sam ran about to the tree. Finding Ivy resting her head against the bark teary eyed mumbling, “Why Sam? Why?”

Just then Sam sat beside her putting his hand on her shoulder. “What Ivy?” He smiled. Her eyes lit up but then closed quickly. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in there with your WIFE?”

“What Ivy? Where’s Julian?” He snapped back.

“I’m sorry Sam…Officer….sam….I can’t help it….I’m still inlove with you!” Ivy said quickly, stuttering.

Sam peered at her, his heart was breaking…torn between two lovers! “Ivy, I think I love you too! …but I also love Grace…you have to know you broke my heart!” Sam said quickly not thinking what he was saying.

“I had no choice!” Ivy said coursely, “I think we should determine who you love…” she kissed him then, a quick kiss, fast, like the first kiss they ever shared.

Sam pushed away. “Ivy! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?! Now it’ll make it even harder to push you away! I have 3 kids with Grace! SHE is the mother of my babies! I love HER too!”

Ivy smiled as she shot back, “I’m the mother of your baby too…” She couldn’t belive she just shot that out! How could she? Now her sons hier was in danger! STUPID!

“WHAT?” Sam asked in confusion.

“Ethan is YOUR son!” Ivy pushed.

“But….” Sam was horrified.

“But nothing…” She kissed him again, except he continued this one. He held her. He kissed her head. He held her in his arms againts the tree and they kissed more. They kissed as though their love had bloomed again!

As he held her and kissed her, Grace appeared. Her face was horrified. Her eyes welled up. She couldn’t move.

Sam leaped up quickly. Grabbing her arm. But Grace only pushed him away and glared at him. “Grace, please let me explain!” He pleaded for her forgiveness. She only pushed away more.

“NO! HOW COULD YOU SAM! YOU….YOU!….SHMUCK!” She screamed finally…and with all her anger she turned to Ivy Crane and shouted, “YOU LITTLE WHORE!” She had never said that word before but she was so angry. She left. She ran. She ran fast.

Sam stood there stairring at Ivy…and watch Grace run….he adidn’t know what to do…. “Oh no” he cried, “what am I gonna do NOW?”


Sam wondered the streets of Harmony, where was he going next? Where was Grace? Man was he stupid for screwing up the way he did! Did he still love Ivy? If he did it wasn't fair to Grace. Grace, Grace, Grace, that name kept saying in his mind, but he also wanted Ivy, and he knew he did. He felt so guilty! He really did love Grace, and his kids...but soemthing kept telling him he also wanted Ivy. He can't keep them both! Ethan...was Ethan his son? Was he really sam's son? If he was, what was he going to do? Sam now stood outside his house, which just seemed like prison. Grace had to be in there by now, he was sorta scared, not of Grace yelling, he was afraid of Grace crying. He definately cared about her!


Ivy sat alone in her room infront of the mirror. "Yummmm, damn I'm winning already, bye bye Grace Bennett!" Ivy snickered to herself, she thought she won. "I didn't plan for Grace to catch us, but now that she did I suppose it;s okay if I take him, he is mine..." She clutched her locket. She didn't feel badly at all for Grace, if it were Ivy's choice, she'd have that too-sweet-of-a-thing deported! What was the point of being all nice for your life? you would never get what you wanted! That's when it hit her, if Julian found out he'd kill her! Oh well, he wouldn't do anything to broadcast bad news about Cranes, especially his wife, besides it's not like HE didn't have any mistresses! SHE CAUGHT HIM! stupid Julian, but now Ivy was comming up with a plan to get Sam, once and for all....


Grace was in her antique shop. She was still crying, first her sister dies, and then she catches her husband making out with Ivy CRANE! And she thought Ivy was sweet, what a bitchy homewrecker! Grace thought to herself. Graace loved sam, but she couldn't forgive him, and she could definately not forget! But there was no way she was going to let Ivy win now. She was going to keep sam, she was going to get sam back. She looked into one of her antique mirrors, "damn! I'm a lot prettier than Ivy! Why could Sam even think of...eeeeew!" Grace started to laugh, "Damn is sam going to get it! HE will have hell to pay! Maybe I'll send him to old Tabithas!" Grace placed her hands on one of the tables, it started to shake! "Oh my! Oh my!" Grace then had a flash back of having powers and a speech her mother gave to her and Faith! "No way, no way!" She looked around, noticing a person, it was FAITH! FAITH WAS ALIVE!

Faith came, she was in spirit form, "I know what you're tinking, I'm not dead or alive. I'm sort of in purgatory. I can still pull out of here and get back to life, but I can't untill you help Charity get her Powers, that's right, once you and Charity get your full powers back I'll be back, because you could then pull me out of purgatory, or else, you could go to church and pull me out, but it's easier the other way."

"Oh Faith! I have powers?" Grace was stunned, but she knew she could use this against Ivy....

To be continued….

