This Story was another one by, ME, Chloë. I hope you enjoy it! It's another Sappy one... Since I wrote this, please do not copy it! Well, without permission that is….thanks enjoy! :)
Sheridan Sleeps…….
*Sheridan comes in the Youth Centre, Luis and is there, they are getting along, like they have been lately. He sits there with on the side-line Benches holding a basket-ball in his lap; while Sheridan jogs in, exausted and sits down next to him…
”Tierd already?” Luis snickers
”Phew, well I did just do 50 laps around the track….” Sheridan glares at him but is still catching her breathe.
”Well 50 is NOTHING, I, myself, do 75 a day!”
“You are soooo arrogant, you know that?”
”Excuse me? I just happen to be FIT! So anyway whatch do’n after the Youth Centre?”
”Why? Are you going to ask me out?” Sheridan started to laugh.
”Excuse me? ME ASK OUT A CRANE?! HELLLOOOOO! NO!! I was just wondering if you were coming to the staff dinner that’s all! You are NUTS! I wouldn’t ask You out….uh oh, I know now, it’s okay, I know you….it was your wishful thinking again!”
”You really are arrogant Luis! CONCIETED MUCH?! And yeah I am coming to the dinner…”
”Well you know I didn’t know, maybe you had some rich society, y’know charity, Crane cause something like that to attend to!”
”You are so dreaming! I think you have a crush on me!” HA HA HA HA!” Luis was laughing very hard.
”Oh geeze you really are concieted!” Luis stopped laughing.
”Well DO you?”
”Do I what…”
”Have a crush on me….”
”Of course I do….”
Because maybe I have a crush on YOU…”
”As a matter of fact, I seem to think that you are so….”
Luis took her then, she didn’t pull away, he grabbed her and pulled her close to him quicker than you can say “fhaelfhealhfa”. Once he had her in his arms and in a good grip, he pulled her in for a nice long sexy kiss…
”You were saying Sheridan?”
”I was JUST saying…I love you Luis…”
”I’m leaving for my honeymoon with BETH!”
”Well you never said anything, so how was I suppose to know? Beth told me she loved me, we are married now, by Sheridan!”
”BUT WE….”
Meanwhile, Luis lay in his bed. He and Sheridan had had the same dream…it was as though they were both living in that other world! When he woke up to that song playing he came up to the same conclusion as Sheridan. He was inlove with the lovely Crane. He knew he had to talk to her, he couldn’t bare one more minute withought her! He desperately wanted to take her soft fragile body in his arms and embrace her forever and more. All he wanted was to be with her!
While he also fantasized, he realized there were a few obsticles. “OH NO…BETH!….Hank…” He thought. He then realized, they didn’t matter, all that mattered to him was being with Sheridan…A.S.A.P.
Sheridan sat on her bed, next to 4 sets of close that lay there infront of her. She couldn’t decide what to wear. She needed something perfect. Perfect. For the perfect man. She got all tingly inside when she started to day dream…
”Sheridan Crane, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband to love and to cherish and to honour….”
”I’d like to say my own vows thank you…” Sheridan was dressed in the most beautiful dress, white lacey, the perfect wedding dress! Luis was wearing a tux, lovely as can be. No other groom could look as wonderful as he.
She stared him in the eyes as she said her vows, more honest, more pure than anyother ever, “Luis, I’ve loved you from the momment I met you. When our cars crashed I knew it was our destiny, it was a sign. It was fate. The cars crashing were like us, two hearts colliding to end up as one. We were the perfect match. During the tangoed, it was as if our souls connected and joined together dancing as one, together, forever, a dance of eternity, the dance of love. Let along the passion inside of us realesed of what seemed like forever. When I saw you again, our eyes connected, I felt it. I knew your eyes were the eyes I could committ to, trusting, loving, tender. Listen Luis, I know we may not always get along, be the best of friends, maybe sometimes even detest eachother, but no matter what, I will always love you, and you will always be a part of me. I want to be your wife, forever, I love you…”
The priest was impatient, while everyone else was crying.” So Ms. Crane, do you or DON’T YOU?!”
”I DO”
Awe how sweet, I have a dinner soon so hurry up, YOU, Lopez-Fitzgerald, your turn…
”Sheridan,” his eyes were calm, soothing, dark, beautiful. His cheeks looked extra good. His mouth was perfect as he spoke, pink outlines of his lips moved slowly as he spoke, “I’ve loved you forever, I knew it was you, I tried denying it, but I loved you. The first time I saw your eyes, I knew they were the eyes of the wife I would have, the wife of Mine. When we were working at the Youth Centre together, I was more convinced than ever that you would be the mother of my children. You were so gentle and calm and patient with them! I know you will be the most wonderful mother there could ever be. I know now and forever, you are my soulmate, we are meant to be together, I know it. Sheridan Crane, I love you more than my life itself. I need you, I want to be your husband…”
”I do….this priest sucks”
I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.
Sheridan and Luis kissed the perfect wedding kiss.
Luis sat there at his kitchen table dreaming the same thing. There dreams had intertwind, they felt the strongest connection….they were inlove.
The next day at the Youth Centre they both talked. Everyone had left, there were maybe 4 more kids, but they couldn’t hold their desire any longer, in eachothers arms kissing ever so passionately. Their love rose so high, their heat chemistry over heated the room! They both felt their connection, they were officially linked! Sheridan and Luis were just holding eachother, when he all of a sudden said, “Would you marry me Sheridan?”
To be continued…….