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Crisp Coconut Chops

Crispy Crunchy Yummy Chops

Ingredients :

500 gms potatoes boiled & peeled
250 gms paneer crumbled
2 cups bread crumbs
1/2 cup peas
4 tbsp grated coconut
a handful of corriander leaves chopped
2 onions chopped
2 tbsp cheese grated
1 tbsp cornflour
juice of 1/2 lemon
5 green chillies
salt to taste
1/2 tsp red pepper
4 tbsp ghee
ghee for deep frying

Method :

1. Heat ghee. Add onions & fry till light brown. Add peas. Saute well.

2. Add paneer, green chillies, salt & pepper. Cook on low flame till done. Remove from heat & cool.

3. Add grated coconut, cheese & lime. Mix well.

4. Mash the potato & add to it salt & red pepper

5. Divide the mashed potatoes into lemon-sized balls.

6. Put the prepared filling. Seal & roll into oval shaped chops.

7.Make a thin paste with cornflour & water. Dip the prepared chops in the paste & roll in bread crumbs.

8. Deep fry & serve hot with corriander chutney.

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